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  • in reply to: Is this a Sign from Hashem? #804517


    Very frightening. It can be but I would discuss this with a Rav. At the end of the day we don’t know why anything happens but if something shakes YOU up then its a message to YOU and Hashem is giving you a chance to change and improve. Its Elul this is the most appropriate time for change.


    Old man

    Stirah minei ubeih. How can you be a Tamim if you pick and choose to do what you want because its more comfortable?!

    in reply to: Screen Name Subtitle #978217

    Can my subtitle be “doesnt want a sbtitle?” Id like to test that lol.

    in reply to: If you really want to do something and are told no #805017

    Princess eagle

    “There’s so many no’s in the frum world.”

    Yes there are many no’s but there are plenty of yes’s as well. Always keep in mind we arent like them. We are different they have 7 mitzvos and we have 613. Part of being a princess is living a different life. A princess doesnt ask why she cant play in the mud like the peasant children, its clear to her that she is different she is royalty. Whenever there is something you would like to do but cant because of Tznius or other Halachic reasons be proud that you are a Jew and that Hashem chose you to be part of His nation and to be His princess. Hashem is Infinitely good and loves all of us, that is why He gave us the opportunity of keeping His Torah. Know that anything Halacha doesnt permit is plain bad for our Neshamos. If there are things we can’t do its not because Hashem doesn’t want you to enjoy life, rather it is because Hashem knows they are bad for our Neshamos and He is looking out for our good.

    in reply to: In need of inspiration #804355

    Observanteen and everyone else

    AriZal: The Secret to Hashem Answering Your Tefilos? Have In Mind Before Starting to Daven That You Love Every Jew.

    What does V’Ahavta L’Rei’acha Komocha have to do with davening? When we daven to Hashem we are asking him to answer our prayers because everything is in his hands and only his hands. The reason why we don’t love everyone is because of the negative things they may have done to us. If we truly believe that everything that happens to us comes exclusively from Hashem and that that no one can do anything bad to us unless Hashem wills it, than we would indeed love everyone without exception.

    In order to show Hashem that we really rely on him as the only real source of our sorrow and happiness, we express our love for every Jew before davening. With this bitachon Hashem will certainly answer our tefilos.

    From Revach.net

    Try it, (its actually mentioned in Hilchos Tefillah) once you start doing this (before each Tefillah or at the minimum once a day before Shacharis) and try hard to love every Yid in your heart (meaning try to feel it) and forgive them (think about specific things that people did to you and imagine forgiving them and feeling love for them) realizing everything is from Hashem and nobody can do anything to you without Hashems sending them as a shliach in a very short time your Tefillos will feel quantifiably different and will come alive so to speak.

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1131972

    am yisrael chai

    Im not a mod.

    in reply to: personality #807507

    Im surprised nobody asked her age before giving advice.

    in reply to: Serious question… #811147


    Even for those who take dreams seriously I think its only if the dream repeats itself. Either way I would ask a Rov.

    in reply to: So Long! #827147


    Lol its ok I dont care. Whatever you know google knows 100000000 x more!

    in reply to: In need of inspiration #804350

    You are welcome!

    in reply to: Do you see Chocma in Art and Culture #803940

    Obviously there is chochma involved in art answer sculpture. Its crucial not to get side tracked and forget that all art is an expression of the beauty of Hashem’s briah.

    in reply to: OTD sibling #805053

    Show them love. Don’t ever give them mussar or judge them. Daven for them with tears. Do mitzvos (give Tzedakah…) in their merit.

    in reply to: In need of inspiration #804344


    Not to accuse you chas veshalom but it is brought down that people who do averois with their mouth misusing their speech their tefillos are blocked. That can include loshon hora or hurtful comments….

    Another important factor is to Daven before the sof zman tefillah. You can keep track by using myzmanim.com

    in reply to: Hidabroot Raffle – Machaa! #804055


    Old news that Tzedakos twist and exaggerate the words of Gedolim. Watch any interview with Rav Chaim. Even to his face they try to twist his words.

    I think Hitdabroot is an amazing organization but they need to be careful from overhyping as some other Tzedakos have done which unfortunately led people to donate money they couldn’t afford to part with for a guaranteed yeshuah.

    in reply to: Tehillim for Chaya Sara bas Chava Breindel #803148

    A y c

    I haven’t heard anything sorry.

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1131963

    am yisrael chai

    Good job

    in reply to: Hangman! Join the fun! #1131962

    am yisrael chai

    Good job

    in reply to: Tehillim for Chaya Sara bas Chava Breindel #803146

    kapusta and am yisroel chai

    It seems like Ruchama was added according to


    and some other forums as well as Tehillim lists.

    in reply to: let's make the longest thread possible!! #837395

    I think threads with a purpose have a better chance at getting more numerous posts. Lets see what happens.

    in reply to: NO YALILI IN POMEGRANATE! #867990

    Shticky Guy

    “MiddlePath in which part of the globe do you live?”

    I would guess the part not covered by water?

    in reply to: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around. #804871


    If the person changed, then they arent who they were in the past. That makes the past irrelevant to the present and future. Just like we dont hold against a person what they did as a child same thing if someone made some mistakes and learned from them and GREW from them then the past has no relevance.

    I dont know why you think a wife or husband has to know everything about their spouse. Maybe we should just turn on a camcorder when people are born and have it follow them around every second of every day so they can give it to their spouse to watch once they are married?

    A healthy spouse only cares about who you are inside. They love you for who you are and what you have become. What you have done in the past is between you and Hashem.

    in reply to: Jokes #1201872

    A big-game hunter went on a safari with his new wife and mother-in-law. One evening, while still deep in the jungle, the wife awoke to find her mother gone. Rushing to her husband, she insisted on them both trying to find her mother.

    The hunter picked up his rifle and began the search. In a clearing not far from the camp, they came upon a chilling sight. The mother-in-law was backed up against a thick, impenetrable bush, and a large male lion stood facing her.

    The child was a typical young boy, inquisitive, and bright. When he expressed difficulty in grasping the concept of marriage, his father decided to pull out his wedding photo album, thinking that visual images would help.

    One page after another, he pointed out the groom and bride, the wedding ceremony, the dancing, etc.

    At 10 a.m., the doorbell rang, and when the woman opened the door, she was handed a box containing a dozen long-stemmed red roses. At 1 p.m., a foil-wrapped, two pound box of her favorite chocolates arrived. Later, a boutique delivered a designer dress.

    in reply to: NO YALILI IN POMEGRANATE! #867986


    Cute 🙂

    in reply to: I was a bit taken aback by this… #802999


    “I truly hope there is someone somewhere who has rachmonus on the father of Levi Aron and is helping him through this.”

    If he is truly innocent im with you in this sentiment.

    in reply to: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around. #804863


    Even then if circumstances arise that weren’t there before a Tnayim can be broken. Not sure the procedure.

    in reply to: I was a bit taken aback by this… #802987

    Not sure what to make of it.

    in reply to: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around. #804860


    “and for sure once their engaged (Hashem has done his work) everybody else should stay out of it.”

    Sorry but in Judaism the engagement is nothing. There is no Halachic Inyan that takes place and there’s no reason not to break it off if new information comes to light that wasn’t known or was hidden before. Your example from the Chazon ish has nothing to do with the case at hand where the actual boy has serious religious problems (not his siblings!)

    in reply to: He has a past, and she doesnt know. Or the other way around. #804856


    Im not sure what you mean by “things” but if you know for a fact that the guy either still has connections to other girls or the guy has other problems that can impact a marriage (like a gambling addiction or other addictions) you have an obligation to tell her. Don’t be afraid of the consequences (the Shidduch may be broken) because a Shidduch under false pretense is a sham. The marriage will end in divorce as many others have where one side was still busy with their twisted past and wasn’t mature enough to move on and be a responsible spouse. I would consult a Rav first. No not his Rav but one who isn’t connected to either party so that he can give you a totally unbiased opinion.

    Maybe speak to Rabbi Wallerstein. He has a lot of experience with these things.

    in reply to: Prioritizing Our Time #803290


    Disconnect to connect.

    in reply to: NO YALILI IN POMEGRANATE! #867972

    OHH EMM GEE!!!

    in reply to: so i blushed…… #803790


    “Hmmm, another guy, and a goy no less, was also giving you unwarranted attention? Honestly this whole situation stinks.”

    I agree but I didnt want to be the first one to say it.

    in reply to: ??? ?? ???? ??? ????? #802702


    It seems that way. I dont believe that stuff either however the message is still a true message. Unfortunately we are far from where we need to be and its very scary because nobody knows what to do about it or how to fix the problems. However there is no doubt that if we fix up the areas of Kedusha everything else will fall into place because Kedusha is the foundation of Klal Yisroel and once we fortify our foundation properly the whole structure will be that much stronger.

    in reply to: Moshe Emes… #802491


    “And how do you know this hurricane wasn’t…”

    Pirke Avot 5:6 (or 5:8, depending upon edition) states, “Ten things were created erev Shabbat bein hashmashot (at twilight) it doesnt mention our hurricane.

    in reply to: Lets hear it for the emergency workers #803008


    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We really have to be thankful for these people.

    in reply to: Moshe Emes… #802489


    That wasn’t an earthquake. Korach was swallowed by the Pi Haaretz a special opening in the earth created for this purpose main hashemoshos erev shabbos first Shabbos of Bereishis of Brias Haolam.

    in reply to: Anyone currently posting in Brooklyn? What's the hurricane situation? #804741

    Bein hasdorim

    you will probably get a ticket for non-evacuation.

    in reply to: Please come back Aries2756 #804440

    Well wherever she is I hope she is safe and happy.

    in reply to: BREAKING NEWS! #802469


    Not so simple. Leitzanus is any jokes about Torah concepts that will cause a lessening of respect and appreciation for Torah and mitzvos. By joking about Tznius you make it seem like its a joking manner. Unfortunately its a very serious matter and needs a lot of chizzuk. We live during a time where immorality is rampant and modesty is looked down upon. There is no concept of modesty to the world at large and it is seeping in more and more into our communities and eroding our sensitivities. We need to fight back. Making jokes just adds to the feeling of its not that important. I don’t want to go on a rant here but humor is another thing that has gotten out of hand. There used to be a sense of decency and a line where certain things are beyond the pale and not joke material. Today anything goes. There are comedians that have routines on the Holocaust (funny topic no?) and the crowd is rolling away. We aren’t them and we can’t make jokes about things that have to be serious or we lose our appreciation for that thing. Leitzanus achas doche meiah tochachos.

    in reply to: Anyone currently posting in Brooklyn? What's the hurricane situation? #804731

    Have any trees fallen in Brooklyn?

    in reply to: Rav Aharon Kotler – Even If You Stand Alone #802318


    Im glad that the oilum liked it! Thank you for being Mezakeh me by saying it over.

    in reply to: Anyone currently posting in Brooklyn? What's the hurricane situation? #804724


    in reply to: BREAKING NEWS! #802462

    Stop with the Tznius jokes. Its probably bgeder leitzanus.

    in reply to: Earthquake + Hurricane during One Week in New York #802762


    Thank you for saying it as it is.

    in reply to: earthquake in Albany! #802327


    Do you expect Hashem to knock on your door and tell you what He wants? Or maybe a text message?

    in reply to: BREAKING NEWS! #802455


    It would be the biggest Brash if people had to go a few days without internet. It would reset a lot of peoples humanity.

    in reply to: Elul is almost here! #802416


    Thanks for the reminder. You are right its time to get into Teshuvah mode.

    in reply to: Earthquake + Hurricane during One Week in New York #802746

    The truth is that nobody really knows why anything happens other than what we are told in Tanach and the Talmud as well as Zohar and sifre Kabbalah.

    That being said it is definitely a fact that less Torah was learned the last few months due to Bein Hazmanim. Additionally there have been plenty of bored teens in the mountains getting themselves into all kinds of trouble. We don’t need Rabannim to tell us what’s wrong. Anyone with a modicum of common sense and open eyes can see we are sinking fast. We all have to take responsibility and improve. Hashem put us here for a reason.

    in reply to: so i blushed…… #803729


    “So, it is quite possible that this boy is still a good, frum yeshiva boy, and even a “ben torah”, whose ideas of overstepping boundaries may be a bit different from mine or yours. I think this is what Mr. Taxman meant when he said we shouldn’t judge or label others.”

    We don’t redefine Ben Torah as we see fit to meet the circumstances. The Torah is immutable and so is the meaning of a Ben Torah. Just because you go to Yeshivah or attended one doesn’t make you a Ben Torah by a long shot.

    in reply to: Not trying to offend anybody but are you for real?! #802449


    Hilarious! Have a wonderful Shabbos all!

    in reply to: so i blushed…… #803723

    Mr Taxman

    “The worst thing in Yiddeshkeit is all the labelling we do.”

    Really? So if I call my Chassidish friends chassidish I have done the “worst” thing and if I call Yeshivish people Yeshivish I have done the “worst” thing? I have no idea what you are talking about.

    We are all part of Am Yisroel and if he is more outgoing and comliments a Frum young lady, its a nice thing.”

    How is that a nice thing??? A frum Yeshivah boy should not be so at ease talking to a girl and certainly not going to the point of complimenting her name which is quite a leap to take after only talking for a short time. This is not a proper way a Ben Torah behaves. Oh wait thats a “label.”

    “He could be a real sweetheart of a guy and be a wonderful husband one day. We should not judge or label others.”

    He may be a nice guy but that doesnt give him a right to overstep boundaries.

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