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Not that its my business but if its that scary to say thank you to your mother its likely that there is some issues with the relationship. You shouldn’t be so scared of complimented your mother.
I know some female drivers who are excellent drivers. I can’t generalize because I have personally seen plenty of men do the bumper-car or bump-your car park. Yes now you know why nobody in Brooklyn has paint on either bumper.
September 4, 2011 3:32 am at 3:32 am in reply to: Chassidish Minhagim and which Chassidus does it #972600WIYMemberBump
Say “Mommy,” (and when she looks at you and says “yes” say) “Thank you for the delicious dinnersupperlunch…”
p.s. Make sure she is sitting down lol
Thanks for the recognition 😉
Ill guess e
They should both have a Refuah Sheleymah. What is the story with moshe yehuda ben rus? What does he have and for how long has it been this way. (I like knowing some info about the people I Daven for because without info its just a name and its hard to have any feelings when you know nothing about the person you are Evening for and how serious the situation is)
Don’t think about it. Just do it force yourself. When it comes to these types of things you must force yourself to do it. You must break through that blockage with action. Think afterwards. I also had that awkwardness but I forced myself to do it because when it comes to doing what’s right we have to do it no matter how unpleasant it may feel. Ironically the more we think about it the less probable we are to do it. Once you have an idea in your head to do something positive, the smartest thing to do is act as soon as possible to make it a reality. Thinking can often be procrastination. There’s nothing more to think about. Imagine you were being paid a $1000 for every thank you and compliment you give your mother. I don’t think that you would be caught up by the awkwardness. You would do it with a smile. Training yourself to be a mentsh and showing appreciation is worth much more than the money. You make yourself into someone who appreciates which is a trait that will take you very far in life and will allow you to have good relationships and a happy marriage. Just do it!
Not to be petty but I guessed amazing when only the ‘s were filled in look back to previous page.
Not to be petty but I guessed amazing when only the ‘s were filled in look back to previous page.
September 4, 2011 1:17 am at 1:17 am in reply to: What are you doing about Elul?? Pls share… #805463WIYMemberI think the best thing is to work on something that we personally have a problem with be it loshon hora haves yisroel not learning enough Torah….whatever it may be and learn a safer about that topic daily and try to implement what we learn into our lives to become changed and better people.
September 2, 2011 8:25 pm at 8:25 pm in reply to: Something I noticed a lot of people do because they probably dont know this #1033286WIYMemberPassion4music
WIYMemberThe first letter is lowercase correct no proper nouns right?
WIYMemberThe first letter is lowercase correct no proper nouns right?
So if someone has a degree or a job they are “better” than someone who doesnt? I know many fine people who are sadly unemployed. I dont measure the quality of a girl by her degree or job. I measure someone by what they are all about and if they care about others.
“the boys in the shidduch arena have zero ambition or vision of how they plan on supporting their family.”
Lets not generalize. There are plenty of boys who went to school and got some kind of degree. Additionally there are plenty of guys who want to learn the first few years. Whats wrong with deciding to go to school after learning a few years?
September 2, 2011 6:46 pm at 6:46 pm in reply to: For Princesseagle and anone who thinks "the grass is greener" out there #808795WIYMemberPrincessEagle
I get most of my shiurim from I also have downloaded from
to name a few.
The 6 constant mitzvos are
1. Know theres a G-d
2. Dont believe in any other power
3. G-d is one
4. Love G-d
5. Fear G-d
6. Dont be mislead by your heart and eyes
The author of stop surviving start living is Rabbi Benzion Shafier
His website is well worth checking out his book(s) and shiurim.
Why the negativity?
September 2, 2011 5:26 pm at 5:26 pm in reply to: For Princesseagle and anone who thinks "the grass is greener" out there #808790WIYMemberPrincesseagle
Trust me I know how you feel. Its hard for a guy too. We have to do all in our power to constantly reJEWvinate ourselves and get fresh inspiration. I try to listen to shiurim as often as possible and I learn every day from safarim that give me chizuk. There’s no shortage of books you can read to keep you inspired.
Read Garden of Emunah.
Stop surviving start living. (A real eye opening book that will change how you view this thing we call life)
The 6 constant mitzvos.
On the derech (by Rabbi Rubinstein. Awesome book in my opinion. Covers so many basic topics)
September 2, 2011 5:18 pm at 5:18 pm in reply to: For Princesseagle and anone who thinks "the grass is greener" out there #808788WIYMember
Inspiring Our Children To Walk The Right Path PART 1
Incredible shiur sorry that it didn’t come up sooner. On that page you have an option to either view the video, listen to the audio or download the audio or video for later.
“family is a garden and every flower adds something else to a garden but they have to be different or else its boring”
To me it sounds like the mother is saying its ok to be off the derech its not and the other kids must know that even though the parents love the OTD kid, what they are doing is wrong and its only making them more unhappy and further standing them from Hashem and the Torah way of life.
September 2, 2011 4:50 pm at 4:50 pm in reply to: For Princesseagle and anone who thinks "the grass is greener" out there #808785WIYMember80
For heavens sake please change it to audio shiurim not shtusim I didn’t mean to call shiurim shtusim chas vshalom.
September 2, 2011 4:38 pm at 4:38 pm in reply to: For Princesseagle and anone who thinks "the grass is greener" out there #808782WIYMemberIs there any reason why you aren’t posting the URL?
September 2, 2011 4:36 pm at 4:36 pm in reply to: For Princesseagle and anone who thinks "the grass is greener" out there #808781September 2, 2011 4:36 pm at 4:36 pm in reply to: For Princesseagle and anone who thinks "the grass is greener" out there #808779WIYMemberMODS
Please change shtusim to shiurim I am posting from my phone and it has a mind of its own lol.
Some people like repeating themselves repeating themselves
WIYMemberTaking a break
Is your friend truly ready for marriage?
WIYMemberBorough Park Girl
Just comes to show how sick this generation is. If the “holy text message” says it, it must be true. Our brains have been kidnapped by these stupid electronic devices. Pathetic. Moshiach is going to have to send text messages that he is here. I can just imagine it. Oy Lanu.
Can you do another one? Thanks.
Can you do another one? Thanks.
Can you do another one? Thanks.
WIYMemberA hurricane is a disaster. 45 people died from it and a few were Frum Yidden. Families are homeless many homes sustained considerable damage. The cost of the destruction is in the Billions of $$.
Yes there was much Chessed as it could have been worse but there’s no doubt the hurricane is a big “potch” from Hashem to wake us up and show us how this world is His and was created and is sustained by Him for mans good as long as they do His will. This world is temporary and He can wipe it out in a second if He so chooses if He finds that we aren’t using the world as He designed it.
I would have to learn to play guitar to know what a chord progression is and I would probably have to know how to play some instrument to properly comprehend theory correct?
September 2, 2011 3:02 pm at 3:02 pm in reply to: If you really want to do something and are told no #805034WIYMemberPrincesseagle
Where’s the beauty in being not frum?! Do you have any clue how miserable it is to be a non frum or non Jewish girl??????!
September 2, 2011 7:15 am at 7:15 am in reply to: When will Friedman's Supermarket (BP) reopen? #804808WIYMemberI think another store that would be cheaper than KRM would be great we need competition to drive the prices down!
I know wishful thinking.They’ll all keep ripping us off until we are broke.
i can’t post on the hangman thread but I think the answer is hurricane.
Hurricane 🙂
Hurricane 🙂
Hurricane 🙂
Hurricane 🙂
WIYMemberPlay Sudoku or something else that is fun and also makes you smarter.
What’s the quickest way to learn how to compose. I am musical and can make up a song but don’t know much about music per se. What would I need to learn?
WIYMemberI will Bli Neder start having her in mind by Refaeinu
WIYMemberAll chain texts and emails are alone. Shtusim Mamish. How silly can you be?! What did they do before email and text?! Does anybody under 30 years old think anymore? Anybody? Very upsetting that from people can be so stupid and have such a fundamental lack of understanding the basics of Yiddishkiet.
Very classy. I like that idea of bringing something you baked. It also shows the family that you are a balabusta lol.
Why don’t you ask your chosson?
WIYMemberThe MOD is a complex computer database with algorithms built in that detect comments that shouldn’t be posted or those that need to be edited. There is also an algorithm for humor as well as for adding comments under our posts. The database is located in an undisclosed location and is impervious to earthquakes and hurricanes I will stop now before I get Modded for giving away too much info.
Of course he does. What do you expect from an irreligious intelligent Jew? His conscience must eat him up inside. Its a defense mechanism.
September 1, 2011 7:32 pm at 7:32 pm in reply to: can i date a girl without Shadchan????????/ #808650WIYMemberNuhn?