Forum Replies Created
September 5, 2011 3:29 am at 3:29 am in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840637WIYMember
Coffee addict
Which is where?
September 5, 2011 3:25 am at 3:25 am in reply to: Does Anyone Else Find This Short Story Disturbing? #840636WIYMemberEditor
I am disgusted. Its scary. It seems like we are so into our own lives that we can’t bother to have time for someone else. I really don’t know what to say but it hurts.
September 5, 2011 3:18 am at 3:18 am in reply to: Who believes the Talking Fish Story from 2003? #805809WIYMemberIt was a Babylon fish?
WIYMemberIts sad that so many people have/had such dysfunctional upbringing.
I dont take the CR too seriously. I couldn’t care less who agrees or disagrees with me. So no don’t think Im insalted by anything you said or by whether you didn’t agree with me. Its nice to be agreed with but Im pretty confident in my opinions. If I point out something that people do wrong, that doesn’t make me judgmental. I just don’t believe in pretending everything is hunky dory when its not. I am able to separate the act from the person so even when I see something bad I don’t dislike the person just the act. Trust me I try very hard to judge favorably.
WIYMemberEveryone sees the light eventually.
???? ???? ???? ?? until then a smile will suffice = good line.
Thanks. Should I be shocked that you agree with me?
That was a good line 🙂
WIYMemberI hope he will stay its much more fun with competition.
Ill go with an E
September 4, 2011 7:47 pm at 7:47 pm in reply to: Going around barefooted or without shoes on at home #805931WIYMemberIs this lehalacha? Sources?
Great post! That’s how I feel about this. It comes off as doing it just for the guests perception of you. What happened to Kvod Shabbos? Is Shabbos now chopped liver?
WIYMemberThanks! Without some competition its starting to feel a bit monotonous. If you don’t mind give us one more word but after this Im taking a break. Thank you for supplying words.
I am stating a fact. Obviously it doesn’t belong in Yiddishkiet. Do you want a list of things that have found its way into Yiddishkiet and don’t belong?
September 4, 2011 7:33 pm at 7:33 pm in reply to: Going around barefooted or without shoes on at home #805928WIYMemberNu?
Well Maze Tov on the new Ideim (new item? Lol). Lots of Yiddishe Naches!
Yes I am male its not obvious? 🙂
WIYMemberThis is starting to get personal….
WIYMemberIts almost funny that you people don’t see that he is trying to push your buttons. Folks: There are many people on the internet who get a sick pleasure out of stirring up other peoples emotions and getting them all bent out of shape. Its a very disgusting and cruel thing to do but these people don’t usually care. Just be aware that every forum attracts such characters so be on the lookout for them before getting yourself all emotionally invested in your comments.
WIYMemberMOD 42
Are you saying you know for a fact that there are dangerous stalkers on this site?
September 4, 2011 6:46 pm at 6:46 pm in reply to: Who believes the Talking Fish Story from 2003? #805798WIYMemberApushatayid
There must have been a ventriloquist involved.
If I had to guess I would say your parents are probably not American and were brought up in an environment vastly different than the one you grew up in. They probably grew up in the kind of house where their parents also didn’t hug much. The warm hugginess is very much an American thing. On the other hand you should know that there are people who don’t like touching or being touched but can still be very warm loving people. There are people who are overly touchy and their hugs and kisses are meaningless. If someone hugs everyone they meet how much will you value the hug?
September 4, 2011 6:26 pm at 6:26 pm in reply to: For Princesseagle and anone who thinks "the grass is greener" out there #808800WIYMemberArwsf
I don’t know if it has been recorded yet. It will probably be posted shortly after it is recorded.
I think its just the 2 of us in here. How cozy lol.
September 4, 2011 6:21 pm at 6:21 pm in reply to: Who believes the Talking Fish Story from 2003? #805794WIYMemberI believe the Spanish worker likely had something in his system and “thought” he heard and saw the fish talking.
Can such a thing happen? Maybe. But I don’t believe it would take place the way it did. Maybe if it was bought by a Tzaddik…I don’t believe that it would happen in a fish store and the only witness would be a Spanish non Jew.
September 4, 2011 6:11 pm at 6:11 pm in reply to: For Princesseagle and anone who thinks "the grass is greener" out there #808797WIYMemberPrincesseagle
How’d you like the shiur?
Thanks! Please do another.
Thanks! Please do another.
I have Davened in shuls that have those mini machitza things 2 or 3 times. I can tell you that the teens were looking at each other over the machitza the whole Davening I wanted to throw up.
Im going to take a wild guess. Encyclopedia?
I won’t analyze everything you said but this needs explanation: “like the idea that they owe you anyway so why should you thank them?”
Your parents owe you nothing. They gave you life and everything you have. There is no way to repay a parent for all they have done, carrying you 9 months in the womb, feeding you overtime you were hungry. Changed your diapers when you were dirty. Took you to the doctor when you were sick. Held your hand when you were scared and calmed your fears. Put you in school and paid for your education. There’s so many things to be thankful for. Even if your parents weren’t or aren’t the best parents, just for giving you life you have so much to be thankful to them for.
How about an E?
A little harsh unless its an inside joke.
WIYMemberMazel Tov Observanteen and adorable! May you both have much simcha with your respective spouse and be zoche to build a binyan adei ad.
September 4, 2011 6:46 am at 6:46 am in reply to: Something I noticed a lot of people do because they probably dont know this #1033291WIYMemberOld man
“I think that it is unfortunate that interlocking fingers found its way to a daily halachah shiur. It is most definitely not related to halachah.”
The Aruch HaShulchan brings L’Halacha (OC 91:7)…What are your credentials that you feel you may argue with the Aruch HaShulchan?
Or do you just do what’s comfortable?
WIYMemberWhere’s the troll patrol?
WIYMemberI have respect for those who used to eat Cholov Yisroel and decided to stop. For one who never ate it, its no big deal to continue not eating it, but once you started eating it or have been doing it for years or from birth its tough to stop and anyone who has deserves credit for it.
September 4, 2011 5:46 am at 5:46 am in reply to: Chassidish Minhagim and which Chassidus does it #972604WIYMemberBein_hasdorim
Talking fish, talking showers, chassidim have all the fun!
Other than mikvah I mean some other minhagim that are particular to a certain chassidusim.
September 4, 2011 5:32 am at 5:32 am in reply to: Chassidish Minhagim and which Chassidus does it #972602WIYMemberBein_hasdorim
I have never seen a talking shower.