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  • in reply to: If you see something, say something #832282

    How would you feel if the thing you saw that went unreported ended up being an explosive device that hurt or killed some people?

    Reporting suspicious things is an obligation as part of society.

    in reply to: Zumba=Not Tzanuah? #931250

    A point that may or may not have been mentioned. Based on my experience with exercise and having some experience with weight training exercise dieting…I can’t imagine any high impact women’s dance class that burns a significant amount of calories as well as works the whole body as being Tzniusdig in any way. To burn calories you need to put in a lot of effort so automatically that will require all kinds of crazy contortions of the body which aren’t tzniusdig.

    If you want to burn calories do Tae-bo or some other kicking martial arts type workout. Most dance workouts are just not Tzniusdig, and if you are serious about losing weight do treadmill or elliptical or jump rope because they burn the most calories.

    in reply to: Shachris Question #831787

    Wadr, please ask your LOR or any Rabbi. This requires a psak.

    in reply to: Jelousy #832012


    This is a must read for this topic.


    in reply to: Tzedakah Letter – Does Anyone Know this Rav? #831089

    Oh, cause your location says SC.


    in reply to: Zumba=Not Tzanuah? #931234

    1. The people who are pro these types of things are forgetting the concept of shivisi Hashem lenegdi tomid. Hashem is everywhere and sees you even when you aren’t in public and aren’t in front of men. There are certain ways that Jews may not act in even when in private even in solitude!

    2. The way you act influences your essence (Sefer Hachinuch- He was a Rishon)

    If you act immodest even in private or not in front of the opposite gender in short order you will be acting immodestly even in public. The things we do, EVERY thing we do effects who we are and what we become and acting immodestly allows the midoh of pritzus to take a hold in our personality.

    in reply to: Lakewood Advice #832325


    Cheaper housing? Want to live in a Torahdig environment?

    in reply to: Kasha of Beis Yosef #989745

    I like the terutz that 1 day is to celebrate the very fact that oil burns as most liquids put out fires!

    in reply to: Half Shabbos and texting #830842


    Unfortunately there are people who aren’t looking to learn OR work. They just waste away their days. Go see who hangs out in Brooklyn after 12:00 pm. There are people who just want to go through life not having to actually DO ANYTHING just chill and hang out, schmooze…

    in reply to: Zumba=Not Tzanuah? #931184


    Please read this.

    Rav Elyashiv -As The Girls Go, So Goes The Generation

    After Moshe warned Paroh about Makas Arbeh, Paroh says (Bo 10:11), “Lichu Na HaGvarim V’Ivdu Es Hashem”, let the men folk go and serve Hashem, while the women and children remain behind. Rav Elyashiv says (Divrei Agada) that Paroh knew that if the women remain tied into the culture of Mitzrayim, the men can do all the avodah they want. As soon as they come back they will follow the women, and all will be lost.

    He brings a Medrash (Bereishis Rabba 17:7) that drives home the point. The Medrash speaks of a childless couple who were both very pious people. They decided that since they were not producing any servants of Hashem, it is best that they divorce and each marry someone else, hopefully producing children. The man married a wicked lady and he himself became a Rasha. The woman married a wicked man but he became a tzaddik.

    There was conference of Rabbonim after the Russian revolution, says Rav Elyashiv, where there was a proposal raised to create a curriculum for girls education. Many Rabbonim protested based on the words of Chazal who say not to teach your daughters torah. Rav Eliezer Rabinowitz from Minsk stood up and asked, how can you teach torah to someone who wants to convert if he is not yet Jewish? The obvious answer is that unless you teach him he cannot start becoming Jewish. Similarly with the girls. When there were vibrant Jewish homes they did not need to learn torah but times had changed and without torah they had no chance, and they would drag the boys down as well.

    It is clear from here that the girls lead the way. However, don’t forget them because the future of our wonderful sons hang in the balance. What exactly they should be learning is a subject of great debate, and obviously the goal is Yiras Shamayim and not lomdus. Because when they come back from shteiging in Yeshiva there needs to be a special girl waiting for them or else… The girls are the hope and future of Klal Yisroel.

    From Revach.net

    This is the reason why girls have to be so careful with Tznius in dress speech and action.

    in reply to: Paying for seminary #831133


    If your father can’t afford it then don’t go. You are still young but realize that $18000 is a lot of money in this day and age (to make) and its not fair to expect your father to “cough” it up for you so you can have fun in EY for a year. This whole mishigass is not sustainable and I hope all of these Seminaries close down. People can’t afford them and it causes unnecessary financial strain on people.

    in reply to: A Jew should lose profit to stop a Non-Jew from sinning. #831118


    No, I asked a Rav and was told that this din as well as a male having Yichud with a male non Jew (the Rambam says the average non Jew is Chashud on homosexuality) is not applicable today. (Unless you know that the person is a depraved low life or homosexual and then you have what to be concerned about so ask your Rav)

    in reply to: Yo mama jokes #1004799

    I thought they went out of circulation years ago. People still say these jokes? Its so 90’s lol!

    p.s. I agree with you, they arent appropriate (like most things borrowed from the African Americans in our society!)

    in reply to: Zumba=Not Tzanuah? #931175

    Boro Park Girl

    “unrefined/boorish/provacative manner.”

    Sadly many Jewish girls today no longer have that level sensitivity.

    Just like you have “frum” girls who do the dance revolution machine arcade in public (including holding up their skirts to make it easier). Some people just dont want Judaism interfering with their idea of life and a good time.

    in reply to: Zumba=Not Tzanuah? #931163


    “Someone will find something objectionable about pretty m Especially regarding issues dealing with “tznius””

    Unfortunately the Rabbanim can’t speak enough about Tznius and any time it is spoken about people get offended. We live in a time when the world is extremely immodest and its perfectly normal by non Jews to show skin.

    I was walking today in boropark and I saw a frum looking girl wearing a skirt which missed the top of her knees by about an inch or so. You want to tell me this is normal?! Things are spiraling out of control and nobody wants to do anything about it. But we all wonder why tragedy after tragedy hits us. No need to mention all the Gedolim passing away on an almost weekly basis. The amount of personal tragedy going on in families is unprecedented. The cholim tehillim lists keep growing. The shidduchim crisis keeps growing, kids going off keeps growing and when you tell people its time to care about Tznius nobody wants to hear it. Lets go do some sgulos or rub some magic lamps or go to some mekubal. That will solve Everything!

    Tznius is a geder. If you dress Tznius you won’t come to having boyfriends…for a girl the spiral down starts with Tznius. Same thing for a married woman. If she doesn’t dress Tznius she opens herself up to be approached by men in college the work place wherever. Tznius is a way of saying keep back. Im a kosher girl.

    in reply to: Half Shabbos and texting #830836


    I think the Dr was aiming his article more towards the MO community. However in the frum community this is a new thing and a very alarming trend.

    If you asked me I would tell you that many of our problems in Yiddishkeit today stem from a lack of discipline and self control. We have people addicted to food, alcohol, pornography, internet, texting….

    The bottom line is that many of today youth have never learned true self control. These things aren’t taught anymore. This used to be what was taught in the mussar yeshivos and by mashgichim. One upon a time bachurim were able to sit by a Gemara for 2,3,4 or more hours without interruption. Unfortunately very few have this discipline today. We are so distracted by phones that people can’t go 30 minutes without checking texts emails and what not.

    There’s other factors as well. I think another big factor is that people used to be driven. They were self motivated to achieve to learn to grow to become. I don’t know what percentage of young people live with that fire today. There are very few. This is very tied to the first thing because without discipline one can never get anywhere and accomplish goals. This leads to giving up and developing a defeatist attitude. Once you have a defeatist attitude you feel beaten so what’s the point of trying. So at that point you figure why bother and then you stop caring. If you don’t care then there’s nothing stopping you from texting on Shabbos and doing other things that are Assur. Granted this may be an oversimplication of a complex issue but Im only putting forth some ideas that are off the top of my head. There’s certainly other factors and it is likely a few factors operating at once that has led and leads to the problems we face with our youth.

    Granted a lot of the above is geared towards the boys. Im not so sure what the problem is by the girls but it is probably similar in some ways. Like the boys they lack the drive to want to be good to do what’s right and to be special individuals. Ill stop here because I feel a whole megillah coming and I just don’t see see the point of writing all this. Its not going to change anything just get me more frustrated.

    in reply to: Finances………..what are we doing wrong? #830651


    Start paying attention to where the money goes. Look over your credit card bills. Money is pouring out somewhere. Vacations? Fancy wardrobe? Over $150,000 with 2 kids should leave you with leftovers if you aren’t spendaholics.

    in reply to: Good Jewish Torah Links #830462


    Maskim they have amazing divrei Torah articles.

    in reply to: Good Jewish Torah Links #830459

    Hashkafah.com also doesnt belong here. Theres some seriously questionable material that passes moderation on that website.

    in reply to: Reviving an iPod …any Ideas??? #832869


    Yes there is a way. The screen brightness is something that eats a lot of battery. So does the amount of time the alight is on. You should go into the settings by brightness (or display I don’t have an ipod in front of me to see exactly but its in the settings and you should be able to figure it out). What you should do is lower the brightness to as low as possible (if you ever watch a video on it you can raise brightness for that video then go back to low brightness, additionally video burns through battery so don’t expect long battery life if u watch video on your ipod). The other thing to do is change the screen/backlight time out to a low number like 10 seconds or something so the screen light is used at a minimum.


    in reply to: Repeal the 17th? #830022

    I don’t see how this would be good for the people.

    in reply to: H-a-s-h-e-m H-e-l-p M-e F-i-n-d A S-h-i-d-d-u-c-h-!-! #888449



    in reply to: H-a-s-h-e-m H-e-l-p M-e F-i-n-d A S-h-i-d-d-u-c-h-!-! #888447


    Listen you cant believe the garbage that everyone says. Its so irrational. Explain this to me, a girl when she is single at 23-24 is considered older getting older whatever and yet if she were married she would be called young?! A 23-24 year old is not OLD by any standard.

    You have to recognize that the system is flawed and we have come to a point where we convinced ourselves that all girls have to be married by 20 and as the years of the low 20’s pass they are somehow worth less or not as good or whatever. Its terrible what has been allowed to happen but you have to recognize its a lie. You arent old. Being in the low 20s and single happens to be a situation you are in but your lack of finding a match yet is most likely not because of anything you did or didnt do. The system is flawed and that just means that we cant put faith in the system. You have to turn to Hashem wholeheartedly. At the same time realize that as a single, you have opportunities that married people dont have. You have the time to advance your degree/career. Do Chessed, learn Torah…Theres so much you can do. Get active, get busy.

    in reply to: Any good segulah for helping the childless? #829327

    Rama Mipano says: If a woman thinks that she is equal to that of her husband, they will not have children. The sun and the moon could not rule together as equals. The Rabbis ordained Wednesday as the day for marriage because Wednesday was the day that the sun and moon were placed in sky; a woman, who lives for her children gets married on Wednesday to inspire her to be like the moon, and just as the moon was minimized and then merited many stars to serve it, so too, a woman, who minimizes herself in respect to her husband will merit many children.

    in reply to: davening mishaps?! #829353

    Here we go again. The cofferoom has so much deja vu.

    kvodhatorah I discovered a long time ago that many people are either

    1. ignorant of Halacha (most people) or

    2. know Halacha but cant be bothered with doing every single Halacha ( hey theres sooooo many I do most things so what if I dont do EVERYTHING Im still better than shmerel…I must be alright) especially the ones that are difficult or very inconvenient like this one.

    3. they see a lot of people do something wrong so assume its mutar and that theres some heter(because SOOO many people are doing it) and jump on the bandwagon

    For the record I asked a Rav and was told this Halacha is still existent and there is no heter for what goes on wth people stepping back into others 4 amos or walking in front of those davening shemoneh esrei or taking siddurim or other things off the table in front of one davening shemoneh esrei.

    in reply to: Why do ONLY seminary girls get to learn navi? #858950


    You are correct Bachurim should spend time learning Nach and many Bachurim do so during their free time. However it is not part of the regular curriculum although some Yeshivas do teach parts of it in mesivta (high-school).

    There is a lot to learn and the Yeshiva day doesnt have enough hours in it to fit it all in.


    “Because we are a non-prophet organization…”

    We are the only religion that had real prophets, so I dont get his line. Maybe you can explain?

    in reply to: tinok shenishba #829629


    I meant irreligious thanks.

    in reply to: What's going on here? #829183

    YW Moderator-42

    He hacked into members accounts?

    in reply to: What's going on here? #829181

    How do you know he is hacker? What has he hacked? (successfully? )

    in reply to: tinok shenishba #829627


    An addict is a person with a very powerful drive towards something that is destructive for him/her. That doesn’t mean they don’t have Bechira. They do, its just MUCH harder for them to say no.

    Tinuk Shenishba is one who is clueless about the fact that he is Jewish or is born into an religious family and has no understanding of the fact that he is bound by Torah law to live as a Jew.

    in reply to: A "prayer" for a soul searching for his/her Zivug #998809


    You have a lot of depth. Keep it up you have serious talent. Hatzlacha!

    in reply to: King of Jewish music #828810

    MAD will always be known as the king. However I think Shwekey and Fried as well as Ohad are all great.

    in reply to: Any good segulah for helping the childless? #829302

    As great as it is to Daven for others its even greater if the one in need Davens him/herself. See Rashi in Vayeira perek 21 passuk 17.

    The main thing is for any Tefillah to be answered it has to be sincere and heartfelt and with tears. A Tefillah with tears is worth many many tefillos without tears. If you can’t cry to Hashem you haven’t even begun Davening.

    in reply to: Ohr Yitzchok #1156377


    Did they have a program there for teaching guys how to learn Gemara ?

    in reply to: Please don't tell me to ask my LOR…I can't #828780


    Not if you are only looking for a heter.

    in reply to: theory on why people don't value thier spouses. #828205

    How ironic.

    in reply to: What's going on here? #829159


    Even if someone knew that your name was gittel sprintza chaya feigeih Sarah kuchlefelboim how would that give them the ability to get your email address?

    in reply to: What? #828997


    Nevermind i have read up on some other threads. It looks like there has been some stalking going on here. Down right creepy and very upsetting. There are young people that use this forum.I never dreamed it would actually be used to attempt to harm others. Very troubling indeed.

    in reply to: shabbos starts so early! #827952


    Guess what, there’s an inyan of Tosfos Shabbos adding on to Shabbos by having a long shalosh seudos and ending Shabbos late. (Chassidim do this but there are also some Yeshiva that end Shabbos at 72 also)

    So in reality its up to you when to end Shabbos. Maybe ask your husband/parents if they can Bli Seder start ending Shabbos later. Shabbos is beautiful and its nice to see that there are some people who appreciate it and want more Shabbos as opposed to trying to Daven as early as possible…

    in reply to: What? #828995

    Because we are spaced out on our handheld devices…so we need a second to reel back in to the

    world. Lol.

    Can you tell me what this whole Joseph thing is all about? I disappear for a few months and it looks like all heck broke loose! What happened?

    in reply to: shiurim while working out? #827960


    Im not sure what type of workout you do but if it is something like stationary bike or treadmill or something like that I can’t think of any issue with listening to a shiur. I remember when I used to attend the Kosher Gym years ago there were some very frum people there real yeshiva types and even some Rabbis and they used to listen to Shiurim. I recommend you ask a Sheila. What do we know we aren’t Rabbonim?!

    in reply to: A MUST READ for everyone in this generation/Coffee Room #827792

    KIsh Echad BLev Echad

    Thanks. Baruch Hashem there are many amazing inspirational books out there in English. Lets hope people are buying them, reading them and putting the Torah to use in their lives.

    in reply to: war of Gog & Magog #1088544


    The Ran spoke to you?!

    in reply to: shiurim while working out? #827956


    I dont see why not (as long as your hands are pure i.e. in that you havent touched parts of your body that are usually covered or scratched your scalp or touched your shoes as those things require that you wash your hands before learning any Torah)

    in reply to: Why is Talmud Torah so important? #827768

    I will 2nd midwesterner. You have many simple Halachic and Hashkafic issues that people are ignorant of and mostly it is due to lack of Torah knowledge (which leads to leading a life style not totally conforming to the Torah)

    in reply to: Who, alive today, can answer questions like R Aryeh Kaplan? #828735


    There are numerous people who work for Aish, Ohr Samayach and Gateways who can answer these questions. Besides, you can buy all of Rabbi Kaplans books. They are written in a very easy to understand manner.

    I would not recommend Nosson Slifkin. Its ridiculous to even use Rabbi Kaplan and Slifkin in the same sentence. Uch!

    in reply to: Good Forwards (Emails) #1059625

    Just Stay

    A nurse took the tired, anxious serviceman to the bedside.

    “Your son is here,” she said to the old man.

    She had to repeat the words several times before the patient’s eyes opened.

    Heavily sedated because of the pain of his heart attack, he dimly saw the young uniformed Marine standing outside the oxygen tent. He reached out his hand. The Marine wrapped his toughened fingers around the old man’s limp ones, squeezing a message of love and encouragement.

    The nurse brought a chair so that the Marine could sit beside the bed.. All through the night the young Marine sat there in the poorly lighted ward, holding the old man’s hand and offering him words of love and strength. Occasionally, the nurse suggested that the Marine move away and rest awhile.

    He refused.. Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was oblivious of her and of the night noises of the hospital – the clanking of the oxygen tank, the laughter of the night staff members exchanging greetings, the cries and moans of the other patients.

    Now and then she heard him say a few gentle words. The dying man said nothing, only held tightly to his son all through the night.

    Along towards dawn, the old man died. The Marine released the now lifeless hand he had been holding and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he waited.

    Finally, she returned. She started to offer words of sympathy, but the Marine interrupted her.

    “Who was that man?” he asked.

    The nurse was startled, “He was your father,” she answered.

    “No, he wasn’t,” the Marine replied. “I never saw him before in my life.”

    “Then why didn’t you say something when I took you to him?”

    “I knew right away there had been a mistake,

    but I also knew he needed his son, and his

    son just wasn’t here.

    When I realized that he was too sick to tell

    whether or not I was his son,

    knowing how much he needed me, I stayed.”

    I came here tonight to find a Mr. William Grey.

    His Son was Killed in Iraq today, and I was sent to

    inform him.. What was this Gentleman’s Name?

    The Nurse with Tears in Her Eyes Answered,

    Mr.. William Grey………….

    The next time someone needs you … just be there. Stay.








    in reply to: Who is a lamdan? #1030600

    Lamdan used to mean someone who really knows how to learn. One who has learned a lot, knows his learning and is sharp in his learning and knows how to ask incisive questions (and come up with answers). I would say that this definition should still apply although Im sure the requirements have been watered down due to yeridas hadoros.

    in reply to: Looking for website with Torah Haskofo/stories #826721
    in reply to: brooks brothers #833612


    You can sign up on Brooks Brothers website to be notified by email of all sales.

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