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  • in reply to: Looking for New and Exciting Topics #843837


    You know a lot of yeshivish “rayd” (the stuff you spray to kill bugs) for a girl!

    in reply to: Can anyone confirm this? #839398

    moi aussi

    “They go out especially to pick up their husbands from shul after davening.”

    Because men really need their wives to “pick them up after Davening?!”

    If they didnt go to shul to Daven whats the point of going after Davening? Abi to congregate on the street in front of the shul?

    in reply to: Cholov Yisroel Greek Yogurt #988967

    You probably shouldn’t eat GREEK yogurt on Zos Chanukah… 🙂

    in reply to: What are each of the respective seminaries like that you went to? #849248


    I am a guy so don’t know so much about sems but I do know that with a lot of the non BY sems it really depends on the year. They are much less selective than the BJJs and Hadars… From what I gather it is a mix so you really have to find out who is going.

    in reply to: maccabeats #839034

    The maccabeats is the same as kosher style food. Treif but looks and sounds Jewish. A lot of their music is mostly off of the radio and almost exactly the same except for some clever word changes. Additionally they have performed non Jewish songs with no changes whatsoever. They have music videos with girls in them and they keep pushing the envelope.

    They delude themselves and us by calling themselves maccabeats. They should calm themselves misyavnimbeats if they wanted to be honest with themselves and us.

    in reply to: Embarrassed #840839

    Feel free to disagree but I am strongly leaning towards the theory that the people who do this have serious mental imbalances and they shroud it with krum fake “frumkeit.” I think these people would be nasty if they were chiloni or Christian or anything else. They are just extreme people who probably should have seen a psychologist years ago but didn’t because its so taboo in “chareidi” families.

    I think all of these types who get violent or spit should be arrested, subjected to a professional psychiatric evaluation and if found requiring therapy, given the necessary therapy until they are once again fit to live amongst society.

    in reply to: Self Esteem Books #851693


    Based on your recommendation I have just ordered I Only Want to Get Married Once on Amazon.com. Im really looking forward to reading it.

    in reply to: Embarrassed #840835


    Its a coffeeroom minhag to start repeat threads on the same topic…

    in reply to: Want to know the difference between us and them? #841940

    If you dont mind Ill take this with a grain or 2 of salt.

    in reply to: So you're married…THEN WHAT?! #838820


    You are right besides for the losing your money and pumpkin thing. It seems likeep everything is just about getting married. Once you are married now what? Does anyone evenknow the purpose of marriage? Or do we just do it because we reached a certain age and that’s what our friends are doing and that is what society expects of us?

    in reply to: jeans #839105


    Throughout the years Orthodox Jews have always had a uniform. The chassidim have theirs and the litvish have theirs. In America as well the Yeshivish or people who want to be associated with them always dressed a certain way and Yeshivas have a strict dress code. Same for Chassidim. When someone comes from a Yeshivish or Chassidish family and he is wearing jeans it certainly says something about the person.

    Yes in MO circles jeans are more accepted but even there those that are strongly tied to a more Torah way of life generally don’t wear jeans.

    A person dresses how they dress for a reason. Its a representation of what they do, a group they are part of or their belief system. If you are a police officer don’t go around wearing a UPS uniform. And if you are a police officer and yet choose to wear a UPS uniform don’t expect people to assume that you are a police officer going to a purim party if its not Purim.

    in reply to: Let us not take our mitzvos for granted #839694


    “We can always gain inspiration, even from things that just happen to be true.”

    True. The Torah is endlessly deep and is shrouded in many levels of meaning.

    in reply to: jeans #839086

    Nisht Ahe Nisht Aher

    “If a Rav did ever wear jeans in his life, then he shouldn’t be a Rav!”

    People change, people do Teshuvah, there are many Rabbanim who are BT’s. Im sure back in the day they wore jeans.

    in reply to: Thoughts on the Yeshiva Gush #839420


    “as your kid who you make decisions for will end up OTD”

    Parents cant go around being petrified to be parents because the kid will go OTD. A parent has a responsibility as a parent and that comes first and foremost.

    Many kids have gone OTD because the parents did NOT act like responsible/loving parents.

    A Yeshivah decision is a very major decision and many times kids get into trouble for going to the wrong yeshiva for them. Going to the wrong Yeshiva can really land a kid OTD a lot more than a parent saying “No you cant go to X yeshiva because its not the right environment for you.”

    in reply to: Let us not take our mitzvos for granted #839692


    Your dvar Torah is very nice. Just some ha’aros:

    Since the oil burnt 8 days we celebrate 8 days so automatically there will be a Shabbos in there. Just saying. Also Chanukah falls on 25 Kislev in commemoration of the historical fact that the Jewish fighters rested from their battles against Syrian-Greeks on the 25th of Kislev. So again an 8 day Yom Tov starting 25 Kislev would automatically have in it a Rosh Chodesh.

    in reply to: Thoughts on the Yeshiva Gush #839413


    Dont take popa too seriously. You sound like a levelheaded parent. Its important that teens get guidance from their parents and make decisions together. A good parent will nix a school which the parent knows will not be good for the child. Involved parents know whats best for their kid. However if you dont really know your teen then stay out of it and let whomever guides him continue to do so.

    in reply to: That Donut I just ate was totally evil. #838919


    Lol. I caved in tonight. They werent even that good 🙁

    in reply to: maccabeats #839015

    “ok I see that no one was interested in what it was talking about, just that it was “on TV”

    they were actually making an album for bone marrow transplant, which I thought was a big Kiddush Hashem,”

    Kiddush Hashem?! Its called a Kosher chazer fissel! (A Kosher pig’s foot)

    A mitzvah Habah Beavayrah is not a Kiddush Hashem!

    in reply to: jeans #839076


    Yes the way someone dress “usually” says something about them. Clothing is a uniform and people dress in a way that they feel represents who they are or what they believe in or to project a certain “image” to the world.

    Yes there are exceptions but as a rule how someone dresses says a lot about them. Additionally how they wear the clothing, like shirt tucked out…

    You really can tell a lot about someone by how they dress but again remember there will be rare exceptions.

    in reply to: That Donut I just ate was totally evil. #838908

    I haven’t even had a donut yet this Chanukah!

    in reply to: Dougies closing down?! #838292


    The one in the mountains is a huge hangout. Its really bad what goes on there as well as other skills hangouts.

    in reply to: Whats your favorite Smurf? #837766

    I like the short one.

    in reply to: Aydim v. Random Baal Habos #837732

    You really are a dolt.

    in reply to: Who wants to hear about how this morning went? #931825

    These kids sound perfectly normal. You did what had to be done by telling them its not Derech Eretz. There isn’t more you can do. Although I do hope you made it clear to the three year old that she can’t do what she did with the yogurt.

    in reply to: BH!!! #837370


    I can’t believe an elementary school kid is on these forums…kind of freaky.

    in reply to: Feeling the Chanukah Spirit #912677

    One can go to see how the Chassidish Rebbes light the menorah…

    I believe that can be a great way to feel the spirit of Chanukah!

    in reply to: Kim Jong Il – Jewish? #836882


    “I believe his name was originally Kim Jong Ilburg”

    Actually it was Kim Jong Illowitz lol

    in reply to: Question! #837157


    “or local CR member)”

    aka LCRM lol

    in reply to: Feeling the Chanukah Spirit #912671


    Good chinuch!

    in reply to: Doing Chesed With Mentchlichkeit #838455


    Maybe you can do us a favor and bring to our attention and recommend (if its not too personal) which organizations are doing chessed in a proper way and are being mekadeish sheim shomayim.

    in reply to: YBC on NBC #836290


    I was going to start such a thread myself. You beat me to it. Its very very wrong and I think a Chillul Hashem.

    How can you put yeshiva boys on tv? (Not to mention that many of these boys had to probably miss yeshiva for this)

    I really hope that some Rabbanim address this. The music business is literally like a runaway train. They do what they want and there’s no Daas Torah involved.

    There’s no way any Rav would have allowed this.

    This isn’t kiruv. This is Yavan. This is Hashem telling us, you want to be like goyim? Go ahead I won’t stop you. How apropo that this occurred the week of Chanukah.

    For anyone who wants to dismiss it with a wave of the hand, don’t you SEE what is happening?! Every time something happens we dismiss it with a wave of he hand. We keep falling and keep making excuses why its ok or not a big deal. Its not ok and it is a big deal and I think this is a huge eye opener of where Jewish music is headed and what is the intentions of the people behind YBC the producers…they want fame and glory. Look how proud they are to be on TV. Its mamsih disgusting.

    This is what happens when you produce music that idolizes goyish music and try to get the goyish rocky techno disco sounds.

    in reply to: Mostly Music Amex Deal #840259

    Coffee addict

    ” no if you are still meitiv with it”

    Not sure what that means please explain.

    Its my personal opinion Hashkafically, I think its very improper if one has $25 or more that he can give to Tzeddaka organizations (many who are literally strapped for cash) without having to go out of pocket to instead spend it on themselves.

    I also think it was wrong for mostly music and any other frum business to jump on this and try to lure people who may have otherwise used the money for Tzeddaka.

    Maybe mayikar hadin al pi halacha one has no obligation to give this money to tzeddaka (maybe besides for masser on it) but its the concept of what one should do not what one must do.

    in reply to: Please don't make this mistake on Chanuka! #836034


    This inspires one to do the right thing and being aware and vigilant with fire around kids. Too many horror stories have happened over the years.

    in reply to: Doing Chesed With Mentchlichkeit #838452


    You need connections to do bikur cholim?! Im getting sick…

    in reply to: Mostly Music Amex Deal #840256

    Serves you and them right. You had an opportunity to freely give $25 ($50 or more depending on how many amex cards you have) to tzeddaka organizations who were mamish begging for the money. You should be ashamed.

    in reply to: There is no Perfect System… #836007


    You are correct. More of an effort has to be made in working on middos and chessed. Some will laugh but I really don’t see why girls have all of these chessed programs and projects and boys don’t. Obviously boys have to focus on Torah but Torah without middos is useless.

    What would be so bad if once every 2 weeks a Rebbi took boys to a hospital to do bikkur cholim and similar things.

    in reply to: please help me find a minyan in flatbush #836888


    Yeah there’s one or 2 Shuls here but nothing like the Midwest LOL.

    in reply to: Feeling the Chanukah Spirit #912669

    A great way to get into the spirit is to reflect for a few minutes a day on how good we have it here in America and appreciate that we have religious freedom and can serve Hashem to our hearts content without the threat of being killed for doing the will of Hashem.

    I second Rephael Kaufman. True Chanukah spirit has very little to do with the music dreidels and parties. We have to be careful not to allow the tofel to become the ikkar. Chanukah afterall is about praising Hashem. Lehodos uLehallel Leshimcha Hagadol on Niseicha, al Nifleosecha v’al Yeshuoisecha.

    in reply to: There is no Perfect System… #836003


    It sounds like you are assuming that any kid OTD or the like is that way because the family isn’t “normal.”

    There are so many kids that come from normal families who fell through the cracks due to getting involved with the wrong crowd or internet….

    Our system has its problems and the main problem is we aren’t teaching people self control and responsibility. We teach people that they are kids and have forever to grow up. How many of these kids who “don’t fit the mold” will have a ton of excuses why they do or did drugs or other things they shouldn’t have? At the end of the day we enabled a situation where we have older teens who are in all kinds of trouble yet we call them “kids” we pretend that they are kids so of course its not their fault that they have problems.

    I know plenty of people from messed up families and the only reason they got somewhere in life is because they decided to take responsibility for their lives.

    We have to stop tolerating all this garbage and stop enabling kids to think that they have an option to go off the derech.

    Stop rewarding bad behavior and start teaching discipline and responsibility and most problems will go away.

    in reply to: ONLINE COLLEGES #836483


    Are you insinuating something about a certain news story on YWN this morning?



    WADR, I found it moving and emotional but not chizuk. What chizuk am I going to get out of looking at pictures of 2 young neshomos who were taken away at a young age?

    You yourself said you cried. That doesnt “sound” like chizuk to me.

    in reply to: MATISYAHU #835923


    Parshas Vayikra:

    in reply to: kashrus horror stories (2 help us realize the severity) #836498

    Sad. This stuff happens more often then we would like to think about. This is what happens when you employ goyim in Jewish food establishments. Additionally usually the employees aren’t that intelligent so even if you tell them NOT to do something they will likely forget and do it again. Remember to them it seems like no big deal its “only” a sandwich in an oven my gosh what’s the big deal?!

    I am jealous of Jews that never purchased anything from a bakery or takeout in their lives.

    in reply to: Fiveish getting attacked in meah she'arim #835625

    I don’t believe it was the Sikrikim. Either way Feivish and crew should have asked permission from the locals before pretending its purim and pulling out video equipment on the streets of Meah Shearim. Its not borough park or lakewood. You can’t do what you want and neither should you. These are the holy streets of Yerushalayim not New Jersey!

    in reply to: Vladimir Putin #835392

    Putin quit the KGB at the rank of lieutenant colonel.

    in reply to: MATISYAHU #835909


    Your comment makes no sense. A BT is no different than an ffb after a few years. He should know all the pertinent Halachos and have a good grasp of Hashkafos Hatorah. If a BT will go back off because of what a few people think of him then he is no different than if an ffb goes off because someone insulted him or whatever. We aren’t frum because people are nice to ue. That’s so KRUM. We are frum because we know it is the Emes. If you know it is the emes, if you believe in Hashem and His Torah then some random peoples comments can’t affect you. If someone’s mistreatment (I don’t mean extreme abuse, molestation…) of an adult can send them off the derech then they are hardly on the derech in the first place because their entire understanding of the religion is deeply flawed. We aren’t practicing Jews because of how others treat us. Get that clear.

    Maybe I shouldn’t have said this because you will get insulted and go off the derech now…

    in reply to: MATISYAHU #835904

    I just hope he didnt shave with a razor, and I also have serious doubts if he knows that he doesnt have what is Halachically required for payos. Something tells me there is a lot left to be desired in his knowledge of our Halachik practices.

    in reply to: Question about being a guest #833124

    It looks like the best move is just to ask the host what they prefer because it seems like theres no consensus.

    in reply to: 40 challah bakers #833506

    Does anyone have a source for this segulah?


    I think what would be a lot more effective is if the family took upon themselves to be more strict about a certain mitzvah say Shmiras Shabbos…

    With all due respect Segulos don’t really work. They can work in rare occasions but only as a last resort. Its ridiculous to think that if 40 or 43 women baked Challah someone sick would magically get better. You realize that if such a thing worked then there would be no Cholim left?

    You want to do something big? Get people to do something permanent like learn an additional 30 minutes a day and have your uncle in mind. Or take on to learn the Halachos of a certain mitzvah and start doing it properly or get a few people to go cold turkey on movies, non Jewish music or certain other aveiros like talking during Chazaras Hashatz and Kaddish or other such things.

    You have to understand, and its not just you a lot of people don’t get this, if you want something big from Hashem, you need to do something big. Its a chuzpah that people think they will come with some silly segulah and poof they will get engaged, healthy….

    Another point is that your uncle, I don’t know who he is or how frum he is but usually if Hashem does something to someone it is to give them a wake up call. Maybe he needs to start Davening better or maybe there’s something he did to someone and he needs to get mechila. Many of the worst things happen to people due to aveiros bein Adam lchaveiro.

    in reply to: Holy Elmers Batman! #832035


    Hey its humor. Glue- sticky – haha. Feel free to find it corny. Im guessing this won’t stay sticky that much longer. Glue loses its stickiness.

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