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You should realize that this thread can be Loshon Hora if someone doesnt like it or him and decides to trash it.
WIYMemberIs it possible for a person to be trusted in kashruseven ifthe aveiros he does isn’t related to kashrus?
Not sure the Halacha about this but common sense would say that such a person can’t be trusted. Im sure it would depend which aveiros as well. Because if you mean Loshon Hora, that is something almost everyone struggles with on a regular basis. So Im sure it really depends which aveiros and if he does them befarhesya.
In theory it sounds good but in practice it doesn’t usually work. I would think that for one to be able to do this one would have to be holy in the first place. Like a Rebbe or Gadol.
The songs that are being “elevated” are songs by women. Can you explain yo me how it came to be that these Jewish so called frum composers heard these songs in the first place to then be able to make it “elevated” and Jewish?
It seems clear to me that people in the Jewish music world are listening to non Jewish music kol isha and all the other filth that you hear by listening to non Jewish music. These people have polluted their neshamos and lost their sensitivity for what is fine decent and holy they are in NO position to “elevate” any of these songs. You have to be elevated to elevate. Most people in the Jewish music scene are not elevated people. The few who are surprisingly never use non Jewish songs. I wonder why.
WIYMemberYiddish works for most. I think Rav Abuchatzeira may understand Yiddish but speaks Loshon Kodesh (Rav David Shlita speaks a fast Hebrew so make sure you either speak a good Hebrew or take along a translator.)
WIYMemberHerring and crackers with vodka. (Some Chassidim do this)
Very poor comparison. The Jewish music of today is taking songs from the lowest of the low of non Jewish music and is taking very aggressive wild types of songs (besides for the nicer ones which is a separate question entirely) the fast songs are prust, were written with low intentions in mind with all kinds of inappropriate dance moves and all that. There is no way to make that holy. Even if there were, which I sincerely doubt, it would take a Tzaddik to do. Maybe have Rav Kanievsky do it, not the “holy” people of todays music industry.
Very moving words. Thank you and Hatzlacha!
WIYMemberIf anyone is an honest observer (not sure how many read this forum) you will notice that whenever the Jewish songs that were taken from non Jewish songs are played (talking about recent songs taken from a certain low life immoral woman in the non Jewish music business) there’s a certain very prust and very wild energy that takes over the dancing. Im not making this up you can see and sense a certain coarseness and prikas ol when the songs are played and the people dance. People act differently by these songs. Watch for it and you will see what I mean.
I don’t have to ask a shaila because for me its apparent that there is something wrong with this music and it doesn’t bring out anything good in people.
I can’t speak about slow songs because maybe some of them have some depth, but their fast songs have no place by us and I don’t believe they brought anyone closer to Hashem. These songs are produced to make you dance wild and be crazy they were never intended for Jewish people we have a different purpose in life and we listen to music for a different reason and we dance for a different reason.
In my opinion it is very wrong to take these songs and make them “Jewish” and the singers who do it are doing something wrong. However they won’t stop because they don’t respect Gedolim and they do their own thing. The music business is not run al pi Torah. Hence groups that perform on TV and goyish songs on cd’s and music videos with girls in them and mixed seating concerts and whatever else that goes on in the music business.
I know which site you mean. I don’t read his site its too disgusting. I will wait for others to pick up on the story first before allowing myself to get upset about this.
WIYMemberZeh maamar shenemar…
You seriously mean that it has been confirmed that a party went ahead and faked Rav Elyashivs signature?!!! Can you give me some more info????
WIYMemberFor these and similar bans (as well as raybans talibans turbans and all other bans) to be taken seriously it would be beneficial to quote precisely what was found to be a problem with these publications. They should reference a specific article and explain the problem with it. Otherwise we are inclined to think the ban is based on politics and the “handlers” were able to convince the Rav that its necessary to ban the publication.
WIYMemberI think he has a great sense of humor and is very insightful. His articles are a pleasure to read.
Wow. I am impressed. This is what Yidden should be doing on Shabbos. The truest definition of Oineg Shabbos!
January 3, 2012 4:34 am at 4:34 am in reply to: "Where Are the Men"-Article in last week's Mishpacha #844421WIYMemberThe Horses Mouth
“Most frum people will stop doing an aveira if told they are sinning.”
Oh if only that were true! If only!
Try going over to people who are talking in shul during Chazaras Hashatz, Kaddish, krias Hatorah and tell them that it is assur to talk. See where it will get you.
Most things people do wrong they know it is wrong but do it anyways because they have a yetzer hora and others are doing it too. We tend to rationalize especially when we are part of a group. Nobody wants to be a frummie and sadly for many keeping basic Halacha like strict Tznius or not talking during Davening, watching movies…makes one a “frummie.”
Apples and oranges. We arent denying that there is very much good that goes on in the frum velt. However when something bad like this occurs we have an obligation to express outrage and to try and mend the breach. Something is seriously wrong within the Chareidi community if such actions can take place and then be excused as correct followed by protests with children wearing yellow stars and adults dressed as Auschwitz inmates as a means to protest chiloni (and chiloni media) discrimination of the chareidim.
We have a significant leak in our boat and it will cause us all to sink. We are one nation and we are responsible for each other.
“The only reason one would get so involved is because one accepts the absurd premise that somehow their actions reflect on who we are. How stupid. Just ignore those bigots.”
You know that’s not how it works. If 1 Jew does something bad and it makes it to the news the non Jews trip over themselves to point fingers at Jews in general and paint us all with that same brush. We have an obligation to uphold our reputation and to denounce those among us who tarnish it.
You know good and well what a big chillul Hashem Madoff created even though he wasnt even a practicing Jew. All the more so, these “chareidim” are creating an even bigger chillul Hashem as they supposedly represent ultraOrthodox super strict Torah observers.
Lack of a response is tacit approval.
Its impossible to judge a Yeshiva based on what was 25 years ago. A lot changes in a Yeshiva in 25 years including the faculty and shittos as well as types that go there…
In my opinion you can only judge a yeshiva from the last 5 years. Going back longer won’t get you an accurate picture because schools change. They try new things…
WIYMemberIf this is a Halachic issue then what is the purpose of the discussion. We must do Halacha regardless of how we feel. Sometimes keeping Halacha may not be comfortable and may sometimes let the “bad guy” win but we have to remember that Hashem runs the world and its our job to keep Halacha. He will take care of making things “right.”
WIYMemberWhat happened that you are requesting Tehillim?
WIYMemberPowerful story.
WIYMemberIf they can come out so strongly against internet and other things that anyone with a brain can understand is wrong then they should certainly come out against this. If there ever were a time for Rabbanim to speak up this is it. The issue is that we have 1000s of people who call themselves Chareidim who think the Torah calls for acting like hooligans and spitting cursing and getting violent to promote Tznius. This is a situation where Torah is being perverted by the masses. It has to be made clear unequivocally clear that there is no place in Torah Judaism for their conduct.
January 1, 2012 3:43 pm at 3:43 pm in reply to: So is there a Mechalel Shabbos posting here? #840447WIYMemberReal-brisker
Are you saying that you are surprised someone is mechalel Shabbos? We have people testing on Shabbos already and doing worse. What’s your point exactly?
WIYMemberYou forgot Leiby Kletzky
WIYMemberThere’s a very big problem in EY. You have a system that’s pushing 100% of chareidim to become kollel people for life or go into chinuch however there’s only about 20% (if even) of the people who are ACTUALLY cut out for that and who can learn seriously for life. They give them no secular education and no job training. What do they expect, that they should all become shnorrers? That’s what’s happening! I really don’t think Rav Elyashiv is aware of the Yeridas hadoros. A large percentage of people who are officially in learning are wasting their time hanging out on the streets, making ridiculous protests and plotting the next thing to make a big fuss about and what to “assur” out of fake frumkeit.
Its time to cut it out and start doing like they do in America. The only Chassidim who stay in Kollel are generally the top guys who plan on going into chinuch or becoming dayanim…There’s no excuse for what goes on there in EY.
January 1, 2012 3:33 am at 3:33 am in reply to: Does such a guy have a chance of getting happily married? #840620WIYMembercoffee
I personally know of a couple where the wife likes to talk, she is more of a talkative type and the husband is quiet and the wife is MISERABLE so I dont know which way is better i.e. quiet and quiet or quiet and talkative. Or maybe it just depends on the people and some talkative people need a talkative spouse?
January 1, 2012 3:29 am at 3:29 am in reply to: Does such a guy have a chance of getting happily married? #840619WIYMemberchocandpatience
How do 2 quiet people date? You had what to talk to each other about? Or you just sat there looking at each other?
January 1, 2012 3:05 am at 3:05 am in reply to: Rav Moshe Blau-Are these Not Jewish Children #840398WIYMemberOk now get someone (with security) to post this in Meah Shearim and Beit Shemesh.
January 1, 2012 2:42 am at 2:42 am in reply to: Rav Moshe Blau-Are these Not Jewish Children #840396WIYMemberThe ones who need to read this dont read English.
WIYMemberPosting threshold wont work either because they will just make a few innocent postings to get their account approved.
Maybe. It seems like we are attracting many trolls lately. Im just surprised why there arent more normal people posting on the forums. I would think such a forum would have at least 100’s of active members.
Troll please go away.
WIYMemberI hate brilliant people!
January 1, 2012 1:00 am at 1:00 am in reply to: Does such a guy have a chance of getting happily married? #840613WIYMemberPopa
A. 2 quiet people make a very quiet date. He opens up more with talkative people.
B. He’s not awkward, he’s not a longer, he hangs around people but he’s the type who ca sit with a group and not say much. He just isn’t big on talking.
WIYMemberWorst nightmare?????
Are you kidding me? You finished shas mishnayos and gemara and are only Shidduchim aged?! (low 20s) Wow Im very impressed if its true (regardless of your age) although I am surprised someone like that has time to waste on the net.
WIYMemberIts certainly possible that the New York Slimes has kindergarten aged children making up the stories…but in all seriousness there is always a certain percentage of error and many times they get the story wrong. Usually when it involves scandals or other charged topics like about Jews or Moslems…
Is this only regarding the Israeli version or also the US version?
WIYMemberUsually people who don’t appreciate have a slew of other problems. So keep your eyes open for signs of an attitude problem, arrogance, selfishness and self absorption, thinking they are always right…
Look for someone who is kind and generous. Its not so hard to see someone’s nature if you spend enough time with them. Test them out by going out of your way to do thongs for them. See if they thank you and see if the thank you is sincere and expresses true appreciation.
December 30, 2011 3:20 pm at 3:20 pm in reply to: Point to Ponder: Would you prefer a physical virus, or computer virus? #840232WIYMemberI think it would depend on the severity of the virus.
I think that is called Chochmas Hapartzuf.
WIYMemberYW Moderator-42
Trying to instigate some people? Lol.
I would guess its a contraction of 2 Yiddish words “golden” and “kin(d)t” golden child.
Phrenology is mentioned in Kaballah?
WIYMemberAs a whole bans are not effective. However they should be upheld in small measures. For the life of me I can’t understand how a parent can allow a kid to have a cellphone or ipod or ipad or computer with filtered internet! If adults fall in and can’t control their better horas to look at the wrong things you think a kid who is brimming with curiosity and raging hormones will control him/herself?
I really think that giving children unfiltered internet is a form of child abuse and extremely irresponsible.
So we are both right lol
I actually think it was written by the ktzos himself
WIYMemberouch lol
WIYMemberIts not clear how accurate these things are. There were tests done with professional graphologists and they werent able to match the person to the handwriting so its really not all that accurate. As far as my own experience with it, I had my handwriting analyzed a few times and it wasnt spot on at all and many things made no sense.