Forum Replies Created
January 12, 2012 3:09 pm at 3:09 pm in reply to: Sem Girls Brainwashing Married Women working #842877WIYMember
Your life will improve when you stop pointing fingers at everyone and blaming everyone for your own problems.
Stop living under the notion that life was supposed to be easy. Its not. It is full of challenges and we all have free choice to either use the talents and tools that we were given to rise above our circumstances or to throw in the towel and give up trying.
The chareidi system isn’t perfect but guess what there’s no system or society that is perfect. We are only human and we have to try our best. The frum society is better than all other societies that exist. Going off the derech doesn’t bring joy or fulfillment and it certainly doesn’t bring one any closer to Hashem or to fulfilling his purpose in life.
Stop blaming and hating. Look inwards and do something positive with your life.
I guess hes not a big talker…
WIYMemberPlease read this vort on Parshas Ki Savo from Rabbi Binyomin Adler on!
Heres 2 Pesukim from Tanach:
Torah discusses the consequences that will befall the Jewish People if they do not adhere to the Torah. It is said (Devarim 28:47) tachas asher lo avadata es HaShem Elokecha bisimcha uvituv leivav meirov kol, because you did not serve HaShem, your G-d, amid gladness and goodness of heart, when everything was abundant.
Ivdu es Hashem b’simcha’ (serve Hashem with
joy) of Tehillim (Psalms) 100:2
Yeah I dont know how that last one ended up in there. 🙂
January 12, 2012 5:41 am at 5:41 am in reply to: Torching Of Brooklyn Cars May Have Been Insurance Scam #842889WIYMemberreal-brisker
I said “if its true.” The 3 cars were owned by one person (I remember hearing) and the police are strongly leaning towards it being an insurance scam. I dont know one way or the other. All I am saying is that if it turns out to be a scam it will be a huge Chillul.
WIYMemberfreshly brewed troll coffee yuck!
January 12, 2012 5:26 am at 5:26 am in reply to: Sem Girls Brainwashing Married Women working #842873WIYMemberI actually think that to solve this problem they should have minimum 2 years seminary. 1 year is really not enough for the girls that change in seminary because they need more time to grow into their new self and get comfortable with being this new changed person. The whole problem of falling back to earth only occurs because the seminary year is too short and the girls dont have enough time to “make a kinyan” on what they learned and to truly become one with their new hashkafos.
(Im not saying Im the biggest fan of sending girls to expensive Israeli seminaries but that is a diff shmooze. My point is that whether in Israel or even in America it should be a 2 year program)
Its not just about whether you have to be happy. By the way besides for Rav Nachman, the yesod vshoresh hoavodah says so as well he always says how evening and mitzvah should be done with simcha and enthusiasm. I STRONGLY encourage you yo get that sefer and learn it. It will open up vistas for you.
Its a matter of human nature that people tend to gravitate towards a life style that makes them happy. If Yiddishkiet is not doing that for you, you are living on shaky ground and you can Chas vesholem get attracted to a goyish lifestyle thinking that that will bring you joy.
WIYMemberYou may want to post links to a source before you start such a thread.
WIYMemberThe very existence of a secular government in Eretz Yisroel is a constant Chillul Hashem.
This is for you and anyone else who is interested. A few months back I signed up to daily emails from a website that sends over inspiring thoughts culled from Rav Avigdor Miller ZATZALS tapes. They are usually short and sweet and very inspiring and thought provoking. Please sign up for some of the various emails or at least to “Simcha Minute” which is a short burst of daily simchas hachaim and let us know if brings more joy into your life.
WIYMemberI know some people from Tennessee. Very nice people but different. It takes OOT to a whole new level.
WIYMemberI miss 80. 80, if you are reading this, we miss your sense of humor around here as well as your insightful posts.
You sound like you have an awesome brother 🙂
This really is troubling to read. I dont understand how they can take away someones stroller and make such a stink about it! It sounds like you are dealing with the mafia.
WIYMemberyossi z.
Thanks for the welcome back. No sign necessary 🙂 I tend to float in and out sometimes spend a few weeks and then disappear for a while. I dont always have time to be here and I have a tendency to spend too much time on these forums.
“i feel the same way. i dont really have time to just hang out on here, but when i do i like to read about some topics here. i dont usually post, but i love to just read:)”
Think about how much more interesting it would be if all the readers like yourself would contribute to the conversation. Im sure your input would be welcome by the oylum.
I find that hard to believe. Either way, one of the secrets to getting a Tefillah answered is to ask Hashem to give you what you need because you need it to be a better Jew and improve in your Avodas Hashem. Obviously if you are insincere Hashem will not fall for it.
January 10, 2012 11:03 pm at 11:03 pm in reply to: Ways to get a minyan for traveling Ben Hemanim #961836WIYMemberWow Kollel life is getting better and better…
You are officially making me hungry. Just saying 🙂
WIYMemberThe Goq
On this thread you are the only one who said anything derogatory about Chinese people. Please dont make an issue where there isnt one. These jokes are INNOCENT.
WIYMemberDo I have to beg? Lol.
WIYMemberDepends on many things-
Amount of time spent and if it is interfering with normal life and responsibilities:
Types of games:
Sweet potato is good! Lol.
Please work on your reading comprehension. Your comments are often from left field (I say that berachamim as often it comes from a different galaxy).
Mike said ” . I went on the Israel Government Website ( which clearly states that a stroller does not need to be declared for those travelling an a student or tourist visa. The stroller fits all the guidelines; it is used and portable. When I mentioned this to the Meches Guard his response was to pay the tax and then go to court”
WIYMemberIf you are ok with wasting hours of time online then this is the place to be (if u werent planning on being on Torah Shiurim sites that is). The crowd is nice and people here are usually friendly except when you disagree with them 😉
WIYMemberA lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.
Carl Reiner
WIYMemberAll important #s have already been posted on the left sidebar of the home page by location
WIYMemberFFB* not FEB
WIYMemberThe Goq
Making fun of people or their accent is racist. Making fun of a language isn’t racist. When making fun of the language like in the above jokes the humor is impersonal and harmless. Listen you can disagree but if you look over the above jokes they are very innocent and I don’t see why anyone would feel insulted by them. Again we aren’t making fun of Chinese people.
Google the word racist and see if the definition fits your belief.
WIYMemberEven when they are in the US there are hours and you probably have to make an appointment. Also like zahavasdad said they are fundraising so it wouldn’t be right to come see them without a donation.
“bacteria colony” Is that in the catskills?
WIYMemberOTD – off the derech
FEB – frum from birth (or frankfurter bun)
WIYMemberI second the motion. He seems like a good guy.
Its interesting how we often Daven for things and focus on the things we want yet fail to acknowledge that there are tons of things we have that Hashem has given us without our even asking for it.
Furthermore lets not forget that when a Tefillah isnt answered it doesnt mean chas veshalom that Hashem doesnt listen to your Tefillos. It can mean Hashem said “no.” Or “not yet, be patient its not the right time for it…”
?? is to give with a Tav not a Tet (Tes)
The Goq
These arent racist jokes, as the above posters arent making fun of Chinese people, but rather their language. Its still “begeder” good-natured fun until it becomes about Chinese people and their stereotypes.
Considering that you attended both and I doubt there are many that did so I think you would be in a good position to compare and contrast them.
WIYMemberWatch the Yetzer Hora in action…we started talking about Torah and look where the conversation is veering…
WIYMemberice cream, cake, cookies, chocolate, celery
WIYMemberA frum therapist would be a start. The older they are and the long they have been OTD the harder it is to get them back.
As a parent all you can do is love them unconditionally and always leave the door open for them to come back. On the other hand make sure that they don’t bring down the other kids in the family. Don’t sacrifice the other kids who are on track for the sake of not alienating the OTD kids.
If you are in a Yeshiva then look around at the various Rabbeim, meishivs…find someone you look up to and think you can grow from. Granted not all Rabbeim are into having a Shaychis with the talmidim but there are many who are and if you seek to make a kesher I doubt you will be rebuffed. Try to set up a learning seder with this Rebbi even a very short one and even if it is only once a week.
Remember, even if its not the perfect fit you always gain from having a kesher to a Rebbi. If your life is complicated and you need someone for advice and guidance then I would tell you to probably seek out a Rebbi who is older and has seen it all because he probably has a lot more experience in dealing with people and giving advice.
Also, don’t think you can’t have a few Rabbeim. You can have more than 1. Lets say one to ask shailos to and one for advice…
At the end of the day the stronger kesher you have to Torah the better off you will be and a Rebbi (if you allow him to guide you and accept his advice) can really keep you on track and save you from a lot of stupid mistakes and problems.
WIYMemberIs it only for Otradeks Jews?
How do you spell that word? As far as I know that word hidden.
WIYMemberBereishis- Genesis (this one is borderline for making the cut)
Dvarim- Deuteronomy
Metaltelin- chattel
Qkhadhaphffy duck
WIYMemberFeif Un
Cute poem but Mashgichim are very necessary.
January 6, 2012 3:54 pm at 3:54 pm in reply to: Want to know the difference between us and them? #841972WIYMemberArwsf
You can get internet filters that block YouTube. I really try to avoid YouTube because it has so much dirt on it.
WIYMemberUsama bin Luden
WIYMemberI don’t know of any working people that like snow. It just makes a mess of everything and makes you late to work.