Forum Replies Created
” yitayningwut: isn’t ferd more like an idiot ratherthana wildanimal?”
Ferd is short for Ferdinand.
” WIY – Too much carbs will make anyone fat, even horses.”
That’s a myth. Carbs only make you fat if you know what they are and you care about them hence they can’t make horses fat. (This is not a scientifically proven fact)
January 20, 2012 3:05 am at 3:05 am in reply to: Those bumper stickers that say "My Kid Is An Honor Student…? #847214WIYMemberMod can you make my subtitle CR poster of the week? lol
January 20, 2012 3:01 am at 3:01 am in reply to: New Hangman! Join the fun! thread (to replace the broken one) #864419WIYMemberBtw only guessing one letter at a time lets play by the rules or else it ruins the game.
How about an S?
January 19, 2012 11:30 pm at 11:30 pm in reply to: Slow Children ! (Serious people – stay out) #845426WIYMemberRb
Thanks. So who is 80 on this thread?
January 19, 2012 10:59 pm at 10:59 pm in reply to: Real Brisker – The Captain Of The Troll Patrol #845120WIYMemberPopa
“Some think I am one. ??? ??? ????? ???”?”
You know sometimes you are. Admit it 🙂
“Just proves Breslovers aren’t real Chassidim :-)”
That is not fair or funny.
January 19, 2012 10:48 pm at 10:48 pm in reply to: New Hangman! Join the fun! thread (to replace the broken one) #864417WIYMemberO?
January 19, 2012 10:46 pm at 10:46 pm in reply to: Diet Pills From Brazil Being Sold In Brooklyn #942354WIYMemberBTGuy
Who says the pills that dietinginlakewood is taking has sibutramine?
January 19, 2012 10:38 pm at 10:38 pm in reply to: questions about davening and answering "amen" #845032WIYMembermik5
I never heard of saying a voluntary prayer in a situation where it wasnt a question of being necessary, like forgetting Yaaleh vyavo by mincha and saying 2 maarivs that night when it is no longer Rosh chodesh, or other such cases. It seems like it is only an option in such cases. In your case where you certainly Davened already I dont believe theres such a thing as Davening an extra shmoneh esrei just as a voluntary Tefillah.
I would say ask a Rabbi.
“I just don’t feel comfortable standing and pretending that I’m davening when I’m not.”
Who said anything about being reuired to stand? You dont have to stand you may sit.
“Can I answer half-kaddish even if I didn’t say ashrei?”
You may answer to Kaddish and answering to kaddish has nothing to do with ashrei. If you walk by a Shul and from the open window you hear kaddish being recited, although you arent obligated to answer, you may respond amein and its a good thing to do so.
“How can I answer kaddish if I didn’t say tachanun?”
See my previous answer.
“And why am I required to say aleinu?”
Not sure why but I think it is because the Tefillah starts off “Aleinu Leshabeich” It is upon us (our obligation) to praise, so you dont want to show like you are taking yourself out of the group. I will see if I can find something more on the topic.
WIYMemberDid anyone here actually check out the website I recommended?
January 19, 2012 9:47 pm at 9:47 pm in reply to: Slow Children ! (Serious people – stay out) #845423WIYMemberIm confused, Popa is 80 and 80 is Feivel? They are all the same person?
Brisker help me out here.
If the Rabbi quotes a sefer and you disagree, you need a valid reason Halachic or Hashkafic for disagreeing. You can’t just disagree because you don’t like what he said.
Horses eat oats hay, grass…these things wouldn’t make people fat. The hay and grass would make us sick but oats are healthy and filling.
We get fat from eating too much and from eating junk food.
January 19, 2012 4:50 am at 4:50 am in reply to: New Hangman! Join the fun! thread (to replace the broken one) #864410WIYMemberI?
January 19, 2012 4:13 am at 4:13 am in reply to: New Hangman! Join the fun! thread (to replace the broken one) #864408WIYMemberSternberger
Mexican? If not then my guess is e.
Isn’t it obvious? They take those $250 Brazilian diet pills!
60 pounds in 5 months is actually not that unhealthy or uncommon for someone who is very overweight (The first 20-30 pounds fly off) who starts dieting and exercising. These pills may have helped to some extent but I think such results are possible without them.
Google the name of the website together with the word scam see what comes up.
Teenagers getting drunk on Shabbos by slalom zachors or kiddush by day. A kid was recently rushed to hospital on Shabbos due to alcohol poisoning from drinking too much. Frum boys (shidduch age) as well as girls drink quite a bit at Chasunah and vorts…I have seen guys get drunk or nearly so at simchas.
Don’t lecture me. This girl says she is nauseous and depressed and is going to see a CBT. Her anxiety is obviously extremely pronounced. Your advice is for a girl with average to slightly extra anxiety. I really don’t know how you missed the boat so badly on this one considering that you are a counselor of some sort. Have you ever spoken at length to people with serious anxiety problems? I have.
True we all paskin for ourselves but if we know Halacha then we arent paskening, we are keeping halacha. You need a psak when you are in doubt. Of course if one doesnt know much Halacha its very hard to even know what is a shaila.
Im not clear what Health means so I will wait to find out what she meant.
January 18, 2012 3:51 am at 3:51 am in reply to: "Where Are the Men"-Article in last week's Mishpacha #844459WIYMemberThink first
Or maybe, men have a better understanding of what is untzniusdik because of the nature that Hashem put in us with regard to desiring the opposite gender?
January 18, 2012 3:49 am at 3:49 am in reply to: New Hangman! Join the fun! thread (to replace the broken one) #864406WIYMembere?
Please close this thread. The advice is not getting any better and in fact can be detrimental. We are dealing with a teen here!
You are getting lots of advice here but not all of it is good. I would like to tell you that it is probably in your best interests to stop reading this thread. You got all of the advice you can get without a therapist. I would like to add that someone here recommended you tell your friends about your social anxiety. I would tell you that until you speak to a therapist and until they recommend that you do that, you tell NOBODY about your social anxiety issue. Once you open your mouth about it to the wrong friend you cant take it back and you dont know how the friend will take the news and how it will effect your relationship with her, or if she will truly keep it to herself and not tell others.
I will repeat. Do not tell anyone but your therapist and if he/she says you can tell others then do so based on his/her advice.
You totally misunderstood the OP. She doesnt have normal anxiety that most of us have. She is suffering from social anxiety and is about to see a CBT (cognitive behavioral therapist) based on that your advice was way off base and I hope she didnt tell anyone based on your advice.
January 18, 2012 3:33 am at 3:33 am in reply to: questions about davening and answering "amen" #845030WIYMembermik5
You should answer Amein to all Brachos as well as answer to Kedusha (Nakdishach/nekadeish) as well as to Kaddish.
If you are learning and are in another room but can hear the minyan (even other side of mechitzah) you dont have to answer. Otherwise you should answer to everything as well as say Aleinu. Tachanun is not required, if you didnt say it you may say it with this minyan.
Did I miss anything?
I dont know if that tosafos exists but either way we dont pasken from a tosafos. Ask a legit Rav and he will tell you that once you receive a psak you cant go shopping for another one that will better suit your needs.
You gotta be kidding me. Please tell me you are joking?!
WIYMemberjust because something is kosher doesnt mean you need to eat it.
Check out dafyomireview dot com
Bubble gum is the original flavor of gum however since there are so many other flavors out there they label classic flavored gum as bubble gum so those who want that can buy it.
I hope that settles this for you.
Well what I would tell you to try is to “mirror” the socially comfortable girls. See how the comfortable girls behave and how they interact and try to be like them almost like a copy cat.
You should know, many of the things we are afraid of is only scary because we have very powerful imaginations that blow things out of proportion. Often times we scare ourselves into thinking something bad or painful will happen in a situation and what actally happens is very rarely what we pictured in our minds. Even on the rare occasion that the scary thing we imagined does happen it is never or almost never as bad as we imagined it would be. We don’t “die” we end up being fine very shortly after it. Anxiety is built up on fantasy.
The only way to get past fears is to force yourself past them. You need to confront them and prove to yourself that you are capable of dealing with whatever you fear that you can’t.
Think about the cost of not facing your fear. You have to force yourself to be around people yo learn how to be more comfortable socially. Its something that can be learned and you are probably suffering because you may not have enough experience or because something once happened where you looked bad socially and you were embarrassed that may have driven you to avoid people.
WIYMemberThere are various effective methods. If you want to see a website dedicated to chazara (they have programs for basically any sefer go there and you will really enjoy) try googling “dafyomireview” and it should bring up their website.
WIYMemberna na nanana, na-nanana na na, na na na nana nana na,
Any help?
“Why do you need to make this into a joke?”
Its an old coffeeroom minhag to do that on serious threads.
WIYMemberDont bite the hand that feeds you.
If you keep to my list you will lose weight. Just avoid too much celery.
What is eating DumDums a segulah for?
WIYMemberHot water or hot water with honey. Don’t whisper as was mentioned above as that strains the cords. Avoid anything that is acidic and will cause reflux (heartburn).
Avoid talking as much as possible and stay hydrated. If you know vocal exercises do them.
It seemed from your comment that you were mocking the kitzur shulchon aruch hence my sharp comment. If I am wrong I take back my comment but would like to know what you did mean.
Another koifer?
WIYMemberNo its not ok or normal and Im glad they are going ape over these soldiers who acted like apes. Theres something called respect and dignity. You dont disgrace a dead body. You killed them because they are the enemy. You won. They are dead and its supposed to be over at that point. Now bury the remains or dispose of them in a respectable manner.
I cant believe you guys think that its ok…as Jews it should bother you and if not as Jews then as human beings.
Spend less time playing video games and more time working on spelling and grammar. Have Rachmanus.
January 12, 2012 4:10 pm at 4:10 pm in reply to: Torching Of Brooklyn Cars May Have Been Insurance Scam #842897WIYMemberR-B
Thanks for calling me out on this. I requested from YWN Mods to remove my comment from the article. I hope they do so.
January 12, 2012 3:42 pm at 3:42 pm in reply to: Torching Of Brooklyn Cars May Have Been Insurance Scam #842896WIYMemberYWN mods
Please remove my comment that it was Jews as i don’t know that for a fact also on the article on the news site please delete my comment if it isn’t too late to do so.
January 12, 2012 3:11 pm at 3:11 pm in reply to: Torching Of Brooklyn Cars May Have Been Insurance Scam #842893WIYMemberThe cars are owned by Jews