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Thanks you are correct I Google some more. It is interesting to read up on pearls and how they are made so Google about pearls and minerals if you feel like knowing more about it.
WIYMemberOne of
You had to pick something I never heard of? Sheesh! 😉
No clue. Why don’t you ask whomever it was who spoke about it and please get back to us and enlighten us.
All I know about Shabbos and Gehinnom is that on Shabbos the fires of Gehinnom are turned off (for those who were Shomer Shabbos khilchaso including the time they kept Tosafos Shabbos)
WIYMemberBtw I don’t want to mislead anybody. This wasn’t something that happened from one day to the next. I had an account for a while and used it a lot more in the past but the last 2 years hardly used it but as much as I knew I had to disconnect it and that I should, I still couldn’t bring myself to disconnect it and I still liked to go on every 4 months or so see what’s doing by my friends pages. All I can say is that it was a big waste of time and didn’t lead to anything productive or positive. I wish I had never made the account and Baruch Hashem its out of my life. I really can’t describe it but I felt like I had a special siyatta diahmaya today and i was more upbeat than I have been in a while. It feels good to let go of your spiritual baggage. Don’t underestimate the value of such actions. All the more so if you are hooked on Facebook. There’s no doubt that Hashem will amply reward on this world and in the next anyone who gets rid of Facebook.
WIYMemberThank you to all the well wishers! May you all have the strength to be misgaber over your own nisyonos and pass with flying colors.
Technically shells are made of minerals according to a casual Google of mine shells are 98% calcium and 2% protein.
Uncultured pearls are minerals. Cultured pearls are created using the shells of clams to start the process so are technically minerals as well.
Amen! Thanks so much!
Thank you! 🙂
Its amazing how Hashem puts so many good ideas in our heads and we often have just a few seconds to catch those thoughts and act on them to improve our lives or just let them float away and disappear. I realize I could have just “ignored” that voice in my mind that said “why do you still have Facebook?” Baruch Hashem I took advantage of the moment.
February 2, 2012 4:03 am at 4:03 am in reply to: Gourmet Glatt is finally opening (old Friedmans location 39th street) #850151WIYMemberWho says Pomegranate isn’t doing well (other than jealous people)?
WIYMemberIs it a pearl?
WIYMemberWhy would you want your private intimate things on your public Facebook page? Hello?!
Chassan and Kallah should be using the time to get to know each other better and to build a foundation to a good Torahdig healthy marriage (huh what’s he talking about?) not pretend to the world that they are so in love or what not.
As an aside, I know of marriages that were destroyed due to Facebook. I don’t believe anyone should have one.
February 1, 2012 11:04 pm at 11:04 pm in reply to: Gourmet Glatt is finally opening (old Friedmans location 39th street) #850148WIYMemberWho in BP can afford to shop here? Please explain this? I thought nobody has money anymore?
WIYMemberHappy anniversary. Thank you! Keep up the great work. Here’s a tissue 🙂
Some people are just difficult. You say that they have issues with other people as well. This seems to be a pattern with this family. There are people who look for silly excuses to be angry with people. From everything you have described thus far it seems like these people have some sort of social issues which makes them difficult to get along with or which makes it difficult for them to like other people. Maybe Im reading it wrong but this the impression im getting.
That’s very touching. Im sure you are very proud of him as you should be. It sounds like your son is internalizing the Torah he is taught. I hope you see much nachas from him. IYH
January 31, 2012 11:04 pm at 11:04 pm in reply to: Those bumper stickers that say "My Kid Is An Honor Student…? #847240WIYMemberBpt
Is that how they spelled whether? I guess the kid wrote the script for the bumper sticker.
WIYMemberThere are those that believe it and those that don’t. I personally don’t believe it. Ill believe it if you had one of these kids from a non frum or non Jewish family being facilitated by a non frum or non Jewish person saying this stuff. When that happens let me know.
WIYMemberIm guessing gold.
January 30, 2012 10:53 pm at 10:53 pm in reply to: Why do some hard to please boys have to go out with a hundred girls? #918863WIYMemberMedium shadchan
Maybe the shadchanim should redt the girl that the guys end up getting engaged to first before we have to date lots of girls needlessly?
WIYMemberPeople still use ie?
WIYMemberHoly brother
There’s a new rule in BMG that over 22.5 won’t get in to the Yeshiva? I haven’t heard of it and like most takanas in the last 2 decades it won’t be enforced.
WIYMemberLast bump
“im definitly buying all her albums”
Say bli neder lol
WIYMemberIs it worn as either jewelry/accessory?
WIYMemberCan it be found in a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement?
January 29, 2012 10:42 pm at 10:42 pm in reply to: Someone who 'doesn't want' to get married? #849862WIYMembercrazybrit
These people sound like they have serious problems. This isn’t the kind of thing you can solve with a phone call. They are ignoring you because they have issues. Don’t blame yourself or your side of the family. Some people are difficult to deal with and get along with. Its very hard for them to change. If they want to be left alone, leave them alone. However if there’s a chance to have a good relationship with the kids (your cousins) then go ahead and figure a way to pursue that. But the parents seem like a lost case. Not that they can’t change but people who are this way and have so ingrained this behavior will have a nearly impossible time of changing and undoing what they did.
Recognize that you can’t change people. You can’t tso stop trying. If they want to change they have to make up their minds that they want to change. Until that time, the situation will not improve. You will only be making yourself crazy and stressing yourself over something you can’t do anything about. Leave them be.
WIYMemberCan I recommend something really simple that would make next years state of the union less depressing for those of us here who read this and implement it?
There is a website simchashachaim dot com that delivers short daily bursts of inspiration to your inbox. They usually take a minute or a less to read and they give you interesting things to ponder or to work on that will improve your life.
Let me give you an example of one that was sent to me.
“Where do we find an easy opportunity to be blessed?
Bless your fellow Jews and you’ll be blessed. What does that mean? When you see a man in the street who looks like a frum Jew, you don’t have to go over to him. As you pass across the street, say Hashem should give that man success in Parnassa (livelihood)! He should have nachas (pride) from his children! He should live long!
It cost you money? It doesn’t cost you a penny. And it’s such a good investment that you’re promised a bracha. It seems so wild, so insane, to lose that opportunity, to bless your fellow Jew. (Tape #93, Ten Easy Ways to Gain Real Wealth)”
These are the types of amazing emails they send and I can say that I feel I have grown from them. I would like to pass on a good thing to my fellow coffeeroomers.
Again the website is simchashachaim dot com
January 29, 2012 2:58 am at 2:58 am in reply to: Eating at peoples houses with teenage daughters? #984115WIYMembercoreytothecup
“Why woud the satan decide shidduchim? He dosnt seem to be doing a good job at solving the crisis??”
Allow me to explain. The way I understand it the satan wants Jewish people staying single. Getting married is the worst thing for him. That would bring more Yiddishe neshamos being born into the world into frum families which would be educated like their parents to serve Hashem and do mitvos. His job is to get people to avoid doing mitzvos at all costs. Or when he cant accomplish that, to get people to do as few mitzvos as possible or to do mitzvos in an unenthusiastic way…
WIYMemberOne of many
I asked if its a food and you said no. Yet you said it can be a vegetable. A vegetable is not a food?
You are welcome
WIYMemberIs it a tool that can be used to do something (used in the broadest definition of the word like cinderella with her yoga mat)?
WIYMemberOne of
You mean neither not either. Thanks for confusing me 🙂
January 27, 2012 5:14 am at 5:14 am in reply to: Stories-tribute to Habachur R' Dovid Robbins ZT'L #847310WIYMemberGefen
So many good ones. Hard to choose just one. Memories is very touching but so is neshamaleh. There’s also the one about the poor widow and her Shabbos candles. I forget what its called. (I haven’t listened in ages) Personally I think vintage journeys is better than the more recent stuff. It had a different flavor if you know what I mean.
WIYMemberBtw good job supergirl i don’t think any1 else had a clue.
WIYMemberCheck out the mikomos website
WIYMemberIs it a food?
I think it is human nature that one would try harder to save the younger person. He didnt say that one is at the expense of the other. You understand the distinction I am making?
Are you really so naive? We dont need to look at the goyim for examples of mingling that led to disaster. Unfortunately and quite sadly and shockingly there are frum people today whose marriages end in divorce (and some which didnt but al pi Torah should have) because of either spouse mingling too much with someone else of the opposite gender. (Im speaking blashon nekiah read between the lines)
WIYMemberI think that this should continue to escalate until the govt gets so fed up with them (ie. sikrikim and other violent characters) that they get rounded up and moved somewhere into the middle of nowhere where they can throw rocks at each other and curse and spit and not bother any normal human beings.
I suggest you read it again then comment. Rav Miller isn’t against marriage!! He is against unnecessary mingling.
Look at the non Jews of the world. See where the mingling has gotten them. Ask Gingrich what happens when there’s mingling and no boundaries.
WIYMemberThis is bound to start an argument lol
WIYMemberA yoga mat is not a “tool” I was thrown off by that. Additionally it may be muktsa unless you can find some permissible thing to use it for. One may not exercise on Shabbos.
WIYMemberProfound and inspiring. Thanks.
Please explain what new denomination means. Im not sure who all the sources are but they don’t all have to do with the OU only 1 of them and these guys will be lucky if they reach a 1/100th of his knowledge in Torah in their lifetimes. They don’t have to like ou or eat its hechsher to recognize that he is a powerhouse in Halacha and one of the poskei hador. These guys are chutzpinyaks. Ok Im done ranting for now.
If you like you can Google the topic its on numerous sites. It is based on a Halacha in shulchan aruch choshen mishpat.
It would be nice if i had a cup cake that size. lol
Is it found in a mens gym too?
WIYMemberCup cake? 🙂