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Thanks oneof and moishy
When interacting with people outside the internet do you also throw this junk into conversation or in the real world where people know you, you actually care what people think of you?
WIYMemberThe price of junk food is so expensive these days. A bag of chips $4 in from cream $5.50 a pint when not on sale. It’s ridiculous how much we pay to keep up our nosh habits lol.
Are you a bt?
WIYMemberIf you put together all of the questions and answers so far I will play. It’s just hard to jump in in middle without knowing what was or wasn’t asked.
WIYMemberI’m sure there are a mix of shiurim there some from very chashuv Rabbanim but some from Rabbanim with krum hashkofos. One would have to know who the Rabbi is before listening.
WIYMemberI haven’t read it yet but intend to at some point.
WIYMemberThe word in this context is FAD not fab. Although fab is probably short for fabulous the word you mean to use is fad. Now you can sound smarter. Carry on.
WIYMemberCoffee addict
If you are comparing voices and singing talent there’s no comparison Shwekey has an incredible voice amazing range and control he really knows how to sing.
Lipa is for people who want “rocked” up music and some wild entertainment.
WIYMemberWhere did you read this story and who says it is true?
That makes him king of JEWISH music how?
February 9, 2012 3:47 pm at 3:47 pm in reply to: Unorthodox, thats definitely not the worst of it all. #850206WIYMemberGaw
There are halachos pertaining to rodfim and mosrim there are times that we may “do away” with a Jew if they are causing serious issues for the rest of us. Not saying that it applies here just that you have to keep that balance and don’t think that just because someone is Jewish we must love them regardless of what they do. Just like we have an obligation to report molesters even if they are Rabbis and respected members of society.
WIYMemberEPet peeve
Yes that’s what I heard from some reliable sources.
WIYMemberEven bigger news is that supposedly the “freezer” is being retired as a step towards solving the shidduch crisis.
I don’t know what you have or haven’t done in your life. However I’m sure many of the Baalei Teshuvah and Geirim that we have today have done a lot worse. Many of done 2 of the 3 chamuros. Hashem accepts sincere Teshuvah from anyone. Hashem loves you even if you have sinned greatly. The yetzer tries knocking us down and telling us that we are lost and we have no hope. He is a big liar it’s what he does best. Don’t believe it for a second. If it were true that one can’t do Teshuvah he wouldn’t try so hard to put us down and make us think we are hopeless. He doesn’t like losing customers.
Care to elaborate please? Do you mean that the first day comes out during the week in all 10 years?
February 9, 2012 3:54 am at 3:54 am in reply to: 2 reasons why the bais hamikdosh has not been rebuilt #850127WIYMemberJakob
You mean well but don’t think that showing up here and and raining fire and brimstone will get people to listen to you. People don’t really want to hear it and they definitely won’t listen to someone they don’t know at all. Besides this type of delivery is a turn off. Additionally repeated posts and threads will not have more of an effect. State your case and leave it alone. The more you push the less they are likely to listen.
WIYMemberWould someone define yeshivish chilled? Does that have any connection to recently being released from the Lakewood freezer?
Wow you live up to your user name!
I’m sure there are enough things you did wrong to do Teshuvah for. No need to look for invented reasons to be chayyiv kareis. Besides, kareis isnt a joke dont come here and belittle that which is holy. You are very clearly oiver on Leitzanus with these types of snide comments. You bang Latznu once or 2x every day in Ashamnu (if you say Tachanun) it means Leitzanus. Now you know what to have in mind over there when you bang your chest and say that word so that you wont be lying to Hashem to His face.
It’s very nice that you think you know yourself however if you honestly feel that there’s room for growth get down to business and take care of it. This isn’t a confession booth and we don’t do that in our religion. If you want to change get a Shaarei Teshuvah of the Rabbeinu Yona and learn through it and try to apply it. Coming here and putting yourself down is self deception.
It’s a shame that someone who reads the Torah in public is so cold inside. Nebach.
February 8, 2012 10:49 pm at 10:49 pm in reply to: why hasn't the pre-geula teshuva movement started? #850034WIYMemberjakob
Easier said than done. You can scream from today until tomorrow. Its very hard to change and Im sure there are many people who are working on it and trying to change.
I dont know who you are but Im sure there are things that you need to fix as well. Dont assume people arent working on themselves because most of us are.
You only need one reason. But no matter what you have done you can do Teshuvah.
WIYMemberI just want to add that Bronfn is one of my favorite Yiddish words. No I’m not a drinker I just like the way that word sounds.
February 8, 2012 3:04 pm at 3:04 pm in reply to: Gourmet Glatt is finally opening (old Friedmans location 39th street) #850172WIYMemberMedium sized
That’s a good point. The truth is that the Halachos of LH are very complex and most people don’t know them well. However from what I recall when something is public knowledge it isn’t loshon hora. However even then it shouldn’t be discussed to disparage. Like to say I hate store XYZ they are such ripoffs blah blah is wrong. Just say I stopped shopping at store XYZ they are too expensive for my budget…
February 8, 2012 4:59 am at 4:59 am in reply to: Gourmet Glatt is finally opening (old Friedmans location 39th street) #850170WIYMemberDY
It’s not loshon hora to state a fact that is easily able to be found out by anyone. Anyone can walk in and see the facts for themselves. It’s a fact that most stores are more expensive than KRM and everyone was expecting this place to be more expensive.
I wish them well but I’m not sure what they were thinking.
WIYMemberBy the dor hamabul they stole pachus mishaveh prutah. It is technically worthless. Nevertheless non Jews are chayyiv on that as well.
If you steal someone’s music cd movie or computer program game… that is real gezel. A cd costs $19 not 2 cents or whatever the real value of a half prutah is today. Its not petty. Illegal downloading steals Billions of dollars out of people’s pockets. (Not to say that Hollywood doesn’t deserve it as well as the musicians who create filthy music) however take note it’s far from petty money.
WIYMemberYThe Robo calls are so annoying as well and lately I get these scam telemarketers with Indian accents calling my cell phone about computer related stupidity.
WIYMemberwater? huh? Thats odd. Plain water?
Kids are getting dumber today. It’s pathetic. All they want to do is text their friends and be on the internet Facebook twitter whatever. They can’t spell and they don’t know a thing. We are rolling out a new generation of dummies who only know how to communicate via txt mssg wtvr. Rant over carry on.
I know exactly what you mean. In fact if the situation is self inflicted then that is not a test or nisayon and no tikkun. Many people cause their own problems and blame Hashem creates us with certain character traits which if misused can destroy our lives. It’s our job to fix that. For example some people have strong desire for food. If not worked on the person can become morbidly obese and can get diabetes and other illnesses. There are people who have addictive personalities. They can get addiction to internet or drugs or gambling very easily. Their job is to make gedarim and stay away as much as possible from things that they will become addicted to and make sure they are too busy to find time for such things…
Bottom line is that most life issues are self inflicted. Unless someone was born with a sickness or similar things which are totally out of our control basically most other things are our own doing from not acting properly and not using our bechira for the good.
February 7, 2012 2:57 pm at 2:57 pm in reply to: Ami magazine article on Mormons baptizing Jews #850738WIYMemberFor a second I thought the thread title read “Ami magazine article on Morons baptizing Jews
February 7, 2012 12:31 am at 12:31 am in reply to: Tzedaka: Giving two smaller amounts bigger Mitzvah than one greater amount? #849608WIYMemberI think that there are various factors in a mitzvah and that a mitzvah and schar is a lot more complex than just “Hashem said do ____ and you did it so you get a check. Theres different levels of how well you completed a mitzvah and how excited you were to do it as well as how difficult it was. In short I believe that there are many factors involved in the sum total of how much schar you will get for every mitzvah you do.
So for example if a rich person gives $10 to tzeddaka he will get schar for helping the poor person with $10 of his needs. However since the mitzvah was easy for him he will not get schar for difficulty. So the sum total of schar this mitzvah wont be so big.
If a person who himself is poor gives $10 to Tzedaka not only does he get schar for helping the ani $10 worth. He gets a lot of schar for the sacrifice of giving those $10 when he himself is hardly making ends meet. (The sacrifice may be even bigger than the actual schar for helping the ani $10 worth) So the sum total of this mitzvah will be a lot greater than the rich mans mitzvah.
However 2 people who are well off and all other factors being equal one gives $5 and the other $10 its certainly a bigger mitzvah to give $10 because it does more for the ani’s bottom line.
WIYMemberRefuah Sheleyma
That is English that any high-school aged girl should comprehend.
Its already a recognized segulah from many seforim to say the entire sefer tehillim. Its also a known segula that being moser nefesh brings zechusim. I was just putting the 2 together.
February 6, 2012 3:20 am at 3:20 am in reply to: Tzedaka: Giving two smaller amounts bigger Mitzvah than one greater amount? #849606WIYMemberSushe
Yes. It helps them more.
February 6, 2012 12:31 am at 12:31 am in reply to: Tzedaka: Giving two smaller amounts bigger Mitzvah than one greater amount? #849601WIYMemberYes that is the Halacha
You are 100% right. Its krum as a pretzel.
“Instead I’ll be helping someone else organize a party.
Im jealous of your Oilum Habah for that “chessed.”
“Instead I’ll be helping someone else organize a party.
Im jealous of your Oilum Habah for that “chessed.”
WIYMemberBelieve it or not Batei Medrashim will be open during the whole game as well as pregame and post game.
Believe it or not there will be Jews in the united states (and other parts of the world) who will not interrupt their regular learning sedarim for the heilige stupid bowl.
I wont go into the many things that one gets exposed to on facebook that a frum person shouldnt be exposed to. Just the blinking ads on the sides of the page are so disgusting that its enough of a reason not to have facebook. Looking to meet singles….? you know what I mean. Those who have facebook know what I mean. Or should I mention the disgusting apps that keep getting invented by sick people to destroy any purity that is left in the world?
“If it works for you, then, indeed Mazal Tov.
It would not work for me.”
You were fine before facebook existed and those who disconnect their facebooks are fine and better after. I love the baloney that people say “I cant______” or it wont work for me…
I know people who dont watch movies
I know people who dont listen to non Jewish music
I know people who dont go on the internet
I know people who dont have cell phones
And guess what? They are all happy with their lives and are living very well and have a lot less distractions and yetzer horas in their life.
Anyone can do anything (within reason, I dont mean things that are truly humanly impossible) they feel is worth doing and important enough to do.
I dont mean to lecture you or anyone but theres no such thing as can’t with regard to the things that we should be stopping. We need to say the truth, when we say cant we really meant “I dont really want to enough or dont feel ready to.”
February 5, 2012 1:20 am at 1:20 am in reply to: You have the option of going back in time to any date and meet any person…? #849288WIYMemberShticky
In the Chmielnicki massacres over 100,000 Jews were killed and according to some historians the numbers are anywhere from 100,000-500,000.
WIYMemberWhat does o_O mean?
I like that : -)
I don’t see the humor in that at all. WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!
February 3, 2012 4:50 pm at 4:50 pm in reply to: Do you have and use a separate Chalah board and or cover for Yom Tov? #849433WIYMemberYung