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(One isnt supposed to listen to music when they eat so its not a post Tishaa Baav Halacha)
July 29, 2012 7:10 pm at 7:10 pm in reply to: In honor of Tisha B'av. What you respect about… #1165159WIYMemberI respect Rabbi Shafier of the for providing over 200 premium inspirational shiurim for FREE!
WIYMemberAnyone know the schedule of the Chofetz Chaim Heritage videos in Brooklyn at the Mishkan home location? I want to see part 2.
WIYMemberIf you wear a big enough pair of tzitzis it probably wont pop out. Also maybe pull your belt tighter?
WIYMemberBe Happy
My copy of the Guidelines in question 405 last question states that some opinions hold we may listen to music Sunday night and others hold you must wait until Monday morning. I think that based on this and what it says on OU and other websites one may listen to music tonight without feeling guilty.
WIYMemberMod-42 and all other heilige mods.
Can I make a crazy request? Technically it is now Ereve Tisha Baav. Unfortunately there is a tendency for many topics to get heated and people either get insulted and offended which brings machlokes and sinah or some loshon hora slips by modding. Although this thingust be avoided at all times I think it must be avoided at all costs the day before Tisha baav (or 2 days if you want to nit pick). Maybe take it under consideration to close the coffeeroom until after Tisha Baav, or go into hyper modding mode (much harder!) where you basically make sure all comments are rated g for general audiences or e for everyone. I hope you can honor at least one of my requests although in honesty its best for everyone to take the day off. Maybe post a message on the top that you are taking the day off to prepare for Tisha baav. Theres plenty to do between taking a look at eicha, the kinnos, or reading up on the churbon Bayis as well as other churbanos that have happened over the centuries of our bitter galus.
I thank you in advance and sincerely wish that this tisha baav will be a Yom Tov where all Jews will be united in praising Hashem and doing His will with a complete heart.
WIYMemberLike curious said most people are not able to properly give tochacha today and most people are not able to handle mussar and being told by a stranger or even someone they know that something they are doing is wrong.
Some things we can do:
1. Lead by example and try to always have a positive influence on the people in your environment. You dont know how far being a good example goes.
2. Lets realize that the men here of which I am one of them, really cant understand the women’s yetzer hora to dress untzniusdig just like they will never understand how we are affected by looking at them. Its very difficult but lets try and find a limud zchus and a very simple one is that since we are so close to Moshiach’s arrival, the yetzer hora is throwing all he has got at us to prevent as many people as possible from being worthy of weocoming Moshiach. The way I understand it the yetzer hora is in high gear but the hamon am dont realize that since he is going all out we need to up our game so to speak and give it all we have got. Whatever worked for us in the past (10-15 years ago) is not enough today. We need to fortify ourselves and strengthen ourselves in every area of avodas Hashem.
3. When we Daven Hashiveinu avinu in Shemonah Esrei we should have in mind all of our brothers and sisters who have strayed from a steadfast commitment to Torah values. (I think this is the pashtus of the perush hamilos anyway.) Lets ask Hashem to put the proper thoughts and feelings into the minds and hearts of all our brethren so that we all serve Him in a manner that is befitting and proper.
Feel free to add to this list.
The word is not hashgafos it is hashkafos. Shekef (shin, kuf, fei) means perspective or view.
WIYMemberSimple solution. Buy a pair of undershirt tzitzis for those days where you will be sweating up a lot.
WIYMemberNot sure this is productive for the 9 days. The 9 days are a bad time. We arent supposed to sugar coat it or lessen the badness of the time. On the contrary we are so far removed from even feeling what we should feel that we should try to go out of our way to feel the badness of the time, not try to be jolly. Mishenichnas Av memaatin besimcha.
I know you meant well.
WIYMemberNobody understood what Gavra is talking about its quite hilarious!
A person must go to work to feed their family. However you are correct. One who has no need to go to Manhattan but does so anyways just to “hang out in Manhattan” or whatever and boards a train to do so is likely oiver on some issurim for both what he sees and hears on the train and in Manhattan.
Sadly many people dont know what you are talking about when you mention Kedusha, Tehara, Prishus….
Since when are there grey areas in Judaism. Theres assur or mutar. A sports game bizman hazeh with all the pritzus, non Jewish music and drunk fans screaming expletives is assur gammur. Of course theres also the issur deoraysoh of chukas hagoy.
July 24, 2012 10:32 pm at 10:32 pm in reply to: Rav Yisroel Lau will be the guest speaker at the siyum Hashas #887740WIYMemberFried Onions
You arent embarrassed to say such a thing a few days before Tishah Beav?!
“And I believe that Rov should be addressing their husbands if he can’t get through to them.”
I suggest you call this Rav and discuss it with him. I am very curious to know what he will say.
WIYMemberIt is likely tied to things you saw or thought about during the day. Most dreams mean NOTHING AT ALL.
WIYMemberPopa I suggest you google some and read some articles on this addiction as well as read the forums in guardyoureyes and then come back here.
WIYMemberFor Popa and others who arent clear on what an addiction is:
Pornography use is an addiction if the person cant easily stop and get it out of their lives. This is the case for most people who view pornography. If you view pornography even once every few months you still have an addiction although on a smaller level than someone who views once a month or once a week.
Most frum people (Im referring to adults whi should be able to control themselves not kids with raging hormones) who view pornography dont “want” to do so but cant help themselves and find it very difficult to stop.
Please kindly stay out of serious conversations that you know nothing about where your advice can have negative consequences.
Theres plenty of blame to go around and I dont think the place to start is the Rabbeim or Rebbetzins….
At the end of the day every person has a yetzer hora and everyone has bechira so everyone is responsible for their choices. However what boggles my mind is that we and our Rabbonim TOLERATE stores that sell untzniusdik styles and lengths. The store owners have zero yiras shomayim and I dont know why nobody does anything about it. If the stores werent selling it the girls would have a much harder time finding it and buying it. I believe that would solve a large percentage of the problem.
However and I have said this before, in my opinion Tznius issues are indicative of other problems. A girl who is not covering her knees very likely watches movies and reads magazines which brainwash her into believing that to be happy she has to look “sexy” and glamorous…. Additionally these tv shows, movies, non Jewish music magazines and such also promote general immodesty as well as the idea that a women should try and attract men.
So if you want to solve the problem you need to clean peoples minds from the shmutz and make the untznius clothing unavailable in Jewish neighborhoods.
Hashem wants us to do Hishtadlus which means doing everything that is reasonable to attain parnassah.
+ 1
July 22, 2012 11:34 pm at 11:34 pm in reply to: Is it bad to say 'guys' when referring to girls? #886819WIYMemberVery simple, if you are a guy talking to guys you say “you guys” and if you are a guy talking to girls you say “you girls” it is weird for a guy to address girls and say “you guys.”
For a girl speaking to guys or girls she can use guys as it has become common for girls to address a group of girls as “you guys.”
July 22, 2012 11:31 pm at 11:31 pm in reply to: Rav Yisroel Lau will be the guest speaker at the siyum Hashas #887683WIYMemberIf people would be as strong about keeping the Torah as they are about being anti Tzioni the Jewish world wouldnt look like it does today. ???? ???? ?????? ????.
As Sam asked above, why do you ignore that Ashkenazim keep the Halachos of Shavua Shechal Bo all 9 days?
WIYMemberWow look what I just found!
“How are you navigating your current level of Jewish observance on the road?
[two of the three daily prayer services]. And I would like to say brachos [blessings]
Excerpted from here:
WIYMemberThe present estimate for Orthodox Jews in Eretz Yisrael is between 900 thousand and one million; in North America, between 550-650 thousand; and in the rest of the world between 120-150 thousand, making for a total of between 1.67-1.8 million[4].
I like to believe that even the frum Jews of today, many whom are lost and confused and consumed by gashmiyus…will wake up when things get close to Moshiachs arrival. I believe there will be a very strong spirit of renewal and soul searching and most people will do Teshuvah. I believe the 4/5ths refer mostly to irreligious Jews.
Rav Shteinman
He is having a show this Shabbos or should I say Saturday.
House of Blues Atlantic City
801 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Sat, Jul 21, 2012 07:00 PM
You decide if you want to listen to music that is written by a Mechalel Shabbos, who has taken off his Yarmulka makes concerts during the 3 weeks and 9 days and who knows what is coming next.
Actually he is also having a concert on TISHA BAAV with the disgusting lowlife menuval Snoop Dogg.
WIYMemberSpreading out freshly laundered bed linen during the nine days is prohibited; one may not even change tablecloths or towels, unless they have become soiled (“Summary of the Halachos of the Three Weeks” by Rav Shimon Eider, pg 10)
WIYMemberH Yaazor,
If you need a boost I think this website can help you.
May Hashem grant you parnassah berevach.
WIYMemberFree advertising lol.
You want advice for “frum” Yeshivah guys dont ask it here vehamayvin yavin.
Welcome back! Baruch Hashem that you have found your way back to the Torah way of life!
I have a few questions if you don’t mind my asking.
1. How old were you when you went off?
2. What caused you to go off in the first place? Was it family issues? School issues? Bad friends…? Were you just lacking in certain knowledge, beliefs in basics…?
3. What was attempted to bring you back and why didnt it work?
4. What brought you back?
5. What do you think can be done differently to keep kids on the derech?
6. What can we do once a kid is slipping or gone off the derech to get him back as quickly and securely as possible?
I know this is a lot, but I think your answers will shed a lot of light on what goes on with OTD kids and what can be improved upon.
Thank you, and may you always feel Hashem’s love for you in your life.
WIYMemberIn my experience the following things work:
1. Daven in a shul where they are machshiv davening and the oylum is into davening and davening with feeling (more common in a chassidish shul, or a yeshiva minyan)
2. Try to sit next to people who dont talk by davening and are into the davening. If you sit next to “good daveners” it will rub off on you. Additionally, talkers will distract you.
3. Try as much as possible not to look out of the siddur. You really start to connect to Hashem when its just you, your siddur and Hashem. I learned this from Rav Shlomo Brevda.
4. This should be before 1 but its obvious, you must know what the davening means not just the translation but also some perush into teh ideas and concepts. I daven from the Artscroll interlinear siddur and I find that when I dont have it my davening just isnt the same.
June 27, 2012 8:35 pm at 8:35 pm in reply to: Is there a program out there that will block off wifi on an android phone? #962860WIYMemberDaasYochid
Its a partial solution although I prefer something that will totally block the wifi. However Im not so sure something like that has been created yet.
You serious? And what do you do to get the tuna out of the bag once smashed, just turn it over and shake it out?
Syag Lchochma
Thanks for the welcome back :-). I dont understand how your raking process works. The tuna is chunky, by raking it across the top it mashes it?
Thanks 🙂
You dont find that it requires lots of effort and is tiring on the hand to mash it by pressing down with a fork?
You are on the verge of being tasered.
Lol ok. I hear you.
WIYMemberMoishy it’s great to be a kid but once you get out of your teens and low 20’s it hits you that life is quite serious.
I believe that you arent oneofmany however I dont believe that you wouldn’t lie, you lied about talking during krias haTorah since you don’t, saying that you do is lying and you have said that many times. Or do you get to decide what is and isn’t a lie?
WIYMemberHe was here last week check the threads
WIYMemberI really wish there were an option to rate comments up or down…
WIYMemberDoes it have a plug/wires?
Don’t blame the politicians. Blame Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment industry and the media. If you are brought up on heavy doses of movies…and corrupt media you will end up having very krum morals.
You are welcome. I hope that the readers enjoy and gain chizuk from it. It’s a great way to kick off a new week.
I see logician beat me to the response to your question. His answer is very informative.
” He makesthose gehenim and apikorus commentsto get attentionfor his posts.”
Well if that is the case he is wildly successful.
Yes a lot of problems would be solved if motzei shabbos was spent on Torah.
His cd’s are always good. Either way you can always hear samples on mostlymusic to judge. It makes no sense to ask us. You have to like it. My taste in music wont make you enjoy the cd.
Although you are a troll you do bring up a good point.
In Eretz Yisroel certain Hechsherim enforce a curfew on what time the stores must shut down by. They should have instituted this here years ago. The Taaruvis in Kosher restaurants is terrible and the owners are responsible to a certain extent for allowing it as well as the Hehsherim for not threatening to take away the Hechsher and enforcing strict rules about closing times and disallowing hangouts.
I dont have an answer.