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If your friend thinks shes smart then he will think his kids are smart as well even if they arent. (She will convince him if hes in doubt).
August 13, 2012 4:08 am at 4:08 am in reply to: Its time to address this important question: #891260WIYMemberEnglishman
“Believes in interpreting halacha to conform with modern, 21st century, western sensibilities.”
Does this mean kula shopping as well as that if theres something they want to do and they find a daas yachid they will pasken like him?
Sometimes the person calling doesnt hear everything that the one who answers the phone says especially if they are really focused on what they have to say and what they need and not expecting more than a hello.
Thanks for the laugh! I cant believe nobody thinks this is funny!
WIYMemberI think finding people annoying is directly related to how much time you spend here and how seriously you take this place.
Please do I would be very interested to see this inside.
August 12, 2012 6:40 pm at 6:40 pm in reply to: Its time to address this important question: #891251WIYMemberIs there middle of the road? What are Rav Shachters hashkafos and how does it differ with the regular right wing yeshivish hashkafa?
I asked a Rabbi and was told that if you hold an Eruv isnt kosher then you cant ask someone to carry and be “oiver” for you.
Is it appropriate for a young recently married guy to be checking out single girls for his friends? Doesnt sound all that kosher.
I hear, but at the same time you may not ask him to carry for you in an eruv that you dont hold of.
Thanks thats what I meant I should have been clearer.
Uh maybe she feels uncomfortable you should give people their space.
WIYMember6 by Davening by bentching to say Elokeinu in zimun you need 7 who ate.
WIYMemberIt can work in a society like in Bnei brak or meiah shearim. Wouldn’t work with kids brought up with ipods ipads, barney…and other shtusiim.
WIYMemberItche who says you were allowed to lend the book?
August 12, 2012 3:09 am at 3:09 am in reply to: If you could live anywhere, where would you live? #891012WIYMemberIm all for populating Mars
WIYMemberI really shouldnt lol
WIYMemberI prefer to use a lead pencil with a small width.
August 12, 2012 2:59 am at 2:59 am in reply to: Relevant to some people Ksav Sofer – Being A Nice Guy Is Great… But Not Enough #941804WIYMemberItche
Basic to some of us but others believe that as long as you are a nice guy it doesnt matter what else you do. They may not say it in so many words but if you read some peoples opinions here you will see what i mean.
WIYMemberUm I think the question is more what YOU doing HERE. Capice?
WIYMemberHa made one more shidduch than the Nasi project.
August 7, 2012 10:04 pm at 10:04 pm in reply to: Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas? #893635WIYMemberThis is such a non issue.
WIYMemberThe question is if there is a chiyuv to give tzedaka to someone who knocks on your door and says he is collecting so he or his fellow chassidim can go to Uman.
WIYMemberSalad is not Salad without FETA
Do you know when the chasuna is?
WIYMemberThey are not imposing their frumkeit on you so stay out of it. If they dress their 3-4 year olds al pi Hilchos tznius then for them its a problem to have such a picture and therefore they did what was necessary.
WIYMemberIs Orbitz or whoever sold the tickets Jewish? Wouldnt it be a case of Taus Yisroel if yes?
WIYMembera mamin
You are correct. Some people just dont know how to behave. I know other people who didn’t attend and they were all harassed by friends and family. You dont know whats doing by yenem and you have no idea why they didnt go and even if they didnt want to go they have that right. Its very mean to make people feel stupid and put them on the defensive for such a thing.
Thanks! I know that guy wow I didnt even know about the story. Im so happy you posted this!!!
August 7, 2012 4:10 am at 4:10 am in reply to: Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas? #893612WIYMemberMaybe they should have served peanuts and crackerjacks and sold beer as well? Oh wait, now I remember….IT WASNT A BALLGAME!!!
Parshas Vayeira in the beginning the 2nd passuk and 6, 7 and 8:
2. And he lifted his eyes and saw, and behold, three men were standing beside him, and he saw AND HE RAN toward them from the entrance of the tent, and he prostrated himself to the ground. ?. ?????????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ????????? ????????? ????????? ?????? ???????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ??????? ?????????????? ???????:
6. And Abraham hastened to the tent to Sarah, and he said, “Hasten three seah of meal [and] fine flour; knead and make cakes.” ?. ????????? ????????? ????????? ??? ?????? ????????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??????:
7. And to the cattle did Abraham run, and he took a calf, tender and good, and he gave it to the youth, and he hastened to prepare it. ?. ????? ???????? ??? ????????? ????????? ???? ?????? ???? ?????? ????????? ??? ???????? ????????? ????????? ?????:
8. And he took cream and milk and the calf that he had prepared, and he placed [them] before them, and he was standing over them under the tree, and they ate. ?. ????????? ??????? ??????? ????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ?????????? ?????? ????? ???????? ?????? ????? ???????????:
WIYMemberHonestly there are many great ideas on this thread but if a person doesnt know what every word means its not possible to enjoy Davening. I dont know why this is advice that must be given it should be common sense but it seems that when it comes to these things common sense goes out the window. Some people foolishly expect that spiritual attainments should be easy. Just like you have to work extremely hard to earn a million dollars, to excel spiritually also takes a lot of effort. Davening is not automatic, it requires feeling and heart and to access the heart it requires thought and contemplation. You have to be fully mentally absorbed in it.
WIYMemberI dont know why but the first thing that came to mind was the shoe exhibit at the holocaust museum. The Nazis took our shoes. Jews dont take other Jews shoes they GIVE shoes to other Jews who cant afford them.
As if I have him on my speed dial lol.
WIYMemberWell I dont feel it but by reading the news it seems like a war is brewing between Israel (the US) and Iran.
WIYMemberA bumper sticker that says I finished Shas? What is this world coming to? Anyone who really finished shas wont want or need a bumper sticker.
With all due respect it was Yakov who stole Eisavs Bracha from his father Yitzchak.
WIYMemberI would guess that many will be wearing suits but its not a chiyuv however its probably a good idea to dress formally.
There are many tefillah shiurim on search the word Daven also the word Tefilah and tefillah.
WIYMemberOy why does everything have to be cheapened with gimmicks?!
WIYMemberLets not make this into an anti daf yomi thread. That being said Curiosity is right. The ikkar is havana and remembering.
WIYMemberThose are great tips keep em coming. Im looking for specific ways of telling someone to do something in a non threatening acceptable way.
WIYMemberI asked a Rabbi and was told a girls skirt must extend approx 4 inches past the knee when standing so that when she sits bends…no part of her knee will be showing. How many women may be covering when they stand but the second thsy sit down WHOOPS?
WIYMemberAshrei misheba lekan vetalmudo byado. Make sure they bury you with your gemara lol.
WIYMemberon the ball
Thats a great tip. Thanks!
WIYMemberI second what Mod 42 said. People dont understand how much in debt these organizations are. I was once speaking to someone who runs a large kiruv organization and he was almost crying to me how he is close to half a MILLION dollars in debt and he doesnt know what to do.
WIYMemberMods I really dont think there is much left to add to this thread that wont be and hasnt been discussed in previous music related threads.
Can you please close it?
“I know many women who would be offended enough to expose more. “
Are we talking about mature adults?!
Its Hashems Torah and we have an obligation to keep it fully. If someone tells me what I ate had a questionable hechsher I should go and buy pork?! What would that accomplish?!