Forum Replies Created
September 12, 2012 8:30 pm at 8:30 pm in reply to: Did Neil Armstrong really land on the moon?? #896888WIYMember
READ my previous comment if you have a sense of humor.
September 12, 2012 8:28 pm at 8:28 pm in reply to: This may sound like a crazy question but I'm serious… #941848WIYMemberToi
I think you come back as what you were buried as last.
September 12, 2012 8:24 pm at 8:24 pm in reply to: A Halachic problem you likely never thought of #913846WIYMemberShoppinggirl
Knowing the meaning doesnt make it a problem its the fact that the words are Torah so you cant think them in a bathroom whether you know what they mean or not.
I dont know if it is technically assur to say Hashem in the bathroom but its certainly very inappropriate even if its not black on white assur.
Btw its good to know the meaning of the words in songs so that the song will have more depth and significance for you. Otherwise you may as well be listening to Chinese music.
September 12, 2012 8:19 pm at 8:19 pm in reply to: If someone you know approaches you with a business proposal #896307WIYMembermythoughts
Thats good advice. If its a business where I wont always be there, how can it be set up that theres transparency so I can see every transaction made in the business? Basically I want to set it up in a way that my partner wont even have a yetzer hora to do anything behind my back or crooked. I trust him but in business I trust noone.
September 12, 2012 7:55 pm at 7:55 pm in reply to: This may sound like a crazy question but I'm serious… #941845WIYMemberYou know something weird? Some people will be older than their resurrected parents or grandparents at Techias Hameisim. How warped is that?!
September 12, 2012 7:40 pm at 7:40 pm in reply to: Did Neil Armstrong really land on the moon?? #896885WIYMemberApparently Neil Armstrong used to tell unfunny jokes about the Moon, and follow them up with , ” Ah, I guess you had to be there.”
September 12, 2012 7:22 pm at 7:22 pm in reply to: A Halachic problem you likely never thought of #913844WIYMemberHaifagirl
Try not to listen theres nothing else you can do. Maybe flush the toilet to create extra noise so you dont hear it?
The problem is saying the words in the bathroom/shower or thinking them. If you can sing/hum a tune without actually thinking the words you are fine.
September 12, 2012 7:14 pm at 7:14 pm in reply to: If someone you know approaches you with a business proposal #896305WIYMemberMythoughts
Im not asking him to be an eid.
Im not stupid.
How long do these alternative milks last once opened?
WIYMemberI second sam
Shpitz means to the utmost extent an embodiment of the thing totally it.
September 12, 2012 3:20 am at 3:20 am in reply to: Did Neil Armstrong really land on the moon?? #896879WIYMemberThere are many differences between moon rock and earth rock.
1. Moon rocks are anhydrous; no entrained water at all. And no water involved in their formation.
2. There’s no weathering. Moon dust has lots of minuscule jagged structures, while rock dust on Earth has these spires worn off.
3. More titanium in moon rocks than Earth rocks.
September 12, 2012 3:08 am at 3:08 am in reply to: VASKIN MINYAN ROSH HASSNAH & YOM KIPPOR – FLATBUSH #896467WIYMember*smiles*
September 12, 2012 3:05 am at 3:05 am in reply to: A Halachic problem you likely never thought of #913834WIYMemberWolf
Stop growling 🙂 I said “likely.” I see I was mechaven to you.
You are welcome.
Well in that case things are going great for you!
WIYMemberShould I bother correcting your Spanglish?
What I do is I tell myself
1. They may not know it is assur. When they do things that are wrong they do it beshogeg while I do it bemeizid.
2. If they know it is assur they may not know how serious of an issur it is.
3. Even if they know it is serious they may have a huge yetzer hora to do it and it is very hard for them to stop. I know that there are things that I have problems with that I have a very hard time stopping.
4. Hashem doesnt appreciate when we look down on others and my looking down on others may even be meakeiv my tefillos from being accepted so I better mind my own business and stop thinking about what they are doing wrong.
Start saying the tefillah of Reb elimelech of Lizhensk before Davening Shacharis and have kavana by Aderaba Tein B’Libeinu Shenir’eh Kol Echad Ma’alas Chaveireinu V’Lo Chesronim.
WIYMemberMental illness is increasing at an alarming rate in America.
They have them in stores in Brooklyn?
WIYMemberI have a few that mostly have to do with people being selfish and only thinging about themselves.
People who dont put their Siddurim, Chumashim and other seforim away in Shuls and Beis Medrash.
People who litter as a habit. (Cant blame someone who did it once by accident)
People who drive like maniacs and nearly cause accidents.
People who park in such a way that it wastes good parking spots.
People who tie up bags of stuff (food) and make such a tight knot that its a huge pain to open.
I can go on and on.
September 11, 2012 4:19 am at 4:19 am in reply to: simple question: who decides when to close a thread? #896427WIYMemberShein
The M site has the strangest moderation you ever saw in your life. Oh and they would never let the word YWN or YeshivaWorld through. I have tried lol.
You just touched on a major flaw in the Shidduchim process. The fact that there are many things that people are into and would find desirable in a spouse but they cant tell the Shadchan about it.
September 10, 2012 9:47 pm at 9:47 pm in reply to: simple question: who decides when to close a thread? #896423WIYMemberI think the mods close threads when things start to get heated and people will feel hurt or things are on the verge of spiraling out of control.
I challenge you to come up with a less emotional and more common sense answer to your question.
WIYMemberFeif Un
“Because tznius has gone overboard.”
Dont you mean underground?
In all seriousness though Tznius is at an all time low. I think the way women in our community dress today is overboard and I think it is extremely cruel that they 1) Cause such nisyonos to the men
2) Cause nisyonos to frum girls and women who would otherwise dress Tzniusdig but because “everyone” else is dressing like EDITED they feel that they must also.
WIYMemberfrum female Jewish gamers? Didnt know there was such an animal!
September 10, 2012 5:56 am at 5:56 am in reply to: Much of Brooklyn was at the amazing Yehuda Green/Carlebach Slichos 'til 3:30 AM! #896028WIYMemberAzoi iz
With all due respect I dont buy this whole “im not on the madreiga” garbage. This is the excuse people have been using the last decade or W to little by little throw away yiddishkeit and to warp it into some grotesque thing that it isnt. The kids who want to text on Shabbos will say they arent ont he Madreiga to keep “whole” Shabbos and the people who dont want to go to minyan will say they arent on the madreiga to go to minyan….people have to stop with the pathetic excuses. Why do we pretend that things are so different if you look back not so long ago everyone was happy keeping the Torah the way it always was kept. Suddenly the last few decades every other day theres a new mishegas that further waters down Yiddishkeit.
Stop telling yourself you cant and you will realize that you can. Its nothing personal but I am just really bothered that frum adults who would and should ordinarily be in a regular shul saying slichos like a mentsch are taking part in some new age hippy version of Selichos with no mechitzah and girls all over the room.
There are maybe 20-30 people who “belong” there the rest had no business being there. Selichos isnt for entertainment.
You are welcome. I know exactly what you mean. There’s a certain amazing power in words that are well written that can really have an impact on the reader.
Does that mean that Rav Moshe also Mattirs Lechatchila to have just a shiur that will be coed?
You can say what you said and also give her an answer to her question.
Yiddishkeit means Judaism however it is a Yiddish word “Yid” means Jew so Yiddish means Jewish i.e. if someone speaks Yiddish he speaks “Jewish.” So the term Yiddishkiet is a term used by those with Ashkenazic and Yiddish speaking backgrounds, or education.
Yiddishkiet or Judaism is observed by all religious Jews but is basically a term that is only used by Ashkenazim.
As for education, yes for the most part there are separate Yeshivos for all. The main reason being that Sefardim pasken (loosely translated as follow Halachically) the Mechaber (Mechaber means author)(Rav Yosef Karo,who wrote the Shulchon Aruch) and Ashkenazim pasken like the Rema (Rabbi Moshe Isserles who wrote the Hagaah which is an interlinear gloss inside the Shulchon Aruch where he edits the words of the Mechaber of Shulchon Aruch and argues with him). Therefore since there are variations in Halachos and Minhagim the schools are usually separate however you will often find some sefardim in Ashkenazic schools and I assume vice versa although I cant be sure of it.
The Yeshivaworld news caters specifically to those who consider themselves part of the Yeshiva world (more to the right) but not Chassidic.
You probably know this already but it just hit me that you are a skilled writer. Your above post was very well written and it gripped me.
September 10, 2012 2:34 am at 2:34 am in reply to: Much of Brooklyn was at the amazing Yehuda Green/Carlebach Slichos 'til 3:30 AM! #896022WIYMemberAZOI.IS
Dont settle for cheap thrills. Get an Artscroll interlinear Selichos so you KNOW what you are saying. If you read the words and try to connect with them with honesty and sincerity you will have a true spiritual experience that will be in line with what Selichos was meant for.
WIYMemberWhat type of questions are asked? Is it basic level questions like pashut pshat what does this one hold what does that one hold?
WIYMemberI would assume you can just find a corner anywhere. I mean the Muslims just drop rug and pray in middle of everything so going off to a quiet corner shouldn’t be a problem.
WIYMemberThanks Dash
Have you tried the Gefen PC powder?
WIYMemberI have nothing to add other than to wish you Hatzlacha. I hope you do well and you should know that you are part of a big Kiddush Hashem.
WIYMemberWhat does it really stand for?
September 9, 2012 8:14 pm at 8:14 pm in reply to: What time is Selichos at Temple Beth E-l tonight? #895929WIYMember147
September 9, 2012 8:13 pm at 8:13 pm in reply to: Much of Brooklyn was at the amazing Yehuda Green/Carlebach Slichos 'til 3:30 AM! #896013WIYMemberRabbiofberlin
Like I said before achdus in and of itself is worthless unless it is for a good cause. Saying slichos in such a manner with music and dancing is a very misguided cause and likely sinful due to the taaruvos, there isnt even a mechitzah! You want to tell me none of the guys and girls looked at each other and had bad thoughts?
September 9, 2012 6:37 pm at 6:37 pm in reply to: Much of Brooklyn was at the amazing Yehuda Green/Carlebach Slichos 'til 3:30 AM! #896011WIYMemberAchdus proves nothing as quite often you find the most achdus when people are doing an aveira as the yetzer hara makes achdus so more people should sin together. Additionally you find a concept that enemies make peace when they have a common enemy to defeat so achdus in no way proves anything. Theres goo dachdus and bad achdus and I am not saying this is bad but just explaining that achdus means nothing in and of itself.
Spiritual feelings prove nothing as well. Im sure Christians Buddists… say they have spiritual feelings when they do their “mitzvos” so again dont judge by the feelings.
Selichos is not about being lively it is not a “feel good” event.
You are supposed to feel low and recognize that you are steeped in aveiros.
The feel good is reserved for Succos and yommim tovim in general. Selichos is not an upbeat event. The fact that so many people went just shows us how many people are so out of touch of what Selichos is all about.
All those people need to “Asei lecha Rav” they need to find a true Rav who can guide them (not Yehuda Green as he is not a Rav at all as opposed to Carlebach who at least was a big talmid chacham).
Truly a wasted opportunity for all who went but more than that it fed them wrong Hashkafos and fooled them into thinking they did something good and were mekayim Selichos the way it was supposed to be.
September 9, 2012 1:47 pm at 1:47 pm in reply to: Much of Brooklyn was at the amazing Yehuda Green/Carlebach Slichos 'til 3:30 AM! #896005WIYMemberNebach
September 9, 2012 6:07 am at 6:07 am in reply to: What time is Selichos at Temple Beth E-l tonight? #895927WIYMemberThanks Mod 18. It was too early for me I went elsewhere.
WIYMemberWhat does GO stand for?
September 9, 2012 2:49 am at 2:49 am in reply to: Boro Park Residents – Urgent Kashrus Alert awarrness #896112WIYMemberSo the baked goods are considered cholov stam?
Jews dont have an obligation to believe we have an obligation TO KNOW that HAshem hu Elokim. Vyadaata Hayom Vehasheivosa el Levovecha Ki HAshem Hu Elokim Ain Od.
WIYMemberDoes anyone actually keep this law besides for a few grannies on the roads who do it unwittingly?
WIYMemberI think that all Jewish singers should stop copying the goyim in all aspects. The music videos are usually inaccurate and cheapen the holy words of David Hamelech which were written with Ruach Hakodesh. Tehillim as well as mamarei chazal are not some gimmick or shtick. It doesnt make sense to go and make some funky cheap video out of it. But again unfortunately the people behind these things are motivated by kavod and cash so they wont be stopping any time soon unless it affect them in one of those 2 areas.