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  • in reply to: So it's rosh hashanah and the people sitting near you are chatting #897113


    Almost sounds like me and my brothers at times lol.

    in reply to: Ask the opposite gender #989484

    I prefer someone who can get away with using a little makeup. There are girls who need a lot of makeup because they have bad skin and therefore they should wear a lot of makeup and do what they feel they need to do to look their best but if a girl is naturally attractive I find it unappealing when she cakes on the makeup.

    in reply to: The Luckiest Generation Ever #897241


    True but it can be done and there are many people who fight back and do whats right. I dont mean to brag but I used to be stuck in the nisyonos hador (non Jewish music, movies…) and I stopped them all (gradually) and shifted towards a life of Limud HaTorah and strict adherence to mitzvos. Anyone can change and improve if they want to.

    in reply to: "Better Boys Than Girls??" #922848


    “and the mediocre guys get the average girls — since that is their equivalent.”

    Im a guy but I still sympathize with the girls and think its sad that some very good girls who may not be spectacular in any way(what you call mediocre) will have to settle for guys who are way below them as a person as far as spirituality and middos are concerned.

    On the other hand I have been hearing that the quality of the girls is dropping big time so maybe the OP is correct after all. I really dont know.

    in reply to: Dear Brothers #897090

    Wow Goq, this was difficult and painful to read. My heart pains for you my fellow brother. I hope that Hashem sends you His love and healing and that you will be able to overcome every difficulty that your upbringing has cast in your way.

    Have a ksiva vechasima Tova and a year full of boundless joy!

    in reply to: Why Are Men More Intelligent Than Women? #1138495

    You may want to google this

    “Women Beat Men on IQ Tests For First Time”

    in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096256


    Hes a yoideah Torah not a Talmud Chacham.

    in reply to: A NEW YEAR, A NEW START… #896957

    My resolution is to have more Kavanah by birchas hachamah.

    in reply to: suggestions needed for New Years resolutions. #896953


    A person should really be in touch with themselves and know what they need to work on. Ill tell you what I am doing, I decided that instead of taking on new things, Ill take things I already do and do them better. Basically try to fine tune my Davening, Brochos, learning….

    Just take one area you know you need to improve on and really work on it and improve. It has to be something you work on steadily and consistently otherwise dont expect any change. Also pick something important like Brochos with kavana….or at least asher yatzar with kavanah… Dont pick anything that you know you wont be able to stick with.

    in reply to: Simanim Issue #897024

    2) On the night of Rosh Hashana when it is customary to an apple dipped in honey, and also many other fruits, some from the Shivas HaMinim, each with its own symbolic meaning, according to many Poskim it is best to make the Bracha on the Shivas HaMinim and not on the apple. (See Kaf HaChaim Siman 583:25. This was also the opinion of Rav Shlomo Zalmen Auerbach Zatzal. Others argue and maintain that the Bracha can be made on the apple in this case. See Piskei Teshuva Siman 583:2 that this was the Minhag of the Ari, Minhag Chabad and others)

    From Halachafortoday

    in reply to: Suggestions to Improve YWN #1225482

    To the decision makers,

    I would like to make a recommendation for some improvements to the YWN main site. I noticed that matzav.com features shiurim as well as divrei Torah every erev Shabbos and erev Yom Tov. I consider YWN to be the only true Torahdik news website and therefore I think it would be appropriate that YWN have these features. Im sure many of the readers would appreciate if they could read a nice vort on the parsha or hear a nice vort, or read some inyanim of the coming yom tov. It would truly enhance the Shabbosim and Yomim Tovim of your faithful readers.

    Thank you.

    Wishing all members of YWN staff a Gut Gebenched Yuhr and a Ksiva Vchasima Tova!

    in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096220


    Bris Mila is a religious observance that has been going on for thousands of years.

    in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096217


    We have to fight this in any way we can because they wont go away thats the point. They had no business meddling in the first place theres plenty of unfinished business in other areas for the DOH to be occupied with. It is a chutzpah to interfere with a religious observance that has been carried out for thousands of years and is safe and has yet to be proven unsafe. They have malicious intentions and are not doing this for our good believe me. These guys are on an ego trip and must be shut down.

    in reply to: Killing A Cat #983679


    A dolphin may be of some sort of higher intelligence. Not a cat.

    in reply to: So it's rosh hashanah and the people sitting near you are chatting #897105


    Try pleading with them in a very sincere way. Say please it is Rosh Hashanah Im just trying to have Kavana so I can have a good year so my family will be healthy and have parnassah so we can serve Hashem. It is very disturbing when people talk by Davening. Please try not to talk.

    in reply to: Forgive and Forget? #896966

    I believe that if the person who wronged you doesnt ask for mechila or isnt sorry than you have no obligation to be Mochel.

    in reply to: Are Women Really Jewish? #1065078


    You are due for another one of these brilliant threads. 🙂

    in reply to: NYC Board of Health Votes to Regulate Bris Milah #1096214

    Tell the DOH to keep their nosy noses out of our business. Jews have been doing Metzizah Bpeh for over 100 years in America NOW they think theres a problem with it? They care soooo muuuuch about Jewish babies Im mamish touched by these faker anti Semites. This can be the beginning of much worse problems. They get a finger they want a hand then 2 hands…They need to know in the most final way possible that tampering with our religion will not be tolerated!

    in reply to: So it's rosh hashanah and the people sitting near you are chatting #897101

    I really hope that this wont happen. We need Rosh Hashannah like never before how can people have the nerve to talk by Davening ON ROSH HASHANAH?!

    in reply to: Killing A Cat #983676

    Heres what I found on Halachafortoday.com

    256) Q: Is it against halacha to euthanize a pet? Our cat is 19 years old and is simply dying of old age. The vet gave us a list of sicknesses she may be suffering from but there is no cure at this stage of the game for any of those possible problems. I have been under the impression forever that it is against halacha to euthanize an animal. A close relative (who knows how to learn) claims otherwise and is urging us to put the cat down. Is there a heter to do this?

    in reply to: no simchas today??? #896594

    You need to go to a 12 step meeting for your OS addiction 🙂

    in reply to: Is there a way to tell if a girl will be a competent wife and mother #896787


    Im talking about the abilities that the girl should have in her personality. A man can love his wife and treat her great but if she isnt naturally an organized person it will take her all day to get the house organized as opposed to someone who has a knack for organization who can do it in a fraction of the time.

    in reply to: Killing A Cat #983662

    bugs are nasty and annoying. They are pests. If the bug is in your house it is a nuisance and it doesnt belong there so theres no issue killing it. Now if you are outside and you see a bug and you maliciously kill it, well I dont know but that seems like tzar baalei chaim because there was no reason to kill it. Maybe if it is a bug that bites or stings you can get away with the fact that it may have hurt a person.

    in reply to: Places in LA to purchase a Rosh Hashana gift #896592


    Im a guy ROFL

    in reply to: Is there a way to tell if a girl will be a competent wife and mother #896783


    Last time I checked we dont have it anymore….

    in reply to: Is there a way to tell if a girl will be a competent wife and mother #896782


    I apologize I didnt mean to offend. I meant that I want someone who is motivated and has a lot of energy and is a multi tasker and can handle many things without becoming all stressed out. Not all girls are like that.

    in reply to: Places in LA to purchase a Rosh Hashana gift #896590


    No you dont you have no clue who I am. I am not from LA.

    in reply to: presents for teachers #896818


    Considering that most teachers are NOT wealthy money is the most appreciated. You really think the Rebbe/Morah needs another honey dish?!

    in reply to: buying a lulav and esrog online?! #896541

    In most frum communities there are plenty of places to buy a good Kosher set. Buying online is not the way to go about such a chashuv mitzvah. Mitzvos are not about doing them as conveniently and quickly as possible without it taking too much time from our schedule…

    It says in Shulchon Aruch (I believe its actually in the nosei keilim) that people dont do Aveiros between Yom Kippur and Succos because they are too busy building Succahs and buying Arba Minim. I guess they had a different paradigm.

    in reply to: Satmar Rav on rice #896708

    Rabbiofberlin truthsharer

    Its preposterous to think that Rashi who was one of the greatest Rishonim and knew Kol Hatorah Kulah who wrote Rashi al Hatorah with Ruach Hakodesh would write a single word of perush withought knowing it is 100% true.

    In chumash he says numerous times I dont know so to think he would write something he doesnt know to be true as fact (that he could very easily verify by asking someone who speaks the language well on the off chance that he personally doesnt) is preposterous chutzpah and more.

    Unfortunately we live at a time where true Torah knowledge is at an all time low (as we dont have any more Reb Moshe Feisteins and Reb Aharon Kotlers or people that come close) and “chachamim” who are given voice thanks to the internet haughtily talk oh Rashi didnt know Rambam didnt know this Rishon didnt know that one didnt know are at an all time high.

    At least talk with respect and humility when referencing something that a Rishon may have possibly been wrong about.

    They arent your buddies.

    in reply to: Is there a way to tell if a girl will be a competent wife and mother #896771


    You are joking right?

    in reply to: Places in LA to purchase a Rosh Hashana gift #896584


    in reply to: How long is wine good for? #896537


    Explain please? Is there some special way to keep wine?

    in reply to: Soda Ban NYC #896530

    We live in a Nanny state. It is beyond pathetic.

    in reply to: Rosh Hashana Sefer #896731

    “And it’s better to learn Torah than chat with your neighbor”

    1. It is assur to talk during chazaras hashatz regardless of how long it is.

    2. On Rosh Hashana once the brachos on the Tekios are made one may not talk out.

    in reply to: The Pun Thread #1098946

    Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now.

    I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down.

    Einstein developed a theory about space, and it was about time too.

    I used to have a fear of hurdles, but I got over it.

    I usually take steps to avoid elevators.

    Sleeping comes so naturally to me, I could do it with my eyes closed.

    in reply to: Let's rap! #896549


    The rhyming and lyrics are very good. You have talent.

    in reply to: Satmar Rav on rice #896696

    “If he had known those two languages, he would have known that Orez is rice.”

    Too bad Rashi didnt have Sam2 around to ask him then he would have known. What a shame.

    in reply to: Is there a way to tell if a girl will be a competent wife and mother #896766


    I know of girls that are do it alls and girls that can hardly handle working let alone everything else. I feel that I am most compatible with a more tichtig capable type of girl. That doesnt mean I dont want to ever lift a finger chas veshalom. Ill take out the garbage once or twice a month.

    Kidding lol I am helpful and would pitch in with whatever is necessary as often as necessary but I want her to be the mommy and take care of the kids, make supper and make sure the house looks decent. Not that she constantly needs me there and cant manage on her own.

    Listen there are all types of girls and I understand that some guys are satisfied with a simple girl who will just be home all day watching the kids. I need someone more dynamic and a “doer.”

    in reply to: Is there a way to tell if a girl will be a competent wife and mother #896765


    How can you tell if a girl is Geshikt by talking to her in a hotel lounge for a few hours? Or in a restaurant or whatever?

    in reply to: Is there a way to tell if a girl will be a competent wife and mother #896764


    How does one go about getting all this info. You think I should just ask her all of this stuff?

    in reply to: Did Neil Armstrong really land on the moon?? #896898


    Maybe the moon doesnt exist and its some kind of optical illusion trick that Nasa is playing on us?

    in reply to: Is there a way to tell if a girl will be a competent wife and mother #896755


    Very informative answers. Thanks!

    in reply to: Rosh Hashana Sefer #896727

    oot for life

    You can get an Artscroll Machzor which has plenty reading material and perush on the bottom of each page.

    You can get Rinas Chaim which is a beautiful peirush on the Tefillah from Rav Chaim Friedlander Zatzal.


    in reply to: U'TESHUVA – U'TIFILA – U' JP MORGAN CHASE ??? #896475

    Im sorry Im not signing back up to Facebook to vote.

    in reply to: How many wives? #1003445


    I know I was making a joke.

    in reply to: A Halachic problem you likely never thought of #913848


    All I am saying is that a song like vzakeini was written TO THOSE WORDS due to their significance and depth. The song is so popular due to the words that work so well together with the tune to express the meaning of the words.

    in reply to: Let's rap! #896544

    Rap is the lowest form of music that is produced and sung by the lowest elements of society.

    Instead of rap write a poem or make a normal song. Frum people should not be rapping.

    in reply to: How many wives? #1003440

    Wow Mods are on vacation.

    in reply to: Getting kids to behave at Shabbos Meal #903450

    Why do kids have to sit at the table? If they are young and have already eaten let them play as long as they come back to bentch.

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