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  • in reply to: Makubal #899532


    I dont know which Mekubal you went to but if a legitimate Mekubal said you are a Yiras shomayim thats a big deal. Just dont let it get you your head but its very chashuv.

    in reply to: Perfect mate #899821


    Girls have every right to want certain things just like guys do, however unrealistic guys as well as girls tend to remain single for a long time.

    Lest hear what you really want in a guy besides for someone who is an exterminator lol.

    in reply to: Who Will Join Us, Who Will Leave.. #899482

    All dead members type the letter I

    in reply to: Those blazed ?????? #899543


    Please forgive me I dont get the joke and feel that I should can you be mazber?

    in reply to: Makubal #899528


    Well if one doesn’t keep the Torah properly then it is likely bad things will befall him, if someone is not keeping the Torah and bad things are not befalling him it is because he is so far gone (at least he has no interest of ever changing although there’s always the chance to do Teshuva) that Hashem is giving him his reward on this world or he is getting reward based on zechus avos or something.

    I am not discussing the ultimate reward for mitzvos which is in Olam Haba but there is a certain good life that Hashem promises to those who keep the Torah properly. Nobody says this is easy but those who keep the Torah properly and try hard usually have a generally good life. I am not saying there arent exceptions and obviously there is Tzadik v’Ra lo but it takes a lot to be on the madreiga of being a “Tzadik” that we should apply this to him.

    “How good is good enough? There are people who go mad hoping that if they continuously improve, their dreams will be realized and then they are not. This sometimes pushes them totally off, mentally and religiously. Not good.”

    I dont know how good good enough is, but people today have set very low standards of good. There are many people walking around thinking they are good Jews because they do some things right. That doesnt make you a good Jew. If you do aveiros on a regular basis, things that you know you shouldnt do but dont try to change, or things that you dont know you shouldnt do because you never open a sefer you arent a good Jew. And for all the people who think they are wonderful but their wives and daughters dress like I dont want to say what you arent a good Jew and if you wife and children generally arent keeping the Torah they should and you havent tried to help the situation or allowed it to happen you arent a good Jew.

    So being good means keeping the Torah, all of it, or rather whatever mitzvos are still applicable from the 613 bizman Hazeh. But the truth is its not enough to keep the mitzvos, they also need to be done with a positive attitude. Hashem doesnt need anyones “favors” and Hashem has no need for mitzvos done by rote or worse, with an “attitude” or in a bored disinterested fashion.

    Being a Torah Jew requires a lot of effort and study, so no its not easy, but it is required by Hashem, that is what he wants. He didnt say “only do the ones you feel like doing” they are all binding and obligatory. However if someone is a Baal Teshuvah or went off the derech and is coming back obviously it needs to be done gradually, but for everyone else you gotta keep all of it to the best of your abilities.

    in reply to: Kashas on the Parsha #1169245


    You are welcome. If you hear of another please share.


    True but it doesnt change the pshat.

    in reply to: rav elya svei and rav shmuel berenbaum #902401


    No offense to you and I dont want to discourage you from your project, however you cant write a book about Gedolim stories without knowing the sources you are getting them from and confirming that all details are true. You cant take a collection of stories posted here by anonymous people and use that for a book. Thats gives your book zero credibility and is an embarrassment to the memory of the Gadol that you are writing about. No regular person wouldnt want such a book about himself, let alone a Gadol Byisroel!

    in reply to: Cool # #899254

    Yesterday was actually chof hei tishrei taf shin ayin gimmel or 25 Tishrei 5773

    in reply to: Interesting facts and stories about our Gedolim #953825


    Thank you very much for these inspiring stories! Btw the one with Rav Chatzkel Levenstein was actually with Rav Yechezkel Abramsky.

    When the practice of ritual slaughter was under attack in Great Britain, the famed Rabbi Yechezkel Abramsky was called to court in its defense.

    The judge read from the deposition which lay before him: “Rabbi Abramsky,” said the judge, “it says here that you are the foremost authority of Jewish Law in the British Empire. Is that true?”

    “That is true, your honor.”

    “And that you are the most eloquent spokesman for Jewish Law in the British Empire?”

    “That is also true, your honor.”

    “It also says here that you are the most senior rabbi in the British Empire. Is that correct?”

    “That is correct, your Honor.”

    Taken aback by the Rabbi’s straight-forward responses, the judge said, “Rabbi Abramsky, how do you resolve your answers with the Talmudic teachings of humility?”

    “It is indeed a problem, your honor,” said the Rabbi. “But I’m under oath.”

    in reply to: I don't think that impressed Hashem #899301


    A yeshiva is not a college or a university. You go to a Yeshiva to learn Torah and Torah isnt just knowledge or information. It is supposed to change a person. The least one can expect is that the person will be made into a mentch. But if the Rabbeim arent mentchen the kids dont have who to learn from.

    in reply to: Interesting facts and stories about our Gedolim #953812

    R’ Noach Weinberg was really an introvert, but he saw a need in Klal Yisroel and therefore changed his nature. He also started 8 yeshivos before Aish HaTorah. When he went to get a brocho from his Rav, I think it was Rav Hutner, the Rav gave him three pieces of advice. He followed the first two, but only suceeded when he listened to the third which wasn’t to take on partners.

    Regarding Rabbi Weinberg I heard that he was such an introvert that after speaking publicly he used to get sick he would be knocked out for hours! Truly extraordinary mesiras nefesh!

    in reply to: Interesting facts and stories about our Gedolim #953811

    A yungerman came to Rav Shmuel Berenbaum withand a complaint…looked at the check, and he read Shmuel Berenbaum.

    I find this amazing. So typical of Rav Shmuel for those who knew him!

    in reply to: Any book on how to enjoy/love learning gemora? #899281


    From my own experience you cant start liking or loving Gemara until you get decently good at it. Getting decently good at it requires a lot of time and effort trying to break your head to understand Gemara Rashi and Tosafos if you are up to that. No book or sefer will get you to love Gemara although it may help you appreciate the Gadlus of the mitzva of limud Hatora. I recommend you ask your Rabbeim this question as they are the ones who should be asked this question. I dont want to judge you or your Rabbeim but it is odd that this is where you turn with this question when you have Rabbeim, Meishivs, Mashgiach, Kollel Yungerleit, fellow Bachurim who love to learn, Rosh Yeshiva…to ask this to.

    in reply to: CHOCOLATE! #899177

    Free advertising? Is someone breaking the rules?

    in reply to: Kashas on the Parsha #1169240


    Who says they wouldn’t have eventually? Thats why Hashem kicked them out of the Gan to stop them from eating from the eitz hachaim. Also, there was no attraction to it because they werent forbidden from eating of it and they would have gotten around to it eventually.

    Lets look at the sequence of events, in the first hour, his [Adam’s] dust was gathered; in the second, it was kneaded into a shapeless mass. In the third, his limbs were shaped; in the fourth, a soul was infused into him; in the fifth, he arose and stood on his feet; in the sixth, he gave [the animals] their names; in the seventh, Eve became his mate; in the eighth, they ascended to bed as two and descended as four; in the ninth, he was commanded not to eat of the tree, in the tenth, he sinned. This all happened in a few short hours so really he may have eaten from the eitz hachaim eventually given the time to do so.

    in reply to: My Mother in Law's complaints #901348

    mrs. Katz

    She only has a say in how you spend your money if the money is hers and the money comes from your inlaws in that they are supporting you. If you and your husband get no money from them its not their business how you spend your money. However always keep the peace and speak nicely and respectfully but don’t allow yourself to be abused or talked down to and you have every right and you should stand up for yourself and defend yourself when someone is attacking you on a personal level just do it tactfully.

    in reply to: Daf Yomi Shabbos Help #899229


    Lots of great advice here, also allow me to recommend a site that has some amazing resources for Daf learners like outlines charts graphs and more.


    Here is another good resource:


    in reply to: Romney VS Obama poll #900053

    I want Romney to win, not because I think hes so great but I do think he is better than Obama. Obama is so unqualified and after 4 years of his mess we cant take more of it. He will bankrupt this country and we will be like Greece it will be very scary to witness four more years of this out of his element president.

    in reply to: My Mother in Law's complaints #901347


    What exactly are the Halachic guidelines of when you do and dont have to listen?

    in reply to: Drinking on Yom Tov #899199

    Well I heard some drunk guys using foul language so viva la minhag.

    in reply to: I don't think that impressed Hashem #899297

    you are 1000% right. This guy had no business being there. Hes like the Tzaddikim that block my driveway to go Daven in the Shul on my block. Gneiva, chutzpah, Mitzva habbah beaveirah amongst other things…

    in reply to: Streimel color #899344


    It isnt supposed to be a fashion statement of some sort where you try to match the hairs with your hair or what not. Real old school chassidim arent into this kind of stuff.

    in reply to: Streimel color #899341

    If these are the concerns then the shtreimel has no meaning no offense.

    in reply to: Facebook question #900166

    Facebook is not a good place for anyone let alone frum people. The only advice I can give you is to do what I did and disconnect your Facebook account.

    in reply to: Help in Learning #898906


    If your son knows the mesechtos that he previously finished, then pick one he knows well and get an English of that masechta (or yiddish if thats his mother tongue and he will understand it better these can be baught at seforim stores) if he doesnt know any masechta that well then do Pirkei Avos as that is something he will find to be interesting. Whatever you choose make sure you get the grandfather a version with a translation. The Artscroll Yad Avraham are excellent.

    in reply to: Shiduchim, what else? #947451


    Provide the picture. Its very normal procedure today and I think it will help you. The people who don’t provide the picture (often) have something to hide in my opinion. My mother always asks for a picture and if she doesnt get one she wont even consider the shidduch unless she arranges to meet the girl or see her someplace which is inconvenient and takes up peoples time obviously…

    in reply to: Ah Gut Kvittel! #1063595


    in reply to: Mesechta Brochos – Finished!! #898900

    Amein. Mazel tov! Keep going strong!

    in reply to: Shiduchim, what else? #947437


    There can be a number of possible reasons why you are still out there. Some of this may be blunt but I am not accusing just throwing out possibilities.

    1. Your parents may not be saying yes to the right types of boys so you are dating boys who arent your type or arent looking for the same type of life you are looking for. This can be either because your parents dont really get what you are looking for, you dont get what you need and are telling your parents you need a type of boy which isnt really for you or because your parents want a certain type of boy or family that fits whatever picture they have in their head that they want for their daughter and what fits your family and therefore are saying no to potentially good shidduchim.

    2. You are too picky.

    3. Your parents arent speaking to the right shadchanim.

    4. You are possibly giving off the wrong impression on dates (either coming off too frum when you are regular or coming off modern when you are regular…)

    5. You arent opening up enough on dates and not sharing enough.

    6. Its simply not your time yet for whatever reason Hashem deems it which isfor your ultimate good (thats if all the hishtadlus and what not is being done correctly)

    7. Your parents arent being openminded enough and are saying no for silly reasons or are not doing enough research to see if the guy can be for you. For example lets say your family is yeshivish so your parents wont listen to any shidduch thats from a heimish or chassidish background and maybe your bashert is somewhat chassidish or vice versa…Or y.ou are short and refuse to date tall guys or vice versa…

    8. You may not like this but if you are attractive as you say, a picture speaks a 1000 words, when your parents email your resume make sure theres a good picture attached. You dont know how much this can help. Whether you like it or not people dont believe when they hear someone is attractive because unfortunately (and I know from first hand experience) that everyone has a different idea of attractive and many girls who were mentioned to me as attractive I found to be unattractive as soon as I saw the picture. But the truly attractive girls were attractive on the picture as well. Take my word for it attach a picture to every resume you email.

    9. Make sure you have the right people as references for you. I know of stories where the friends were not presenting the girl or guy in a positive enough light or were making them sound like people that they arent (either much frummer or much less frum than they are based on what they think the person wants to hear…)

    Im sure I can think of more. At the end of the day remember there are a lot of single girls out there and most young guys (under 25) will want to date the 19- 20 year olds.

    Dont make your parents crazy but make sure they are working the phones at least a few times a week calling shadchanim. The only way to be on the mind of a shadchan is to have your parents talk to him/her regularly so that your name is on his/her tongue.

    in reply to: Bugs in succah solutions? #898809


    Maybe I spoke too strongly, we arent infested but one Seuda was bad and I was somewhat paranoid that a bug would end up in my food.

    in reply to: Mishneh Torah on Hoshana Rabbah #898765


    It is just a minhag not a chiyuv so one has no obligation to hear every word (I asked a Rabbi not my opinion). Therefore one may got to a place that leins it fast although I agree if you cant catch most of what the baal korei is saying it may be a waste of time.

    in reply to: Bugs in succah solutions? #898804


    in reply to: Shanah Rishona–for whom? #898789


    Why dont you wear one? Did you ask the Rav if you should be wearing one or did he tell you not to wear one?

    in reply to: Widespread Panic in Iran as Currency Falls Precipitously #898716


    The sanctions are hurting the people but the goals of the sanctions were to halt the nuclear program. So far nothing has and nothing will halt the program. If anything this will add fuel to their fire of hatred towards the West as they will paint the West (US) and its allies as the enemies who are causing them all these problems.



    I am no big mathematician so I googled the problem and was easily able to get the answer which I wont post.

    in reply to: ????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? #1145793

    So you put 12 tes vavs to correspond to every month? Was I yoreid lesoif daatcha?

    in reply to: Private parking spaces on city streets #929509

    Although there are many illegal driveways in Brooklyn and technically one can block it I dont know of anyone that treats them as normal parking spots and it becomes accepted as a driveway. what does bug me is when people block legal driveways. its a chutzpah and it is gezel.

    in reply to: Debate Thoughts #898593

    Charles short

    Do u work for the Deomocrats?

    in reply to: My segula didn't work #1101054


    Well it would have to be an exact 24 hours and if Lechayim does it at some point after her husband comes home and he takes the lulav the next morning before Davening its only about 22 hours.

    in reply to: A Very Funny Joke #898548


    The second was better than the first but also distasteful maybe stick to the joke thread for your jokes if you dont want the negative attention.

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1182383

    Why is my post being delayed? The site I recommended is manned by a choshuveh Rov by the name of Rabbi Shapiro. I think that website can save her Yiddishkiet please post thanks.

    in reply to: Cousins Marrying #930406

    The Bnos Tzlafchad married their first cousins. Im not sure what I am proving but this is a fact.

    in reply to: A Very Funny Joke #898541


    Oldie but goodie.

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1182369


    I have no clue what you just said. Please be clearer. Thanks.

    in reply to: Makubal #899518

    No one mourns

    There are many reasons that bad things happen to a person. The first avenue to check is to see that your observance is in line. Also make sure you are careful with the big ones like Shabbos, Kashrus, Taharas Hamishpacha, tzedaka…

    in reply to: Spending a lot for Arba Minim #898327


    Ah so thats why we klap Aravos on Hoshana Rabbah!

    in reply to: Going off the Derech #1182362


    I dont want to take this thread off topic but as a general rule its a bad idea to make sweeping judgements about large segments or groups within any society. There are closed minded people in all walks of life and all sectors of Orthodoxy. I know of Yeshivish people that are open minded. Being open minded has a lot to do with what you have been exposed to so obviously there will be many closed minded yeshivish people because they havent been exposed to much else but there are plenty of open minded yeshivish people today. The world is changing and people are not in their little box as much as they used to be.

    in reply to: Singles in The Frum Community #899125


    Maybe use Shabbat dot com. Google it.

    Btw I dont know if you have thought of this or it has been recommended to you, but maybe ask a true friend or relative who will be brutally honest with you but only someone who knows you well the following question. “In your opinion, why do you think I am still single? I want brutal honesty so dont be afraid of embarrassing me.”

    I once did this with something else and it hurt like crazy but it really helped me move forward and change some important areas of my life.

    in reply to: Overweight Guys #898424

    Loyal Jew

    Eating a lot is not gezel unless you are eating someone elses food! If you paid for it and made a brocha its not gezel!

    1. It could be just giving in to Tayva.

    2. Destructive to the body which is against Venishmartem meod lnafshoseichem.

    3. Possibly baal tashchis of the food if the person is no longer really enjoying it and just “fressing.”

    4. A bad idea because it will make you unhealthy which will make your quality of life worse as well as make it harder to do anything including mitzvos.

    in reply to: Overweight Guys #898423

    Unfortunately most people today who are overweight are a product of the consumption society we live in. If someone is obese (really overweight) then maybe it says something about their middos and personality but someone being overweight by 10-25 pounds is so common today that it doesnt mean anything. It just means they live in the US and have tons of unhealthy high fat/carb/calorie foods available at all times.

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