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You really didnt think this through…
Everything was the same, except we had more mitzvos then all 613, we had a bais hamikdosh, we were in EY and we had neviim. There was no permission to write Torah Shebbal Peh (the Gemara) down however Gemara Shebal Peh was learnt (minus all the parts from machlokesim of Tannaim and Amoraim because this was pre Machlokes Era)
We are still the same nation descended of the same people from then keeping the same Torah (whatever still applies bizman hazeh) but we are in Galus and have been minimized. Hopefully soon Moshiach will come and we can reclaim our former glory.
Another good suggestion I thought of is the Sefer mitzvos Hakatzer by the chofetz chaim. He lists the 77 mitzvos Asei and 194 mitzvos lo sasei applicable today and gives an explanation of each one. I went through it. Very essential sefer in my opinion that will boost your appreciation for mitzvos and clarify for you what the actual mitzvos are. Read more here if the mods let this through.
WIYMemberI thought you had a question about the Meraglim.
WIYMemberI thought you had a question about the Meraglim.
However enlightenment preceded the invention of the lightbulb by a few centuries.
October 21, 2012 3:57 am at 3:57 am in reply to: How should one protest against shmoozers during davening? #901846WIYMemberjewishness
Why dont you walk over to them and daven really loudly so they get the message. See what happens and let us know.
WIYMemberReb yid, I feel for you but this isnt the place to go asking for advice on how you should live your life. Your Rabbeim and therapist should work together with you to try and come up with something that an work. If you want my common sense advice I will tell you from experience, you cant enjoy and shtieg in learning unless you are serious about it and you have the proper chavrusa. Theres no way you can measure if yeshiva can work for you without giving it a fair (your best) shot. A non serious chavrusa is a recipe for burnout. Speak to whomever it is overthere who is in charge of chavrusas and get as good of a chavrusa that you can get. That is a major ingredient to Hatzlacha in learning.
I wish you much Hatzlacha and siyatta dishmaya in all your endeavors.
WIYMemberveltz meshuggener
It could be that is what the Steipler advised Bochurim but he was known to learn 36 hours straight and then sleeping 8 hours.
WIYMemberYes there still is plenty anti Semitism and there are still plenty non Jews convinced that Jews have all the money and that we run everything blah blah blah.
Most sane adults will not say anything anti-Semitic unless they are angry, had something to drink or if you act in an obnoxios way.
October 19, 2012 3:40 am at 3:40 am in reply to: Rav Chaim: A Nebach Apikorus is also an Apikorus #900846WIYMemberIs this directed at anyone in particular?
WIYMemberActually I think after a few days everyone would adjust and get used to not drinking coffee. coffee is a stimulant that we got used to. We didnt always drink it and we don’t have to drink it daily if we choose not to. By the way not everyone drinks coffee (or tea or any form of caffeine).
The owners of Artscroll are not of Sefardic descent, I think you can excuse them for focussing on Ashkenazic gedolim.
I would hope that there is also a Sefardic publishing company out there that puts out books on Sefardic Gedolim and if not its the Sefardims fault for not doing so. Go do it! Blaming Artscroll is so lame and pathetic.
WIYMemberTheres already too many. Unless its really speacial it wont go anywhere.
WIYMemberFeif Un
Artscroll doesnt lie. The biographies are facts. Maybe they leave out some meaningless facts that you can find in making of a Gadol but everything artscroll writes about the Gadolim is fact. I dont see what bothers you.
October 18, 2012 9:35 pm at 9:35 pm in reply to: How should one protest against shmoozers during davening? #901841WIYMembermusser zoger
“I learned somewhere that davening very loud makes one m’k’tanei ha’amana. As if HKB”H can’t hear unless he yells.”
Only by Shemonah esrei.
October 18, 2012 6:29 pm at 6:29 pm in reply to: What is your favorite brand of instant coffee? #902152WIYMemberZK
Brewed coffee tastes better and tends to be stronger, although if you heap up the spoonfuls then your instant will be stronger (and very bitter).
I have learned many parts of Pele Yoetz and I dont recommend it. It has some very scathing mussar in there and it is not for the faint of heart. I would say you are way better off with Rav Pinkus.
WIYMemberDifference between sound and hearing:(From wiki)
Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing. [1] Sound also travels through plasma.
Hearing, auditory perception, or audition [1] is the ability to perceive sound by detecting vibrations through an organ such as the ear. [2] It is one of the traditional five senses.
It would seem that the sound produced by a falling tree is not predicated upon one with hearing abilities being within earshot.
So I think the answer is yes it would make a sound or noise, however nobody would hear it.
October 18, 2012 3:53 am at 3:53 am in reply to: What is your favorite brand of instant coffee? #902142WIYMemberDY
“And you’re not a moderator.”
And you know this how?
WIYMemberYW Moderator-42
I noticed that before your responses the last response from a mod was from mod80 a year ago. Thanks for your responses.
WIYMemberBad spelling usually comes from lack of reading and writing skills. Additionally, today’s kids do most of their reading and writing via text im and email using internet slang and shorthand so they are ruining their ability to spell correctly. Its a mageifa. I force myself to spell words out in texting and online because I dont want to forget how to spell and write like a mensch.
WIYMemberGreat idea. Btw you both covered the whole Michtav Meeliyahu already? Theres a lot there so even if you did parts of it, everything he says is essential.
Maybe learn Mesilas Yesharim together?
WIYMembercoffee addict
Thats not exactly what Rashi says, what he says is that if he was in Avrahams generation he wouldnt have been considered of any importance, ??? ???? ??? ????, ???? ??? ????? ?? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?????.
Theres no question that he was a fine person the question is was he a big Tzaddik. He definitely wasnt a bad guy or not so good.
WIYMemberI cant find the video can someone please post a link?
But in chumash he makes no mention of it and from the pashut reading of Rashi it seems clear that the water above is way up there higher than the clouds.
Your OP is “Bringing Up a Son to be a Godol HaDor.” Thats of the elite few in every generation. You can be a Gadol Betorah without being a Gadol Hador. My Rav is a Gadol bTorah but I don’t think he is one of the Gedolei Hador, although he is an amazing Rav.
I have a better idea, why dont you become a Gadol Hador and stop trying to live through your child?!
WIYMemberYiddishe Kup
You expect him/her to actually share the truth with us?
October 17, 2012 1:55 pm at 1:55 pm in reply to: How should one protest against shmoozers during davening? #901830WIYMemberI wonder what would happen if shuls appointed a Gabbai to go around tasering people who talk…
October 17, 2012 1:42 pm at 1:42 pm in reply to: What is your favorite brand of instant coffee? #902132WIYMemberDY
Hey no fair this is my thread and I would prefer to hear more replies, open your own 🙂
WIYMemberIs that a statement, request, or command…?
WIYMemberMrs Katz,
I will go out on a limb to say that as long as they were In the Gan (I guess until Motzei Shabbos) they didnt need shoes but once out of the Gan they needed shoes. Im guessing in the Gan the ground was soft and smooth but outside there was rough ground and thorns and whatnot due to the klalah that Hashem cursed the ground due to Adams aveirah.
WIYMemberCoffee addict
The Christians believe in the Old Testament which is our Torah so they believe that God gave EY to the Jews.
Where did you see that Canaan stole EY from Shem? As fas as I know he was king of Yerushalayim as long as he lived.
Was this a community eruv that many were relying on? I hope not, that would be a lot of chillul Shabbos 🙁
Not one of the parents of the Gedolim of this or previous generations brought up their sons to be Gedolim. They tried to bring them up as Ehrliche Yidden.
from website
Chinuch: Raising Adults From Belz to Vizhnitz and Beyond…
“For I have made Paroh and his servants hearts heard in order to place my signs in their midst. And so that you may relate in the ears of your son and your son’s son etc. and you will know that I am Hashem” Why does the pasuk say, “and you will know that I am Hashem” – it should have said, “And so that you may relate in the ears of your son and your son’s son etc. and they will know that I am Hashem”?
The Belzer Rav answers; there are parents that want the best for their children. They will send them to the best Yeshivos, make sure they are learning well by having the best tutors for them, and always keeping them in the frummest surroundings…. .
However, the parents themselves want to keep their old life style. They won’t open a Sefer to learn. They won’t come on time to davening etc. They will just push their children to do so. This, says the Belzer Rav, will not work. If one wants his children to be Ehrlicher Yidden, he must be Ehrlich himself and let his children follow his lead. “In order that you may relate in the ears of your son and your son’s son” – to transmit the Torah to them… “you must know that I am Hashem” – First you yourself must recognize Hashem and then it will be transmitted to your children!
The Vizhnitzer Rebbe was once asked what is correct approach for father to deal with his little children during a long davening? The Rebbe answered that he has seen two approaches that share a common result. One father davens with great kavanah while his kid runs around like a “Vilde Chaya”. The other father spends a good portion of his davening catching up on the week’s gossip but he makes his child sit in his place and daven like a good boy. What happens to these two children when they grow up? The Rebbe answered, “They each daven exactly like their father!”
There’s no way to guarantee how your child will turn out, but kids tend to follow their parents example. If you openly love your Yiddishkeit and you openly love Hashem and it is obvious to them, it will certainly rub off on them and they will bezras Hashem take after you.
October 17, 2012 12:35 am at 12:35 am in reply to: How should one protest against shmoozers during davening? #901826WIYMemberjewishness
There really isnt much that a Rav can do. You expect him to stop the shliach tzibbur every other minute? And doesnt the Rav need to Daven and have kavvanah too?
I just wish the shmoozers went out into the hallway. At least that way they dont disturb everyone who is trying to Daven like a mentsch.
WIYMembercoffee addict
Noach was a Tzaddik as the Torah testifies, ?? ??? ????, ???? ??? ??????.
The Torah doesnt cover up the sins of the righteous, as we see by Noach, by Moshe and Aharon and others.
WIYMembermusser zoger
October 17, 2012 12:24 am at 12:24 am in reply to: What is your favorite brand of instant coffee? #902124WIYMemberestherhamalka
They make instant?
WIYMemberMiso soup is nasty at least the one I had from a restaurant that shall remain unnamed.
WIYMemberActually what I take from it is that if something is a chumra, tell your wife or whomever that it isa chumra and not the Halacha.
What would you say is the difference between YG dBricks and RN Steins?
If you are non religious then you have no rav. If you are religious you have your shul Rav or posek…
October 16, 2012 2:07 pm at 2:07 pm in reply to: How should one protest against shmoozers during davening? #901818WIYMemberYou need to have the right personality to pull this off: give him a look like he is a martian that just landed his UFO in shul while motioning with your hand to your mouth and making a why hand motion that it should be apparent that you are asking him how on earth can he talk in shul. However this will only work on occassional talkers not on “hardened” talkers who have been doing it for years and likely dont give a darn about Davening altogether and are just there to “hock.”
Rashi never said that the rains come from the waters above. If he says it somewhere please tell me where. Be very careful in learning and quoting Rishonim.
I know of a great website where you can ask any questions you have on Hashkafah. Check out jewswithquestions dot com. The Rav who runs it is Rabbi Shapiro he is a very chashuva Rav in Bayswater and he happens to be a big buki in matters of hashkafa.
(Mods I took out the link lets see if you post it now, Im not sure if the link was the problem although I dont see why it should be. Every frum Jew on the planet who uses internet should know that there is such a website out there where he can ask any question in Hashkafa and get an answer from a Frum Rabbi who knows what he is talking about. Maybe you have something against Jews getting real answers and prefer they ask their questions about science and chazal and all that to some of the koifrim that use your site?)
WIYMemberThanks lol
Thank you, I feel like Im talking to the wall here sometimes. Theres a serious issue with reading comprehension on these boards aside for the spelling and grammar mistakes.
WIYMemberOk I got it. Cute.
WIYMemberHe probably wore Shabbos shoes.