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Halachafortoday says
“2) The only permissible relatives for a person to hug and kiss are a mother/father, son/daughter, grandson/granddaughter according to some Poskim and a sister below the age of 3 (or 7 according to the Chazon Ish). (See Aruch Hashulchan Even HaEzer Siman 21:10)
All other relatives (Uncles/Aunts, Sisters in law/brothers in law, cousins etc.) may not be touched, kissed or hugged, and all the Halachos of other females apply to them.”
November 6, 2012 5:56 am at 5:56 am in reply to: Must a vote be cast in every section of the ballot? #903145WIYMemberYW Moderator-42
Lol not so funny though, you should watch the first part of Rabbi wallersteins latest shiur on Torahanytime
Scream if it Hurts… Commitment Phobia
Besides for Rabbi Wallerstein the Gedolim pasken that one may not vote for a candidate that is pro gay marriage. I asked a Shaila.
Why does Israel bombing Iran mean Moshiach will come immediately after? Hopefully he will come well before then, but if not I see zero connection.
WIYMemberOk what is the difference between voting Romney as Republican vs as Conservative?
WIYMemberWhatever the reason for the hurricane, I would like to see the Rabbanim get up and make a push for Teshuva and to stop the Pritzus, talking in shul and what not. Time to go back to the old days when the Rabbi was boss of his Shul and peopled listened when he said something. I would love to see a crackdown.
WIYMemberOur Gedolim of previous generations have already told us why every type of tragedy occurs. Storms and floods dont happen necessarily for the same reasons as sickness or plagues or earthquakes….
Todays gedolim are only saying that the things found in those sefarim apply to us today because we are doing those aveiros.
WIYMemberOur Gedolim of previous generations have already told us why every type of tragedy occurs. Storms and floods dont happen necessarily for the same reasons as sickness or plagues or earthquakes….
Todays gedolim are only saying that the things found in those sefarim apply to us today because we are doing those aveiros.
Its time to start taking our Gedolim seriously and to stop being stubborn and arrogant. It can get worse and it will if we dont do Teshuva. (I heard from Gedolim that it will get much worse if we dont get the message) As bad as this was Baruch Hashem people are alive and its just money that can be recovered.
November 5, 2012 3:53 pm at 3:53 pm in reply to: Rabbi Brevda Shlita needs our tefillos TODAY ESPECIALLY! #918117WIYMemberLeib is spelled lamed yud yud beis.
How is he I havent heard anything in months.
November 4, 2012 4:44 am at 4:44 am in reply to: GAS SHORTAGE: Where Can You get Gas Following Superstorm Sandy? #902433WIYMemberThanks gravesecret
What has Obama exactly done? This hurricane is a mess and nothing is being done about it. Look at whats doing in all the hard hit places in NY and NJ. Obama is a failure as well as Bloomberg.
What do you mean? Obviously Hashem hears everything. He may not have “ears” but he can hear although hearing would obviously be different by Hashem than by us because we need ears and He doesnt.
I dont know if the ben yehoyada meant only loshon hora because HE doesnt say the words loshon hora, I think it was a broader definition of negative speech, so it can be malbin pnei chaveiro, it can be putting down Torah concepts, it can be talking in shul….
November 2, 2012 3:36 am at 3:36 am in reply to: Biden is moshiach and obama is the shliach!!! #902331WIYMemberYW Fan
“My point is that if Obama gets in again we will NEED Moshiach because he’s gonna bring the downfall of America!”
And this is why Moshiach isnt here yet, because we dont feel like we need him NOW!
November 1, 2012 6:46 pm at 6:46 pm in reply to: GAS SHORTAGE: Where Can You get Gas Following Superstorm Sandy? #902423WIYMemberHow long of a wait is there for gas at these places?
WIYMemberWhy do Jews insist on going where we arent welcome? We dont belong with the goyim. In fact Im bothered by the whole dating matzav where we go to hotel lobbies. I have been in some lobbies and the pritzus was a real issue. Its very difficult being on a date controlling your eyes and thoughts while surrounded by fashionably undressed attractive non Jewish women who stopped getting dressed half way through the process and left their house that way.
I tried having a hard time coming up with anything. Maybe you will do better.
WIYMemberI love Har Nof. I would probably consider that.
Because if you need govt programs then that is your priority. Parnassa usually comes first by most people.
I have a better question. The malachim are malachei Elokim they are spiritual and powerful beings with a shlichus from Hashem, why on earth would they need “Lots pritection?!”
October 30, 2012 7:41 pm at 7:41 pm in reply to: What you can do to help get things back to normal #901487WIYMember147
I live in Boro Park the streets aren’t messed up like they are in other neighborhoods.
I think we both said the same thing. I agree that one shouldnt use a dishwasher to clean dairy and meat dishes together.
WIYMemberWho made it illegal to refuse someone to get married on your farm because their marriage/lifestyle doesn’t fit with your religious beliefs?
WIYMemberOctober 23, 2012 11:56 pm at 11:56 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941402WIYMemberScary.
WIYMemberWell if people speak to the Tzaddik and they see he knows things then they will relate to their friends that he has Ruach Hakodesh. There aren’t many Tzaddikim today who are on this level and even fewer that will “show it off.”
I would say your best bet is finding an older Tzaddik (someone over 60) because it is unlikely that someone young has reached this level today.
I wanted to start such a thread but held off on it. Anyways, I’m with Wolf on this one. They are talking way too big and I doubt it will accomplish much of anything.
That may be child labor.
October 23, 2012 4:40 pm at 4:40 pm in reply to: Would You Marry A Divorcee? (If you were never previously married.) #900505WIYMemberSushee
Even if we wouldn’t, that should not influence your decision. Personally my opinion is that guys handle divorce better than girls so I do think a divorced guy will have less baggage than a divorced girl and is more marketable. However at the end of the day whatever you do make sure you look into it with a fine toothed comb because divorce can often mean that one or both of the parties is just not capable of having a healthy relationship with the opposite gender.
October 23, 2012 2:17 pm at 2:17 pm in reply to: Would You Marry A Divorcee? (If you were never previously married.) #900502WIYMemberI am a male and no I would not marry a divorcee as it seems from the many I have met that they are quite scarred…
WIYMemberYou couldnt think of anything? Hard to believe theres so many options but ok…Have a good one.
WIYMemberNo need for 2 dishwashers for meat and dairy. You just cant wash your meat and dairy dishes in the same dishwasher at the same time.
WIYMemberYeah I miss him too.
October 23, 2012 4:01 am at 4:01 am in reply to: Rav Chaim: A Nebach Apikorus is also an Apikorus #900873WIYMemberSam
Dont slander Rashi.
WIYMemberI think on they have Chumash Rashi with English translation and Nekudos of the Chumash but not of the Rashi.
WIYMemberAmazing the direction this thread has headed in. Nobody could have predicted this!
How many frum sefardim are there? Amongst those numbers how many would be interested to buy biography books of Sefardic Gedolim? Artscroll is a BUSINESS dont ever forget that they are a FOR PROFIT BUSINESS. It takes a lot of work and costs money and man power to write a biography and if it wont make enough money its just not worth it.
October 22, 2012 4:27 pm at 4:27 pm in reply to: Rav Chaim: A Nebach Apikorus is also an Apikorus #900865WIYMemberLeibedik yankel
Where is this Raavad?
WIYMemberAmein. May you have many more happy and healthy years ad meah veesrim.
WIYMemberCoffee addict
bizman hazeh the common rests stops like in the catskill mountains are not maris ayin because so many people go to the bathroom there its common sense that you are there to “rest.”
Good idea but parts of it are a little esoteric involving kabbalistic concepts so without a perush you can get left not understanding it. For something learned once a week its better to learn something simple with easy reading that wont get bogged down.
WIYMemberGolden mom
Moral of the story, if you say good morning to your non Jewish neighbor, then when they decide to murder 6 million of us they will spare you!
Go ahead see if you can convince enough girls to stay.
I would like for you to tell me why I shouldnt vote for Obama. Whats wrong with Obama?
WIYMembercoffee addict
from Shemayisrael dot com
In a homily on Parshas Vaera regarding the erosion of religious commitment as a result of overwhelming torture and suffering, the Piazcesner Rebbe, zl, gives the following explanation. He first cites the phrase from Tefillas Shacharis which we recite daily: V’sitneinu l’chein, u’l’chesed u’lerachamim, “Grant us today and every day grace, loving-kindness, and mercy in Your eyes.” We first seek grace, because grace is granted without regard to individual merit. V’Noach matzah chein, “Noach found grace/favor in the eyes of Hashem.”
I think we all want our children to find chein in the eyes of Hashem!
WIYMemberBecause we richies like forcing other people to go into debt to have to keep up with us. That’s how we do things.
“The ???? ???? was because of idolatry and adultery but the decision to act was because of Gezel.”
So which one is worse?
Polar bears, Kangaroos and other such animals are great swimmers so even if the continents weren’t connected (although I have also seen that they were) they could have walked, ran, and swam their way to their natural habitats.
WIYMemberBasically the ideal state is the way it was in the times of the first Bais Hamikdash. Having a siddur and a Gemara are bidieveds and not the ideal optimal state. We were on a much higher level then and there was no need for the Siddur and Gemara.