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Not maskim. If she is a feminist instead of taking on your minhag she will keep hers and therefore she will continue to hold one hour. You however will keep your minhag.
Well unfortunately many frum females today dress to kill mens (and their own) neshamos. Sad reality.
Inertia, described by Newton’s first law:
“An object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by a net force.”
What were you correcting me on?
You make me feel like I have a boring palate. Sheesh! So name a top 5 from your list as “must trys”
November 23, 2012 4:16 am at 4:16 am in reply to: Fund to Help With Long Distance Dating Costs #908586WIYMemberSome of these comments are disgusting! I think we can all step back and stop judging and deciding whos needs are greater. Every valid cause is a cause and every Tzedakah that is for a real need is valid and should be respected. Thats not to say that there arent priorities. There certainly are, but that doesnt mean that we put one tzeddaka down because the other one is a bigger need or priority. A
November 23, 2012 4:11 am at 4:11 am in reply to: Early Shabbos day Mincha minyan in Boro Park #908510WIYMemberMiddle of boro park is good like Shomer Shabbos and lakewood minyan. Im in approx 10 minutes or so walking distance of both. Im looking for around 2:00 pm.
WIYMemberI give thanks to Hashem after every dinner I eat, as well as after breakfast and lunch and any snacks or drinks I have throughout the day!
November 23, 2012 4:02 am at 4:02 am in reply to: ?davening time at Emunas Yisroel for shacharis #908785WIYMemberPretty sure they start every day at 7 besides Sunday.
Shes on a date give her some space!
P.s. That nu can have multiple meanings depending on how much of a yenta you are.
November 22, 2012 2:41 am at 2:41 am in reply to: Continuous story�let's see how far we get! #952421WIYMemberVery entertaining. No fantasy adventure story is complete without a talking cat!
Wear something with color. Black is soooooo boring, and you will come off as boring and yeshivish like all those boring yeshivish girls that always wear black.
Rav Amnon is a Yemenite baal Teshuva who is massively successful in Kiruv however he is an extremist and has some very extreme shittos about certain things. This is not the type of thing anyone can be taken seriously about. Any time anyone says unequivocally that THIS IS THE REASON ___________ happened w/o saying that it could be a possible reason, they cant be taken seriously. Nobody knows and nobody can know.
check out dansdeals.
WIYMemberYou are right. There shouldnt be school and yeshiva on Chanukah as a zecher for lehashkicham Torasecha!
WIYMemberSo who won it?!
WIYMemberLeft to write and others,
I dont see why money you would be given by your parents would be excluded from the cheshbon that Hashem made for you on Rosh Hashanah. Hashem decided you would get X amount of money this year and maybe part of that X is meant to come from your parents and or in laws (in a situation where it is normal to need to come on to them and they have the means to help you). If you know otherwise please cite a source.
WIYMemberThis name is already taken
Could you try and NOT make up stories? That is the job of MSNBC, CNN CBS and the BBC!
WIYMemberI have the Yidden in Eretz Yisroel in mind in my Tefillos and learning. I also say Tehillim for them every day.
WIYMember(following i love coffee)
It was the kind of noise that could not be ignored.
WIYMemberI hope a frum yid won. Especially one who needs the money!
November 20, 2012 3:31 am at 3:31 am in reply to: Rabbi Brevda Shlita needs our tefillos TODAY ESPECIALLY! #918118WIYMemberYidden are asked to recite Tehillim and learn Torah for Rav Shlomo Brevda, who is in need of a refuah sheleimah. He is hospitalized in the ICU and is in serious condition.
Rav Brevda is one of the most well-known maggidei shiur and darshanim and has delivered thousands of drashos in Jewish communities worldwide.
The name for Tehillim is Rav Shlomo Leib ben Miriam.
May we only hear besuros tovos.
November 20, 2012 3:16 am at 3:16 am in reply to: Guys, girls- things NOT to do or say on a date #908079WIYMemberI think this whole thread is stupid and pointless. This is just “educating” people to not be themselves on dates which just makes for people being fake on dates so you first find out who they are when you get engaged and then have to break the engagement (or certainly a lot of disappointment) when you realize the person was hiding a lot from you and isnt the person you thought they were.
WIYMemberTehillim is very important. However please make sure that when you say Tehillim, you know what you are saying and say it with heartfelt emotion otherwise you really take away from the efficacy of your well intended efforts.
WIYMemberI think that in general therapists and patients can understand each other better when they are of the same gender. There are certain issues that plague each gender that it is just very difficult for the opposite gender to relate to.
The charities need the money. Just one example is the hurricane funds. It will cost millions to rebuild. Have they raised even half of what they will need?!
November 16, 2012 1:50 am at 1:50 am in reply to: "Your not mechuyav to do it altz hishtadlus but you can do it if you want to…" #911449WIYMemberfluffyandcrunchy
“@ JustARegularJew: “I once heard Hishtadlus expressed as follows: You are obligated to do everything you would do if you were a card-carrying atheist.”
Says who?
Doesn’t sound like a kosher hashkafa to me.”
Rabbi Benzion Shafier from the Shmuz says this. He deals a lot with inyanim of Betachon. If you want you can call his live Radio Show which is every Wednesday night between 8-9 pm Eastern time.
Basically he explains that one must do what is normally expected to do and put Hashem out of the picture so to speak. You do the physical show of going to work, looking for a job…whatever. But it has to be done 100% knowing that the results are NOT up to you but totally in Hashems hands. That means one is obligated to go to work and work a full day and do what any non Jew would do to make a living(as long as he isnt doing anything against the Torah). The only exception he has is that since we are Jews, we must make time for Torah, Tefillah and our families. Other than that one must go about it 100% as if Hashem is out of the picture. This is for 99.9999999% of the population. Maybe for Rav Shteinman and Rav Chaim Kanievsky the rules would be slightly different and they can do less Histadlus. But for all regular people this is the requirement.
WIYMemberGreat maybe some shidduchim will come out of this
WIYMemberIts called bnos Tzelafchad
Make sure its no bigger than a 16oz.
November 15, 2012 8:04 pm at 8:04 pm in reply to: "Your not mechuyav to do it altz hishtadlus but you can do it if you want to…" #911440WIYMemberfluffyandcrunchy
First of all cute name. Lol. Well the way I understand it is that there are certain things that are mandatory for Histadlus, there is a chiyuv to do these things within reason and then Hashem will grant you success or not depending on what He knows is best for you.
Certain things are a bit extreme or extra Hishtadlus, and not the ordinary requirement. Meaning, most ordinary people would have given up at step A and you are taking it to step B. So once you did what most ordinary people would do, to be successful in this thing then you have reached the minimum chiyuv of Hishtadlus. That doesn’t mean you cant do more. Hishtadlus is a minimum.
WIYMemberI think “Monsey Scoop” would be a cute name for an ice cream store in Monsey.
November 14, 2012 2:08 am at 2:08 am in reply to: correct pronunciation for the word r-a-t-i-o-n #906346WIYMember????????
November 14, 2012 12:52 am at 12:52 am in reply to: Any personal experience w. Rav Yechiel Abuchatzeira, chief R' of Ramle? #906335WIYMemberI know nothing about him but if it costs big bucks to see him dont bother. You might as well give it to kupat hair and get some of your hair back.
WIYMemberBnos Pupa?
Is this a chassidish seminary?
Why dont you ask society to take the phrase out of circulation?
I hope your friend has a Refuah Shelayma but theres nothing wrong with the phrase, and nothing wrong with it being here. This is not a forum dedicated to terminal illness.
Giving regular people (many who are upper middle class, or even wealthy) used clothing is a slap in the face and adds insult to injury. When doing Chessed, it has to be Chessed through and through. Chessed isnt just doing a nice thing, good act blah blah. We must do Loving Kindness. Loving Kindess means giving the best (and certainly no less than what you would want for yourself.)
WIYMemberWhat do you do if candle drips?
What do u put candle out in?
WIYMemberI don’t understand why there’s gas everywhere but here. Why is there so much gas in NJ and none for NY?!
November 9, 2012 12:03 am at 12:03 am in reply to: Cleaning Up Your Tableware After Your Restaurant Meal #903421WIYMemberIn fast food places I usually clean up after myself. I feel bad for the poor Mexican kid…In restaurants its normal that the waiter cleans up. I dont know why, but it just feels wird to be cleaning your own table in a Restaurant.
WIYMemberAsk Bloomberg.
WIYMemberMorah Rach
You watched Rabbi Wallersteins recent shiur at Chazaq on Torahanytime?
Nevuah ended. Ruach Hakodesh did not. There are many stories of recent Gedolim like the Steipler, the Chazon ish, the Baba Sali and others who had Ruach Hakodesh.
What you “choose” to believe is your prerogative.
WIYMemberfrummy in the tummy
Obviously theres lots of true and not true stuff online, you really need to use your judgment and see who is saying it, what type of site, sources…. However don’t believe everything (or most things) you read in the papers because most are controlled by leftist liberal air heads who don’t know the meaning of the words truth, honesty, or integrity.
Uh excuse me since when did google say half the world is gay?! That’s an outright lie, are you a Democrat? I just googled how many people gay and nothing of the sort comes up!!
I wont rebut your whole list now, but Obama doesnt have a good marriage and never did. He almost got divorced a few years back. Want to hear something more shocking? Theres very good reason to believe he is a mishkav zachor. Dont believe me, let google do the talking. We have a lie for a president. NOTHING about that man is as it seems. I dont dislike Obama because his color, I am not racist. I dislike him as a human being because I believe he is not a very good one. He is a cold arrogant disconnected person who lives for himself. He has no sympathy and he may not be capable of feeling for others. He is a very flawed person. I wont go on but do your research.
You just love being different dont you?
November 6, 2012 3:07 pm at 3:07 pm in reply to: class action lawsuit against lipa (electric) #902586WIYMemberOver which song or video are they suing him?
WIYMemberThe real nudnik
These are really good.
WIYMemberAre you discussing the horse that was running around during the hurricane?