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WIYMemberHashem has different names, each serving a distinct purpose. There is a forty-two lettered name (sheim mem-beit of Hashem which according to the Kabbalists, is the holiest of all His names. It is comprised of the first letters of the forty-two words of the “Ana becho’ach” prayer composed by the Tanaitic sage Rabbi Nechunia ben Hakanah. The Siddur, at the end of each of the seven verses of “Ana becho’ach,” prints an acrostic of the first letters of the six words of the verse. These letters, according to the Kabbalists, are the forty-two letters which spell this exalted name.
In the Gemara (Kiddushin 71a) Rabbi Yehudah states in Rav’s name: “The forty-two lettered name of Hashem is entrusted only to him who is pious, meek, middle-aged, free from bad temper, sober and not insistent on his rights. And he who knows this name is heedful thereof (not to use it lightly), and observes it in purity, is beloved above and popular below, feared by man, and he inherits two worlds, this world and the future world.”
Furthermore, Hashem created the world with this forty-two lettered name (Zohar II, 234b), and it facilitates a Jew’s endeavors to ascend spiritually from level to level. For this reason, every morning as we prepare to ascend spiritually, through prayer, we recite “Ana becho’ach” before “Eizehu mekoman.” Likewise for the ascent through the minchah prayers, before “Ashrei” we say karbanot (portions dealing with sacrifices) and conclude with “Ana becho’ach.” Before going to sleep we recite “Ana becho’ach” in Kriat Shema al Hamitah, since the neshamah prepares itself to be rejuvenated and to rise to a higher spiritual sphere. And on Friday night, after reciting six Psalms corresponding to the six days of the week (see Siddur Otzar Hatefilot), as we prepare to enter the holiness of Shabbat, “Ana becho’ach” is also recited.
The forty-two encampments correspond to the forty-two letters of Hashem’s name. Leaving Egypt to reach Eretz Yisrael was a process of elevation (aliyah) and the forty-two lettered name helped the Jews in this endeavor.
from sichosinenglish dot org
Interestingly enough, Douglas Adamas, the deceased author of the book Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, described himself as a radical atheist. Hashem always has the last laugh.
December 2, 2012 3:21 am at 3:21 am in reply to: Which Is The Best Internet Filtering System? #909991WIYMemberdveykus613
I do agree that the modding staff is way too lax on this site at times and they let some very offensive things get past them.
Usually the people who have issues with kollel families are the people who cant learn or never got into learning, or couldnt find a girl who would support them so they are bitter. I think there are very few people who have an issue who come from a purely ideological standpoint. Its mostly personal bias.
WIYMemberIm right Your Wrong
I apologize. Most kids here who spell like you and worse dont have dyslexia.
WIYMemberThursday night is not milchigs in every house. It isn’t in mine!
November 29, 2012 9:55 pm at 9:55 pm in reply to: any info/tidbits on R' Mordechai Schwab Z"TL #910005WIYMemberBelev Echad
I would recommend searching his name on It will bring up any articles that mention him.
November 29, 2012 8:52 pm at 8:52 pm in reply to: Does anyone have info about any Chessed org that does visits to elderly…? #910021WIYMemberBump
November 29, 2012 3:18 pm at 3:18 pm in reply to: Does anyone have info about any Chessed org that does visits to elderly…? #910020WIYMemberFarrocks
She isnt bed ridden its just that her degenerative condition makes it difficult to leave the house and she lives a few floors up…You think BC is for this? She isnt mamish a choleh…
WIYMemberIm right your wrong
Do you spell like this on tests? Do they allow text speak on tests these days in skewlz?
Wow thats $36,020,000 in maaser money! Can definitely help a lot of poor people with that!
WIYMemberIf nobody else will ever read it I dont see the problem.
WIYMemberYour age will also be a factor in which yeshiva you can attend.
If you go out to eat every night you are a spoiled brat. Is this what teens do today?
Or maybe that woman is nuts? Or maybe the postal laws in Israel are nuts?
November 29, 2012 12:05 am at 12:05 am in reply to: Great new singer out there what do you think of him! #924239WIYMemberI also heard him. Very impressed with the voice. I wish him much Hatzlacha.
Thanks 😛
November 28, 2012 10:12 pm at 10:12 pm in reply to: "…To date there have been 72 Shidduchim…" -NASI ad #910253WIYMembervoldemort
WIYMemberFunny, we are superficial because we want a slim girl, but the fat girls aren’t superficial in that they cant stop fressing fattening food and monitor their food intake?!
WIYMemberIn my fridge.
10-3am?! What is a young teenager doing out of the house after 11 or 12 at night?!
WIYMemberGet him (it) the new iphone.
November 27, 2012 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm in reply to: Whats your opinion on this Tzedaka related matter? #910186WIYMembergavra_at_work
I didnt know there were Rabbi Bender stories.
No need to be extreme, however due to the fact that the fashion industry is geared towards making every woman into a piece of meat, a woman who wants to dress Tznius in this generation has to shop very carefully and be very honest if what she is buying is “really” Tnisdik or just looks great on her and she is therefore buying it.
Just because it is being sold in a store owned by a “frum” Jew does not make it Tzniusdik. Thats not a Hechsher in any way.
“A woman is allowed to dress in a way that she feels pretty.”
Where to start?!
I guess some women (you included by your own admission) no longer care what Hashem has to say about things. Its actually quite apparent by the way some people behave that their choices are based on doing what they “feel” like.
No need to buy more than one ticket. If you are meant to win you will and if Hashem doesnt plan that for you you wont win. However I hope a frum CHARITABLE person wins.
November 27, 2012 7:48 pm at 7:48 pm in reply to: any info/tidbits on R' Mordechai Schwab Z"TL #909998WIYMemberOld man
Human shmuman you are talking shtusim. The Torah tells us how to feel when to feel how not to feel when not to feel. Its not inhuman to delay your feelings. Actually if anything that is the beauty and greatness of human beings. We can control ourselves and delay our feelings and urges. An animal MUST do what it feels like doing regardless of consequences or other factors. We are humans and we can train ourselves to do Hashems bidding regardless of what the outside world decides as human norms.
WIYMemberIs the boot wielding the woman or the woman wielding the boot?
November 27, 2012 3:20 pm at 3:20 pm in reply to: ?davening time at Emunas Yisroel for shacharis #908793WIYMemberTorah
Most shuls have minyanim in the ladies section during the week. If they dont and it is a locked area why would they unlock it for one girl? I dont know who your father is but he would have to be pretty well connected and chashuv to arrange such a thing I would think.
November 27, 2012 4:22 am at 4:22 am in reply to: ?davening time at Emunas Yisroel for shacharis #908791WIYMemberTorah
“Rebdoniel – BH I have a very accommodating father 🙂 That’s the secret.”
What does your father have to do with any of this? We are discussing if the shul has an open or available ezras nashim…
WIYMemberIs it your Hebrew bday?
WIYMembermusser zoger
“If the mezuza is the reason just cover or double cover your mezuza. and my mezuza is on the outside of the door when door is closed.”
Something about this sounds “krum.”
WIYMemberbasyechida nomore
Well you sorta missed the Thanksgiving sales but either way you can see if theres a clothing item he needs that will fit the budget. Maybe get him a sweater or tie that was mentioned. Buy what he needs before extras…
Just eat a green ices. So much simpler and more enjoyable.
Bscause its anti semitism when they expect a frum Jew to keep the law and enforce it!
Then it seems like you should buy a sefer or set depending on your budget that he would really enjoy. Maybe ask his chavrusa?
I hope u made a hoadama on the cranberries.
WIYMemberYou still read the NYT?!!! No self respecting Jew should read that paper. It is so biased!
It is my opinion, due to the fact that I find that e-reading is slow and my absorption in the material as well as my retention is much better with printed works. Learning gemara requires getting “into it” and poring over the volume. I think if you do an experiment you will find that your experience with a book will be much better (and I think more fulfilling) than digital reading.
I also read a bit about this. Time has a good article worth reading. Google “Do E-Books Make It Harder to Remember What You Just Read?”
WIYMemberTorah is meant to be learned from a sefer. Im sorry but you cant learn Shas on an ipad! Even if you have the app I strongly recommend having an actual paper Gemara in front of you. I really think artscroll went off the deep end with this one….
I never attended a BY so I dont know. I find that hard to believe but if its true then these BYs are wasting their time…But I dont see why the girls arent strongly encouraged to read up on it on their own. There must be a few good sefarim in English or Hebrew that talk about it…
I mean really there arent that many mitzvos asked of a girl to perform….
Yes the announcing is likely a “goyishe zach” as well as all the music intros which are taken straight from non Jewish music rock and roll…
Proposing is also not a Jewish thing. Maybe you can find someone to make a list of all the things we took from the non Jewish wotld….
WIYMemberHow about ” How many 0’s do you want me to put on this blank check?”
November 25, 2012 5:46 am at 5:46 am in reply to: ?davening time at Emunas Yisroel for shacharis #908787WIYMemberTorah613
Why? You have an interest in Davening in shul during the week? Most shuls dont accommodate. I think the EN is locked during the week.
I guess the menorah is just a side show to the more important element of ess and fress.
WIYMemberWhat are my benefits and privileges once I win (other then frequent golf games on your dime)?
WIYMemberThe day’s name originated in Philadelphia, where it originally was used to describe the heavy and disruptive pedestrian and vehicle traffic which would occur on the day after Thanksgiving. [4][5] Use of the term started before 1961 and began to see broader use outside Philadelphia around 1975. Later an alternative explanation began to be offered: that “Black Friday” indicates the point at which retailers begin to turn a profit, or are “in the black”.
Ayyin wikipedia