Forum Replies Created
December 18, 2012 3:33 pm at 3:33 pm in reply to: There are no coincidences so what's the connection #913690WIYMember
I actually thought of it on my own before I saw your post…great minds…
December 18, 2012 3:18 pm at 3:18 pm in reply to: There are no coincidences so what's the connection #913688WIYMemberBaalHabooze
I’m not making a gzeirah shavah just pointing it out that’s its a spooky coincidence so to speak since there are no coincidences…
Funny, I asked someone about this and he says the Vilna Gaon says it but doesn’t remember where.
WIYMemberNot sure what you mean. I always learn with a niggun. Everyone generally has some type of tune that they use when they learn. I make an effort to learn out loud whenever possible so developing a niggun happened pretty early on. Is this what you mean? Or do you mean a special “chazara” niggun? Please elaborate.
You are missed. I hope that things are well by you.
We live in a violent world. Countries constantly at war. The kids hear about it either from their parents or their friends or even from teachers and it becomes part of their conversation.
Stop trolling this stupidity.
WIYMemberWow what a sicko
WIYMemberQwazy thread
Someone with you hashkafos shouldn’t be poskening for anyone.
WIYMemberYour chumrah should be not to use the internet for a week.
WIYMemberWIYMemberSo this is barley bread or a wheat barley mix?
Don’t feed the trolls they are fat enough already.
WIYMemberI heard it but don’t know source. I think the chofetz chaim says this. I wonder if it also applies to typed words.
I see you would only believe that all Jews who look frum and certainly if they have a beard are tzaddikim and therefore they can never do evil so if the papers report about it they must be lying. Sadly we see on a regular basis and it has been going on for millenia but it seems worse in the last few decades that looking frum and being frum are 2 totally different things. Our communities unfortunately have many outwardly lokking frum people who have done terrible things ranging from ponzi schemes that have robbed people of their entire parnassa as to molestors to even murder. You want to pretend its all made up and live in Disneyland go right ahead. But the facts are that things are bad in certain communities because we allow them to be. We cover up for both criminals and perverted cowards who do sick things to children. You want to stick up for a community that runs itself like a satanic cult go right ahead. But there are people like myself and a few others here who will stand up and decry the Chillul Hashem that people who “look holy” are doing. These people pick and choose halacha according to their whim. By them tbere are only 2 dibros. NEVER MAASER ON ONE OF US. AND NEVER COOPERATE WITH TH EVIL AMERICAN GOVT. Its time to stop tolerating the lawlessness that goes on. Its like Chicago in Al Capones days. They use mafia tactics and can put mafia to shame.
December 16, 2012 3:59 am at 3:59 am in reply to: Muttar for a Rabbi to discuss the awful shooting on Shabbos? #913255WIYMemberMorah Rach
“My sister is wondering why her Rabbi did not discuss the shooting during his drasha or say Tehillim”
I have plenty of sympathy.
WIYMemberBen Levi
Are you iced?
Btw you should read what the Dily news is saying about what the Satmar Rishoyim are up to and I believe every word and in fact Im sure its worse than reported bec you know how hard it is to get info in that community.
Thanks for sharing.
If something is DE it isnt supposed to be eaten at the same seudah as fleishigs.
December 16, 2012 1:17 am at 1:17 am in reply to: The Weberman Trial By 5TJT Staff (this brought tears to my eyes) #913467WIYMemberrebdoniel
“The Reform aren’t Jewish enough for other Jews”
“We need to stop the politics, unite around the banner of halakha”
Correction: The Reform aren’t Jewish and they have zero interest in keeping halacha or having anything to do with Torah life.
December 16, 2012 1:15 am at 1:15 am in reply to: Muttar for a Rabbi to discuss the awful shooting on Shabbos? #913247WIYMemberImaofthree
I dont see why a Rabbi must mention it at all and who is she to “tell the Rabbi” what he should be mentioning. He is the Rabbi for a reason, he knows what the kahal needs to hear be it a dvar Torah on the parsha or a dvar halacha or whatever.
Additionally, we have enough things going on in our own communities to say Tehillim for. If you want to say Tehillim for them go ahead but it has never been the minhag in klal yisroel to say Tehillim for non Jews brabim in shul. In fact most shuls only said Tehillim brabim during the rocket barrage issue in eretz yisroel. So it would be extremely strange and unhear of to be saying Tehillim in shul for them. Lets be busy with our own issues. There are enough non Jews (311,591,917 million people living in the USA) to say psalms pray and give charity for for them. They dont need our Tehillim.
December 16, 2012 1:06 am at 1:06 am in reply to: Upset at two related things that were in the Hamodia Weekly #913367WIYMembercoffee addict
I would like to add 2 things.
1. I think an 18-19 year old girl is usually too young and immature for marriage and therefore dating and girls should really start when they are about 20.
2. The parents are nuts for thinking that a 20 year old girl dating for 2 years will never get married. How do you give up so soon on your child?! However frum society as a whole has this anxiety built into shidduchim that if someone is dating for like 2 years and nothing happens yet we freak out. We are creating a crisis by making a 20 year old girl think she will never get married. So now at 20 a girl is “old?!”
December 16, 2012 12:58 am at 12:58 am in reply to: Should kids have locks on their bedroom doors? #1002511WIYMembermusser zoger
I am maskim, I was coming to the same maskanah.
You can ask the question better, what did they do the year after chanukah?
I think the Menorahs that chazal instituted for pirsumei nissah of chanukah were only in (front of) peoples homes. However in the mikdash which is not a private residence, they only light the regular 7 branch menorah.
December 14, 2012 3:44 pm at 3:44 pm in reply to: Should kids have locks on their bedroom doors? #1002505WIYMember147
Everyone is entitled to their privacy, however isn’t a closed door privacy? Why do they need a lock? If they have a lock wont that allow them to also lock their parents out and to sneak things and do inappropriate things that their parents have no way of monitoring?
December 14, 2012 3:42 pm at 3:42 pm in reply to: Should kids have locks on their bedroom doors? #1002504WIYMemberI am surprised nobody has anything to say on this matter
December 14, 2012 4:19 am at 4:19 am in reply to: Should kids have locks on their bedroom doors? #1002502WIYMemberGoq
I knew someone was going to make a lox joke.
December 13, 2012 8:04 pm at 8:04 pm in reply to: Chassidish Minhagim and which Chassidus does it #972659WIYMemberchalilavchas
Its not boredom. But there are other topics and other things to talk about.
If you have ever seen pictures of trolls, you would know that most have beards.
The problem is that Lipas cd’s are listened to in most chassidish homes. Homes that would never listen to non Jewish music and kids whos parents would never let the kids listen to non Jewish music and they themselves would never do so.
I guess if she were a size 8 she wouldn’t get a beating.
Guys like Lipa empower them and make them think its ok to be “goyish.”
December 13, 2012 3:27 pm at 3:27 pm in reply to: Chassidish Minhagim and which Chassidus does it #972657WIYMemberChalila
Lets not make every thread about weberman or rosenberg ok? Thank you.
That’s not gayva. Its how we are supposed to feel so that we keep shtyging.
The Rokeach says that they celebrated Sukkos then. Let Rav Shachter argue with Rishonim.
Maturity is not measured by age but by the way you handle yourself in adverse situations.
If shes chassidish she’s old lol. If not then its normal. Most girls start that age.
I know right? A bit disrespectful in my opinion. He’s a good man, a good yid and an excellent councilman. I don’t think there’s more to add to this thread.
WIYMemberI think it fits him perfectly and makes him look very sharp.
p.s. I think this thread wins dumbest thread of the week for sure. Although there is potential for humor here…
WIYMemberYeah it looks like the trolls are out full force. It must be all that fried food sending their system into disarray.
I was right about Tamei oil. Below is a cut and paste from Havolim. Btw he has good schoirah on this topic.
The rule of Tumah Hutrah Betzibbur is this: Generally, the Kohanim who do the Avodah and the ritual objects which are used in the Avodah, must be Tahor. If, however, the majority of the Kohanim are Tamei, or if the Korban itself became tamei, or if no oil/flour/wine is available which is tahor, then we invoke the rule of Tumah Hutrah Betzibbur, which allows us to disregard Tumah problems.
Oh and you are welcome! I am glad I could be of help to you.
WIYMemberDo some kind of trivia game that pits husband against wife or pair people up. Maybe do a family trivia. Put together questions about peoples lives and split the group up into 2 teams and pit one member of each team against the other. E.g. This person learned in x yeshivah or bais yaakov. Who is it? Should be lots of fun.
WIYMemberBaal Habooze
Many meforshim say the ikkar of Chanukah is as you say chanukas habayis or chanukas hamizbayach but the reason for 8 days is due to the special neis of the pach shemen that burned for 8 days.
WIYMemberalways runs with scissors fast
Male and single. And not as smart as Id like to be 🙂
December 12, 2012 3:35 pm at 3:35 pm in reply to: Yasher Koach to Rabbi Horowitz of Project Yes, for protecting and not punishing #912577WIYMemberHealth
Wow. Amazing how far you go to defend this mushchis and yet when you see someone in a restaurant without a sheitel without speaking to her or her husband and knowing anything about their situation you are ready to hang them on the gallows. You really are quite the special individual. I guess sheitel is yehareg val yavor but not molesting a niddah, eishes ish, yichud, gezel from a tzeddakah and all the other things this scum of the earth did. I really don’t know where some people get their moral compass these days. There was a fair trial she was cross examined extensively. The case is as solid as it can be under the circumstances. Baruch Hashem a serial child rapist has been taken off the streets of williamsburg.
December 12, 2012 3:20 pm at 3:20 pm in reply to: Throwing bleach at R' Nuchem Rosenberg to achieve justice? #912393WIYMemberZahavasdad
The oil was all tamei. Also a zar may light the menorah.
You have a Jewish cat? Lol.