Forum Replies Created
December 26, 2012 6:58 pm at 6:58 pm in reply to: Which fruits and vegetables should be refrigerated for freshness? #915871WIYMember
Tomatoes go bad in the fridge so I don’t think they need to be refrigerated.
You shouldn’t advertise on Yeshivaworld that you watch movies especially the likes of les miserables which is quite filthy.
I hope the people who come to you for “psak” are aware of your shmiras eynayim standards of which you will find zero heter for.
WIYMemberNo you didn’t strike a nerve but you are a koifer and an apikorus and someone with your foolish beliefs belongs on some atheist website. Don’t come to Yeshivaworld with your stupidity. You don’t see what azas panim you are to come to a frum website and insult our intelligence with your comments?
What on earth is ” with things like emperical data, historcal accuracy of the Torah?” All the questions have been answered already on this site and many others. Anyone who wants answers should go to a Rabbi and ask or check the websites that deal with the issues or buy any of a few 100 books that deal with the questions.
Also you are a very cruel person for saying this ” How incredibly naive and patronizing.
When a child goes off the derech, the first thing a parent usually says is “how am I going to show my face in shul now?””
Do you have any clue what parents actually say?! How dare you make such a statement as though you are in the homes and know what parents say?! Are you so stupid to actually think this is what people say?!
Uch im already nauseous from you and im sure it will only get worse with your response so do me a favor and don’t respond.
December 26, 2012 12:54 am at 12:54 am in reply to: Fruits and vegetables that SHOULDN'T be refrigerated #915593WIYMemberrebbi1
I just figured this one out. They go really bad in the fridge.
You are a koifer beikar. Hakkeh es shinav. Go post elsewhere.
I respectfully disagree on one point you mentioned. Imagine that yout went to see Eliyahu Hanavi and he tells you about a whole bunch of things that you will do (or choose to do) in the future. How does this take away your bechira? In the moment of that event you are choosing based on what you think and feel is a proper course of action. Someone telling you your future is just telling you what you will choose in the future. That doesn’t change your bechira because you are still you and you will still make the choices you make for the the reasons you make them. Capice?
WIYMemberMod are you asleep? MashaChava is troll and retarded did you really read what she wrote?!
She/He should he monitored carefully.
Yes, we are sorry that got through.
You are welcome. I really hope things change for the better.
Here are 2 good options. Mods please allow.
Hatzlacha vkol tuv
It is heartbreaking to see how many people are lost and going off the derech these days. We certainly need a lot of siyatta dishmaya. Can I recommend something that may be a zchus for your child to come back? Get personally involved in kiruv. There are organizations that can pair you up with a non frum yet or on the way to being frum person of your gender that you can learn with over the phone and have a personal hashpaah on. If you exert yourself and sacrifice your time and efforts to bring Hashems lost children back to him, He will certainly bring yours back to you.
WIYMemberI love how everyone pretends this is such a pertinent issue for them…I think those who are makpid on NOT being mevatel Torah the whole year (none of us) should worry about how to or if they should be mevatel it on Nittel. Everyone else should drink an ice cold glass of reality and stop pretending to be holier than thou.
December 24, 2012 5:34 pm at 5:34 pm in reply to: Dreaming About Food – Whaf Are You Eating To Break Taanis? #915037WIYMemberrebdoniel
When is that diet starting?
WIYMemberjust my hapence
Maybe its time we form such a league because there are many good guys single and married who are serious about their learning and also work. In fact it was only when I started working that I felt inspired to take my learning time more seriously. Its just human nature that when you have the whole day to do something it doesn’t become such a priority. I’m not saying there aren’t serious guys out there, but it is a minority to find guys who learn even 7 solid hours a day in beis medrash. If these guys ever made a cheshbon of how they actually spend their time I think there would be a lot more guys working…
December 24, 2012 5:23 pm at 5:23 pm in reply to: Jews protesting against a job fair! How low will they fall? #915757WIYMemberPopa
Some people here need to switch to decaf. (I know its in decaf section but this is obviously a controversial thread and people need to slow down with the hurling of insults).
WIYMemberI think the discrimination is usually in proportion to the level that the bt stands out as a bt. I think it is terrible to discriminate against innocent people but most bt dont help themselves by being so darn obvious. There should be a course that teaches them how to blend in.
I see a lot of depth in this story. I have my own pshat. Sometimes we can be jealous and hate someone else and think that if we try to harm them we will be hapoier or it will grant us success. But the reality is that when we try to do bad to others the one we are hurting most is ourselves.
I find it funny that people here are actually taking you seriously as though this list would make sense and be ok if you were a guy!!
WIYMemberQ: What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter?
A: Irrelephant!
So you are saying that Rabbi Horowitz and all the other Rabbanim that believe the victims are am haaratzim? Or maybe you and some other people here don’t really have a clue when something is loshon hora and when it isn’t and would prefer to defend abusers for the sake of your own lack of proficiency in the halachos of loshon hora as well as other simanim in shulchon aruch that apply to these cases.
Well all you can do is educate them to your best ability. Most parents don’t get it but one word from a parent is worth a 1000 from a Rebbe. What they see and hear you do has a 1000x the impact anything their Rebbe or Morah can say. If their parents have “loose” lips and say not nice things the kid will take after the parents in most cases. When kids get older and spend more time in yeshiva this may change but in the younger years most education happens in the home.
December 21, 2012 5:31 pm at 5:31 pm in reply to: A bit bothered by some advertisements in frum publications #1009244WIYMemberchalilavchas
Yes there are many brands with such watches. There are watches that cost over $1,000,000.
This shouldn’t happen in any Yeshivah and I won’t ask which yeshivah it was, however can it be that the driver overreacted? Kids are kids and they tend to be wild on the bus although usually more wild on the way home. Also why wasn’t there a “bus monitor” on the bus to help maintain decorum?
December 21, 2012 3:30 pm at 3:30 pm in reply to: Helicopters were hovering over Boro Park at about 6 pm tonight #1119909WIYMemberIt was the YWN mods searching for Joe
I just pretended to lol
WIYMemberUneeq that never works…
” I wouldn’t trust anyone who drinks light beer.”
December 20, 2012 7:14 pm at 7:14 pm in reply to: A bit bothered by some advertisements in frum publications #1009220WIYMemberzahavasdad
There are many things that are assur depending on your intentions. Are you buying a lexus because you can afford it? Or is a camry much more in line with your finances but you want to project an image that you are wealthy which is gaivah. Even if you are wealthy, if you are buying the car to show off and to make others jealous it is assur. Its a bad thing to do and will likely bring an ayin hara. Yknow some people don’t get it that EVERYTHING YOU DO has to be weighed under the guise of Torah and Torah Hashkafah. Hello, even regarding going to the bathroom there are simanim in shulchon aruch about how and what to do and where and we make a bracha after.
Our money is a gift from Hashem. It is also a nisayon if you have too little or too much. A person has to realize that getting stuck in the muck of gashmiyus brings you down. If you wear a $40,000 watch that means you are invested in gashmiyus. A person who gets a high out of luxuries and puts importance into that will not easily get a high out of doing mitzvos and learning a daf gemarah. They are contradictions. Pursuit of luxuries get in the way of pursuit of ruchniyus. You really can’t have both. A person can only have one priority. Whatever he prioritizes will automatically cause other things to be less important to him.
He’s delusional. He doesn’t have the talent to compete in that arena. He is no Mattisyahu. I don’t see his endgame. He is like all those tuna beigel kids who “think” they convincingly look and sound not chassidish but don’t realize how pathetic they come across. This is another example of what happens to a person when he isn’t connected to Torah and has no guidance. He needs an intervention and quickly before he goes too far and ruins his own career.
They must be very yeshivish and really “shtark” or just playing you because I know many Lakewood people and this is not the norm.
You ever want to find out information about anything try Google. I Google his name and found some really bad news. Google his name.
December 19, 2012 9:52 pm at 9:52 pm in reply to: A bit bothered by some advertisements in frum publications #1009199WIYMemberapushatayid
I started this thread. Dont come here accusing innocent people of being Joseph. I am not Joseph.
Rich gorgeous and let you do whatever you want.
Kidding! Although that would be nice 🙂 (Im gonna get flamed by a few girls here for this comment but oh well)
There’s a great book you should read called “i only want to get married once” by Chana Levitan. Its a top book that will help you figure yourself out and realize where you are holding and what is really important to you. Its a short book and easy to read. You will enjoy it.
December 19, 2012 5:29 pm at 5:29 pm in reply to: Rabbi Brevda Shlita needs our tefillos TODAY ESPECIALLY! #918121WIYMemberNechomah
Thanks! Baruch Hashem. I’m so worried about him. I try to have him in mind daily in various brachos or learning. May he have a refuah shelayma bekarov!
WIYMemberI didn’t see anything about this in the Hamodia :-p
WIYMemberMore misdirection?
There’s therapy for internet addiction. If you have a problem with certain websites download Bluecoat k9 and put a block on those websites and have someone else hold the passwords. You will be protected that way and reclaim some of your sanity. That is if you truly want to change and be helped.
WIYMemberMoshiach Moshiach Moshiach oy oy oyyoyoyoy moshiach moshiach moshiach oyyoy oyyoy oyyoy (MBD song)
The Holocaust is very clearly an exception. Its not something that ever happened before and nobody imagined that someone would take over entire continents and kill all the Jews. This never happened before in history. In the past we got bounced from country to country within a close radius give or take. It never was an issue of switching continents and travelling so far away.
My next point is slightly controversial but I will say it anyways because its the emes. At least the concept is. There were many people advised not to go to the US due to the spiritual nisyonos. It is better to die al kiddush Hashem as a frum kosher yerei shomayim than live a long life as a Jew who threw it all away. I have relatives who came before the war. They are all totally not frum totally. And they came from strictly chassidish families. No Yiddishkiet left by them they all threw it all away. So maybe min Hashomayim Hashem knew that many of these people were not strong enough and therefore put it into the Rabbonims minds to advise them to stay.
I have an additional possible scenario and that is that at the time the shayla was asked maybe it was possible that there was no gezeirah yet on Hungary and for whatever reason Hashem decided to add Hungary into the mix at a later point.
However throughout our history it has always been the practice of those who want to do dvar Hashem to seek counsel by Tzaddikim. Baruch Hashem this still goes on today. I’m not saying every Rabbi is qualified in this respect but certainly the Gedolei Hador the ziknei hador are qualified in being asked advice in all matters. If they really don’t know they will say I don’t know. That’s also Gadlus.
December 19, 2012 3:14 pm at 3:14 pm in reply to: A bit bothered by some advertisements in frum publications #1009182WIYMemberI just think it is insensitive to most people especially post Sandy when there are 100’s of families who lost their homes or sustained huge damage to market $40,000 watches so rich guys can show off. I’m not rich I’m not poor Id say I’m upper middle class. I can’t afford a 40,000 watch and I can’t imagine any self respecting person would wear one. Its gayvah and tayvah and probably trying to poke out yenems eyes. You know if you are wearing some expensive rolex or whatever that you are making a statement. You do it anyways because you like the image and all that. Its certainly not within the guidelines of hatzneia leches im elokecha. It also brings ayin hora. Its just recently that I noticed such ads. I. the past the ads have been for more modest jewelry like chasson watches…this really raises the bar and is inappropriate. Feel free to disagree but I feel like advertising a $40,000 + watch is no different than advertising Bentleys and Rolls royces and feraris to the frum community. Is this what we are all about?
December 19, 2012 2:57 pm at 2:57 pm in reply to: Warning – ZeesKite Impersonator On The Loose #913950WIYMemberYou think we are stupid?
You probably miss many simchos…no wonder you are so bitter…
December 19, 2012 6:34 am at 6:34 am in reply to: Anyone here cook with a grill pan, how on earth do you clean it? #914128WIYMemberpopa
That makes no sense to me. The gunk will just keep growing and growing until you have a layer of it covering the whole pot. No thanks.
You sure brillo isn’t too rough on a grill pan? Don’t want to damage it.
WIYMemberThat invitation is meshuggah.
There is a spiritual koach that Hashem gives to certain Tzaddikim who are basically totally absorbed in Torah and Avodah that they can see or sense certain things that we cannot. There are many stories with the Steipler, the Baba Sali and others zatzal. These stories happened recently enough and they were told over by eye witnesses and the people it happened to. So you basically want to say that all these people are lying and that the brachos and havtachos that various Tzaddikim gave that came true is all made up or coincidence. YOU CALL YOURSELF RATIONAL?!
Yes gedolim are human they aren’t aliens but what makes them great is their determination and success in overcoming their natural human inclinations and limitations and physical drives to become masters of their free will.
What personal benefit would a therapist have in recommending a divorce?!
WIYMemberEnglish por favor?
December 18, 2012 4:35 pm at 4:35 pm in reply to: There are no coincidences so what's the connection #913693WIYMemberPopa
Hmmmm. I hear. Just because something is not a coincidence doesn’t mean you ever will know its meaning.
WIYMemberI also miss Chanukah. Oy Chanukah Oy Chanukah…nevermind. I heard the best idea to get over post yomtov blues is to absorb yourself in the next upcoming yomtov by learning the halachos and inyanim about it.
You should ask a Rabbi before deciding to do something that may be kineged halacha. It would seem that in Shul Tachanun must be said after chazaras hashatz and you should confirm with a Rabbi if you may say it before or if it is better to say it after aleinu.
What’s wrong with tomatoes & chicken?