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“It’s not his fault he got lost, the question is, how does he want the girl to react?”
Brilliant question. I think he wants you to roll your eyes and say something sarcastic because that would make him feel even better.
January 27, 2013 7:34 pm at 7:34 pm in reply to: Would you be insulted if the birds didn't eat your bread that you put out? #924292WIYMemberMod-20
I can see how it can be traumatic.
Stop playing with explosives.
January 27, 2013 5:28 am at 5:28 am in reply to: Is it unethical for mods to change your subtitle without your permission? #924232WIYMemberBump
WIYMemberTell your father to ask his Rav or posek or better yet get his number and call him yourself and ask him. We are NOT poskim here and although there are some people who know lots of Halacha here, the policy is that with all halachic questions contact your LOR (local Orthodox Rabbi).
January 27, 2013 4:26 am at 4:26 am in reply to: Would you be insulted if the birds didn't eat your bread that you put out? #924286WIYMemberBread or manna or chocolate bars or whatever you put out…
WIYMemberI saw brought down that the Chida in Rosh David says that since there was giluy shechina there was no problem of men having hirhurim from the voices because the men were too afraid (they had pachad from the shechina) to have hirhurim.
This is for Miriam…
“The Rabbonim never recovered from that one.”
Firstly we now see that the Rabbonim were right back then about that singer. If you have been watching his recent videos you would know what I mean.
Secondly and more importantly, the Rabbonim at that time had no clue that the Tzibbur was holding at such a low point that they would rally behind this singer and talk trash against them! I mean we should be embarrassed that we have such weak emunas chachamim that we side with this “dude” over all the Rabbonim who signed the kol koreh.
Good answer.
Yeah but Im shocked that Avrohom Fried would get involved in such a thing. I was really shocked that he was a judge on the show. Its so not Torahdig to have such a show where you publicly critique embarrass and destroy the self esteem of another Yid.
January 27, 2013 1:03 am at 1:03 am in reply to: Must a boy who is in Shidduchim always be shaven? #924210WIYMemberOneOfMany
I mean that from my understanding girls dont care if a guy shaves regularly as long as he looks presentable, especially on dates lol. Its more that the adults seem to care so I am asking if its just these few people that said something to me or is it a larger group in our society who feels that boys must shave a few x a week.
To show the evil of Pharoah that he wouldnt even let them leave for 3 days!
It is not being done with Daas Torah. I agree with you 1000%.
January 25, 2013 7:57 pm at 7:57 pm in reply to: Must a boy who is in Shidduchim always be shaven? #924208WIYMemberOneOfMany
No. I don’t see why you should say so.
WIYMemberI just want to agree with curiosity and others who said it isn’t proper to change a baby in public.It is very rude and insensitive to wipe a dirty baby in public and if someone did it next to me I would be grossed out and I would ask them to do it in a secluded quite place not next to people. You may think your baby is adorable and not be grossed out by his or her nasty diapers and just accept changing them as a regular chore that you give no thought to but to other people it can be nauseating. So all Mommies and Daddies please do your diaper changing in private. And please NEVER change a diaper in a room that people are eating in like the kitchen or dining room. My sister once pulled that one and I flipped out. Its really nasty to do this.
WIYMemberPlease don’t spell sweet as sweat I can tolerate poor spelling but some words just conjure up nasty images so please be more selective of which words you mangle. Thanks.
January 25, 2013 5:44 pm at 5:44 pm in reply to: Must a boy who is in Shidduchim always be shaven? #924205WIYMemberI think the most important factor here is not what some random girl in the street will think when she sees a boy not freshly shaved but rather what it looks like to older people who see you and would consider you for someone they know. So my question is geared towards people who are older and out of the shidduch parsha or know what their parents would think if they saw a guy who had a few days growth of beard but it doesn’t look bad just its not freshly shaved. Does it really give a bad impression or are some older people biased because they are in the business world and in business it is unprofessional to show up with stubble on your face (at least by the non Jews) so working people tend to associate stubble with a lack of being put together. But then if that’s the case a guy should have to always look clean shaven which could mean shaving an extra few times a week which is a pain and takes time. I would do it if its necessary but I really don’t know. I may sound like Im overthinking this whole thing but Im really not. People please weigh in and let me know. Thanks.
I think the answer for Beshalach q is that the makos were punishments on Mitzrayim so they deserved that. Krias yam suf was not a punishment (at that point) but rather to allow klal yisroel to pass through. They were undeserving of a neis of that magnitude because it was for them and they were also oivdei avodah zora.
Your last weeks kasha bothers me too.
What are you referring to I think I missed one crucial post here…
WIYMemberI think cats are a bit scary. They are just mini tigers. I always imagine a cat in the street will go bonkers and attack me with the full ferocity of a starved lion or tiger. Maybe I drink too much coffee lol.
WIYMemberAre you also funny in real life as a person or is it only online when you can be anonymous?
WIYMemberFor some people that’s going to be a lot of emails. 😉
I totally get your dilemma and this similar thing happened to a male friend of mine who is now BH happily married. He dated a girl who on paper seemed to be everything he was looking for. She really was a good girl and what not but the feeling wasn’t there. He had to say no but had nothing to pin it on. We had a long discussion about it and in the end we came to the conclusion that he just has to stick to his guns and say the chemistry was off. He told me that the Shadchan didnt want to take that as an answer. He really had to keep asserting himself that she is just the wrong one. Its amazing. Had he said he finds her boring or unattractive….she would have taken that no in a minute, but no chemistry which is the most valid reason to say no she would not accept without him being firm about it. So there may be some resistance from the Shadchan you should ne ready to be firm about your no and don’t be sweet talked into another date.
I think they have no clue what abuse is and dont realize how cruel evil and damaging it is. I also think that they think that someone who does abuse should never end up in jail. I really dont know how they think a Satmar chassid who does a crime should be punished. Or if he even should be.
Sheker vchazav you are a shkran.
January 23, 2013 7:14 pm at 7:14 pm in reply to: Must a boy who is in Shidduchim always be shaven? #924177WIYMemberoomis
I know I agree. I am well groomed but yesterday I got a talk from someone that I should have shaved it was only 3 days from Shabbos and I didnt look like a mess. My beard doesnt grow wild and doesnt grow that fast or thick. I actually look ok with a few days growth.
He should have gotten 1003 years for what he has done. More and more stories of children he abused will come out you wait and see. The carpet has become too stuffed and the sewage is spilling out and will get all over the place. You just wait and see. Its about time. Yeish din vyesh dayan. He should be happy this isnt communist Russia because over there they would hang him for what he did (and he deserves that and worse).
January 23, 2013 6:41 pm at 6:41 pm in reply to: Must a boy who is in Shidduchim always be shaven? #924175WIYMemberpopa_bar_abba
More than once I was “lectured” by older people (mother, aunt, father friend…) that a boy should always be freshly shaved. I was thinking huh? You cant be serious! But I want to know what people as a whole think.
Who is Joseph here?
WIYMemberYknow this website is one big de javu
January 23, 2013 12:08 am at 12:08 am in reply to: Girls in Shidduchim wearing sweatshirts ? #922964WIYMemberhudi
I personally would not want my wife to do so. There are plenty of other warm things to wear.
January 22, 2013 10:35 pm at 10:35 pm in reply to: Parshas HaMan – Tuesday of Parshas Beshalach #1055754WIYMemberIs there a chiyuv of Hishtadlus to say it if you can?
WIYMemberIs Joe Biden our Joseph?
WIYMemberIts a serious Yeshiva for good serious learners. However like all good Yeshivas, not everyone there fits the bill.
Is the 7 a representation of your age? Because your logic is that of a 7 year old. Come back in 10 years.
You and some others are making it sound like being Jewish was easy or that living a frum lifestyle is encroaching on your freedom…you are Hashems princess, a princess cant do what the peasants do or wear what the peasants wear…
Thanks for the laugh.
WIYMemberYes I was very angry and disgusted when I saw it. The wording is very arrogant and misleading. I don’t know how these people get away with this. I wish that the Yated and Hamodia wouldn’t allow this in their papers because they are partners in crime by allowing it and taking a cut or the advertising…for allowing it.
It seemed that way from his email with me but he doesn’t like to go ask for money. As you know he isn’t in it for the money nd isn’t into fund raising and frankly I have no clue how he gets by because he must be busy with this most of his day. I ill be sending him a respectable sum today to help him get things back up. Im sure he would appreciate any assistance.
January 21, 2013 4:59 pm at 4:59 pm in reply to: what chassidic movements don't require you to grow a beard? #921389WIYMemberIf you are a girl you have nothing to worry about.
WIYMemberJust want
You want a goo doy?
WIYMemberTrollollaa Trollolla Trollollalala. Just singing don’t mind me.
Keeping Shabbos is “hard enough?!” Wow! Where to start this Machaah? Shabbos is the most beautiful treasure that Hashem gave us. It is a day where we bask in the heavenly glow of the Shechina and get a taste of olam haba. It is the mekor haberacha the day that infuses shefa into the future 6 days of the week. Shabbos is hard?! Its so beautiful so peaceful so holy. I love Shabbos!
WIYMemberI never said I was speaking about Tznius per se. I just personally think hoodies look childish and older girls look like young teens in them and that people should dress age appropriate. This is my impression of hoodies but feel free to disagree. This thread is NOT about Tznius and I think everyone can chill out now (in hoodies if its indoors lol).
January 21, 2013 4:35 pm at 4:35 pm in reply to: Blaming the Same Gender Unions: A Personal Rant #927553WIYMemberVery few Rabbanim said it was due to same gender marriage.
Well sadly many people are naive and think that a “choshuv” person especially a Rabbi or a person of authority could never do such a thing. The problem is these people would never believe that a “Rabbi” did or could do such a thing. If you showed them a video they would say it was somehow faked. I think a lot of those people don’t want to believe such a thing were possible and its easier for them to believe that a “mmodern” girl who had issues growing up is lying than that he actually did such a thing. These people are not using their brains to analyze what went on here. Additionally I would assume 99% of Willitown never read ANYTHING about abuse or psychology and about the psychology behind abuse so they are very uneducated in these areas. So their beliefs of innocence are just based on their bias towards one of their own versus someone who “walked away” (or should I say was abused away).
I emailed the Rabbi who runs the website and he told me that his site was hacked and he is now going through the costly and time consuming process of switching servers and restoring the website.
WIYMemberIm sure those in the community not being lied to or brain-washed and who also have permission to think for themselves (probably not all that many people come to think of it) believe quite strongly and rightly that he is guilty.
Anyone given all the facts available about the trial and everything surrounding the story would have to be really crooked to not see the truth.
The reason Satmar is fighting this is not due to his innocence. They know he’s a filthy dog. They are just afraid that the govt will now be keeping a closer eye on what is going on there and may uncover more such stories which will endanger their mossdos and cause principals to get into touble for covering up for evil wicked people in their midst.