Forum Replies Created
People have a right to do an investigation and say no to you. Deal with it. You don’t want a girl to not do the research and then dump you once you are engaged when she finds out certain things about you that she doesn’t like.
You do realize that
1. Its not a chiyuv/mitzvah min hatorah to look at the brothers, its only a certain indication of what the child can turn out like, however everyone has bechira and can rise above their nature.
2. There wasnt many families to pick from, Avraham specifically wanted someone from his family and there was nobody with middos like Rivka’s to be found elsewhere.
WIYMemberThe text talk is giving me a head ache. Mods I think it needs to be strictly limited to ThePurpleOne.
February 10, 2013 9:48 pm at 9:48 pm in reply to: The "whats the best word to use express what I want to say thread" #928777WIYMembertorah
Lol. I think the mumble is the best thing to do.
WIYMemberWhat a moron lol.
February 10, 2013 5:19 am at 5:19 am in reply to: Is That the Jewish Way? #1216399WIYMemberTorah
Ah the good old days bsc (before shidduch crisis)
February 10, 2013 5:15 am at 5:15 am in reply to: The "whats the best word to use express what I want to say thread" #928770WIYMemberTorah
Id be very impressed with anyone who could sneeze at whim. I sometimes can’t sneeze even when I need to lol.
February 10, 2013 5:07 am at 5:07 am in reply to: NOT A JOKE: Lines For Gas Again Before Blizzard Starts #928144WIYMemberEach leg of the journey can be driven by car :-p
I’m glad that for the most part this blizzard was no biggie. At least here in Brooklyn.
February 10, 2013 5:06 am at 5:06 am in reply to: Is That the Jewish Way? #1216396WIYMemberTORAH
Your grandmother met a husband on a dating site? That’s progressive for a woman that age. I’m assuming shes at least in her low to mid 60s. Very cool!
February 10, 2013 4:57 am at 4:57 am in reply to: Is That the Jewish Way? #1216394WIYMemberPopa
Go join and troll them lol
WIYMemberWhereas means while on the other hand so me thinks at least the first whereas is incorrect and shouldn’t be there.
February 10, 2013 4:29 am at 4:29 am in reply to: The "whats the best word to use express what I want to say thread" #928767WIYMemberTorah
Why would being ffb be an achilles heel?
Oy you have that weird medical condition that you can’t remember what to say when people sneeze.
Yeah its likely because you got used to the bless you thing. Just say gezundteit 100x in a row and call me in the morning lol.
(I’m not licensed to treat this condition)
February 10, 2013 4:25 am at 4:25 am in reply to: The "whats the best word to use express what I want to say thread" #928766WIYMemberThepurple
Your whole family speaks the way you type here?
There’s no problem doing Teshuvah daily. Halevai we all did Teshuvah daily.
February 10, 2013 4:06 am at 4:06 am in reply to: What's red, hangs on the wall, and whistles? #928594WIYMemberOne of many
Ooh ooh I know, a 300 pound caterpillar!
February 10, 2013 4:04 am at 4:04 am in reply to: The "whats the best word to use express what I want to say thread" #928762WIYMemberTORAH
Yeah so I guess that makes 2 of us wanting to know how to express Shidduch parsha in English.
As for the sneezing response I think most frum people say gezundheit. Some say Asussa or asisa depending how they pronounce words. That one comes from the gemara. In Yiddiah some say “tzim gezindt” which means to health. I think there’s a few others in Yiddish that some might say.
Are u a bt?
February 10, 2013 2:36 am at 2:36 am in reply to: Anyone Know Their Stuff About Credit Card Points? #928233WIYMemberPopa
Really? Aww that stinks!
WIYMemberIs this thread only for purplicious/thepurpleone?
WIYMemberI actually think all this bashert business (although some of which is true once you look up all the sources and weed out fact from fiction)is actually a big distraction for most people and an added cause of anxiety in a situation already overly fraught with anxiety.
WIYMemberMah Zeh Shabbos “lunch?”
WIYMember“Even cholent and kishka and kugel can be healthy.”
Good luck finding people who will want to eat a healthy cholent kishka and kugel!
WIYMemberIt bothers me when people try to “rush” the year along, take it one Chodesh and one Yom Tov at a time!
The gantze mishpucha is oisek in food?
WIYMemberHow can learning Torah ruin your Shabbos? If learning Torah ruins your Shabbos then your whole concept of Shabbos is way out of whack!!
Rolling rock isn’t beer. Stella is beer.
And most Indian doctors are excellent so whats your point? I see no need or preference in seeing a “frum” doctor. I go to whomever comes recommended regardless of his color or creed.
“The word “desert” also means payback”
Where did you get that from, I couldn’t find such a definition for desert. Below is what I did find.
(A dry, barren area of land, esp. one covered with sand.)
A person’s worthiness or entitlement to reward or punishment.
Thank you for the correction. Oops lol.
WIYMemberI actually think the smart guys leave because they think hey Im smart I can be a Dr. Lawyer whatever….nd make big bucks and live well.
Forgive my ignorance what’s a number 5 can?
Schmaltz is actually not up there on my favorite herring list. I am more a matjas herring fan.
Non Jewish men are asking you out?!
Is this Purim Torah?
WIYMembersnort is an adjective?
WIYMemberYou make herring every Shabbos? What types?
February 8, 2013 2:47 am at 2:47 am in reply to: NOT A JOKE: Lines For Gas Again Before Blizzard Starts #928139WIYMemberI know. It gave me an uncomfortable feeling. Whats the deal with these people though? We have had blizzard many times and no rush for gas?
Is it a mitzvah for a single girl?
February 7, 2013 9:20 pm at 9:20 pm in reply to: In Telshe They Don't Wear Tzitzis, and Other Stories #927795WIYMemberapushatayid
Not oinkay?
February 7, 2013 9:10 pm at 9:10 pm in reply to: In Telshe They Don't Wear Tzitzis, and Other Stories #927791WIYMemberPopa
The moshol makes no sense because speaking pig latin is a chachmah because you have to know English first.
I was now thinking that abi can be translated as “for no reason at all, or pointlessly.” Abi geredt, just for the sake of talking…
If you dont know Yiddish why answer?
February 6, 2013 11:26 pm at 11:26 pm in reply to: Diet Pills From Brazil Being Sold In Brooklyn #942386WIYMemberBrony
Uncalled for.
WIYMemberYW Moderator-007
Why is a grown adult rolling on the floor? Preparing for purim perhaps?
WIYMembernaysberg +1
When closing a thread like the recent one on evolution can you at least append a few links of similar discussions for the benefit of the newer members. I don’t think purp has been here that long so she doesn’t know its been discussed…
February 6, 2013 4:30 am at 4:30 am in reply to: Purim Shtick for teachers to do on students #1059785WIYMembersuperme
I know that purim shtick is just NOT NORMAL.
February 6, 2013 4:25 am at 4:25 am in reply to: I just deposited a check via my (very) smart phone!!!!! #926801WIYMembernisht
Wouldn’t mind get a 16 Billion dollar check XD
It was Citibank
No manners, and here I thought Brits were “proper.”
Who is lending you their baby to make it look believable?
“I’m actually currently married to my third wife. I’d say I have more marriage experience than anyone else you know. And I can assure you that it is irrelevant to this topic.”
I know someone married 5x or is he on #6 (I’m not kidding.)