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I think you just want people to get drunk because you enjoy the crude entertainment.
February 20, 2013 3:33 am at 3:33 am in reply to: Who Wants to Marry a Tzadeikes Like Esther? #1141354WIYMemberTorah
Very sad if this is the hassaga of a top learner. He obviously has his priorities mixed up and the learning is very shallow and didn’t impact him one bit. Stay away from these types you will never be good enough.
I mean that its very unattractive the way girls get when they have alcohol. Most girls get very loud and boisterous and say stupid silly things and act very “loose.”
Its not tznius regardless of secrets. Ever see how girls act if they have had a little alcohol? Not very attractive…
Please be more careful with the private info.
Why you coughing about Parshas Nitzavim?
WIYMemberMaybe its a Remez to the 2nd 40 days that Moshe Rabbeinu was in Shomayim after which Hashem proclaimed Salachti Kidvarecha, so its a hint that its a day of Selichah Umechila for all eternity for Klal Yisroel. Yom Kippur is Yom Kippurim the day that is like Purim…
February 19, 2013 11:49 pm at 11:49 pm in reply to: Who Wants to Marry a Tzadeikes Like Esther? #1141347WIYMemberpopa_bar_abba
The cost of the perfumes and cosmetics is enough to make a small country broke.
WIYMemberMake sure to vomit on an expensive rug.
Very hard to sit and learn for 3 or more years unless the parents have money to support the couple. A typical young couple the girl is not making much money and is likely still getting her bachelors or just starting grad school. If she is also working she likely has a typical office job or is a part time school teacher and is not making much.
Start saying krias shema al hamittah with hamapil.
Btw what works for guys and one of my Roshe Yeshiva recommended it is trying to learn Gemara at night. The Yetzer Hora will have you yawning in no time. For girls maybe also try learning some in depth Torah. You can also try going to sleep listening to a shiur. (If he/she has a boring voice even better!)
WIYMemberI was at quite a few mitzvah tantzes. I dont recall any actual dancing of the chassan kallah. More like holding hands and walking back and forth. And for the record no bachurim are supposed to be there.
If you want to hock about tznius hock about the disgusting prust American minhag of having the kallah (and 50 of her friends) come in to the mens side by the dancing for quite some time. And then everyone tries to show off to the girls how awesome they dance. Pheh. Makom znus.
February 19, 2013 5:39 am at 5:39 am in reply to: Israeli Army Is Not Short on Manpower�Why Draft the Bnei Torah? #931435WIYMemberI think Aish Hatorah is secretly behind the draft the chareidim thing.They are trying to do a massive kiruv project.
So you are Yeshivish and attend a mixed college? I thought you were more the modern yeshivish type that became yeshivish later.
WIYMembersays me maybe it was a foot tall lol. But it was small and furry really cute with a sharp bark not sure if it was a terrier or some other type.
WIYMemberYou so want to be edited.
Why dont you ask Mrs.Purple or miss Purple your sister who you are doing the segulos for? If she can’t make coffee cookies she isn’t ready for marriage yet.
Yes it seemed untrained by the fact that it ran down the block and then turned the corner to harass me.
WIYMemberThere’s no way its on youtube because he would have them take it down. I know people who have it on their ipods.
WIYMemberWhich mod gave it to me?
Well I want a subtitle but not this one. Thanks for trying though.
73. And giving up a subtitle generally comes with the penalty of not having one. 😛
Heres one probably nobody here has ever heard.
WIYMemberIm very un”maskim” to my subtitle. I’m not Yeshivish i dont look too Yeshivish either although I do wear white shirts, I dont have the whole payos behind the ear thing, and I know how to communicate in English quite well. I’m not sure what I am, I guess somewhere between Chassidish and Yeshivish. Im what Rav Gifter calls a Torah Jew. (Well I hope I am…)
I am the one who gave it to you. I’m sorry that you don’t like it. Do you want me to take it back?
Its actually missing in all the Bereishis Parshios too oh no we have a mystery on our hands…
This bit on YCT is your own ? Its great!
WIYMemberIts a non Jewish song and you got the name wrong. Try googling for it but from what I heard he isn’t happy that he was recorded and doesn’t want people to have that recording but obviously he can’t control what people do.
Moshe Rabbeinu knew everything including math. Certainly any math that was required for Torah and quite a bit of math is. You may not know this but he grew up in Paraoh palace so he likely got the best education available in the world at that time. He was likely taught everything the people at that time knew in math,science…
February 17, 2013 9:39 pm at 9:39 pm in reply to: Phone number for Chessed org that sends people to read Megillah #930464WIYMembermewho
I don’t know why but that name is weirding me out.
February 17, 2013 9:30 pm at 9:30 pm in reply to: Lawsuit against Williamsburg stores dress code #930797WIYMemberMods
Edited. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.
The problem is you can never know if someone has yiras shomayim. One of my Rabbeim drilled into my head that the most important things to look for is if the girl is a balas chessed and a vatran (easily compromises and not stubborn and has to have it her way).
Do girls expect their husbands to think they are the most beautiful girl in the world?
WIYMemberOneof and Torah
According to halachafortoday it is al pi kabbalah.
February 17, 2013 2:11 pm at 2:11 pm in reply to: Was munching on tortilla chips and got an idea… #930608WIYMember42
Which cheese do you use?
You do realize that the more knowledge you have the greater appreciation you have for Hashems greatness? Someone with no knowledge of biology or chemistry or knowledge in earth science is really handicapped in the department of appreciating the wisdom of Hashem that we can see in the briah. If you have the time read some of Rabbi Avigdor Millers books. You will see that he was very well versed in the sciences.
February 17, 2013 5:15 am at 5:15 am in reply to: Was munching on tortilla chips and got an idea… #930605WIYMemberOk so lets change the thread to sharing your (Yiddishe) nachos recipes.
February 17, 2013 5:02 am at 5:02 am in reply to: Phone number for Chessed org that sends people to read Megillah #930458WIYMemberMsg
February 17, 2013 4:22 am at 4:22 am in reply to: Was munching on tortilla chips and got an idea… #930601WIYMemberasach yiddishe nachos
Anyone who will say or do anything assur while.drunk may not get drunk. In this generation this applies to almost anyone who isn’t heavily involved in limud Torah and learns mussar. I have seen and heard people who I thought were fine people use vulagities and expletives on Purim while drunk (and not even that drunk…). Most people who get drunk don’t Daven Maariv and forget to Bentch at the Purim seudah.
Humans are mammals.
Do you think its appropriate to have user names here that are the titles of non Jewish radio songs. (Gangnam style).
Doesn’t bother me.
WIYMemberI think brilliant people the world over have just been insulted.
You go to shul Friday night?
WIYMemberJust curious if you make things up in real life as well forgetting that you aren’t on YWN.
February 17, 2013 2:45 am at 2:45 am in reply to: Phone number for Chessed org that sends people to read Megillah #930456WIYMemberMaybe the mods would let?
Nobody says be stressed out. The whole concept of stressed out kids is a fairly recent phenomenon and something that needs to be addressed, however the stress may not necessarily be due to the amount of work.
However, it is important that we should urge our kids to be responsible and try their hardest in all things they do. Its just bad chinuch and foolish advice to you tell teenagers that its fine to not try hard in anything.
“OOM: Yes for secular subjects. For Torah subjects, you are growing as a person, so you should study even more than for the tests. For secular studies, you just need it for a parnasa, so no need to obsess about it.”
You make it sound like Parnassah is something that comes easy. I would think that those who did well in highschool because they were diligent have developed an important skill that will enable them to do well in college and at their future job.
That doesn’t make it right. Also, you may be a lot smarter than she is and other factors likely came into play. Just because it worked for you in no way means it will work for others.
February 17, 2013 1:49 am at 1:49 am in reply to: Phone number for Chessed org that sends people to read Megillah #930454WIYMemberI am referring to in Brooklyn.
Coincidentally, my 6th grade Rebbe was also in the wrong field of work.
I just did it. You were watching?
Why you giving her bad advice? If she doesnt try hard in highschool and doesnt know the material the odds of doing well on an SAT or GRE are quite low.