Forum Replies Created
February 25, 2013 12:58 am at 12:58 am in reply to: What You Can Eat in a Non-Kosher Dairy Kitchen #932279WIYMemberTorah
“Why they did not teach that you can’t bring non-kosher food to a Jewish person in HS, in between Hilchos Shabbos, Tznius, and basar v’chalav, I do not know.”
Bimchilas kevodecha, in Yeshiva highschool and elementary (im a boy) they taught us numerous times that on Shabbos one should be careful when crossing to always cross when its your light because if not you may cause a not (yet) frum Jew to have to stop for you and then when he accelerates again he is mechallel shabbos because of you. Im sure you heard this in school as a kid, and you should have been able to extrapolate that all “lifnei iver (lo sitein michshol) is assur.
Dont blame your school that you missed the boat. No offense I know its harsh please forgive me.
Get the Gra’s (Vilna Gaons) peirush on Megillah, all questions will be answered and then some! He addresses yours.
WIYMembershmoolik 1
I almost got to the point between not telling between dry wine and semi dry but not quite.
WIYMemberIf you are scared of getting old do something meaningful with your life.
WIYMemberIm coming off of my high. How many times did YOU Daven mussaf today?!
I was being humorous by the way in that post about women missing an opportunity to lose weight and it should have been obvious to you.
February 24, 2013 2:46 am at 2:46 am in reply to: I have what appears to be a good cabernet sauvignon do I refrigerate? #932041WIYMemberThanks. Ah gut voch and ah freilichen Purim!
February 24, 2013 2:42 am at 2:42 am in reply to: Are the shiurim on YU website free download? #932043WIYMemberTruth
Thanks I will IYH.
But my question is can it be transparent? What is the actual requirement?
February 22, 2013 9:02 pm at 9:02 pm in reply to: Disturbed by Knight and Castle Guard Costumes #933148WIYMemberabcd2
Math: treif, science: treif, history: treif, education: treif, nobody knows what you are talking about.
WIYMemberHow is wearing those beige/light colored see through stockings or whatever they are called accomplishing anything if you can still see the leg?
Im not a baki on Gematriyah, but what I do know is that there are a number of different ways that the kabbalistic traditions have to do gematriyah and any one of those ways are all valid in kabbalah. Is one better than the other? I don’t know, but they are all valid if its a valid form of gematria. But yes it is very common that mem will be 4.
Reduced value (in Hebrew: mispar katan, modulus 9 in mathematical terminology):
Each letter is reduced to a figure of one digit. For example, in this reckoning, alef equals 1, yud equals 10, kuf equals 100) would all have a numerical value of 1; beit equals 2, kaf equals 20, and reish equals 200 would all have a numerical value of 2, and so on. Thus, the letters have only nine equivalents, rather than twenty-two.
from inner dot org
February 22, 2013 7:33 pm at 7:33 pm in reply to: Things that are ok to say in Hebrew but not in English #996160WIYMemberTorah
“I’d rather be too humble than too arrogant.”
Words to live by.
You are welcome. I hope to be there myself.
February 22, 2013 7:06 pm at 7:06 pm in reply to: Things that are ok to say in Hebrew but not in English #996157WIYMemberTorah
Lol. You didn’t have to take me so seriously.
WIYMemberYW Moderator-42
Whats this “noderating” you speak of?
WIYMemberUghhh I ate so much after the fast, I mean really did I need that 10th rugelah?
I hope my skinny Kallah to be gets nice and plump after the chassunah. Minimum 30 pounds weight gain (when not expecting). Happy now?
WIYMemberThe only people who I have seen who have gotten really drunk and made a kiddush Hashem are certain Rabbonim and Tzaddikim. If you think you are a Tzaddik then by all means DONT DRINK because we will find out what a tzaddik you are.
I guess you are welcome 🙂
Passuk Lamed has Moshes name.
WIYMemberI dare Popa not to troll.
February 22, 2013 6:19 pm at 6:19 pm in reply to: Things that are ok to say in Hebrew but not in English #996155WIYMemberTorah
“Good point. I was really tired if I couldn’t think of that. :)”
Typical woman cant give a man full credit :-p
They aren’t Davening vasikin, they start 7:30 on Purim.
There are many different forms of calculation used in gematriah. One of the forms of gematria, termed the reduced value system, is based on the decimal system, where every letter of ten and above reduces to one digit, its numerical lowest common denominator. The fact that mathematics itself is based on the decimal system of ten is of course extremely important. The number ten is highly symbolic and significant in Torah and appears in virtually all manifestations of Jewish tradition.
February 22, 2013 3:41 am at 3:41 am in reply to: Things that are ok to say in Hebrew but not in English #996150WIYMemberTora
Usually the terms are used becaused thats what the Torah calls them and the Torah uses loshon nekiyah so saying Toeivah is a cleaner word than saying homosexual for example.
WIYMemberHow can any woman pass up an opportunity that allows them to lose weight and get a mitzvah for it in the process?!
February 22, 2013 3:31 am at 3:31 am in reply to: How many nicknames can you think of for Snowbunny3318? #931772WIYMemberSpending time online will definitely not help you to fall asleep…
February 22, 2013 1:27 am at 1:27 am in reply to: We should eat more than usual this Shabbos #931759WIYMemberNo drinking involved squeak.
How do you know your wife to be didnt fast?
February 22, 2013 1:24 am at 1:24 am in reply to: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? #931778WIYMemberI believe the answer is blintzes.
WIYMemberBH doing great. The internet is a great distraction.
WIYMemberMods can you change the title to mitzva dance?
WIYMemberThe Kanoi Next Door
“Should we forbid lighting the Menorah?”
No we should forbid people from being stupid and careless and doing things in a way that can bring them harm. Nobody is saying that a bachur cant have a glass of wine at a Purim seuda, but the idea of the boys going collecting and drinking tons of booze which is no mitzvah anyways and getting stoned out of their keilim and rachmana litzlon ending up in hospitals has got to stop.
WIYMemberBen Levi
Because on Purim you have Rov of the Bachurim getting drunk and quite a few end up in hospitals from overdoing it.
Kudos to you for doing it right
WIYMemberWhat does “geit ah kuzeh” mean?
WIYMemberWhat does “geit ah kuzeh” mean?
Glad to hear it Baruch Hashem. Keep it up!
I hope you are speaking to yourself about yourself.
WIYMemberYeah very touching the video almost made me cry.
February 21, 2013 4:06 am at 4:06 am in reply to: Turning 13, 20, 30, 40, etc.�Shas Ratzon? #961042WIYMemberOneof
Why would you ask for something you cant get? Wish for a white horse at least its real lol. Oh and if unicorns do exist I have a feeling Mod 42 has one.
I can’t believe your obsession with correcting others. You already envision what others would say in particular situations and how it would be wrong. Can I get personal? I think you have a critical nature. No healthy male likes being criticized and put down by their spouse so if you want to find a good husband you need to work on this area. You will have zero shalom bayis if you intend to correct your husband on a regular basis. Especially over inconsequential things like his imperfect grammar! Soul searching and change is in order. You can of course ignore me because Im just some guy online who knows nothing.
It is a resemblance of idol worship because you tend to just focus on how amazing the person is and cut Hashem out of the picture, because the more you focus on Hashem the less you would ever idolize anybody. I actually dont know the Halacha but hashkafically it looks bad.
WIYMemberI think Id be sick of it after a week if not sooner. I dont even know how they had the energy for it.
Drink until you are no longer Yoda .
Theres no heter for the kallah to come into the mens section period! All it causes is that the boys look at her and of course at her many friends that want to be kallahs and think they belong by the mens section. It also leads to the boys dancing to show off to the girls as well as shmiras eynayim issues and hirhurim.
WIYMemberIm sure some of the son in laws appreciate the irony of their mother in law flying around on a broomstick.
February 20, 2013 2:53 pm at 2:53 pm in reply to: Who Wants to Marry a Tzadeikes Like Esther? #1141359WIYMemberPopa
Have you dated any green faced beauties yet ?
WIYMemberI generally only drink good wines nothing cheap. I also try not to get drunk to the point where my kishkes want to come out. Too old for that and I hate the feeling.
WIYMemberWhat about the clueless shadchan who just met you 5 minutes ago and is convinced that they know the “perfect” girl for you? I had way too many of those. It never ceases to annoy me. Do you really think you know someone from seeing them for 5 minutes?!