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To be mekatzer the world changed a lot since Rav Moshe was niftar and the quality of boys/girls/families have dropped and therefore a lot more research is necessary to make sure you are getting a physically, mentally and spiritually healthy shidduch for your child.
What do you consider average height for a Jewish girl?
BTW I think you are likely smarter than you think you are.
WIYMembershnitzy and Daas Yochid
I like to write and occasionally get an urge to spice up my sentences with some flair.
There are few things that gross me out, but those things are truly gross and accepted by most normal people as gross and insensitive, like someone sitting across from you and picking their nose, or someone changing a dirty diaper by a meal, or even someone burping loudly especially by a meal.
Welcome back. First of all you should know he may be a Rabbi but he is human and most likely even if he has worked on many of his flaws he still has many he may not be aware of so dont expect perfection or even near perfection, especially if we are talking about a Rabbi who is young or relatively so.
Another thing, most Rabbis today are busier today than Rabbonim of yesteryear because now they get called, emailed, texted and people also call them at home and expect them to be always on call. I know of Rabbonim that get texted serious Shaylos. On a regular basis. So please dont be quick to judge this Rabbi. He may have been expecting an important text or he always must check every text that comes in as it comes in to make sure its not an emergency.
As a further point, I think your friend has to realize that while she may have been feeling like she was saying something very important and personal, she may not have disclosed that to the Rabbi before he picked up his phone. As you yourself said “and was ready to disclose a serious problem,” “The situation was so hard for her at home that she was ready to cry.” You expect him to read minds too?!
Man you are sucha baal teivah lol
Good point. I was thinking along these lines. It gets on my nerves that people blame going off the derech because some random person or people weren’t as nice or friendly as they should have been. (Im not referring to people who were physically emotionally or sexually abused as that is very different.) So let me get this straight you dont know me, you see me at random and decide to curse me out because you dont like my face so I should no take off my Yarmulka and drop it down the sewer? Great logic in that no?
“I darn my socks and tights.”
I don’t give a darn 🙂
Why is it not gross when you have chicken bones on your plate or on someone else’s but it is suddenly gross when its in a pile on top of some plates?
You do realize that there are so many different things that can technically “gross” out different people and the best way to live is to be a mevater (Jewish word) and not be so particular about things. It will open up vistas of joy for you.
I dont like quoting movies but one of the best movie lines of all time is “hakuna matata” from the Lion King. It really solves a lot of life’s problems if you get into that mode of thinking.
WIYMemberIt is hereditary but poor diet, lack of regular exercise and sun light as well as smoking are contributing factors.
I dont make fun. I think its a good thing. I think all people who are truly overweight and prone to weight gain should be on top of it.
Lol dont do that to me I on a diet!
If you want to succeed at anything in life you need to work hard (unless you are brilliant and naturally highly talented in that area). I honestly think many people in the frum community are not prepared for life. They dont tell us that life will be hard and I think the way parents coddle their kids and support them financially in kollel until they decide (at 30 or so to start working) is very bad for many people and fools people into thinking life is smooth and easy. Rant being short circuited.
Try brisk walking for exercise and walk a minimum of 30 minutes a day. Its good for your heart, mind, and your waistline.
Actually I saw that sefer Devorim is not included in this whole thing because Devorim is mishneh Torah a repetition. So it only goes until Massei end of Bamidbar and I dont think theres any other parsha that doesnt have Moshes name.
I think that when it comes to inyanim of Ruchniyus, if you really want it and try hard to do whats right and not do what isnt, and Daven to Hashem with a lot of kavvanah He will answer and help you because it is what He wants, He wants you to grow and He wants you to be close to Him.
I agree the cotton ones are nasty. We have the house main filtered. Not cheap but it works…
We still filter our water. I think the water tastes better filtered. Besides, the copepods never told me that they left.
WIYMemberCall OU.
It depends on how smart he is as well as what would interest him. If he isn’t ready to “practice” Yiddishkiet then stay away from Halacha for now. I think Chumash rashi would be interesting although be prepared for lots of philosophical questions…Maybe try doing Meam Loeiz with him its quite fascinating.
I understand you, we all get down and we all have nisyonos and I dont think anyone here wants to trade with anyone else.
“If you need a box drink to help you determine who your real friends are, you need a lot more than a box drink.”
That’s why he said “a box drink and wafer.”
February 26, 2013 11:43 pm at 11:43 pm in reply to: NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily.. #933141WIYMemberI’m referring to the articles on the main site btw.
You expect a woman to understand? tee hee.
WIYMemberThe mods are relics from the ancient Mayan civilization. Whatever its complicated.
WIYMemberThe Kanoi Next Door
+ 1. When I was a younger I was always so jealous of my sister who used to sleep until 11 am or so on Shabbos morning. I would come home from shul and thunder at her “YOU JUST WOKE UP?!” Lol.
February 26, 2013 10:13 pm at 10:13 pm in reply to: Why did the Yidden in the Megillah kill 75,000? #933138WIYMembershmoolik 1
“we should not apologize for things that in “western eyes” appears not “moral” i.e. killing 75000 anti semites in one day”
WIYMemberThere were two sisters, one called Petal and one called Fridge. One day, Petal asks her parents, “Why did you call me Petal?” and they replied “Because when you were a baby, a petal fell on you.” And then Fridge says “bllaaarrarararraraaarg”.
WIYMember“Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up?” – “Because it was two tired”
A termite walks into a bar and asks, “Is the bar tender here?”
WIYMemberSo I’m driving around in my car, and I come up to a stop sign. There’s no one around, so I just kinda slow down, but don’t come to a complete stop. I hear a siren, and it turns out the cops are behind me, and they ask me to pull over.
A cop gets out of the car and tells me he has to give me a ticket because I didn’t stop at the stop sign. I tell him I did stop, but he says, “No, you just slowed down.”
So I say,”Stop, slow down, there exactly the same!”
Then he pulls out his nightstick and starts beating me across the head with it. And then he says, “Now, do you want me to SLOW DOWN, or do you want me to stop?”
I love the Sherlock one. Oldie but goodie.
WIYMemberYW Moderator-42
How do we know Joseph doesn’t work for Popa?
WIYMemberYW Moderator-42
I think you mean if there is no Joseph, there is no coffeeroom.
WIYMemberMy Artscroll chumash lists this as one of the Aseres Hadibros, “Though Shalt not commit Adoltary.”
The point is that the parents should make the request. He has to listen as they are paying him he works for the parents. Russian Opera may be better. Ask a shaila.
February 25, 2013 11:26 pm at 11:26 pm in reply to: Why did the Yidden in the Megillah kill 75,000? #933127WIYMemberyageir
There is Hashem in everything! Theres a very good reason why Hashems name is not mentioned in the megillah its kind of the whole point of the story!
“the lishmo drunk crowd vastly outnumber the lo lishmo drunk crowd.”
You know that how? I was in a certain well known shul and many yong people were rolling in to Shacharis Purim morning at 1 oclock and later. Explain this.
Get him an Avraham Fried, Shwekey, Benny Friedman or some other popular CD and let him play that. Not everyone has to love it, the point is to stop listening to soul pollution. You can take a vote on what cd to get based on the majority of who people like.
Think about some of the good things Hashem gave you and realize you have so much more than you realize and you are so much better off than other people. I know somebody who is not old and his levaya was today. YOU ARE ALIVE! Be happy that you are alive!
WIYMemberMod 42
Was it due to the alcohol, or did the alcohol exacerbate their doltiness?
Can I get a second opinion?
Then get your own mp3 player and listen to your own music or shiurim or whatever interests you.
“I’m sure his parents are doing what they can to give him the tools he needs”
Why do you assume that?
It is impressive how you know every kula that exists in halacha and use it!
Thats why we have the ability to turn our heads away. Were you so transfixed?
How do you end up with all this cholov stam in Israel?
WIYMemberTry not to put out alcohol if he will be around or limit how much is put out or put it away if you see someone is overdoing it…
WIYMemberThe purple
How can a bus driver for a beis yakov blast non Jewish music? Can the school do something about it?
WIYMemberGreat one!
February 25, 2013 6:33 pm at 6:33 pm in reply to: What You Can Eat in a Non-Kosher Dairy Kitchen #932282WIYMemberTorah
I think if you know about lifnei iver u would know about this. Also you never knew that for Amira Laakum you can’t use a irreligious Jewish person?