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March 21, 2013 2:44 pm at 2:44 pm in reply to: Give Tzedaka to Yeshiva or Chickens for Shabbos? #939687WIYMember
The basic mitzvah of tzeddaka is to support poor people not institutions. These people don’t have money for food for Shabbos. That comes first and I’m pretty sure your Rav will agree BUT GO ASK!
March 21, 2013 2:44 am at 2:44 am in reply to: Give Tzedaka to Yeshiva or Chickens for Shabbos? #939677WIYMemberDaniel
This is truly a Halachic shailah that needs to be addressed to a Rav.
I wanted people to read it. You are welcome.
Next time use a tranquilizer gun with a silencer and take him out. Navy seal style.
WIYMemberOld man
Some people don’t believe in Judaism at all period. There’s Halacha so no need to state your beliefs.
WIYMemberA policeman pulled me over and said, “Do you know why I pulled you over?” I said, “You should really ask a psychic!”
Ask someone who works in diamonds!
Chazon ish holds it has to be the size of a pumpkin.
WIYMemberIts a lot easier to stand on your head.
WIYMemberIf he was smirking I would have said you should be happy it isn’t you parnassah is a galgal hachozer maybe next year we will be delivering to you and not to him. Very disgusted that people can be so cruel to a neighbor on hard times.
Love the userid 🙂
No blog as of yet. I just enjoy sharing good divrei Torah with people.
Best Bubby
Whenever I post a vort that isn’t my own I provide the source unless I forget to. This is from I’m just a messenger.
I know, was cracking wise.
WIYMemberIs he going to a hotel this Pesach?
WIYMemberThanks ppl
WIYMemberWow so helpful. Could someone try to phoneticize it?
“I was just in Pomegranate. No high heels in sight!”
They don’t have a shoe department yet.
WIYMemberWhy is it called turned over?
March 19, 2013 10:00 pm at 10:00 pm in reply to: 200,000,000 Spent Yearly by Patrons on Pesach Hotel Programs #938967WIYMemberVeltz
Oh you meant throughout the year. That makes more sense. I misread it the first time. Sorry.
March 19, 2013 4:05 pm at 4:05 pm in reply to: 200,000,000 Spent Yearly by Patrons on Pesach Hotel Programs #938959WIYMemberVeltzmeshuggener
You truly are meshugga if you think $1b is given towards kimcha depishcha!!! Do you have a concept of how much money $1b is?!!! If Landaus a very wealthy shul only raised $200,000 how on earth would they get to 10 million? You talk about a Billion?! I’m not sure I can take much else of what you say here seriously if you are so out of touch with reality.
March 19, 2013 3:04 pm at 3:04 pm in reply to: 200,000,000 Spent Yearly by Patrons on Pesach Hotel Programs #938957WIYMemberI think the issue is that lets say a gvir is used to giving $10,000 every year towards kimcha depischa however with current prices that money doesn’t go half as far as it did 5 years ago and sadly with the economy where it is there are many more families in need than ever before. I don’t want to knock anyone but I don’t know if all gevirim are giving maaser and even if yes they have an achrayus to give more than that. People don’t get it. If Hashem made you rich its because He wants to see how you will spend that money. Ashirus means that Hashem appointed you as His gabbai tzeddaka. How many ashirim look at it that way? Most of them think its their money but its not. Its Hashems. Be smart and use it for what it was really given to you for.
March 18, 2013 11:26 pm at 11:26 pm in reply to: 200,000,000 Spent Yearly by Patrons on Pesach Hotel Programs #938948WIYMemberchalilavchas
Preaching to the choir.
WIYMemberYou believe that the Mir is getting 43 million shek a year?
WIYMemberHonestly there is no real reason one should gain weight over pesach. Matzah is only a chiyyuv by the sedarim and you need a little bit by the seudos of Shabbos and Yom tov to be chayyiv in bentching. Stay off the fried stuff, pesach cakes and nosh and you will be ok. In fact send me all your yummy stuff. You will be guaranteed to stay slim lol.
Happiness is a choice. You have to make up your mind that you will be happy and work at it. There are many things that we do that can make us unhappy and those are the things that we need to stop doing.
It could be poor diet and not doing enough exercise which make us feel unhealthy and lethargic as well as make us look fat and bad skin that is causing the unhappiness.
It could be negative thinking. Many people today are pessimistic and cynical as well as (self) critical and this type of thinking really destroys happiness.
It could actually be a medical problem that is causing the unhappiness like bipolar or some other mental condition.
Another thing causing it can be a feeling of not accomplishing. Get busy and do positive stuff if you want to feel happy.
So to sum it up I would say, adopt a better attitude, cut out the negativity, take care of yourself and be busy doing things that are positive. A person needs to accomplish to feel good about themselves. It doesn’t have to be huge accomplishments but whatever is an accomplishment for you based on your abilities. Additionally, contribute to the world and help others at every opportunity. Giving is proven to make you happy. Its weird how that works but it works. The giver usually feels much better than the receiver. I can speak from personal experience that whenever I do a chessed, even something small like giving directions or whatever, I always feel happy afterwards.
Another important thing for happiness is to spend time with positive upbeat people. Negative cranky people for company will make you very unhappy. But always remember, you are responsible for your own happiness. You can’t buy it in Macy’s or toys r us and its not in a cigarette, or whisky bottle either. Happiness comes from a feeling of living a good life.
March 18, 2013 1:49 pm at 1:49 pm in reply to: I'm finally willing to admit Facebook could be dangerous #937853WIYMemberSqeak
Now that Popa is a bas its possible she is haifagirl
I know people who ask every stupid question that any Rov can answer to Gedolim. This is actually something that should be taken to a Gadol not the eich maasrim bmelach questions!
March 15, 2013 10:04 pm at 10:04 pm in reply to: Kosher L'Pesach Cigarettes: Is Something Wrong With This? #938060WIYMemberzvei dinim
If they can quit for 8 days then they can quit for longer. They have no excuse for picking it up again after yom tov is over.
Better question is what on earth is a Deuteronomy? Sounds like some type of surgery.
Is it the same as regular TC?
WIYMemberDo you mean in 2. that you only brush your teeth before a dentist visit?! NASTY!
They just let some random Jewish guy look at priceless stolen Jewish artifacts from the Beis Hamikdash?
Why did your mother explode (not that it is ok for her to do so) was it because you didn’t do a good job?
Most kids today who are obsessed with their music texting twitter facebook and instagram as well as movies…are not mentally deep enough to have real questions on anything. I think most of them have very basic questions although they are harder to answer than theological questions.
Why don’t my parents love me?
Why do my parents abuse me?
Why are my Rabbeim and Morahs mean to me?
Why do kids make fun of me or bully me?
Why doesnt anyone show me and love and tell me I’m wonderful and a good person?
Why does the community tolerate molestation and abuse?
Why are people who are supposedly Rabbis committing acts of atrocity and getting arrested for fraud?
The list goes on but I will stop here. The point is most kids have no questions on the actual religion but rather on the way they see it being practiced today by most people and especially by people of authority who know a lot better and don’t live up to their requirements.
March 14, 2013 8:38 pm at 8:38 pm in reply to: Does Anyone Know The Origin Of The Word 'Daven'? #936699WIYMemberleft to write and shmoolik
It is spelled ?????? so your pshat doesnt fit.
March 13, 2013 8:01 pm at 8:01 pm in reply to: Kosher L'Pesach Cigarettes: Is Something Wrong With This? #938046WIYMemberI wonder when all these talmidei chachamim have time to smoke…
WIYMemberThanks Popa and ICOT
Well that and on highways it helps to have fast pickup if you want to change lanes…
Not all car specs have 0-60. It is usually only posted on high performance cars with high HP.
“Let them rely on us in America and elsewhere to get the money they need to live, in exchange for the Torah learning that we support unconditionally. We want to support their lifestyle, their countrymen don’t. It would be a tax that I would pay with joy (unlike the taxes I pay to our own governments).”
There are so many aniyim Yeshivos and tzeddaka organizations in America already that are struggling. I honestly don’t think we in America can support all these Israeli bnei Yeshivah and kollel yungerleit if the Israeli gov’t pulled out all support.
WIYMemberI’m a poster child for good posters.
“So I called the OU and they said the company has dropped out of the certification process for unknown reasons. You think I can trust them and eat it or just go somewhere else?”
If there was a likely chance that the company was putting poison in their food would you believe them if they told you that they don’t? Kashrus is not a joke and not a game. It doesnt look like you take it too seriously.
I just realized, that theres no “car” section for all the car enthusiasts or car questions….Please remedy this.
March 12, 2013 7:46 pm at 7:46 pm in reply to: For Pesach: The Secret Trick to Boiling Gorgeous Eggs for an Elegant Seder Plate #936087WIYMemberI have never heard of eggs being described as gorgeous….
Secular zionism is a massive chillul Hashem.
Bomb kasha.
Isn’t one of the reasons that we eat matzah to commemorate that the earth is flat like a matzah even though it is rounded and appears round?
” I am involved with hidden people at risk, and women are great actresses.”
How can you figure out if a girl is really frum or just faking it (if she dresses frum and throws around frum words)?
“All awake say “aye”
Are you Canadian (or from UK or Australia) or a pirate?