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Tzaddik gozer vHakadosh Baruch Hu Mekayem. I don’t think there are many or any stories by the non Jews like the ones we have. Yes there may be some miracles that happen to individuals like miraculously surviving a car accident…but they don’t have Tzaddikim stories.
WIYMemberYou are welcome! Your’e right he is very inspiring.
WIYMemberThis was a fun thread.
WIYMemberHashem can do miracles for anyone who deserves it. Hashem loves all His creations and wants to bestow goodness on all of them. If a non Jew keeps the sheva mitzvos bnei noach he is a tzaddik and deserves miracles. If anything I would say its much much easier for a non Jew to merit miracles.
WIYMemberBunch of secret neturei kartaniks.
April 16, 2013 3:14 pm at 3:14 pm in reply to: UNREAL: Obama Refuses To Call Boston Bombings 'Terror Attack' #946083WIYMemberSam
Nakba Day is generally commemorated on May 15, the day after the Gregorian calendar date for Israel’s Independence. In Israel, Nakba Day events have been held by some Arab citizens on Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel’s Independence Day), which is celebrated in Israel on the Hebrew calendar date (5 Iyar or shortly before or after). Because of the differences between the Hebrew and the Gregorian calendars, Independence Day and the official 15 May date for Nakba Day usually only coincide every 19 years.[
From wiki
WIYMemberI find regular grapejuice to be too sweet. I like the kedem light grape juice. Regular is way too sweet. So I would like a sweet wine that isn’t too sweet. I don’t like the regular grapejuicy taste which tastes overpoweringly sweet its like a mouthful of sugar.
WIYMemberDoes a clear plastic bag make it non nisalem min haayin?
I specifically said that she should only tell me if it won’t reveal personal info. Thanks for only reading half of what I wrote. I’m quite aware of the rules.
WIYMemberCheck out Ohr Shimshon website. Also aish audio has 41 shiurim of his but both of these places sell the shiurim they aren’t free.
The Steipler, Satmar Rav (Reb Yoel) and Shu”t Beer Moshe pasken otherwise. If you are a sefardi and he is your posek you may follow him otherwise you should do as the Ashkenazi poskim pasken.
It would be beneficial if people knew which college it was so we could know to avoid it and recommend others to avoid it. Not sure why you wouldn’t say the name unless you think saying the name would somehow divulge your identity. If it won’t please share the name of the college for our benefit. Thanks.
April 16, 2013 4:23 am at 4:23 am in reply to: UNREAL: Obama Refuses To Call Boston Bombings 'Terror Attack' #946070WIYMemberSam
Nakba day is May 15.
April 16, 2013 4:16 am at 4:16 am in reply to: UNREAL: Obama Refuses To Call Boston Bombings 'Terror Attack' #946069WIYMemberHis teleprompter didn’t have the word terrorist in it. Neither did it have the word terror by the Benghazi terror attacks which Hillary Clinton took the blame for instead of this sorry excuse for a president.
WIYMemberSays me
Duh I figured. Which one if you don’t mind.
WIYMemberWhich college?
April 16, 2013 2:42 am at 2:42 am in reply to: Possible reasons Orthodox man sat in plastic bag on plane :-) #956099WIYMemberIt was before Pesach. He did it so the children will ask.
Yes thats sweet.
If you were to see Obama you say the bracha without Hashems name.
WIYMemberOr how about when you touch something hot and reflexively pull your hand away and then (moronically) touch it again?
Right cause that happened. …
WIYMemberYes and its about time they stopped photoshopping in pictures of Rav Chaim Kannievsky Shlita. He probably never even heard of the organization.
April 15, 2013 1:29 pm at 1:29 pm in reply to: Good major in college for a bais yaakov girl #1008493WIYMemberVogue
Don’t make the mistake off going for a specific degree because everyone else is doing it. Its important to go for something that you are good at and personally enjoy so that you will feel fulfilled in your career.
You really want to annoy someone? Tell someone in their 20s that they are acting like a teenager.
WIYMemberThat’s one of the reasons I use gmail.
WIYMemberHow about when you put something in the oven and either forget to turn it on or turn on lower oven instead of upper or vice versa and then when you go check on it you are all “what why is this cold” and then you realize what you did?
“Eisov sonei lyaakov is edom, not Yishmael. The hate of the Arabs today is because of the Zionist government.”
sources taken from Rav Yitzchak Fingerers article A Torah Perspective on Iran and Achris Hayomim
April 14, 2013 8:31 pm at 8:31 pm in reply to: Are there too many seforim being published today #945328WIYMemberWe need more sefarim on the proper way to tie personal plastic bags for kohanim on planes and also what brand sells the best plastic and all the shiurim involved…
April 14, 2013 8:30 pm at 8:30 pm in reply to: PHOTO: Orthodox Jewish Man Covers Himself In Plastic Bag On Plane #945865WIYMemberSam2
Who’s psak is this person relying on by plastic bagging it?
April 14, 2013 2:37 pm at 2:37 pm in reply to: Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria #945386WIYMemberSF
Im just not sure what the media coverage is meant to accomplish. If secular Israelis can’t understand the value of sitting and learning they expect the non Jews to understand? I think that media coverage will cause a chillul Hashem actually because none of the non Jews in America will understand the chareidi viewpoint and what will happen is that the chareidim will end up looking bad again.
April 14, 2013 5:48 am at 5:48 am in reply to: Possible reasons Orthodox man sat in plastic bag on plane :-) #956092WIYMemberOhshreck
I didn’t write the list its a copy and paste I happen to agree with you 100%. I will ask the mods if they can delete #5 even though it is kind of funny.
Mods can you delete #5 from the OP? Thanks!
I just checked their website. It looks ok. I would recommend that you find a frum nutritionist and have her help you put together meal plans. I think you would be very successful that way. I know many people who lost weight by going to a nutritionist and keeping to a diet plan. I wish you hatzlacha in your diet endeavors.
April 14, 2013 4:59 am at 4:59 am in reply to: Possible reasons Orthodox man sat in plastic bag on plane :-) #956089WIYMemberDY
We don’t know the truth so we may as well have some fun. Yes probably the reason is because he is a kohen. But it can also be because the guy sitting next to him has terrible BO.
April 14, 2013 4:47 am at 4:47 am in reply to: Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria #945374WIYMemberAkuperma
So the Agudah wants a photo op and its not really about Tefillah….
April 14, 2013 4:20 am at 4:20 am in reply to: Agudas Yisroel of America Plans Mass Tefila in Manhattan Against Draft Gezeria #945371WIYMemberWhy not make it in Brooklyn in a large indoor hall? What purpose does making it on the street in downtown Manhattan serve?
WIYMemberPeople are not aware of this but the kiddusha of Shabbos grows as the day goes on so the mincha of Shabbos is at a much more holy time than the Shacharis of Shabbos and shalosh seudos is the pinnacle of the holiness of Shabbos which is likely why the yetzer hora tries to get people to not take mincha and shalosh seudos on shabbos seriously but rather be chilled and laid back.
If its steak and beer Id think about a date with you.
You are welcome.
April 14, 2013 2:32 am at 2:32 am in reply to: Possible reasons Orthodox man sat in plastic bag on plane :-) #956085WIYMemberNobody?
WIYMemberParshas Mitzora: from
Rav Moshe Feinstein – Because We Don’t Know As Much As We Think
“V’tziva HaKohen V’Lakach LaMitaher; The Kohen commands the one who is becoming Tahor.” (Mitzora 14:4) Rav Moshe Feinstein says that it seems from here that the Mitaher must be commanded each step of the process by the Kohen. “Where do we find such a thing,” asks Rav Moshe, “where the Torah specifically includes in the process that the person be told by someone else to do something?”
Rav Moshe answers that there are certain mitzvos whose exact details are perceived by people to be outside the realm of dictated halacha and are left to a person’s logical discretion. In those cases, the person acts on his own feelings and not the dictates of the Torah. For example, when giving tzedaka people feel it is their right to use their own judgement, even though there are halachos as to where your tzedaka should go. Similarly, parenting is something that people do without consulting halacha and use their own “good sense”.
One of the reasons for Tzoraas is not lending your possessions to others. This is because a person feels that lending is at his own discretion. As part of his tikun, the Torah teaches him that he cannot make a single move that is not firmly rooted in halacha. Therefore, when going through the tahara process, he has a Kohen alongside of him guiding him on his every move.
WIYMemberWhy is Tzaraas white, white is a distinguished color, the color of purity, righteousness, and innocence, it is the color of a special breed? Wouldnt it be more appropriate for Tzaraas to be black?
Btw you are a little coocoo for talking to a mirror….
April 12, 2013 5:53 pm at 5:53 pm in reply to: Does anyone know what miban siach is talking about? #944764WIYMemberArtchill
It was Yitzchak who was davening in the field. So why do we mention that He understands our Tefillos what’s the point?
April 12, 2013 5:26 pm at 5:26 pm in reply to: Petirah of R. Yaakov Yosef, ztl Why no article about it? #944758WIYMemberYussel
The premise of this thread is disgusting.
WIYMemberRabbi Perfect
Why create humans at all? If yes why create humans with the ability to pray, believe, love, have self control, be kind have feelings….? Why create a soul? Why does man have this need to want to seek meaning and purpose in his life? Why does man get depressed when he has no meaning in his life? You see if someone looks at the world with open eyes there are just too many questions that have no answer. If there is no God then nothing makes sense.
April 12, 2013 5:12 pm at 5:12 pm in reply to: Does anyone know what miban siach is talking about? #944761WIYMemberThanks artchill. What does it mean that He understands our speech?
By the way I think its a bit shver to say Hashem would or could get bored. Its a limitation on Him as if He couldn’t come up with a way to not be bored. Furthermore Hashem could have created the world in one second so how did that solve His “boredom? ”
Even if Hashem created the world and left it, we are still obligated to feel hakaros hatov to Hashem for creating us and to constantly thank Him for all the gokd he did for us. For example if bill gates gave you a $100,000,000, for him ghat would hardly make a dent in his fortune, however from your end you are obligated and should feel hakaros hatov every day of your life to him and should probably call him once a week to thank him. No? You would constantly go around talking about how amazing and kind and good and wonderful bill gates is. That’s how you would act. Same thing someone who believes Hashem gave him everything and made everything must also go around living with that awe of the one who gave it all to him and to constantly feel appreciation and to thank that being on a regular basis and not to damage that which the Being created.
I disagree. I think that if the world was obviously 5773 years old the scientists and atheists wouldn’t have what to hang their hat on. Hashem purposely makes Himself hidden and wants man to work to find Him. True and deep Emunah comes through mans investigation and being honest with himself.
There is also the approach that Hashem created the world in a evolutionary way and still the count of 5773 begins from Adam. There’s no problem believing that as well and I think it makes sense to say this. Our sources say that the names Shakai means sheamar leolamo dai. So the universe was expanding at a rapid rate and Hashem shouted ENOUGH and it stopped.
However I think Hashem purposely leaves certain things fuzzy to allow humans who are lazy and want to delude themselves to delude themselves. One can read the firs passuk of bereishis and already be a kofer if he ghinks the passuk means that bereishis created Elokim. There are other places where it says “whoever wants to be mistaken let him come and be mistaken. “
There has to be a balance in the world between being able to have Emunah which takes hard work or no emunah which takes the intellectually lazy track. If Emunah were easy the whole system of schar veonesh would be thrown out of whack.
Once moshiach comes bechira is basically out the window. Umalah haaretz deiah es Hashem kmayim lyam mechasim. There will either be no yetzer hora or it will be so difficult to sin it will be as if there is none. Its a mathematical eauation, the greater the revelation of Hashem the lower the level of bechira.
Well if Hitchens will agree that there is a God who created this spectacular universe and is obviously the source of all wisdom and intelligence and created humans who possess wisdom and intelligence doesn’t that logically tell you that he created man to be like Him or to resemble Him and to have a relationship with Him? If you believe Hashem made us you must believe he wouldn’t bother with creating beings as complex as we are without a purpose and without revealing that phrpose to us. Its obvious that humans are the pinnacle of physical creation and the most complex. Its apparent that everything else on the world was created for their good and their benefit. Doesn’t that tell you that God is good and kind and wants to give to us so at the minimum this would require us to think about Him and thank Him and show appreciation to Him on a regular basis. This many not be enough to prove any specific religion just yet but it dsfinitely obligates one to live a spiritual ethical and moral life and to treat others kindly because they are created by him and how dare you hurt His beings that he created. To me this all seems logical and he should agree.