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You stay up all night? Or just say the whole Tehillim and then go to sleep?
I believe Rav Belsky holds you wash on 3 slices and as far back as I remember I never from teenage years andon I always ate minimum 2 slices. 2 slices (especially small ones without fries) is not a big meal for any normal male. I don’t know anyone who gets full on one slice and I would venture to say that most adult women eat 1.5 to 2 slices as well unless they are dieting or just want to be hungry.
Popa is neither a guy or a girl. Popa is a concept.
To answer your question, I’m a guy but I can imagine what you are going through and its certainly a challenging transition to go from a modern upbringing and shift to a more heimish one. The issue you are having is common with people who change and move to the right. Guys have this problem just as girls do. Anyways I think the smartest and safest thing to do is make strong gedarim. Decide that you will no longer go over to guys you know. If they come over to you explain briefly why you no longer can chat with them and part ways on a friendly note. You will have to have a “script” prepared and expect it to be uncomfortable the first few times. However the only way this will work is if you make up your mind that there’s no exceptions. You can’t talk to any of the guys you used to know.
WIYMemberI didn’t count the first night of Pesach.
Many people aren’t 100% sure even after their wedding night. You hope you did the right thing and that Hashem led you to the right person.
WIYMemberSaid my 4 year old sister.
I think if Popa is single you 2 should date. You seem to find almost everything he posts as funny. I think if there were a PBA fan club you would be up there. Maybe you two would connect in real life too.
May 3, 2013 5:37 pm at 5:37 pm in reply to: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts #950839WIYMemberJbaldy and squeak
We have a Torah we don’t look at their culture. Besides society is at a very sick low. Google teenage pregnancy if you want go know what goes on. Baruch Hashem we aren’t like them and we need to do everything we can in our power to maintain kedushas yisrael. The gemara says daas baal habayis hepech daas Torah. How much more so is daas American culture hepech daas Torah?! I will go so far to say that I don’t think there is anything positive in American culture today. Look at their role models and who they respect and look up to. All their movies stars singers and what not are lowest of the low. Adulterers and what not. Look at the choshuvah congressmen and senators and how many have had affairs and are crooks and low lives. We should look at American society and say thank You Hashem shelo asani goy!
WIYMemberOomis and Wolf
Don’t you think its time to settle down?
WIYMemberBrony and Popa
None of the Rabbanim who memorized shas did it for the pin test. The point is they were so dedicated to vehigisa bo yomam volayla that they learned through shas so many times that they memorized it to the point that they can tell you where any word is on the page. They had shas on their finger tips. They didnt memorize shas for shtick. They did it because they love Hashem and love his Torah and reached the understanding that ki heim chayyeinu so the more Torah you have the more alive you are. That’s something to aspire to. I can’t believe that you can be so callous and compare our gedolim to idiot savants. Brony I will keep it civil but I really think some of your comments are not appropriate for the yeshiva world site or for someone in the yeshiva world. I hope the mods keep an eye on you.
Popa I’m shocked that you would say that Brony is right in calling our Gedolim idiot savants! I don’t think you and Brony are cut from the same cloth.
Good one.
I smoked nicotine regular cigarettes.
It has other effects which are immediate. I have smoked in the past and so have some of my friends so let me share with you some effects it had on us. I’m talking about a significant smoking habit of half a pack a day or more.
1. Breathlessness. You get out of breath very fast and it makes it harder to walk, run, play ball or do anything requiring physical activity.
2. Weakened immune system. You catch a cold much quicker and it lasts much longer.
3. It ruins your voice. Your throat gets dry and achy and it ruins your singing voice so forget about singing zmiros.
4. Tight chest pains. I got this and some smokers get this as well you feel a tightness or gripping in your chest that comes and goes its very uncomfortable and frightening.
5. You become more nervous and you NEED your smokes and if you don’t get them you act tense and moody.
That’s not to mention that you will reek. Your breath will stink your clothing will stink and many people find the smell offensive. Its also a tremendous waste of time. If you smoke a pack a day that means you waste about 2 hours a day smoking! I strongly discourage anyone from taking up smoking.
WIYMemberIts to signify a tornado whirlwind so he should know that when there’s a tornado in the house he should just stand there.
“Considering I haven’t posted anything along those lines in at least half a year…”
I noticed and thanks for stopping. Has it had any impact on your life?
May 2, 2013 12:59 am at 12:59 am in reply to: Upgraded from a smartphone to a kosher phone? Tell us how your life improved! #950033WIYMemberIs something in the coffee today?
May 1, 2013 9:08 pm at 9:08 pm in reply to: Upgraded from a smartphone to a kosher phone? Tell us how your life improved! #950023WIYMemberjbaldy22
Habitually and compulsively are quite different. A compulsion is almost as destructive as an addiction. The bottom line is the person is having a very hard time controlling themselves and is effecting their lives negatively.
May 1, 2013 1:22 pm at 1:22 pm in reply to: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts #950831WIYMemberInterjection
That’s really ridiculous. Parents should not be expected to entertain their 15, 16, 17 year old kids on Motzei Shabbos.You really expect parents to be obligated to go on family outings every or almost every Motzei Shabbos?
I think its the schools obligation to provide some kind of structure for motzei Shabbos. Its a lot easier for the school to come up with a program then for every parent of a teen to be a babysitter which anyways won’t work.
May 1, 2013 4:45 am at 4:45 am in reply to: Upgraded from a smartphone to a kosher phone? Tell us how your life improved! #950006WIYMemberJbaldy22
I don’t want to get sucked into a debate here but there is such a thing as texting addiction. There are kids who text on Shabbos but otherwise keep Shabbos because they have to text. Its an addiction. I don’t know how it matches up with other addictions but its certainly an addiction. You can google about it there’s plenty info on text addiction.
I guess that means he must be a math teacher :-p
April 30, 2013 5:15 pm at 5:15 pm in reply to: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts #950828WIYMemberDaMoshe
Its real. My brother confirmed it with his menahel.
I don’t know much about this minhag but many of the things the non Jews do on their Holidays was actually borrowed (stolen) from us. According to my googling it was an ancient Jewish practice to paint eggs. Do your own googling and get back to me.
April 30, 2013 3:05 pm at 3:05 pm in reply to: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts #950824WIYMemberGavra
There’s overbanning and then banning when its necessary. They aren’t banning pizza for heavens sake. They are banning the students from being on specific avenues on a specific night. You should know most yeshivas in Flatbush have rules of which avenues boys can’t go to during the week in Yeshiva hours. Usually M is off limits and I think J and Kingshighway as well.
Wow I thought you were joking until I did some googling. Turns out that it is a Lubavitch and Karlin minhag. I found articles talking about it but they didn’t have sources.
April 30, 2013 2:29 am at 2:29 am in reply to: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts #950817WIYMemberJosh31
The enforcers are the Menahalim of the various Yeshivos. I heard they will be there to see if their boys show.
Most Kohanim especially those into their yiddishkiet are proud to be Kohanim. Maybe you know the wrong Kohanim.
“I also only buy Hanes, not that other company.”
A line I never thought Id see on a nachas thread…
WIYMemberShticky Guy
You mean I have to wear 3 years ago’s style? Its probably coming back in soon anyways.
These are all hebrew. ????? is fun but its not a Biblical word. The rest don’t mean fun some mean laughter some mean jest or scorn or plaything but ????? is the only hebrew word for fun and it isnt Biblical.
There still is no word for fun.
Id like a second opinion.
WIYMemberDownominator. Remember D for down. N for North.
WIYMemberIts cool watching how pizza makers toss up the dough and make a large round pie in the air.
Clothes have a din of orlah? Please explain.
April 29, 2013 5:02 pm at 5:02 pm in reply to: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts #950812WIYMemberThe little I know
The kids hang out motzei Shabbos because the hangouts are there if there are no hangouts they won’t hang out. We have to do our hishtadlus ajd if right niw the issue is the hangouts on j and m on motzei shabbos then we need to stop kids from being there. You have to assur sometimes and this is a time to assur. The situation has gotten out of hand. I have a brother who is a teenager and he tells me whats going on and it is really out of hand. If we assur this you say they will find something else but I disagree. We are not referring to rebellious kids who are OTD or headed there. We are talking about regular kids who have a yetzer hora and fall in because its so tempting and so easy and just right there in their neighborhood on the street. Yes the kids who are looking to rebel and davka talk to girls will find a way but many kids will be saved from blocking the motzei shabbos hangouts.
Obviously there needs to be something for kids to do motzei Shabbos. Halevai kids would use the motzei Shabbos to learn or do something positive. Actually I think Yeshivas need to make mandatory seders on motzei shabbos because most kids have NOTHING to do especially on the long winter motzei shabbosim. They need to make some kind of program of learning seder or an inspiring shiur with stories…with ball playing and melaveh malka with good food. I’m sure most parents would be on board and would give money towards it.
WIYMemberAh nachas. Great story baal habooze. I found some answers on aish dot com on Rav Asher Alports torah page that you can share with your son.
The Torah forbids the consumption of orlah, the fruits produced by a tree for the first three years (Leviticus 19:23). The Talmud (Shabbos 33b) relates that when Rebbi Shimon bar Yochai was forced to flee to a cave to save his life, a carob tree miraculously sprouted there to provide him sustenance. How was he permitted to eat the fruits, which are considered orlah?
Rabbi Yissochar Dov of Belz (Imrei Daas) cites the Talmud (Yerushalmi Orlah 1:1), which rules that if a tree grows in a place which isn’t designed for human settlement, which was the case with the cave of Rebbi Shimon, it is exempt from the laws of orlah.
Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky (Derech Emunah Hilchos Maaser Sheini 10:6) notes that Maimonides rules that if a tree grows on its own in a public area, such that its fruits are ownerless and available to all, the laws of orlah do not apply to it.
The M’rafsin Igri gives a few answers. First, a tree which grows miraculously is exempt from all laws governing fruits, such as orlah and ma’aser. Second, the tree may have already been planted elsewhere for more than three years, and if it was transferred to the cave together with its roots, its fruits would be immediately permissible. Alternatively, Rebbi Shimon may have eaten the carob fruits while they were still small and not yet legally classified as fruits which are forbidden as orlah.
April 29, 2013 3:34 pm at 3:34 pm in reply to: Letter circulated in Brooklyn about Motzei Shabbos hangouts #950808WIYMemberThe little I know
If you have a fire what do you do first put it out or try to figure out how it started to prevent future fires? The hangouts are fires burning up good kids. It has to be stopped. These kids are not OTD. They are regular teens in regular yeshivas who are young curious bored have raging yetzer horas and and need to be protected from these pitfalls. Once boys and girls get involved with each other the ruchnius is out the door and the (scholastic grades tend to tank as well.)
These are not bad kids and many are not looking to do anything bad but if they are in a pitza shop or whatever and a girl comes over or their friends walk over to some girls or some similar scenario its very easy to start talking and get sucked in.
If you want to know the truth the issue in my opinion and I heard this from Rav Shafier of the shmuz as well, is that the schools are not teaching yiras shomayim. But I think more than that, with todays matzav of prustkeit in the streets the schools need to spend significant time with boys and girls grade 7 and up teaching the halachas explaining about issur histaklus bnashim and discuss inyanei shmiras eynayim.
I didn’t want to share this but I will. On Friday I was at the barber to get my pre lag baomer haircut. Well you know how all barbers have a stack of magazines and news papers? Well I saw that every boy that came in for a haircut sat down and unhesitatingly picked up a new york post and also read the GQ magazine and other trash that he had there . These newspapers and magazines have many bad pictures in them and litvish yeshiva bachurim as well as a few chassidish bachurim were reading these things without hesitation. Most Yeshiva bachurim have no concept of shmiras eynayim. The emes is grls need it to and girls shouldn’t read trash or look at trashy magazines because everything you look at goes into your brain and later affects you in tznius and your hashkafos.
Someone actually called 20 minutes before Shabbos? What coumd you pissibly prepare on such short notice?!
I will be dan lekaf zchus that the person was going to call earlier and got busy or it slipped their mind and they remembered 20 minutes before Shabbos. Hey when you can give the benefit of the doubt why not give it?
Actually Kabbalah aside even for pshat if you will look at meforshim like the Malbim and Rav Hirsch its apparent that to get correct pshat you need the correct translation of each word. Neither of them are kabbalah perushim. Rather pashut pshat according to their understanding of dikduk.
WIYMemberI will repeat there are no 2 words that mean the same exact thing every word has a translation although translating it into another language poses difficulties. Yes sometimes there are 2 words that have similar meanings in certain contexts. Lets take your example. Cheirus means fresdom. However dror does not actually mean freedom even though artscroll and others may translate it that way because at the end of the day ws are referring to liberty. The word Dror means return or revert (see Rav Hirsch chumash in depth) . He says dror here means “Persons and property revert to where they naturally belong (man to his family and property to original owner).
“I’m really enjoying the back and forth on this topic. Thanks everyone. :)”
Are you having fun? If yes say it in Loshon Kodesh 🙂
There are no 2 words in Loshon Kodesh that mean the same thing.
Schok means laughter not fun (az yimalei schok pinu). There is no word for fun and there is a big difference between fun and laughter so dont make it like its the same thing. Another thing to keep in mind when dealing with the words of the Torah is that Loshon Kodesh is precise. It is the Language of Hashem that He used to create reality to create everything. A thing is intrinsically its word in loshon Kodesh so Loshon Kodesh will be exact always exact.
Getting hammered is a mitzvah?? Why didn’t anyone tell me?!
“In conclusion, my seminary teachers were wrong, and fun is a Jewish concept.”
I think they were right that technically since there is no word for fun, fun is not a Torah concept. Enjoyment is a Torah concept however all enjoyment and pleasure should be for a higher cause. We certainly don’t “need” to have fun the way we do today. We waste a lot of time and look for ways to have fun because we are bored not because we need some relaxation to go back to our avodas Hashem. Ill leave it at that. Lets put it this way, many things that are fun and that people do for fun may have not mutar aspects to them and they often dont lead a person to more avodas Hashem. When was the last time someone you knew came back from a day of fun at an amusement park and had “more” cheishek for a daf gemara or davening or other mitzvos?
Do you know that Satmar says Tachanun on 5 iyyar even if there’s a bris?!
My first pair of tefillin were made in EY and shipped to NY. I second DY have someone you know either your Rav or a Rav or Rosh Kollel or someone you know who is connected make a recommendatio for you of a sofer he knows or put you in touch with someone who can help you.