Forum Replies Created
no,they roll it over your face,as a muscle massage or something.It’s like a mini-roller.No nose involvement!
watermelonMemberCould it be a mercury thing?
How did you put that together so fast?
Makes a lot of sense…t.y.
watermelonMemberIt’s like The Tortoise And The Hare.
The turtle WON THE RACE because the rabbit was so sure he would win,HE TOOK A LONG NAP.
You are self-aware….you will go far.
watermelonMemberWolf,I guess you mean Sfardim,and based on that,I guess it’s impossible.
Mod 80,so does that mean it IS possible?
watermelonMemberDo the teens answer each other?
Or does someone check to make sure the answers are correct? (I am not familiar with that site)
watermelonMemberEither “A Letter To Moshiach”,or the other one with a very fancy cover(silver?) by same singer.
watermelonMembersm29-Someone could create a JustAsk type of website and the best researched and well-written responses could be posted.
It would be a great forum,both for those with the questions and and those inspired to write a great,clear answer!
watermelonMemberWas it Meir Sherman? (Mr.Music?)
watermelonMemberIt happens to dads too?
watermelonMemberJust checked it–wow! An original unique website all started by a very young frum girl!
Dunno–you should change your name to DO KNOW…:)
watermelonMemberquick comeback!
( but would then be spelled stinke`-accent other way,above the e)
watermelonMemberEver have those kind of chats?
watermelonMemberNo,I was not named after Bubba Watermelon.
watermelonMemberAtara Malach says your pots will never be cleaner than the way you’ll scrub them when you are upset about something! A healthy way to channel your adrenalin!(not exact quote)
watermelonMemberParshas Yisro Highlights:
1.A person possesses uncultivated raw material within him.
Just like crude oil must be refined and is then extremely valuable,the yidden,capable of sinking to do chayt ha’aygel,also purified themselves and rose to be worthy of matan Torah.
2.Rav Elya Lopian says we know that Yisro was a mivakaysh,BECAUSE HE WORSHIPPED EVERY SINGLE AVODAH ZARAH IN THE WORLD.
Because he was searching and searching for the right god…and that’s why he finally found…Hashem.
watermelonMemberDerech is right–perfect is when your unique blend of traits complements the other person’s and vice-versa.
watermelonMemberblinque`-accent other direction,above the e