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Devon was finishing up the project he had been working on for the last three months. It always felt good to put some sort of closure to things before the holiday started.Suddenly his phone rang, and he answered while he wrote the final few sentences to his reports."Where are you, man?" his best friend, Ben, asked. "Still at work?""Just finishing up something," Devon replied."Damn it, Devon! It's Christmas eve and you promised to dine with us. Now, get your ass over here before I get pissed.""I'm coming. Just give me 30 minutes.""You're working too much," his friend sighed."Yeah, yeah," Devon agreed half-heartedly.He had heard the lecture before. Ever since he broke it off with his ex-girlfriend, Rachel, he had drowned himself in work. He needed to get his mind away from the other stuff that was not working in his life, and his love-life seemed to be one of those things.www.bestfreehdporn.pro"You need to find a woman. ASAP!"Devon groaned. "Keep out of it, Ben. I don't want any help.""It's been a year, man. It's time to move on and find some nice woman to settle down with."Devon laughed. "Any suggestions?"He did one final check of his report before emailing his boss."Many," Ben said. "You need to start dating again."Devon sighed. "I'm not ready. Just let it rest, will you?""The clock is ticking," Ben reminded him."I'm coming."Ben laughed. "That's not what I meant.""Well, I'm leaving my office right now," Devon said as he grabbed his laptop and coat before he headed for the door."Don't bring your computer," Ben threatened.He was a fucking mind reader, Devon thought. "I wasn't.""I know you, man. You have to get your mind off your work for a few days.""I'll see you soon," Devon said before he ended the call.Right now, he would have preferred to go home and spend a quiet evening in front of the TV. But he had agreed to come, and he would rather spend Christmas eve with Ben and his wife instead of attending the large party his parents were having.This would be his first Christmas alone after the breakup with Rachel, and he longed to get it over and done.*** After a long evening with dinner and Ben's kids squealing in delight over their presents, Devon and Ben finally had some time to talk. It had been a busy evening and the silence felt strange after the last few hours.Ben's wife had gone to put the kids into bed while her parents were doing the dishes. Ben breathed a sigh of relief before he dropped into the armchair beside Devon."Here you go, buddy," Ben said and handed Devon a glass of brandy."Thanks."Devon felt a strong envy for his friend and the small family he had. The house was warm and cosy, filled with love and life. So much more inviting than the penthouse flat he owned. Two years ago, he was certain he was heading for the same easy lifestyle, but his ex had never wanted children. Or so she had told him.The last he had heard was that she had met another man and was busy travelling the world in luxurious hotels and enjoying the life that he had never been able to give her. She had always wanted a wealthy husband and now her wish had come true.Devon was glad that he had finally found the nerve to end it with her. Her constant flirtation with other men had always put a strain on their relationship, but as far as he knew she had always been faithful to him.Still, what did he know about a woman's mind? He sometimes felt like a complete dork around women and particularly when it had come to his ex. He knew that many women found him attractive, but his reserved manner kept most of them at a distance.He was not interested in starting another relationship. Not now. The wounds were still too fresh. If he would ever settle down with a woman, it would be with someone completely different than his ex. Someone that might actually be content with his lifestyle and not one that was constantly drawn to money and prestige."I heard you lost the battle this year," Ben sniggered as he sipped his brandy."What battle?" Devon asked, feeling puzzled."The yearly cabin-fever-holiday. Have you forgotten? You're probably in denial already." Ben laughed."You're not going?""Nope.""Damn. I thought you were.""The spitfire will keep you company. You won't feel bored," Ben said with a broad smile."That's a relief," Devon said ironically as he contemplated Ben's younger sister, Lena.She looked pretty, with her slim body and her long brown hair. He liked to look at her and see her blue eyes tingle with delight and mischief. But she also had a sharp tongue and she seemed to have taken a particular dislike to Devon.No matter what he said to her, she always turned his words around and threw them back at him with interest. She was one of the most intriguing and challenging women Devon knew, but he had never quite managed to get on friendly terms with her. She seemed to take great pleasure in taunting him at every turn and her wits kept him constantly on the edge.Unfortunately, there was no way of avoiding her completely. Their mothers were childhood friends, so they had met regularly over the years. Still, spending a week in close proximity with Lena would be both interesting and troublesome."She's single again," Ben added."Oh?" Devon really didn't want to know that."So, there's your chance," Ben prodded on."What are you talking about?"The brandy seemed to have gotten to Ben's head. Luckily, Devon didn't feel the same way."Lena. She's single and so are you.""So?""Guess what the matchmakers are planning?" Ben let his words sink in.Devon groaned. "No, fucking way!""Exactly. Have fun, buddy." Ben chuckled again. "It would almost be worth the trip to see you both squirm for a few days while the matchmakers do their worst. You two are our mother's last chance to unite our families.""Hilarious.""She's not that bad, you know.""Lena?""Yep. Once you get past the spikes and insults.""I have no intention of marrying into your family," Devon declared. "Never going to happen.""Ha, you might as well give in, and the sooner, the better. You're forever stuck with the cabin-fever-holiday, man."Devon shuddered. "It was just bad planning. Won't happen again."Ben laughed. "She fancies you.""Who?""Lena."Devon snorted. "You're kidding. If she did, she hides it really well. Most likely she just wants to roast my ass over the fireplace before carving me with the sharpest knife.""You can't fool me. I've seen how you look at her.""Ben. Don't," Devon said with a sigh.He did not want to discuss Lena. Not now, not ever. Ben's younger sister had always been someone special for him and as she grew older, she had turned into a beautiful and voluptuous woman that had little resemblance with the tomboy she had been when they grew up together.Still, as Ben's sister, she was off-limits. Devon normally didn't fool around with his best friends' sisters. No matter how attractive they were. Besides, she hated him for some reason. Most other women flirted and tried to catch his attention somehow, but Lena had never done that.She was completely the opposite, throwing witty remarks and insults at him whenever she could. If she hadn't seemed so icy, he would believe that she was interested in him. Instead, she avoided him as if he was infected by fleas or something.He did not go where he was not wanted, but still, she intrigued him immensely. There was something that pulled him to her no matter how much he resisted the lure."Don't what? Admit the truth?" Ben snorted. "It has been staring you in the eye for the last decade. It's about time you did something about it.""We will never agree.""So what? You two are the most stubborn mules I have ever met. Seems like a perfect match.""Don't you start as well. That's our mothers' mission.""Burying your head in the sand won't solve anything," Ben said and looked directly at him."You're nuts, man. Me and Lena? You've got to be joking.""You've got plenty of sparks going on. Maybe you should use your mouths for something else besides arguing.""Fuck," Devon murmured."Exactly." Ben chuckled as he took another sip of his brandy."You're delusional. It will never work.""Maybe you should try a different strategy and see how she responds?" Ben suggested."What strategy? Admit defeat right away?""No, try kissing instead of talking. It worked with my wife," Ben said and winked."Your wife is a nice lady. Nothing like a certain blue-eyed spitfire.""Give it a shot anyway. She might surprise you."Devon laughed. "Sure. And if I end up in the ER, I don't have to attend the rest of the party, so it might be worthwhile," he said ironically.Still, Ben's words were constantly on Devon's mind for the rest of the evening. Did Ben know something that Devon had never quite understood before?*** "I'm not going!" Lena said to her mother, as she tied her long brownish hair into a ponytail.They had just finished dinner at her parent's house and Lena would soon have to return to her apartment and prepare for work the next day. But now she realised why her mother had insisted that Lena dined with them even though it was in the middle of the workweek.Her father had retreated over to the sofa and seemed to be vastly interested in the newspaper. He was probably avoiding the confrontation that was sure to come. If felt more and more like a setup and Lena had walked straight into the trap this time."Of course you are, honey. I need your help, and you promised me weeks ago that you would be there," her mother said sweetly as if she knew this conversation was coming and had prepared for it.Knowing her mother, Lena would be twisted around her mother's little finger, no matter how much she resisted. Her mother was an expert in pushing the right buttons at the right time and make her follow her wishes, despite Lena's reluctance. She hated it, and she hated how easily she could be fooled. But in this case, she did not want to budge an inch."That was before I knew he was going to be there," Lena explained."He?""You know who I am mean. He-who's-name-should-never-be-mentioned.""Ah, you mean Devon. Nonsense! He's a wonderful man if you ever bothered to get to know him. Besides, it's only for a few days.""Sorry, Mom. I'm not going. I can't stay on the same mountain as him, they're not big enough. Not to mention spending five days listening to his insults. I would rather work.""Don't worry. Your cousin, Lily will be there, with her husband and their two adoring children. And Elsa and her husband. And me and your father. You won't have any time to talk to Devon. But I did not realise that he scared you?" her mother said humorously."Of course he doesn't scare me," Lena snorted. "He's just an overgrown teddy-bear with lousy manners and too many muscles."Not to mention the most beautiful grey eyes and a smile that made her lose her footing, but her mother didn't need to know what Lena really thought about Mr Tall, dark and handsome and totally-out-of-her-reach.If Lena could press some 'Ignore'-button on him, she would have chosen to years ago. It would have been easier to never know he existed."I think he looks gorgeous," her mother said and smiled. "Elsa has such beautiful children but he's the best of them. Maybe you should use your eyes instead of your mouth when next you meet him?" Her mother suggested cheekily."No, thanks, Mom. I prefer men that actually talk to me instead of trying to duck me into the nearest pile of snow just for the fun of it.""Nah, you misunderstand him. He's a very charming man.""That's just acting. To me, he shows another side of himself. The evil one," Lena snorted."Maybe you should try to be nice to him. He might return the favour and surprise you. After all, he's perfectly amiable to the rest of us and he's your brother's best friend," her mother said."Never going to happen," Lena said with honesty."Well, when you insist on insulting him all the time, what can you expect?""I'll tell you what. I will avoid him like the plague. It was only for three days, wasn't it?""No, no. We need at least a week. We will have so much fun and there's plenty of room in our cottage. It will be a wonderful holiday." Her mother was almost beaming with the possibility to spend a week together with friends and family.Lena sighed. Next year, she vowed that she would book a flight someplace warm. Then she could tell her mother that she already had plans when her mother started nagging her about the yearly holiday. This year she had been so busy at work that she had forgotten all about her parent's annual winter holiday in their mountain cottage.She could tolerate the snow and cold. It was the neighbours that were the problem. And in particular that neighbour's son that always rubbed her the wrong way."Why will he join us this year? I thought he had married some model or lawyer something?""He broke it off with his fiancée. I don't know all the details, but according to Elsa, he's taking it hard.""Ah, so he got dumped and is licking his wounds. Poor thing," Lena said ironically."All the more reason to be nice to the poor man.""Don't tell me, he needs a shoulder to cry on?""I doubt that. He left her. Not the other way.""No surprise there. He was probably scared stiff by the possibility of being chained to just one woman for the rest of his life," Lena sniggered."Am I sensing a sort of devilish delight at his misfortunes?" her mother asked suspiciously."All right, all right. I won't talk to him unless I have to, and I'll do my best to avoid him. You know that we never get along."Her mother sighed deeply."The rest of the family get along perfectly with him. I really don't see why you should be so different."Lena knew exactly the reason why, but it was not something that she wanted to share with anyone. It was her own stupid mistake and it had only given her heartache. She would never feel that weak again.When she was a young teenager, she had developed a gigantic crush on Devon. He was the dream prince, the most handsome man in her world and she was desperate to be with him. She had tried everything she could think of to get his attention and made a terrible fool of herself in the process. Ben had noticed and teased her endlessly about it, even years later, but Devon had never known. At least she hoped he didn't.He was still the only man that made her yearn for something more, but she had vowed that he would never know that. She avoided him as best she could and if that wasn't possible, she tried to protect herself by pushing him away from her.She knew it puzzled him. He was used to women adoring his looks and trying to flatter him, so the opposite response seemed to increase his interest instead. It was the opposite of what Lena hoped for, but she did not know what else to do.One day, he would settle down with another woman and be beyond her reach. She both feared and anticipated that day. Maybe then she could move on with her own life and stop wasting time."Anyway. Now that Ben won't be there, I need your help, so you have to keep your promise," her mother concluded."All right, Mom. I will."Lena felt the unease settle in her stomach while she tried to ignore the slight jittery feeling that always came when she knew she would meet Devon again. It would be okay, she tried to tell herself. Her secret would be safe. It had to.*** Chapter 2 - Matchmakers in action After the guests had arrived and all the luggage had been placed where it should, Lena kept herself busy while serving warm mulled wine. She had spent the last few hours chopping vegetables and helped her mother preparing for the evening meal. Now they were greeting their guests and making sure that everyone got settled.Her cousin, Lilly and her husband were talking to her parents while they did their best to keep the children from kicking each other. Lena smiled at their usual theatrics and wondered how long it would take before they took a stroll with them.www.hotmyfreecams.comSitting in the car for a few hours were always boring and she remembered how she and her brother always were allowed to play in the snow when they arrived."Are you still single, dear?" her mother's best friend, Elsa, asked as soon as Lena came within reach.Lena adored Elsa, always had. She was a sweet woman and as her mother's best friend, Elsa had always been around when they grew up. Almost like a second mother. Unfortunately, Elsa was always so curious to learn about her love-life, or lack of.Lena wondered if it was just because she generally was curious or if it was because she happened to have a son that was available for the taking. Lena longed to say something other than the truth. She always responded by saying 'Yes, I'm single and happy that way.'But when she did that with Elsa, she would spend the next few hours listening to Elsa's list of available bachelors and how blissfully happy all her friends had become as soon as they were married. It felt like some sort of psychological warfare, delivered by the sweetest and the most devious woman Lena knew. Well, apart from her own mother.Elsa was a good second-best in this kind of warfare. It was time to launch a surprise attack, Lena realised. A quick attack and then to leap away while the sweet woman stopped her tirade. That might be worth a try."Of course, I'm not single. Prince Charming came along and swept me off my feet. So, now I'm locked up in this gigantic mansion all the time," Lena said while she smiled broadly.Elsa just stared at her as if her head had fallen off."And you should see that rock that he wants me to wear. It's so heavy I can't hold up my arm. Terribly annoying." Lena grinned.A deep laughter behind her ruined her mask of indifference. She recognised that voice and she felt her temper rise as she slowly turned around and faced her nemesis."Was there something wrong, Devon?" she asked icily as she tried to avoid gawking at him.He was looking just as manly and good-looking as he always did. She took a deep breath and inhaled the intriguing scent of his cologne at the same time. She retreated half a step, trying to get further away from the temptation he always presented.She was not going to give him more power than he already had, and it would not do if he realised how easily he could ruin her calm facade."So, he's decided to give you some time off since you can enthral us with your glorious presence?" he asked between his laughter."He needed to recuperate after a week of extensive lovemaking, yes," Lena added as she raised her chin.Damn it. She really hated staring right into his muscled chest and her neck would hurt if this turned into a long conversation. Still, just like a mountain lion, it was never a good idea to avoid Devon's eyes. He might even think he'd found a weak spot. https://bestfreehdporn.pro/category/black-porn-tube-sites/
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