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  • in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684481

    “Mothers day should be supported by those whom their mothers care about it”

    And Groundhog day should be supported by those whom their fathers care about it; and Earth day should be supported by those whom their mothers care about it; and Mardi Gras day should be supported by those whom their fathers or mothers care about it. Right? Because if not, they will be Over the Mitzva of Kibbud Av V’Em.

    Just let’s remember that Groundhog day and Mother’s day has nothing to do with Judaism, the Torah, or our people. Sometimes you just gotta accommodate other people’s silliness in order to maintain friendly relations.

    BTW, what the Shaarei Teshuva described fitting into as “Karov La’Apikores” doesn’t fit into the definition of the Rambam quoted by ME2. So perhaps I shall change the description of what ME2 questioned from “plainest definition” to “Karov La’Apikores”, and it shall fit in more aptly.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684476

    If I called him daily, he’d probably go mad and would not appreciate it

    Then it sounds as if your Kibud Av’ V’Eim is being fulfilled by your not calling, per Dad’s wishes.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684472

    “How many of us really do kibud av vaem daily?”

    outoftownjew –

    Most of us. (At least those of us in-town. You seem to be implying most out-of-towners don’t have Kibud Av V’Eim daily, but I am not mekabel that loshon hora on my out-of-town brethren. I know the vast majority of them also have Kibud Av V’Eim daily.)

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684471

    “The error caught my eye when I was reviewing it several hours later.”

    B”H. I am pleased to learn that you are chazering (reviewing) my insights.

    in reply to: If You Were Discovered… #799696

    Hey, I was the guy who told you that!

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684465

    It took you 7 hours and your making 5 previous posts since the comment in question to realize that!? Who was your English teacher again? (No malice intended… 🙂

    in reply to: iPad — Kosher? #685941

    Mommy613, You seem more intent on justifying what you intended to do, rather than seek the pitfalls being placed upon this poor bar mitzvah bachor.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684456

    Chazal have only and 100% consistently decided halacha as per HKBH. Stating otherwise is the plainest definition of apikorsus.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684454

    Lo bashamayim hi – once the Torah was revealed, there will be no further revelation? What are you getting at? You are saying, in so many words, Chazal can be wrong in halacha. This is patently incorrect.

    Where have I ever said individual members of Chazal aren’t infallible?

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684451

    “No — we’ve simply decided to take their say-so on the matter.”

    IOW, you are posturing that they are or may be wrong in matters, but we nevertheless accept their wrongheadedness as law of the land. Am I more or less characterizing your position correctly?

    “we have ruled, post facto, that the matters are as they say they are.”

    Where is this ruling mentioned? How is it brought down?

    Please check that out.

    in reply to: Tuition Assistance Guidelines #684830

    “The system will crumble at some point.”

    Been hearing that way too long for it to be taken credibly.

    It’s a bit like all those predicting the demise of Chareidikeit or Orthodoxy for the past 60 years.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684447

    Does this change your response?

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684445

    I asked for a citation where Chazal “admitted” the concluding halachic opinion was wrong. Perhaps it wasn’t clear. Do you or do you not believe that the concluding halachic opinion of the Gemorah can be wrong?

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684443

    Which Gemarah are you referring to (that they “admit they were wrong” in a halachic matter)?

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684441

    Wolf, Are you denying Chazal’s infallibility in halachic matters?

    in reply to: Mathematical Expressions in Sefira Counting #941745

    The proper way of describing today’s day of the Omer without being Yotze (so that you can still count with the brocho) is to say “yesterday was the 16th day.”

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684438

    rob, The Rema (Toras HaOlah 1:2) wasn’t written in the last century. See previous comment.

    No one, myself included, said the Gedolim of this or previous generations are infallible.(*) We are talking about Chazal. So focus your comments/response regarding infallibility on Chazal. As I understand it, you say Chazal is infallible on halachic matters but not scientific matters, while I strongly dispute your denial of their infallibility on scientific matters whilst agreeing with your understanding of Chazal’s infallibility on halachic matters.

    cherrybim, I am not saying anything other citing the Vilna Gaon in response to your characterization that “it’s silly” to say a Godol would have been even greater had he forgone secular study. If you have questions on the interpretation of what the Gra said, see your local Ultra-Orthodox Talmid Chachom.

    (*)Although it is important to note that the Gedolim are closer to infallibility than you or I. And if there is an issue of disagreement between you and a Godol, the very strong likelihood is the Godol has a better idea of what Hashem wants.

    in reply to: Number of Participants in the Coffee Room #921724


    72 – Mod72

    73 – HaLeiVi

    74 – shkoyach

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684408

    rob, the difference I believe is that the GRA has that right as an Achron. (BTW, the GRA is often considered on the level of a Rishon.) We (you and I) don’t have that right as being (relatively) a nobody. Yes, I understand your point about the Rishon-Achron aspect (also see my point about the GRA being considered a Rishon in many respects), but we are nothing of anything to argue with any Rishon or Achron.

    squeak, my intention isn’t to play one or both sides of the issue, but rather to quote Rishonim/Achronim in the matters of scientific infallibility and secondarily the GRA’s commentary on the Rambam. I’m not offering my own chiddushim here. (At least not intentionally.) How you reconcile the Rema (I quoted) with the GRA (I quoted) isn’t something I discussed here nor something I feel compelled to currently explore. In any event, I wasn’t discussing the infallibility of Rishonim in matters of Torah or science (perhaps another discussion for another time) but rather Chazal’s infallibility, as described in the meforshim.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684402

    “That’s like saying: How much greater would Rav Aharon Kotler or Rabbi Yaakov Kamenetsky have been if they had not read classical literature in their younger years or how much greater would the Lubavitcher Rebbe or Rav Hutner have been had they not studied in the university.”

    The GRA declared in his commentary on Laws of Avodah Zarah that even the Rambam has had certain of his Torah positions corrupted due to the influence of his secular studies in philosophy.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684400

    rob, I strongly dispute you asserting the right to disagree with the Rema — on any matter the Rema chose to comment on. Now, if you quote a contemporary of the Rema (i.e. a Rishon) who disagrees, that would be a different point. But you seemingly are not doing so.

    But even putting that aside, certainly you must agree that just as you feel it is legitimate for you to disagree with the Rema and boldly declare “he too may be mistaken”, surely you must accept and respect others who do accept the Rema’s (and other Rishonim’s etc.) declared statement that Chazal are accepted as infallible on scientific matters. Assuredly you accord him (and those of us with him) at least that much respect that you don’t deny the legitimacy of his position.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684394

    Wolf, squeak responded well to your inquiry.

    squeak, I don’t think it is limited to the latter day Yeshiva movement, unless you are including the Rema, the Maharal, and the Chasam Sofer (to name some) amongst that group.

    rob, A few posts back I cited the Rema (for one) who mentions Chazal’s infallibility.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684387

    The Chasam Sofer states that we cannot assume that a medical treatment that was tested successfully on a Nochri will also be successful on a Jew. The Chasam Sofer does not state that it will most certainly be ineffective.

    I do not profess as to being the expert on the Chasam Sofer. For further inquiries on this matter, please read the Chasam Sofer and direct your shailos to your local Ultra-Orthodox Talmid Chachom. (This shall serve as my final statement on this matter. For all further inquiries relating to this issue directed toward me, please re-read the preceding paragraph. Yours Most Sincerely, Volvie Gumpel)

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684384

    Wolf: “What the Gemara thought about treatments is not relevant.”

    in reply to: Wifi Question #684329

    Wouldn’t 4 & 5 potentially run into the problem of Maris Ayin?

    In fact even with sitting in their parking lot logging on, you have that same question.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684378

    My “backup” is Chasam Sofer Teshuvos YD 175. If you have any doubts, crack open the Sefer.

    Nesei Sefer Venechzei.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684375

    Read it inside.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684373

    Let’s see… on one side of the scale we have the opinion of “Wolfish” and on the other side of the sale we have the combined weight of the Gemorah, the Chasam Sofer, and Rav Elyashev shlita.


    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684370

    Read it directly in Chasam Sofer Teshuvos YD 175 (and as expounded upon by Rav Elyashev shlita) for the best understanding. It’s based upon the Gemorah.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684366

    You need to take your proverbial head out of the golus sand to see the light.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684364

    anon: Rep. James Thomas Heflin from Alabama.

    Wolf & Co.: As I previously said, golus has negatively affected our outlook where sometimes we cannot even recognize a goyishe idea for being what it is. To compare mother’s day l’havdil elef havdolos to Yom Kippur, Shavuous et al in any shape matter or form, clearly demonstrates this. It blatantly ignores the absolute indesputable fact that a Yid is different than a goy spiritually, mentally, and yes even physically.

    (The Gemara suggests that the Shichvas Zera of a Nochri has different properties from that of a Jew, since the Nochri eats non-Kosher foods and is physically affected by his diet. The Chasam Sofer (Teshuvos YD 175) writes that this Gemara is relevant in practice. He rules that we cannot assume that a medical treatment that was tested successfully on a Nochri will also be successful on a Jew. Rav Elyashev shlita pointed out that the Chasam Sofer writes that the physical characteristics of a Yid are different than a Goy, and that what applies to one may not apply to the other. Therefore, said Rav Elyashev, how much more so regarding the mind/soul?)

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684356

    The problem is that we’ve been brainwashed by popular thought to the point we don’t even recognize a goyishe idea. This is one of the (many) terrible effects of golus. There is no comparison whatsoever between a Torah given Yom Kippur and some “mother’s day” (which to us Yidden is everyday) initiated by some drunkard in Congress or wherever that doesn’t understand one iota of Kibud Av V’Eim.

    We have Kibud Av V’Eim. We focus on this fully and completely everyday — it is one of the cardinal laws of Judaism and part of the Aseres HaDibros. They have “mother’s day.” When you have a “mother’s day”, every other day of the year is an excuse to kick your mother to the curb. Uch un vay, nebech, for the nochrim.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684353

    You can — and should — do all that every day. And if it isn’t practical every day, then as often as practical. Once a year is wholly unacceptable and entirely un-Jewish.

    BTW, mother’s day came about when it was proposed in Congress in the early 1900’s by a Klu Kulx Klan Congressman. It figures.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684350

    You don’t?!? What kind of son are you?? At least every Erev Shabbos I hope you do something nice for them.

    in reply to: Mothers Day: Yes, Or No? #684348
    in reply to: Antivirus #685115

    icot: I recall Norton at one time had a reputation of being bloatware — where it would load countless things into memory upon boot-up that would slow down the computer. Do you know if that is still the case, and how the other programs rate on this issue?

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Stories #1227361

    b_h: She was nuts for going out with him with such a request!

    in reply to: Antivirus #685113

    icot: Why your preferenace for AVG over avast (also free)? Can you comment on avast? And how they compare to the commercial anti-virus programs (Norton, McAfee).

    Is there any benefit using a commercial program for the anti-spyware or firewall (compared to the free programs)?


    in reply to: Segulos #1050817


    You’re just repeating yourself, and you still don’t get what the Torah concept of “wealth” is.

    Suffice to say, what “average” yodle on the street considers wealth, is not the true concept of wealth.

    in reply to: Segulos #1050812


    No, you still didn’t get it, as evidenced by your follow-up comment. The bottom line is you have a misconceived idea of the Torah concept of “wealth.”

    Nowhere, no how, no place, does the Torah promise anyone all he “wants”, as you evidently believe (i.e. your above questions “why isn’t the person wanting a million dollars getting it??” and ” what about the guy who wants more?”)

    in reply to: Segulos #1050808


    lets say someone makes a million dollars and doesn’t say enough and wants ten million dollars, why isn’t the person making ten million dollars??

    lets say someone makes ten million dollars and doesn’t say enough and wants a hundred million dollars, why isn’t the person making a hundred million dollars??

    in reply to: Segulos #1050805

    chesed: According to your own words and interpertations, $40,000/year could be considered wealthy.

    As far as “until they say enough”, there are many folks making $200,000, $800,000, or more – with 2 children, that aren’t saying “enough”.

    in reply to: Your Feedback: New YWN Website #992797

    One missing feature that is missed is the link that used to appear under “Member” for each CR member’s post. It disappeared last month with an upgrade. It was quite useful, and other’s have previously mentioned (last month) that they miss it too.

    in reply to: Segulos #1050803

    Vi shteit that wealth means “a lot of money”? (Without even discussing the fact that “a lot” is a relative term.) Wealth could mean “more money” than otherwise.

    in reply to: iPad — Kosher? #685930

    From Mommy613 on the other thread: “Why is a 13-year-old, on an iPad with parental controls less safe than you on that machine you are using?”

    And let’s say they are both dangerous, one dangerous activity doesn’t justify the other. Parental controls can be overcome by a clever 13 year old. And furthermore secularly designed parental controls, even if not bypassed, are hardly sufficient for keeping out the trash from a Bar Mitzvah bochor’s young skull full of mush (as my radio friend would say.)

    in reply to: Hilarious School Pranks #1228874

    An iPad for a 13 year old, would be far more detrimental I think.

    in reply to: Your Feedback: New YWN Website #992733

    I would also add that only 5 “general” stories on the main page is far too few. You have about 10 – 15 stories a day, and you should have at least a day’s worth of stories on the main general stories section on top of the main page. I would suggest at least 15 main stories stay on top.

    in reply to: Your Feedback: New YWN Website #992732

    You’re likely going to get many new CR members that usually only go the main site, since you are putting CR threads directly on the main page.

    Did you fix the slow loading threads in the CR, everyone who is logged in as a non-mod has been experiencing in the CR since the last upgrade of the CR a few months ago?

    in reply to: TIPS for NYS Regents Exams #684304

    Buy the answer key.

    in reply to: Post Here – So We Know You’re In The CR #906186

    ain’t that what I said… 😉

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