Forum Replies Created
Little FroggieParticipant
Is that the guy from the snow removal fiasco, the one who had others fired because of HIS blunders?!?
Is that the guy who changed the laws to allow himself to be mayor for three terms and then afterwards changed it back so that no one else could do it?!?
Little FroggieParticipantWhat does wiring have to do with the lifespan of the LED?
Little FroggieParticipantHow ’bout me?
Little FroggieParticipantשיפורא גרים
Little FroggieParticipantSorry. I’m going to have to wait until next year’s nittel to cont<<LINE CUT OFF>>
January 12, 2020 5:10 am at 5:10 am in reply to: Are there (intelligent) yidden on other plants? #1821843Little FroggieParticipantAm I an “intelligent yid”? I’m far out here in the CR planet.
Little FroggieParticipantHurry… Fast… Anyone?!?
Just 20 minutes left…
Little FroggieParticipantI’m big. Pretty big. (OK, not pretty, but big) And I try to learn Daf Yomi. Does that mean I’m not a Rabbonim?
Little FroggieParticipantAnd I was thinking that this crowd over here supposedly of the “Yeshiva” type (as is Yeshiva World), would appreciate Gedolim. Good Heavens – this was a Siyum Hashas for some people (for those uneducated – that’s the completion of the Babylonian Talmud “daily reading”), they’re here to celebrate that long milestone with some meaning, feeling, inspiration. They’re not here for some concert with those other “gedolim”, who’ve nebach become the leaders of today’s lost sheep. They were here to bestow nachas to HaShem, to be encouraged to plow on. To give encouragement…
True, some singing is in store… a Chasuna needs music and dancing (and what a chasuna it was), but let’t not forget the Ikkur. Our heros are our Torah Gedolim, not those musical artists. We (should, of course) strive to emulate the ways of our Torah greats, it is to them alone who we look up to.
Little FroggieParticipantYeah…. reminds me… Does anyone know how to post something here?
Little FroggieParticipantWB Streek….
LOOOOOOOOOONG time no see…. (actually, that’s a good sign!) Hope everything is fine…
Little FroggieParticipantChash… Obviously you’re new here. This place has been “home” to many peoples, all walks of life, for many a year. You may not know… this place – scratch that – this home has a long history. Some have moved out, (some have moved UP) some are still here. This place went through a LOT (putting it mildly), many cycles… ups and downs, right, left and mostly upside down! Many personalities, opinions, feelings, ideas and ideals. Each had what to offer… Every once and a while someone ‘from the old time’ would come by and leave another “I WAS HERE (AGAIN)” post in the form of another quip…
Though I may not “Know” my sister at the opposite side of the mechitza, a fitting Mazel Tov best wishes is surely proper. Family is family, no?!?
December 9, 2019 2:47 pm at 2:47 pm in reply to: I realized my mistake, did you realize yours? #1809367Little FroggieParticipantSyag… It’s my fault… I got up in the morning in a good mood… trying to see the good, the brighter side in everything.
See? Here (center of the world, “YiddishKite”,aka BP) is’t a bright, glorious rainy day today!!!December 9, 2019 11:35 am at 11:35 am in reply to: I realized my mistake, did you realize yours? #1809184Little FroggieParticipantSyag… Please allow me this once…. I think just a casual reading of the post make it abundantly clear he was only pulling the OP’s leg. Albeit his modus operandi… In my opinion it was surely in jest.. too appealing to let it go by..
Little FroggieParticipantMAZEL TOV!!!!
That’s WONDERFUL news. Thanks for sharing with us.
May you build a home together worthy of having the Shechina join in. May accomplishment, happiness, gladness and goodness accompany you and yours forever more…
..the croakings of Little Forggie..
Little FroggieParticipantRY/ NOPE!!!
Sometimes you have to park “out of town”, and walk to your house!!
Little FroggieParticipantWHOA!!!
Who revived this one?!? I totally forgot!!!
(and still no one ‘chapped’ the pun intended in the question)
Little FroggieParticipantWho cares? It’s the “PARK” that’s a misnomer. Ever tried?!?
December 5, 2019 9:04 pm at 9:04 pm in reply to: Is it okay to learn (Torah) During Davening? #1808335Little FroggieParticipantEXACTLY!!!!! And that is exactly the reason why it’s so disrespectful towards HaSHem!!!
Should the honor of people be greater than HaShem’s?
and btw, in my Shul, when one of these “holy masmidim” (oh, don’t worry, only during davening) get up to speak, I make it my business to occupy myself with a sefer, book, news-clipping, or spec of dust. In the eyes of others he may be respected, not by me. You don’t have time for HaShem, your losing your patience in His service – I have no need for you too. <read above post>
Little FroggieParticipantHe ate? He only served!!!
November 30, 2019 11:52 pm at 11:52 pm in reply to: How should one protest against shmoozers during davening? #1806045Little FroggieParticipantWord is getting around… I’ve noticed more shuls being quieter…
On a different note… interesting this topic just got bumped now… there was a Torah dedication last week. The donor was actually not a mispalel of that shul. He chanced by once and noticed there is absolutely NO TALKING there period. He was big onto the movement of not talking in shul. So he decided to donate a Sefer Torah to that shul.
November 28, 2019 9:30 am at 9:30 am in reply to: Caution: People in YWN-CR may be lesser than they appear #1805489Little FroggieParticipantTook you five years to realize you weren’t joking?!? (and how do you remember something you wrote five years ago?)
Little FroggieParticipantThen how did this go through? <<DELETED>>
It didn’t!November 22, 2019 1:02 pm at 1:02 pm in reply to: Is it okay to learn (Torah) During Davening? #1803406Little FroggieParticipantAny other ideas or ways to show disrespect and impatience with HaShem???
Wannan learn? Do it at YOUR expense, while you’re eating, hwhile you’re working, while you’re shmoozing… There’s no greater disrespect towards HaShem than coming in to HIS house and DISREGARDING HIM. Anyone who does this instantly looses my respect toward him. המחלל את השם גופו מחוללת על הבריות.
Yeah, I know, today when you come in to a Shul to daven, there are these “news stands” where you can pick any of the many “news” bletelach. Torah of course. “150 THINGS TO DO INSTEAD OF DAVENING” Truly disgusting.
November 22, 2019 1:01 pm at 1:01 pm in reply to: Important things to know before choosing camp for your daughter #1803407Little FroggieParticipantBoruch:
It all depends how big this camp is. If it’s a small camp, as the OP stated, then NO, you can’t expect a camp like that to absorb the cost.
There are other GREAT camps out there. A lot of them have the TCs way more than the rest.
November 21, 2019 4:15 pm at 4:15 pm in reply to: Important things to know before choosing camp for your daughter #1803086Little FroggieParticipantA camp with 70 girls up to ninth grade. So I assume it’s 7, 8 and 9th. Now, 70 girls divided by three would make it to 23 and a third girls per grade. Pretty small for a camp, you;d say.
Anyways, if it’s a camp that has only 50 in the TC, its quite small, and it would be unrealistic to DEMAND someone be admitted without having to foot the bill this extra admission necessitated. Think buses, outings, food, bedding, indeed – room and board. What if an extra bunk has to be built just for your daughter? They MUST except anyone at their expense. Think about it. And it’s a camp not a school, which while some consider it a necessity, it’s technically a luxury.
I happen to be closely involved in a camp (slightly bigger), so I know what goes on (no, I’m not the Boss…yet!). And I think, as a parent, the important thing to know about a camp is its clientele – what are the girls like. And is the camp selective, do they research the girls they admit. What are the camp policies? These (the girls) are the people who are going to greatly affect and shape your daughters’ future. There are many camps out there each offering a unique something. Each with it’s own balance of Ruchnius and Gashmius. Remember – one summer can uplift like nothing during the year can. And, regretfully too, the same the other way…
This should be the main point.
Little FroggieParticipantOOOOOOHHHHH…..
Just wondering…. what…… ????
(where is coffeeleaks? could someone tell me what was posted / removed… you guys so piqued my curiosity…)Little FroggieParticipant..Been doing that for the past ____ years!!!!
*(go look yourself… don’t wanna embarrass myself)
Little FroggieParticipantIf men don’t birth, why do they go along…
Little FroggieParticipantNo. It’s not worth coming back (to read this).
See? I didn’t either..Little FroggieParticipantWB SiDi (insert TM sign here)
Miss you!!!!
Little FroggieParticipantCA, No. I got unaddicted to the Coffee Room (or did I, OOPS, I’M BACK!!!)
Little FroggieParticipantNO!!!! DON’T DO IT!!!
Look what happened to me…. ever since…
Little FroggieParticipantNope. Not gonna do it again, Well, maybe just a half our.
Anyone else on my team?!?
Little FroggieParticipantWhat if someone has a burning desire to sound like a …. and make up things HaShem never intended(מגלה פמים). Is that running after your desires?!?
October 7, 2019 12:19 pm at 12:19 pm in reply to: ומי במים – Anyone else think about the summer? #1791744Little FroggieParticipantOK… So no one answered him…
In the name of ALL KLAL YISROEL Yes. We (all of us) did serious teshuva. Yes, exactly like YOU demanded from us…
We did teshuva.
We did Kinnus.
We did Taanis.
We’re not in a state of denial.
We know that there’s no such thing as coincidence.
We know that Hashem has a plan and reason for every tiny thing.
We know that every person’s life is planned out by Hashem from a to z….
We all woke up from denial and faced reality.To all of us here: let this year be a year of yeshuos, refuos, nechamos, much gladness and happiness, fruitfulness and accomplishment to all of us and our families, and all of K’lal Yisroel.
Little FroggieParticipantUnfortuantely Daas Yochid is becoming daas yochid. He’s absolutely right!!!
My friend took care of this quiet easily. The woman in the middle absolutely would not budge, out of “principle”. Oh, she’d definitely entitled.
He just told her he’s out on parole … she went flying…Another cute anecdote I heard of an adam gadol riding on a bus in Eretz Yisroel. A woman went and sat down beside him.. He didn’t want to embarrass her and get up.. So he told he in a hushed tone “btw I have Cruspadin”. And she rushed out. (Cruspadin is the targum for Tzitzis!)
Little FroggieParticipantOh sure. The Get Store, right next to the shoe store. As advertised: Give a quick Get while you shop for shoes…
Little FroggieParticipantNo one cares ?!?
Little FroggieParticipantRe-un-re-unBump
Little FroggieParticipant******
* Auto generated report
* 6,456,442 people didn’t look, for
* 34,653 days
******Little FroggieParticipantMy three point five sense.
First of all, yeah, I’m of the male species, at least for the unforeseeable future. I used to be…
Now to business…
To the females here.. There’s a certain aspect in the essence of Torah that only men have the true connection to. Likewise, the Torah (areas of Talmud etc.) was meant as an antidote and cure for the strong pulling of the Yetzer (euphemism for certain urges..) , a strong force only found in the male species of mankind. Hand in hand – one for the other, and one because of the other. Where one finds a fence/ resisting of immorality, there you find Holiness. It is that Holiness that toiling in Torah (areas mentioned above) study is for and about. Nothing at all denigrating at all, it’s just not meant for that halve. (No – don’t get me wrong, they are at the forefront of the guiding force…they are at the helm, from their lofty position they intuitively steer their husbands and sons towards the Beis Medrarsh. It’s just that at the door they withdraw. As in the words of Rabbi Miller, Rachel, wife of the great Rabbi Akiva, brought him towards the Bais Medrash and there he became who he was. However she did not join him there.)
In area of Torah, where there’s a ready translation for all areas of Torah, to a degree that is a disservice to the true essence of Torah . Any Joe off the street can spew his head on anything found anywhere.. confounded by the invention of Rabbi Google. It was done for a certain purpose, a great purpose, something that allowed thousands of men to be able to study Torah otherwise foreign and difficult for them. However, our Torah greats saw a translation of the Torah and its exposure, revealing to all, as a great misfortune.
To the males here… Now, very important. Choosing and broadcasting certain parts of Talmud, Medrash or other areas or Torah that would cause others discomfort, pain or uneasiness… No not a good idea at all. Yehuah ben Gerim tried that… Actually he did much less. He did not even intend to harm anyone, it’s just that the Torah of the Sages belong in the Bais Medrash, not outside. As Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt”l said, Torah truths do not always have to be broadcast to all. If you know a certain passage will distress a gentile and you go ahead and spew forth… no.. not a great idea.. Moreover; that’s the exact application of קרדום לחפור בו and much worse, לומד לקנטר. No benefit, reward at all from that or it’s likes… y’know what I mean…
And to both sides of the isle: for one to denigrate the species of the other side, is to denigrate their Great Creator. You all know the Medrash of the Tanna who said something disparaging to an unsightly looking individual… “go tell my Maker he made a blooper”. Besides all the hatred, Sinas Chinam generated… Please hold back. Someone who needs to belittle the other side to prove that he/she (or she/he) is a something… needs help… And no, I don’t think anyone here is qualified… (oops, I’m jumping to a conclusion)
edited slightly (with permission from the author)
August 13, 2019 10:07 am at 10:07 am in reply to: Do you jump to conclusions in real life too? #1773389Little FroggieParticipantLB: Jump jump. (now I’m closer to my conclusion)
Little FroggieParticipantOish… I’m getting so confuse…
RY, care to weigh in on these important, pressing issues? We turn to you for guidance…Little FroggieParticipantOr a person as a frog
Little FroggieParticipantGreat question. So great that the Gemarah and Medrash actually ponder the same… Sounds exciting… look it up yourself. Anywhere a Gemarah or Medrash can be found. (actually its mentioned more than once in Gemarrah, and numerous times in Medrash!)
Little FroggieParticipantWB!!
Missed you. Actually your quips…
Little FroggieParticipantGosh!!!
I changed three user names since then… you probably won’t remember then one you called!!!
Little FroggieParticipantDon’t tell me you’re on hold for the past 8 years!!!
Little FroggieParticipantWhat happened was their idea of placing machine or technology in front or in place of person. No. No machine in the world would EVER replace mankind. True, there are advantages of automation and technology – but a person has and should have the last (actually beginning, middle and last) word.
Technology should never have forced the plane anywhere, it should just have given the pilots the reading or assessment (wrong or right) of the situation. And maybe suggested the proposed correct course of action. But it should be up to the pilots to act. HEY – There are trained pilots in there, those who trained a long time, learning how to fly. And they’re sitting right there. Let THEM direct the plane up or down as needed. They know how to do it. No need to override an experienced pilot’s training.
And btw nothing comes CLOSE to a Cessna, in a Cessna YOU’RE flying it, you actually feel it. In the other ones you’re controlling machines that control machines that control machines that fly it.