Little Froggie

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  • in reply to: SMILE !!! #1047103
    Little Froggie

    Nu nu.. don’t tell me I didn’t warn you…

    in reply to: Sipuk from a Job #1047079
    Little Froggie

    I think sipuk means a feeling of accomplishment, fulfillment, satisfaction from achievement. Or something along those lines.

    in reply to: SMILE !!! #1047101
    Little Froggie

    OK!!! If it hurts, you don’t have to..

    in reply to: Chronicle Moderations #1215442
    Little Froggie

    Hurray!! I didn’t get


    in reply to: A real debate about women #1049683
    Little Froggie

    Maybe they’re taking a tip from Leah and Dina, who were ??????? and bode them no good.

    Maybe they’re applying rashi in chumash, ???? ??? ?????, ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????.

    in reply to: Are My Socks Holey? #1047001
    Little Froggie


    I feel SO SLOW, maybe stupid, care to please elaborate in your post? I can not make out heads or tails..

    in reply to: Are My Socks Holey? #1046991
    Little Froggie

    Speak… in Yiddish?

    in reply to: 29, 100, et al. #1046473
    Little Froggie

    So, will the one who approves my posts kindly raise his/ her hand.

    in reply to: R' Moshe Feinstein's Response to Tragedy #1046461
    Little Froggie

    OH.. So he’s back on again…

    Moreinu v’Rabbeinu, HaRav HaGoan HaTzaddik Hamuflag, Hanistor (obviously, we’re ALL anonymous here) HaRav Reb XX, XX

    So you’re the one we must report to when we’re dry and ready to do Teshuva “..Let me know if YOU are ready to do teshuva..”. You also got the message straight from Above “…which could have been totally avoided…”

    OK, so you’re the messenger direct from Heaven with these harsh words of Mussar. And I’m writing to you in the name of k’lal Yisroel (they ALL chose me, at an emergency convention, a little froggie!! none could do a better job). Will repeat (hey- you also repeat) what I wrote before. WE KNOW THAT. WE KNOW WHAT TRAGEDIES MEAN. NO NEED TO COME RANTING IN AT THE AFTERMATH OF A MISFORTUNE IN THE NAME OF HASHEM TO SPEW YOUR WORDS OF MUSSAR. WE ALL KNOW THE RAMBAM. Yes, we Yidden are all connected, we ALL share the pain of another, whether here, there or anywhere. And I have a niggling feeling that ones of the caliber of R’ Moshe ztza”l who WERE able to pinpoint a fault to be corrected, would not blog anonymously to drive a point.

    No – he didn’t rant and froth and tell people “let me know when you’re ready to do Teshuva”

    in reply to: Birthday Brachos #1046315
    Little Froggie


    Wow, just logged on this thing to shut it off before Shabbos, and read yours.

    Without asking any particulars (you’ve spilled out enough), may you and entire family have a refuah shlaima, b’karov. Will ??”? have you in mind.

    in reply to: K'pelech Harimon Rakaseich #1046132
    Little Froggie

    Don’t tell me you were pondering that question for two years..

    in reply to: Birthday Brachos #1046299
    Little Froggie

    OK, I’m here again, (with a different s/n, of course), to get a new fresh round. Rebbie, bless me. ????? ?? ???..

    in reply to: What is more disruptive in shul…. #1091484
    Little Froggie

    Disruptive in Shul:

    Having a conversation about the ‘debates’ going in here. You could never know who in shul is following your convo!!! – AH So that’s you PAA, CA, DY (or whoever)!! Glad to meet ya!!

    in reply to: 29, 100, et al. #1046465
    Little Froggie

    Lior: Thank you (if you meant it!, no, even if you didn’t!!)

    One of the biggest problems here in the CR is that one cannot view the facial expressions of the one commenting. Cannot know if s/he’s earnest or laying it on…

    and Mod(x), I meant it, not only regarding approving posts, I meant the other things (?) too.. (and the one who understands should /would /could understand)

    in reply to: 29, 100, et al. #1046462
    Little Froggie

    I have Hakaras Hatov to all Moderators who dealt with me with compassion and understanding, though anonymous to us, lowly CR beings.

    in reply to: Chosson Shas? #1046408
    Little Froggie

    A choson shouldn’t need a Shas. He should know it by heart.

    in reply to: An open letter to my bretren in Brooklyn #1045243
    Little Froggie

    Reb Sholom Shlita,

    (resides in the Village of Brooklyn)

    Kindly refer to my humble post “I know why it happened”

    in reply to: Coffee Room achievements #1087992
    Little Froggie


    Do they really have a record of all my posts, deleted, edited and approved. (Is it really going to be so bad up there? Nothing gets DELETED!!)

    Could Mods produce grand totals (all s/n, including try outs) for:

    Threads created –

    Posts approved –

    Posts rejected –

    How many nasty ones –

    How many respectful ones –

    Ones outright silly (or humorous)-

    and (oh oh)

    Hours I spend here –

    Thanks Mods. (I have an extra adding machine somewhere.. You have to plug it in to 99 + 11 volts.)

    in reply to: Half-year Anniversary #1045202
    Little Froggie

    takin’ t’ me?

    in reply to: Totally Against the Idea.. #1045123
    Little Froggie

    Well..I think job got its name after the first Job (????). So maybe there was this enslaved, incarcerated, downtrodden, oppressed fellow named ???, (pronounced ‘Work’)

    in reply to: Totally Against the Idea.. #1045120
    Little Froggie

    (#) – Thank you.

    EEK – Yes, to me work is.. forget it, you don’t wanna hear what my opinion about work is… Oops.. I gotta get back to my job…

    in reply to: Do not assume they don't understand your language. #1045325
    Little Froggie

    I don’t understand English. Is anyone talking about me here?

    in reply to: What would you answer? #1045068
    Little Froggie

    Nope. I hardly think one makes a Chillul HaShem be making a Kiddush HaShem.

    in reply to: Coffee Room achievements #1087977
    Little Froggie

    I’ll take the challenge:

    Posting X (and Y, etc.) number of times: Mods- you do the math

    Starting a thread (and X number of threads): Again, too complicated..

    Getting X (and Y) number of responses to a thread. Nah, almost none of mine

    Bumping an old thread (and bumping a really old thread): mostly from my oldies

    Posting a post of a certain length: Not really, I generally have nothing important so state

    Getting a response from Popa to a thread of yours: Could be

    Getting a response from a mod in any context: Ohh. Opening old wounds..

    Having a post edited: With salt

    Having X (and Y) number of posts rejected: Actually SOME MADE IT THROUGH!

    Having a post deleted after being initially approved: That too

    Having one of your threads closed: Sure

    Having one of your threads deleted: Sure

    Making an “interpreting a post wrongly” joke: Not sure

    Making an in-joke: Have no idea what a joke means

    Having your spelling, grammar, or language criticized: Yes

    Being trolled: Yes

    Being accused of being a troll (and, in olden times, Joseph): Um…(Hello, is the sky blue)

    Identifying a troll: NO

    Wrongly identifying a troll: NO

    Getting a subtitle (without asking for one) Yes, unfortunately

    Getting a second subtitle: Yes, unfortunately

    Being generally known or recognized for something or other: No, not at all

    Getting an all-bold warning: Yes…

    Being rendered inactive: And YES

    Being blocked and unblocked: YES (and NO!!!)

    Proclaiming that you quit the CR: (you put that in just for me, right?)

    Coming back after said proclamation: Nope! (I’m not really here, am I?)

    Posting under a different name (against the rules, of course): How could I do such a thing? Why would such a zee.. I mean shre.. I mean Golem.. do such thing?

    Getting into a serious debate: Yes, rarely

    Being accused of apikorsus: No

    Getting into a silly debate: Yes

    Having your name appear 10 times in a row on the front page: Sometimes

    Having your name be half of the names on the main page: Again sometimes. Especially when board.

    in reply to: Is it ever appropiate to talk back to a Rebbi? #1046191
    Little Froggie

    No, SL, I mean it. I really do!! I’m pretty much involved in my children’s chinuch, all aspects. I can discern when one did have an issue that day just be the looks, I have an easy-going rapport with Rabbeim, teachers and principals.. Right you are, some of my children have had run ins… some have had issues.. still no abuse at all, in any shape or form. And in all my years of being a parent I cannot recall any complaint of a Rebbie or teacher who acted out of anger. All the one’s I’ve come across are well disciplined, Yerei Shamaim, caring and devoted. The future Posek Hador and Roshei Yeshiva of Brisk (my sons) are a product of their work.

    I don’t know where you live, maybe it’s time to emigrate to NY… (sure, you hear stories… but it’s NOT THE NORM – that’s why it’s a story)

    in reply to: Is it ever appropiate to talk back to a Rebbi? #1046183
    Little Froggie


    (I suppose you were responding to me)

    I’m sorry you had such an experience. But know, that’s not the norm. At least not around here.

    Read what the Rebbe above wrote. I have the same feelings.

    And I wasn’t saying that OTD cannot come from other sources, only that a family which tolerated belittling, derision, scorn towards Rabbonim, Rebbes and Morahs will have ?”? an issue… (btw, it’s not my own words)

    And I wasn’t ?”? condoning abuse, or abusive educators. The problem with abusive educators can be even those who abuse verbally, a scar from a verbal attack can be very long in healing too.

    Again, (and I’m not going to be drawn and dragged down into debate) plain ???? and Gemarrah do warrant corporeal punishment, no amount of books, sefarim, sermons etc. can distort or falsify the sagacious advice of Shlomo hamelech himself. All later books and advice are NOT the intended words, rather an adaptation towards our generation. And as I’ve written above, today’s system has nothing special to show. Read Rabbi Miller’s approach to chinuch. Again, this is all about an approach for caring, devoted, rational, level-headed mechanchim. Those who act not upon impulse rather upon sound judgment and deliberation. I was not at all referring to the issue of abusive mechanchim.

    Again, I really feel bad for your terrible encounter with the system.

    in reply to: #Does anyone care? #1045133
    Little Froggie

    I used to be a Rabbi. Then I joined the CR…

    (btw, there’s a specific issur, prohibition to cause pain to an orphan, or any disadvantaged individual. Not something to be taken lightly. Tell him I said)

    in reply to: Noisey floating wicks – advice needed #1044832
    Little Froggie

    OK, so no one noticed.

    Mazel Tov and ???? ??? ???, Flatbush Mother, to all your “candles”

    in reply to: Shabbos food with a wired jaw? #1046397
    Little Froggie

    Brochos from a Little Froggie

    Get Well Fast!! ????? ????.

    Smile.. Oops – I forgot you can’t. Oy!!! We’re having you in mind!

    ????? ??????


    in reply to: Coffee Room achievements #1087971
    Little Froggie

    Have people acknowledge that you brought a smile to their face.

    in reply to: Coffee Room achievements #1087970
    Little Froggie

    Having a meaningful, purposeful conversation two posts in a row, without getting sidetracked, threadjacked.

    in reply to: Is it ever appropiate to talk back to a Rebbi? #1046171
    Little Froggie

    SL, thank you!!

    And yes, some of my children are young. Esp. our new addition ?”? two months ago. But some .. suffice it to say a couple of them are “not young” anymore. (maybe, no definitely, I am)

    in reply to: Half-year Anniversary #1045200
    Little Froggie

    If not for someone here, obviously from the Upper Echelons in the know.. who changed my link too..

    in reply to: Is it ever appropiate to talk back to a Rebbi? #1046169
    Little Froggie

    “The Little I know”,

    To start, Shlomo Hamelech in his oft misconstrued, distorted words of true chochma and mussar, says explicitly to train, by use of the punishments where needed. Scratch that – even where NOT NEEDED!! Anyone who had a bit Gemarrah ‘reading’ will have come across ??? ?? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??????. And they bring the wise words of Shlomo hamelech, not the ones so often misconstrued, but the saying ???? ??? ??????. And I suspect the Gemarrah is refereing to physical punishment – no one died from an extra scream. And to say Shlomo hamelech used that as a last resort, a last emergency option – well that’s just being foolish and distorting the Gemarah. Gemarrah actually says it’s a FIRST OPTION ??”? ?????. And then again, one can always distort ANYTHING written (oh, it’s the last resort, oh, there’s a new method, a new torah.. that’s from the dark ages…)

    You wanna say something about ????? ??????, today’s generation is weaker, cannot live up to the wise counsel of Shlomo hamelech, say it. But don’t misconstrue and falsify his timeless wise words.

    And I don’t think there are Yeshivos who “who boast having rebbeiim who will find an excuse to smack up talmidim towards the beginning of the school year to “show who is boss””. Aren’t you laying it on a bit?? Really?!? – smack up …to show who is boss.

    And if those that went off were a direct outcome of the system of old, doncha think there shoulda been a whole army of OTDs just STARTING to come to an END now, when we have our grand new methods?!? Hmm, just wondering.

    And I don’t really suspect today’s system has anything to brag about. Teaching children to challenge their elders, parents, teachers, Rebbeim etc.? I have a strong feeling that today’s generation of selfish, over indulged, arrogant, egotistical, insolent, brazen and disrespectful youth (and already some adults) is a direct consequence from the “child first” mentality. ?? ???? ??? ??? ????. “Lay your hands off the child”, “reward him” etc. Show him he’s in charge, show him how to disdain his elders, authority etc. What do you expect?

    I have no idea what went on in this particular case (for some reason they don’t seem to care for my sagacious advise), but this I do know – to TEACH a child chutzpah, any chutzpah, is to kill him for life! – ?? ???? ??????? A career of destruction.

    Could be I wrote about this one time, (true story). There was this famous mechanech (maybe Rosh Yeshiva, Rebbie?) in Eretz Yisroel who a father came literately crying to – his son rebelled, went off etc.

    So the Rabbi said “I know. And I’m waiting for you”


    Replied he, “You don’t recognize me, I do, however, recognize you. You were once with your son sitting on a bus, when an elderly man got on. Your son respectfully stood you and offered him his seat. You told your son to sit down, he got the seat first, no need to give it away, etc. You sowed the seeds with your own hands – now you’re reaping the fruits.”

    Teaching a child disrespect – the worst thing a parent could do.

    One more thing if I may, I’ve been around here (this globe, not this site) quite a few years, I’ve noticed that a home where Rabbonim, teachers, Morahs, Rebbeim are held in high esteem and reverence, children of that home are ?”? more or less OK. Homes where the Shabbos table is replete with derision of the above… ?’ ??????. AND I’VE SEEN IT, time and again.

    Parents – the future of your children is in your hands. It’s an easy game to blame this one and that. Oh he went OTD because of this Rebbe, that one potch… A lot (not all) boils down to what I wrote.

    oh, And blessed be my Rebbi’s hands (and stick) who tenderly, caringly, lovingly guided me on to the right path.

    in reply to: Incorrectly calling "Rabbi" #1045091
    Little Froggie

    No. Go live up to the title. And tell ’em I said so.

    in reply to: Half-year Anniversary #1045197
    Little Froggie

    (too ashamed to admit my CR age)

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044737
    Little Froggie

    PAA, Am I silly or I don’t comprehend something? Would HaShem tell someone to hate Him c”v?!? Why would he tell someone to hate Jews – and actual part of Him?!?

    To hate Jews as a whole (by siding with our murders – FOR THAT PURPOSE) is hating HaShem, in my humble opinion.

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044733
    Little Froggie


    Rashi in Chumash ommits the ?????. I don’t know medrash, am not a Talmid nor a Chacham (there’s a reason I don’t join in all the scholarly discussions here…)

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044713
    Little Froggie

    PAA, Sorry I missed that.

    And the obvious reason is – because they hate His people. HaShem and His people are one. ??? ?? ????? ?? ????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?????.

    Nope. I wouldn’t think someone who publicly embrace murderers of His people to be loving His people. Or Him!

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044697
    Little Froggie

    OK, A GOOD question.

    Here lies the main difference. The reform conservative etc. are not haters of our people, neither of HaShem. And, if I may add, it’s IS possible to get through to them. These characters, however, are ???? ????? ?????, they are ????? ???? ?? ???? therefore they’re ???? ?????. And it’s a mitzvah to hate these as an extension of Ahavas HaShem – we cannot stand a hater of our Best Friend. No, we’re not here to get through to them – we can’t – nobody could – we’re just here to show our utter contempt towards ????? ??? ????. That’s ???? ?? ?????, no answer, because there’s no dealing with them, just for us (and others so they not join).

    That’s what David Hamelech wrote, ??? ?????? ?’ ????.. ??????? ??? ??. The same Dovid Hamelech, fiery with love for HaShem and Jewish people, wrote the immortal, inspiring word of Tehillim, laden with feelings of yearning, repentance, joy, awe etc.

    in reply to: Wedding Prep- How? #1044093
    Little Froggie

    There are excellent Kallah class teachers out there.. Find one that fits your direction, calling..

    (haven’t received your invitation yet)

    in reply to: dorming in Far Rockaway #1044075
    Little Froggie

    Oomis, who cares how many chronological years, how many birthdays (candles) have passed? The main thing is how you make yourself out to be, which is not bad, no, not bad at all!!. Gemarah, in fact, says that ‘old woman’ is determined not by actual age, but by one’s own youthfulness, which I detect is pretty much still vibrant, pulsating through your veins.

    in reply to: Alter, The Thread Titler! #1213516
    Little Froggie

    Shabbos with a weird Jew

    in reply to: Westboro baptist church? #1044675
    Little Froggie

    OurTorah: While they did point out that you’re civil and impartial while engaging in debate and argument, it should be pointed out that here it’s different.

    We’re talking here about a hater of HaShem and His people, as was pointed out here time and again. There is no room for civility – an enemy of my HaShem, of my people, is my enemy too. One of the aspects of ???? ??? is feeling and showing contempt for ????? ???.

    in reply to: Noisey floating wicks – advice needed #1044821
    Little Froggie

    Yeah, I need advise too. It was some time ago when we had one of those things EXPLODE in the middle of the night!! It popped straight out of the glass and started to burn!!! By a Nes someone ‘happened to be up then… They’re not only noisy, they can be VERY DANGEROUS!!

    in reply to: Question for people like Little Froggie and OURTorah #1044138
    Little Froggie

    Uh oh. Now you gave me a reputation to live up to… Nah… (where’s the <Esc> key?!?)

    How’s a wild, untamed, <Edited/Deleted/Zapped> supposed to compare to soft spoken, intellectual, level-headed….

    in reply to: Can women talk about Gemara? #1077337
    Little Froggie
    in reply to: Question for people like Little Froggie and OURTorah #1044129
    Little Froggie

    WOW! How in the world did I make it into your radar?! (blush) Thanks.

    But anyways, there was a time when I actually did that, well not really getting too personal, but bashing a bit. At least that what some here think. (Luckily under a different s/n so you wouldn’t know!) It was about about HaShem, Torah or Jews or Ikrei Emunah which I don’t take lightly, neither should anyone else.

    And believe it or not, I’ve learned that, too, from the ‘bit’ of time I’ve been here. Something about ???? ?? ???? ????. Still learing… progressing… maybe one day…

    in reply to: Why you should be happy that you aren't in high school #1044332
    Little Froggie

    Motek, if that’s your attitude toward the blissful, happy, delightful, thrilling, exciting, exhilarating teenage years of school – what are you going to write about afterwards…..

    IT ONLY GETS BETTER (you know what I mean?)

    It’s all in the attitude!!! c’mon, hapha smile please.

    in reply to: Why Do You Post? #1043494
    Little Froggie

    (pssst what was it?, mod’s aren’t looking now)

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