Forum Replies Created
Little FroggieParticipant
.. And creative too..
Little FroggieParticipant147: He’s not ungrateful in the least, he’s makir tovah to HaShem for the Chasadim He did for us, letting us continue to live in the holy land (whether their efforts made it better or worse is up to debate), in spite of the efforts of those who tried to “help” Him, and further worse, claiming kochi v’otzem yadi. So he (and most of Klal Yisroel) thanks HaShem directly, EVERY DAY, for His open miracles and kindness he shows us. And we don’t extoll praise on those mechalelei Shabbos, who only stood in the way, and thereafter laid claim to kochi v’otzem yadi, on the day that they decided should be declared as such.
No, Yeravam’s invention – ????? ??? ??? ???? – has not made it into a Torah observant Jew’s calendar, neither should this one, a desperate attempt to hijack the chasadim HaShem has shown , and instead pay homage and heed to sonei hadas.
Little FroggieParticipantThat’s her way of indicating she’s scholarly…
Little FroggieParticipantYeah, I wrote about that moons ago
Little FroggieParticipantHow did you guess… and it’s stuffing me up for already a full week.
PS how do you remember this one??
Little FroggieParticipantWondering if the KeyMaster eats Schlissel Challah.
Little FroggieParticipantBy being smart, intelligent, productive…
Little FroggieParticipantI’m in the mood for someone to cheer me up. With a good one!! Fast!!!
Little FroggieParticipantI only drive 100 mph to prove that my oldie could crank up such speed (downhill, of course).
Little FroggieParticipantHey.. get out!!! You’re one of the more (most?!) brighter, intelligent, smart, informed, educated, knowledgeable people here.
This cozy little spot is definitely NOT FOR YOU!!
Little FroggieParticipant“Froggie the Small therefore rules that one must follow the custom of one’s ancestors or community.”
– Hatzfardea, Halichos vHanhagos 35e
Little FroggieParticipantI’m really not in the mood to answer now
Little FroggieParticipantRY, actually my first screen name describes me in one word (my mom agrees)!!
Little FroggieParticipantMe? Ridiculous!!
Little FroggieParticipantKol Bayaar
April 13, 2015 7:22 pm at 7:22 pm in reply to: Why it Takes Some People a Year or Two To Comment on a Thread #1215856Little FroggieParticipantAs I wrote (will not attempt the unreadable) I want my teeth firmly IN my mouth… (ever saw a frogless tooth?) But hey.. if someone else starts.. they can’t blame me for letting loose..
Little FroggieParticipantAm I allowed to write that D<<Automatically Removed by Lashon Hara Sensor Censor>>
Little FroggieParticipantNow, why would I bump this one?
Little FroggieParticipantDon’t want to blow my cover
Little FroggieParticipantWhich source? Again, I don’t know. Maybe Ta’amei Minhagim. If it’s a chassidishe minhag maybe chassidishe seform. Just (again, not you ?”?) don’t automatically run to the “seforim” of our neighbors’ local “beis medrash”.
How old do I think it is? Again, don’t know. Maybe at the same era the women refrained from sewing something directly on them, if not chewing a thread. Maybe at the same era people avoided stepping over another. Again, don’t know.
I just know there’s a minhag, and we follow it.
As the one who came before Hillel asked “how do you know this is an alef”… if we were to question every aspect of our elders, previous generations before drawing our own (arrogant) conclusion, we’d have no YiddishKite… Our neighbors have plenty of “proofs”.. chapters and verses..
April 13, 2015 5:15 am at 5:15 am in reply to: Why it Takes Some People a Year or Two To Comment on a Thread #1215846Little FroggieParticipantMy, my, how’d you fish this one out. I even forgot about this one (and some of my other NarishKites)
Little FroggieParticipantubiquitin:
Read what DaasYochid so eloquently wrote. Nothing more to add. (if he’s a Daas Yochid, obviously I have none)
Oh, yes I do have. Someone looking for a mekor for Yiddishe Minhagim, naturally ought to be more familiar, acquainted with Yiddish history, customs, practices, laws than our neighbors. Looking at that “shtikel torah”, makes it seem like he’s reading off something from their local “beis medrash”. ??? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ???.
Little FroggieParticipantNo. It was some bashing, beating & bruising I received last year. No more. I will not start the thread tha<<SLIGHTLY EDITED>>,’.’., .”,. ‘,… ‘,”’.. , ,’,,’ ,’,.’,.’ ,’.,’ .’`~’.,’ ,,.”,, ‘., .’, .’,.”.’<<ORIGINAL>> and I want my teeth inside my mouth this year.
Little FroggieParticipantNot such a Talmudician, would have to get back to you at this, but I do know that their are plenty.
Little FroggieParticipantI get these requests all the time. Funny thing.. according to some people here, I’m really a scary creature.. (teeth, fangs..)
Little FroggieParticipantOh. No. Again, I wrote that I know he comes, I have Emunah in the Seforim and Tzadikim that say he does, just as he does by every Bris. But alas, as I wrote, Little Froggie is actually quite little, needless to say as yet unworthy of beholding his presence.
Little FroggieParticipantthe thanks goes to me.. for not starting it
Little FroggieParticipantubiquitin:
Difference is that giving presents Chanuka time is an innovation, not mentioned in seforim (gelt and dreidel are), whereas schlissel-challah is.
Little FroggieParticipantI (in all my haughtiness) did not find so, I did not find such a Gra, I (again, in all my haughtiness) rely on Mesorah; as my fathers and Rabbis did, so do I. They believed and taught me to believe in HaShem, His Torah, His Mitzvohs and His Torah greats. No one is going to tell me following Minhag Yisroel Torah is chukas hagoy. Maybe that’s why a certain people who would are taught to question their mesorah, the Gedolim, end up…
Dangerous is when one goes off the trodden, beaten path, questioning and doubting mesorah and Minhagim.
Little FroggieParticipantSomething about not carrying a carriage and tallis. Something about Moshiach.
Little FroggieParticipantubiquitin:
Very good question. And the answer is that everything has its origins in the Torah. Go. Seek. Inquire. Learn. But don’t (don’t mean you ?? ?????) just shrug something off as c”v “borrowed” from our “neighbors”. If anything it just proves one has done a bit too much delving into other “testaments” and their “minhagim” – ???? ????? ????? ???? ?? ??????… Not something Yiddishe Yidden do generally.
Little FroggieParticipantDo we what? Do I see him? No. Do you? Could be. I have a brother who delves into Kabalah and etc., he probably does too.
Bigger people are merited to greet him. And bigger people are merited to get a greeting in return. Again not me, by any stretch of imagination.
Little FroggieParticipant-29, Thank you (I’m sure you meant all the bad ones about me)
Little FroggieParticipantI heard that one shouldn’t say an untruth to a child..
Let them know that he indeed visits sedorim, by big tzadikim and worthy individuals he is visible and actually partakes.. To us small creatures, we know of his presence but cannot physically see..
Little FroggieParticipantOh!!!
That seems the best plausible theory. Some Minhag, if one does not know it’s origins… sure.. seems we borrowed another one from our neighbors!!!
How utterly sick and silly!!
Pesach time, the time we had our most “interaction” with our “neighbors”, a time they tried most to “convince” us… blood libels.. at such a time we “borrow” their “minhagim”.
If one needs to find a source for our Yiddishe Minhagim, let him be well-versed in Yiddishe testaments…, y’know like Torah, Mishna, Talmud, Rambam, Shulchan Aruch, Rishonim, Achronim, Sifrei Kabalah, AriZal, Talemdei Ba’al Shem Tov… and all of it. After all that’s probably where it’s going to be found.
For someone to come out and cast skepticism at a Minhag Yisroel, to say it’s based / borrowed from the goyim is pure arrogance. And NarishKite.
Don’t know? Go learn.
Until then keep your paws off Minhagei Yisroel.
Little FroggieParticipantIf the emergency vehicles would just shut their flashing lights, blinkers etc. things would be so much different.
I see no need for them to be on once they’ve reached their destination, other than to solicit the attention of all around them, both lanes, both directions. Where there’s a need to secure the area, I’m not referring to, and there’s probably a more inconspicuous way pf going about it, not to advertise their presence to everyone within 10 radial miles.. I’m referring to a scene where there’s absolutely NO NEED for safety/security (plenty of times).. why cause the needless extra delay in the opposite direction due to someone(s) seeking attention… the live they save may be…
Little FroggieParticipantDoes anyone know what these new signs posted in (and around) BP about carrying on Shabbos are about?
Little FroggieParticipantThat Jothar guy’s really scary!! He spelled out my name before I even thought about inventing it..
Little FroggieParticipantAm I allowed to buy chometz to feed the animals?
Little FroggieParticipantPosting here in the CR!
(no one thanks me)
Little FroggieParticipantSam: I don’t think so, I’ll have to look it up, unless you show a mareh makom
Little FroggieParticipantOnce wrote about it before (maybe one of my previous s/n)
Davening, Tefilah is all about connection. ???”? ????? ?????? ?? ??????, He is awaiting their (our) connection. Sometimes towards that goal, He send us some incentive, r”l a mishap, misfortune, discomfort r”l to be able to Daven to Him sincerely and devotedly.
But a truly wise person sees it merely as an incentive, after the crisis r”l or other issue has passed, he/she keeps up that measure of sincerity, devotion, attachment.
Little FroggieParticipantI clean it with a screwdriver an<<ZAPPPPP>>
Little FroggieParticipantI don’t think it’s me’akev
Little FroggieParticipantFor different reasons.
Hacohen because, as old man said – it’s unnecessary and irrelevant, Harav – because he’s in the need of rachmei Shamayim – not the time to show off “airs”.
Little FroggieParticipantWell then you are MECHUYAV to train as a firefighter, emergency medical provider, paramedic (always with an AED in backpack) doctor, surgeon (hey maybe someone will need emergency surgery), BLS, ALS, WSI, armed personel, law inforecment, SWAT (what if a major Froggie attack occurs), electrical contractor (what if you hear sizzling…), plumbing (r”l what if a pipe gets clogged.. germs.. sakana!!).
Let me see… did I cover all bases..
Oish.. maybe the moon is a safer place!
March 31, 2015 4:24 pm at 4:24 pm in reply to: Who are the top ten posters that EVERYONE knows? #1070037Little FroggieParticipantI’m the eleventh of the top ten.
Little FroggieParticipantChavi123:
No worry, anyone sees my posts and knows to look elsewhere for sanity
Little FroggieParticipantHonestly don’t know. It’s certainly not a makom sakana without one. And as those in the apartment building last week proved, it’s worthless in case of explosion r”l. It’s worthless if the fire starts between the alarm and the bed r”l. And it’s worthless in case of flood r”l. So every room should be equipped with two smoke alarms, an early explosion detector, a flood detector in every room, a message from recent tragedies.
I have one (gasp).
Whether I’m mechuyav to have one? I really don’t think so. I’m mehader in mitzvohs. But I didn’t buy one because it’s a sakana without one. And to my humblekite, proper hishtadlus would be to make sure appliances are not defective. And I’m mispalel to HaShem to protect us from ANY mishaps. At the end of the day (beginning and middle too) HE is the source of everything.
Case of medicine you stated? We’re so very far from medicines mentioned in Gemarah. Is there some medicine around today, for delicate persons, to put under the pillow, and have the power of the herbs (or whatever) reach the affected area? Doubt it. Brain surgery (wow!) where the skull is softened and cut with a knife? Never heard of that procedure (don’t forget – I’m an accomplished, accredited doctor, surgeon too). Other remedies – astounding!! Go the hospital, the fish bone extraction ward, and watch them gasp as you perform the chad chad or ninatzta kemachat procedure. So no, we’re not as advanced as they were. We’ve made many other marvelous strides in medical, pharmaceutical and many other fields, yet they were, in a sense much more advanced then.
Little FroggieParticipant“LF: You’re being ridiculous. Beyond ridiculous.”
*** Indeed!! I’ve reached my goal!! ***
ps rumors abound that the owner of the apartment building that collapesed last week, took note of this tragedy and purchased 3 smoke detectors per room.
For the sake of argument (oh, how I love every minute of it) there’s a slight difference between dancing in the street than to reside in a peaceful house. Opps, ??? ?????? low duck.
The danger is the fire, and any apparatus that started it. Therein lies the sakana, not the alarm that convinces people their lives are on the line (oh, how about neighbors).
Furthermore, making a spiritual chesbon hanefesh, the right way, is attending to the root of the issue, there should be no need for any alarm, (neither fire, water, personal injury, financial setback, interpersonal relationship issues, child rearing issues and etc. Directing one’s sole attention to a smoke alarm (no matter how many) is just thwarting, forestalling a specific symptom, not the cause. As I’ve wrote before (I just love repeating myself) ???? ?????? ?????.
As I wrote before, on should seek to prevent injury, harm, misfortune, just the normal way. And then to be ???? ???? who ultimately decides the outcome.