Little Froggie

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  • Little Froggie

    Streek!! Welcome back!! Long time no see.

    The status of marriage plays no role. It’s a male between two females and a female between two males. Any males, any females.

    in reply to: Good Egg Challah in Boro Park #1074926
    Little Froggie

    Best are the ones Froggette makes. Alas, it’s not for sale, and unless you’ll be accede to be our guest for Shabbos, there little chance of obtaining it.

    Second best is Shloime’s, in my opinion.

    in reply to: Happy Times Are Coming… #1075942
    Little Froggie

    be joyful.. I did warn you…

    in reply to: Things that turn normal people insane. #1074562
    Little Froggie

    The CR!!!!

    (I used to be normal.)

    in reply to: A fish #1074577
    Little Froggie

    how could Froggie comment one a fish thread. It must look so funny in the opening screen “A fish … Froggie”

    in reply to: IM NOT COPING!!!!! #1075685
    Little Froggie


    You cause me to open up, once more. I do commiserate with you in a way. When I was a bit younger, and into learning how to play, I couldn’t rip myself away from the instruments or any other music producing apparatus for a moment. I was totally possessed. I really was. When the Sefira and three weeks period came around, I was a goner. How I counted the minutes!!! (ok, so I cheated a bit, it wasn’t REALLY music, just a speaker vibrating… for learning it’s permitted… etc.) The relief when Lag Ba’omer finally did make its appearance, was tangible. And believe it or not, the absence of music pained me more than the fast of Tisha’a B’av.

    My mother (“Mommy”), the tzadekes, had to endure from a whole house always vibrating deep bass, having to bear such ghoulish, meow sounds from another instrument… Her greeting (mantra) to me was always “Froggie.. lower please”. It did help. For 1.57 seconds! (her happiest day was the day I got married, and quiet once again reigned)

    <<Mom – NO COMMENT>>

    I still LOVE music (all sorts), I “toned down” much.

    in reply to: When to panic #1074491
    Little Froggie

    (You’re beginning to sound like me..)

    in reply to: I need your help! Ty :) #1074071
    Little Froggie

    Just read some stories about Rav Moshe ztatz”l. In my opinion he was the paragon, the epitome of humility.

    One story about how he was exiting a car and heard a boy calling “Moishe” (his friend). He didn’t realize, and walked over to the boy to ask him what he wanted!!

    A printer called him frantically and explained that someone hurriedly deposited manuscripts, needed a “rush job” to get it in print. Upon inspection, he realized it was full of ridicule and vitriol at Rav Moshe and his pesakim. All shaken, he wanted to know what to do. Rav Moshe gave him full permission, and instructed him to do it!!

    He once found a boy crying, looking for his friend… took care of him, went from group to group, found his friends…

    So many others…

    in reply to: shaylas for Joseph #1074388
    Little Froggie

    I’ve not followed every post – I don’t think he attacked anyone here in particular. Maybe he attacked a movement, he’s not biting into anyone personally. At least that’s what I think.

    There’s a lot of others here (actually many more) that attack different kinds of people, communities on the more personal level. That is worse, I think.

    Time to make up – EVERYONE!!!! Let’s join together. ??? ??? ?? ???…

    in reply to: shaylas for Joseph #1074385
    Little Froggie

    MDG: Sometimes someone has reasons to be on the internet, not necessarily for public consumption. Sometimes maybe one would want the camaraderie that goes on here… why bash or condemn. I think this parsha they lein ?? ????.. all about ona’as davar .. so so much pertinent, applicable to posting and interacting with others on the CR.

    I’ve not been on the CR all the way back, so I really don’t know CR history .. the poster in question seems very knowledgeable, learned, with a more to the right hashkafa… can’t and don’t really care to know what the whole… (if he’s the real original one. So curious to know if indeed he is THE)

    Some others here seem a bit too much …

    Cool it everyone. Live and Let Live.

    in reply to: Today is Yom Tov Sheini #1073840
    Little Froggie

    Seriously speaking, I think it should be more permitted to celebrate a Yom Yerushalaim, where something did happen, some ness, victory to commemorate, than a yom haatzmaut, where nothing of significance occurred. The occasion of a bunch of irreligious declaring something irreligious, marks no significance in a Jewish history, certainly nothing for a Torah-true Jew to celebrate. The gist of their goal, their mission was ???? ??? ?????, let us be as all other nations.. let us fight with our might… etc. According to a Gra, commemorating such would certainly be an issur of chukos hagoyim.

    in reply to: Today is Yom Tov Sheini #1073839
    Little Froggie

    Everyone could celebrate on any day he/she wishes. ????? ???? ?????.

    in reply to: Shaving in Middle of Sefira #1073998
    Little Froggie

    147: First of all I didn’t know that those who do celebrate the day suspend the availus. Is it universal?

    Second of all, I don’t necessarily celebrate that day.

    Third, I don’t shave. (!!!)

    (and yes she does pull, ouch!! She won’t know what it feels like)

    hey get your hands outta……………….

    in reply to: Shaving in Middle of Sefira #1073992
    Little Froggie

    in between

    (read op again)

    in reply to: The bait for kj chusid #1074020
    Little Froggie

    ..or a froggie

    in reply to: Why people ignore you #1073938
    Little Froggie

    (I was thinking the same..)

    Anyways, Gefen, see how many are not ignoring you…

    (I actually did notice you were away from this “beis medrash” for some time, I didn’t think it proper to do a call out…)

    in reply to: I think I may have Tz'raas… #1073737
    Little Froggie

    Silly peoplach… What color is a tzara’as??? Read OP.


    in reply to: Today is Yom Tov Sheini #1073837
    Little Froggie

    MY Shitta?!? Sorry. I have none.

    in reply to: Tachanun #1151707
    Little Froggie

    Did Ben Gurion say tachanun?

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074147
    Little Froggie

    funny thing.. all my years in yeshiva never had a problem with low morals.. women.. mingling.. etc. – oh I was missing “Jewish Army ruchnius”!!

    Hear ya!!

    in reply to: Today is Yom Tov Sheini #1073835
    Little Froggie

    Yes.. and in commemoration of the original inventors of this day.. who had no problem with chillul Shabbos…

    in reply to: my friend is going off #1073771
    Little Froggie

    Daniell: That is truly an earnest sha’alo for a competent Rav.

    Hatzlacha!!! (you’ll need it)

    in reply to: Today is Yom Tov Sheini #1073833
    Little Froggie

    The original one.

    in reply to: my friend is going off #1073766
    Little Froggie

    I like that answer very much, Goq. Be a friend. Unwavering. Faithfully. Unquestioningly. Always. That has proven to help.

    in reply to: The bait for kj chusid #1074016
    Little Froggie


    Eretz Yisroel is where we’ll be returning, nothing at all to do with these bareheaded “helpers”. We await our frum Moshiach… one who will bring us closer to HaShem, not a movement to turn away from Him. Like I wrote on the other thread. (you seem to repeat your rant over and over, I’m trying to keep at your heels)

    in reply to: Convalescing from a hospital stay #1073704
    Little Froggie


    Refuah Shlaimah.

    And I believe you’ve just found what to do.

    Do stay!!

    in reply to: G-d centered nation – you can see it #1090588
    Little Froggie

    takin’ t’ me? ’cause I’m the only one people tend to “vehemently disagree” with.


    Thank you!!! (in my name)

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074118
    Little Froggie


    That’s me, and that’s why I’m here – to show everyone how wrong and distorted I am.

    Let’s start bottom up. My bracha that HaShem continue to shower upon us His divine protection. As I wrote, yes, truly a bracha. Do you care to know the odds against us, in all detail? Further compounded by the erection of the state and all their following blithering blunders, decisions and orders? And still HaShem protects us!! What comes to mind is the open confession of a terrorist about a year ago (Kiryas Sefer), who recognized and said he was thwarted solely by our God. And the countless other nissim, ????? ??????? on a daily basis. Eretz Yisroel is the land of HaShem and His involvement is so much more pronounced there. So yes, in spite of what does ?”? take place, let us realize the Hashgocho and Nissim, to save, avert, protect us from the odds… And may HaShem continue to protect us, shower us with His blessings…

    Regarding the Apikores, read Rashi:

    ??? ???? ?? – ??? ???? ?????? ????? ?????? ?????

    if he doesn’t mean what he says, pray tell what he does.

    Of course some times you have an overriding factor, but Torah in itself is protection, ???? ?????. Browse through Gemarah, Seforim (holy ones) at your leisure, you’ll find it in more than one place.

    Regarding my first point, the contribution of the bnei Torah vs. those in active combat, how do I know how much.

    And the answer is, OF COURSE SILLY ME DOESN’T. But HaShem does. And as proven time and again, that’s a country run entirely byad HaShem (despite His “helpers'” claim), so seichel tells us to put our effort where it’s effective most!! Simple military strategy.

    Actually I’m not telling you to listen to silly little froggie – just heed the Daas Torah of true Gedolei Torah and Manheigei Yisroel, not so called “leaders”, political figures (or wannabees).

    When we follow dass Torah we know we’re doing the right thing in HaShem’s eyes. And that’s what counts most in HaShem’s land.

    in reply to: Is seeing a doctor dangerous #1074431
    Little Froggie

    newbee: Could be. Actually there’s a Chassidishe story to collaborate to this. Something to the effect that hidden mofsim are more readily afforded than public, exposed ones.

    in reply to: If this is what we've been waiting 2000 years for… #1073697
    Little Froggie

    Not quite. HaShem’s long awaited Moshiach, and Geulah will have little to do with these “leaders” intervention. No. Nothing at all. Our Moshiach will probably be frum, Shomer Shabbos, and cause Yidden to serve HaShem better.

    It’s no secret how these “leaders”, “founding fathers” did everything in their power to uproot YiddishKite. b’Davka. And no, it’s no secret. How they worked on the impressionate boys and girls.. how they introduced blatant chilul shabbos to those shocked children… ripped off peyos, yarmulka.. I could go on and on.. no need.

    Point here is that anyone awaiting a Yiddishe Geula, a Yiddishe Moshiach will realize this is no connection at all. To the conrary the Moshiach will have to do his work “in spite of” his “helpers”.

    in reply to: Is seeing a doctor dangerous #1074426
    Little Froggie

    Nothing really happens when one sees a doctor (unless the doctor is not feeling well, and the patient is a doctor)

    in reply to: Nope!!! Not Going to Start It This Year… #1151447
    Little Froggie

    See… I didn’t!!

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074110
    Little Froggie


    And so is the reverse true, read what I wrote. Without the Torah of Eretz Yisroel C”V…. Let no one fool you. Anyone with a clear mind can discern the openness of had HaShem.. due, NO QUESTION to, the Yeshivos and learning in Eretz Yisroel. You’re not the one who’s actually keeping score, do you happen to know what would have happened had those bachurim stayed and continued to learn?!? How many more open nissim we would have seen?? DO YOU KNOW? As I wrote (only one sentence ago) even gentiles recognize the closeness and involvement of Yad HaShem in Eretz Yisroel; how foolish is it to say ??? ????? ???, this strategy did it, this maneuver won.. So you say “B”H, the bochrim had more seichel” etc. perhaps one day (after studying that particular battle, in depth) you’d come to the conclusion that ” alas, the bochrim were foolishly persuaded and left the hallowed walls of the Bais Medrash to foolishly attempt…” ?? ??? ?? ????? ???

    and lesschumras, yes it is a blanket statement, Gemarah says so, and states “an instance of an apikores.. one who ridicules ‘what benefit caused these scholars'”.

    As BarryLS1 wrote:

    Again, everything is min HaShamayim, but we have to do our part first. And most in the Torah community are. The best way possible. With fantastic, wondrous results. ?? ????? ???.

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074107
    Little Froggie

    Golfer: I’m sure he was just waiting to see how I respond to him.

    ZD: I’m not sure I know what you’re getting at. I don’t exactly know this quote. In fact I’m not sure I remember this fellow. Did he know me? Hmm.. 1937.. I must have been about 42 at that time..

    in reply to: Is it mutter to build a mishkan with a shabbos switch machine? #1073581
    Little Froggie

    Catch yourself: You feel like a what?!?

    Anyways your point is EXACTLY the Op’s view, and is his unique way of bringing it out.

    And to add to the technicalities, in my view, if the action is not considered his own – to have been considered violating Shabbos, then the mitzvah of building the Bais Hamikdash isn’t either. As they say (I think in French) ha b’ha talya.

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074097
    Little Froggie

    ZD: I know that line about the nazis, you’ve used it time and again.

    To answer (it’s not me that has to defent ?????? ?? ???? of ??? ????? ??? ???????, and ??? ???? ??? ????). No one know what would have been if not for those learning. Care to remember the last Shiur of R. Elchonon HY”D, American Yidden being saved through them… Second of all (as I’ve always responded when you brought this one up), no one knows the Cheshbonos of HaShem during that most darkest period of Klal Yisroel. Who yes, who not. How much. How Many. R”L. It’s was a very intense darkness of hester panim, many Torah greats had their Ruach Hakodesh and Daas Torah taken away (???? ????? ???? ????? ????). But to say that Torah does not protect is r”l apikrosos, so sais the Gemarah.

    And you’re correct, some gotta learn other gotta fight (hey, the mess is here). Are the chayalim ready to conform to a Torah lifestyle???

    As to who contributes more, kindly take a tip from a USA Military instructor (I think at West Point), when asked in middle of a course about the Israeli wars. He was visibly shaken, and told the student after the “shiur” never to mix in the Israeli conflicts, military, warfare etc. “If you got any brains in your head you’d see it just doesn’t make any sense. It has nothing to do with their army or soldiers. It’s plainly their God who’s doing it all”. (story brought down somewhere – I read too much)

    in reply to: Some zionist thoughts for yom haatzmaut #1074086
    Little Froggie

    As I wrote on the other thread, the religious see and acknowledge the Yad HaShem always, and readily give praise to Him, while beseeching for the future. Religious significance on this day?!? For what?! Any Ness happened on this particular day? I see only a day of open chilul HaShem (and chilul Shabbos). “Let us be like all other nations…” (straight out of his Drasha). What religious significance is to be attached to that.

    This is a purely nationalistic level holiday, as they so said – like all other nations… Laying wreaths.. moment of silence.. declaration of independence.. – just like, and copying, all other nations. (Yom Yerushalaim too, the iconic raising of the flag over the Kosel, exactly copying the famous Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima)

    And the most learned, accomplished poskim here on the CR should be quick to point out (as I wrote) that this should be a clear Issur d’Oraisa of Chukos hagoyim. (some dare accuse a minhag as such..)

    Of course we have to appreciate soldiers who do defend our people. But who put them there? Whose decision to start this whole thing? Whose decision to give back land, money etc. to sworn enemies of our people and then have to defend against them moments later.

    Anyone here care to remember how the PLO was almost phased out until some “smart” individual cared to revive it, deals.. land..

    So do we really have to be thankful for the mess these “leaders” have done? Again, one-on-one, in the current situation, we’re in a rut, so we use their protection, with the help of HaShem, but no thanks to the “leaders”

    And AviK- yes, there is a REAL DANGER to the Ruchnius of soldiers serving. I’ve had relatives there… (one who made it into the news section…)

    ZD: As (I think) Rabbi Galinsky replied to this very observation, they ARE on the front lines – in a different regiment. Their contribution, input to the war / security effort? PRICELESS!! How many korbonos did they protect, safeguard, avoid? Do you know??? How many disasters did they cause to be averted??? Do you know??? Yes, the bnei Yeshivos ARE contributing.. to a different effort, area!! No, you (and no one) wants to risk doing away with that.

    in reply to: Eretz Israel? Or the Land not Inhabited by Jews #1073550
    Little Froggie

    I’m sure you meant to write “we were blessed with the wonderful matono of ERETZ YISREOL. And that since His shavua to the Avos, not a recent invention (nothing to do with the “assistance” or better yet hindrance of those in direct opposition to HaShem).

    And according to the Gra it would be an issur diorysa of chukat hagoyim” – to celebrate or give any credence to that “Yom”… (especially since that was the main ????, erev Shabbos ???? ?????, (or maybe afterwards) “let us be like all other nations… our might…”) Can there be any bigger issur of chukas hagoyim, where they’re actually trying to BE like all other goyim?

    I think the Gra did not celebrate.

    in reply to: Does it count as music? #1073505
    Little Froggie

    ..Change it to a cow

    in reply to: Does it count as music? #1073501
    Little Froggie

    Am I allowed to play violin if it really sounds like cats meowing.

    in reply to: Who Are The Most Influential Posters? #1073321
    Little Froggie


    Question is who is the most influential ones, not the loudest, noisiest (silliest). And I’ve still not changed my mind since

    in reply to: Middos alert for Dr. Middos! #1073248
    Little Froggie

    You got it wrong. We’re trying to learn from him… We’re analyzing, studying every line…

    in reply to: Who Are The Most Influential Posters? #1073318
    Little Froggie

    OK, if you really NEED to know;

    Little Froggie III

    Little Froggie II

    Little Froggie I

    Etc. I

    Etc. II

    Etc. III

    Etc. IV

    and Etc. V

    in reply to: Middos alert for Dr. Middos! #1073246
    Little Froggie

    L’toeles, for a specific purpose in mind.

    (I asked the great doctor himself, while I was putting up that funny looking antenna on his roof)

    in reply to: Who Are The Most Influential Posters? #1073317
    Little Froggie

    Now you’re getting personal…

    How’d you dig THIS ONE out?

    Anyway, I tried stopping it.. due to some feeling slighted.. oh well (are we at the bottom of the barrel?)

    in reply to: Men withholding a Get #1188129
    Little Froggie

    Think again.. read again.. fully..

    in reply to: Coffee Room for Dummies… #1072934
    Little Froggie

    You too… Get otta here!!! Your screen name suggests you don’t belong here..


    come to think of it, with all my (thousands of) NarishKites, I forgot I once started such a thread… (maybe I tend to think like myself..scary). In that one I wrote “WARNING: by posting here you’re admitting you’re a..

    in reply to: Men withholding a Get #1188116
    Little Froggie

    It depends on which side you’re on…

    As others would say; sometimes you have to really give it to the selfish rasha of a quy.. other times you have to (with AideleKite and lots of ‘geduld’, of course) explain to the princess in question to give up on some of her unrealistic demands..

    The picture get more clear if you’re involved, if you’re on one of the sides.. if you “reall know” “everything”. Oh yeah!

    in reply to: You in One Word #1209369
    Little Froggie


    Oops… I wasn’t referring to you, I was referring to Oomis (a Bubby is generally a female, unless otherwise indicated)

    in reply to: How's your weight after Pesach? #1073260
    Little Froggie

    The scales are tipping..

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