Forum Replies Created
Little FroggieParticipant
Yes, Syag, it’s true. You have do wonderful, clear insight. Wheels are turning ever so slowly… we’re taking your advise/instruction seriously.
Mazal Tov to you on your Simcha, may they be zoche to a most happy healthy and wealthy Bais Ne’eman. May you always have only good tidings to share.
Little FroggieParticipantShe was standing on his toe.
Little FroggieParticipantto the OP, look up in Shulchan Aruch.
Of course there’s a mitzva for men to be covered at all times. Not for the same reason as by women. By men it’s because we are always in the presence of HaShem, ??? ?? ???? ?????.
Little FroggieParticipantRY: I’m gonna assume you didn’t fully read (comprehend) what I wrote. So let me repeat.
A time of Bar/Bas Mitzvah is cause for great celebration. And we try to portray ourselves, as excited and wiling to take on HaShem’s mitzvohs now as “metzuvah v’oseh”. The more “dagesh” the better, it shows our goal in life, what’s important to us.
But a girl’s innate tznius precludes this, her entrance into a world of Mitzvohs should be in a tznua’dig fashion. So they do have enthusiasm, it’s just from the inside – ???? ??? ?? ??????.
ps as an aside, there’s a most beautiful song for a Bas Mitzvah, starts with something like “Come my dear daughter.. Today is the day..”
Little FroggieParticipant??? ???? ???? ???? ???
Little FroggieParticipantSince mosquitoes are generally filled with human blood, killing them would be spilling…
Little FroggieParticipantI thank you. I just knew you were thinking about little me the whole time. That’s what gave me the strength …
Little FroggieParticipantFor a girl we make a private party, as a tribute and haschala for her being mechuyav in mitzvohs, specifically in areas of tznius. What a befitting way – a party in a tznua way.
For a boy we throw a lavish celebration to mark his being mechuyav in mitzvohs, to show how happy we are with HaShem’s mitzvohs, we’re readily accepting them upon ourselves, now as a full-fledged “metzuvah v’oseh”. HaShem’s Mitzvohs – that’s something worth getting excited about.
Little FroggieParticipantI’d love to edit my profile. My real one. I’d like to write that I’ve become a baal midos tovos, somewhat learned, y’know a something… Alas, I can’t find that button.
Little FroggieParticipantAsk me. I have a Torah Bottling Co.
Little FroggieParticipantCan never know if she’ll (‘Mommy’) be following me on this one too, but hey, you never know. So…
My every day is my mother’s day. May Hashem continue to ‘betnch’ you and ‘Tatty’ with much health, nachas (yeah, money too.. it won’t hurt), at least until 140 (compensation for those rough ones).
How do you say, write, convey a thank you for your very existence in mere words. How do you express gratitude to the one who bore, carried, fed (no easy task), cleaned (again, no easy feat), soothed, comforted, schooled, taught, trained, educated all with a SUPER abundance of patience, endurance. Middos, Hashkafah, general mentchlichkite, such fond memories… all in a manner only a loving mother can convey.
Nope, regretfully, I wasn’t of regular mold, I gave my parents a run (dash) for the little money there was. How many times did I hear, by the change of guard “Oy, what I day Froggie gave me.. I’m zonked with a migraine.. please take over”.
By now, I’ve tamed much, I’ve stopped barking, last time I took a good byte was quite a long time ago. All to my Mommy’s credit, she ‘Brained’ me good, with Sechel Hayashar, a good dose of motherly intuition and true compassion. (How much do I owe you for all those broken brush handles?) ??? ??? ??????…
?????? ?????, your tears (oohh I just know how many), my tears (ouch). Hopefully by now ???? ??????, may you “Shep Nachas” from me, from the other (better) ones, Einiklach and “Ur Einiklach”.
Loving Little Froggie
May 10, 2015 4:50 am at 4:50 am in reply to: And faster, and FASTER, AND FASTER AND……. CRASH!! #1076386Little FroggieParticipantYou were right about what?
Little FroggieParticipantYes, that was my question (rant). I’m not saying not to have it on the side, but it’s equally important to have it on the front too. Having “Talmud Bavli” on the front is like writing “Sefer” on the front of every sefer.
Little FroggieParticipantOn the topic of why, here’s a real WHY:
Why do all Gemarahs have “Talmud Bavli” printed in the front cover, while the Mesechta on the side? Ever wonder? Going around in a Bais Medrash, don’t you notice? Isn’t it utter silliness? You spot a Gemarah on the table, you have to look on it’s SIDE to see which Gemarah it actually is. How silly. I know it’s Talmud Bavli, they could have put that on the bottom in small letters. Isn’t it more beneficial to put the Mesechta in the front?!?
Oops. The printer didn’t think about that…
Little FroggieParticipantHey I didn’t notice you… I made it especially low..
May 8, 2015 4:14 pm at 4:14 pm in reply to: Having a hard time concentrating during Shemonei Esray? #1076450Little FroggieParticipantOld problem…
I think tosafos talks somewhere about an automatic modem
Little FroggieParticipantThank you too. Will IY”H do..
Little FroggieParticipantWhere I perform it’s generally at the comfortable levels. I can make it as low as I want. Just tell me it’s you. (flash me the CR salute)
Little FroggieParticipantOomis, thank you too for your words.
No, it wasn’t our generosity, noble spirit, extra chesed feelings, it was somewhat placed upon us. Again, I’d rather not elaborate, I have a whole crew following my every post..
Little FroggieParticipantI just know you mean me!!!
Little FroggieParticipant… right on…
and if you leave identifying info in the correspondence…
Little FroggieParticipantI have it really hard.. I’m supposed to “warm up” now to get back into shape.. for several engagements, yet I’m not supposed to enjoy any of it.
Little FroggieParticipantNow you can’t count with a Bracha…
Little FroggieParticipantCome to our Shul.
Nobody talks during Davening. I mean NOBODY. Not the men, not the women. To our dismay, there’s always an ample of letzonim, scoffers, who congregate in the hall or outside and shmooze the day away IN FULL VIEW OF THEIR OWN CHILDREN, but inside there’s ONLY DAVENING.
Little FroggieParticipantIt means that very important discussion:
are booked.
oh yeah.. see my take on:
Little FroggieParticipantThank you, Syag. It was really kind of you. I appreciate it much. Will do, IY”H.
Little FroggieParticipantWhy are you bumping this one. Bet you have no clue what happened way back then, what this was all about…
Little FroggieParticipantBaruch HaShem it went away (took about 24 hours).
A lot of times we’re not appreciative enough towards HaShem for having removed a machla r”l, pain, ache, discomfort. When I had this booming migraine, I felt so down, depressed, hunkered in..
???? ???? ???? ?????, it’s gone!!!
Now I can think… therefore I am
Little FroggieParticipantOish…
Someone is regurgitating all my oldies….
(was I so noisy?!?)
Little FroggieParticipant??? ??? ??????, ??? ????? ?????, ?? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??????
Little FroggieParticipantWell maybe you could be doche Shiva Ossor for July fourth because it’s an ?????? ??????, the United States started to let in Yidden, to let them finally have a safe haven until the real Moshiach comes… something really to celebrate…
Little FroggieParticipantBump once more… I’m really looking for ideas.. before it get out of hand…
Little FroggieParticipantAnd thank you, all. I’m listening….
Little FroggieParticipantWow! 29- I did indicate that (for a change) I’m serious. I’d rather hear suggestions, tips, and pointers at this time, without any direct connections. If needed, maybe we’d consider asking to communicate.
And Francorachel3, I was only kidding on that part, (that’s why I put it in parenthesis), KA”H. We’re a lively bunch, B”H.
Little FroggieParticipantHow could a wolf give a PERSONAL assurance?
Little FroggieParticipantOhhh! Memories!!!
I wish everyone (fathers) to post as I last did in this thread. ???? ????!! (quicker job, though)
Syag, If you’re truly bored, try pulling out the good oldies.
Little FroggieParticipantYou’re right, they should change my subtitle to “Keeps the CR peoplach HOPPY!!
But anyways I just had to post after your’s, because it doesn’t look proper in the main page. It reads: Happy times are coming……oyyoyyoy.
Take it from me, it’s not so bad.
Little FroggieParticipantGemarah says you do bite…
Little FroggieParticipantthere’s a concept in Gemarah of ????? ?? ???? ??? ??? ???? and ???? ????? ???????, so we don’t write as such…
What needs to be said is that the Holocaust was practically ????? ???? ????, both is how it came about, and how it finally ended. To go through history, examine all minute details… nearly impossible. To start, how ??”? was born.. his childhood.. teenage years.. chances of becoming an anything… we must come to the conclusion that things were running, orchestrated directly from above, without too much sense or reason from down here…
Same with the ending.. the various open Nissim all orchestrated at D-day and following.. the Nissim at El-Alamein…
Little FroggieParticipantPAA, Am I missing something here? (oh yeah, boy am I missing..)
Where did it state that the Yetzer Hara has a Yetzer Hara PREVENTING him from doing his job???
and akuperma – that story happens to be true. I heard a recording of the conversation between him and his father (him and Shnooky too)
Little FroggieParticipant147: You forgot July 4th..
Little FroggieParticipantAnyways, just out of curiosity, I’m wondering if anyone else here is tracked, traced, hounded and followed (stalked!) by at least a (posting) brother, sister, and mother??? (gasp x3)
(ps the day they tell me they’re not gonna look here anymore, this place will rockin’ once more)
Little FroggieParticipantSince when is a Mod snoopy, prying… stalking…???
Don’t they go through rigorous training, exercises, courses..???
Little FroggieParticipantOh yeah.. bump (no, big bump) this one…
Little FroggieParticipantEveryone bump their oldies… hey why not this..
Little FroggieParticipantHmm.. By me – some of my posts get through… the rest are waiting patiently in the recycle bin.
May 3, 2015 5:50 am at 5:50 am in reply to: And faster, and FASTER, AND FASTER AND……. CRASH!! #1076382Little FroggieParticipantOY!!!
Was I really like that?!?
Little FroggieParticipantI think Taamim Uminhagim mentions it
Little FroggieParticipantSyag:
Right on! To bring oneself to any sublime, lofty level is one thing. To demand it in someone else, or to justify someone else’s pain and suffering is wrong and can ?”? have bad repercussions. I’ve just read such a story, where one was ????? ???? of his friend’s loss, and thereby suffered greatly himself. A Tzaddik told him that by justifying someone else’s pain he brought forth a powerful ????? on himself. So yes, talking it over, discussing, comforting, consoling, sharing and feeling with the sufferer is commended. Expecting the he/she live and act according to your sublime levels attainments is wrong.
Just sayin’, but I didn’t read in your story that you told her of your hurt. Sometimes some people have to be told, yes, even the most obvious. This week’s Parsha talks about it specifically – ???? ????? ?? ????? ??? ??? ???? ???, according to some Meforshim it’s referring to sins between fellow Jews, to tell off one another verbally and not hold a grudge – ?? ???? ?? ???? ??????. To rebuke, reproach verbally, get it out, bring about an apology, closure, brings Shalom, peace.
May 1, 2015 5:41 pm at 5:41 pm in reply to: Seemingly ordinary things that are actually a problem in halacha or Kabalah #1085064Little FroggieParticipantStreek!! Welcome back!! Long time no see.
The status of marriage plays no role. It’s a male between two females and a female between two males. Any males, any females.