Little Froggie

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  • in reply to: how you know you are drinking too much coffee! #1113536
    Little Froggie

    Take it from me… there’s no such thing as too much coffee.

    in reply to: Hobbies for men #1147193
    Little Froggie

    Try debating with people on the CR

    in reply to: Sweeping the floor in the Beis Hamikdash #1113055
    Little Froggie

    Don’t know. All I know was that Yerushalim was swept every day.

    in reply to: Question for pro Israel/Zionism posters #1113077
    Little Froggie

    Some people here want to do away with the Coffee Room. The very essence of it!!!

    in reply to: Hobbies for men #1147177
    Little Froggie

    Building and flying on an unmanned pilotless aircraft.

    in reply to: Question for pro Israel/Zionism posters #1113069
    Little Froggie

    Interestingly…. no one though of mentioning my valuable positions on these weighty matters…

    in reply to: Is the shechinah shoreh in the coffee room? #1113742
    Little Froggie

    Would I be “LIVING HERE” if the Shechinah wouldn’t be here?!?

    in reply to: Wedding Singer/Band/DJ recommendations needed asap! Thanks! #1111927
    Little Froggie


    (still available that night!!)

    Who am I?!? Million dollar question. (anyone long enough here knows that just the thought of mentioning the thought of mentioning the thought… can get one into…)

    But I can tell you what people here know about me.

    I do music. I think it’s mentioned somewhere in one of the threads that I do keyboard and a bit violin. No, I’m not into the wild stuff, but I can cook up enough storm without it. As people frequently remark and express their appreciation that I deliver true, edele, “passige” Yiddishe simchah without the garbage. I’m of the opinion that Yiddishkite is missing nothing, no need to take on the “music” of our neighbors. Where I perform I generally see true joy, elation, enthusiastic Simcha shel Mitzvah, all through the night (and morning too!). As opposed to the “swaying”, wild dancing and music, trance techno noise… Sadly my clientele has somewhat diminished, I still would not do the other stuff… I personally hate all today’s garbage with a passion. (Actually, if you really care to discern, all today’s stuff is of one beat, the disco style one so commonly hears from a “neighbor’s” car passing by..)

    Of course it depends on the crowd. I won’t accept an engagement where I know I’d be expected to blast our “borrowed tunes”.

    If you really care for my type (which I doubt)… well.. I’m still available. (my offer still stands.. half price!)

    in reply to: Good Shabbos! #1135914
    Little Froggie

    Rachmana Litzlan….

    What if I forget?!?!?

    Let me do it now:


    in reply to: Bochur preparing for shabbos #1111841
    Little Froggie

    What can be better than learning…

    Do the Parshah.. in depdh..

    Do Shir Hashirim.. do it slowly

    Put emphasis into meaning.. you’ll have a real Oneg Shabbos, Gan Eden visiting you in this world!!

    in reply to: Lying for the sake of Shalom #1111972
    Little Froggie

    Oish.. It’s this same “navi” “min hashamayim”, “crying” for us in the name of the Bashefer.

    in reply to: Wedding Singer/Band/DJ recommendations needed asap! Thanks! #1111920
    Little Froggie


    (mention this ad, I’ll give you half off!!)

    in reply to: [Do Not Bump] This Thread #1120831
    Little Froggie

    How did you remember this one??? (oh, those were the days…)

    in reply to: mod-29 #1208444
    Little Froggie

    They start out in the news sections as resident mods. After many years of intense internship, they advance and are promoted to this section. Why, I wonder if all of them in the other dept. know English…

    in reply to: mod-29 #1208441
    Little Froggie

    That’s a very good question. Do you know what you know?

    in reply to: Windows 10 #1113195
    Little Froggie

    Right on!! My computer, as you can verily see, is still working, not hacked, hijacked, busted or been taken over. No, I don’t and never went for these ‘patches’ thing, that completely takes over your computer and valuable time (please wait… don’t shut off your computer.. wait one hour.. or day..) It’s not broke – needs no ‘fixing’.

    One more thing.. Microsoft seemed always to excel in toys and play things.. I remember one of the first products of Microsoft – the (5 1/4″ floppy disk) flight simulator. Years later the very important train simulator.. How I wish they get some serious people, with NORMAL minds into that company. I seem to recall an article years ago, with Mr Gates on the floor plugging a musical keyboard into a computer contraption he invented. Real Chochmah is taking something and making real, practical, useful use out of it.

    in reply to: Windows 10 #1113193
    Little Froggie

    I live right over here, 12 EDITED . Let me see you or anyone else take control or hijack my computer.

    in reply to: You’re In Charge of Brooklyn Jewry… What Do You Do? #1111356
    Little Froggie

    Could ANYONE kindly tell me what this “light unto the nations” is all about.

    in reply to: Windows 10 #1113189
    Little Froggie

    I’ve NEVER used updates. SP3 is pretty good. Never needed plugging, patching, ‘fixing’, etc. (except one mini

    I am, unfortunately, an IT sort of person. I must deal with whatever Microsoft decides to throw at us. No, not at all impressive.

    in reply to: Windows 10 #1113186
    Little Froggie

    Call me an old timer or any other epithet.. I find Windows XP (sp3) to be the peak, the pinnacle of Microsoft’s invention of the GUI operating system. Every system since is a decline, one worse then the previous.

    I’ve followed every version since Windows1!! Most in the line were some sort of step forward somewhat, some were complete disasters (ME), being in a rush to develop a something while skipping over major, important areas. XP is the most versatile, useful system for work, home, (play r”l), business, etc. Everything “klaps”, neat, organized.

    Then, in their quest to ‘modernize’, they came out with the next ones, Vista (another disaster), the twenty or so variations of Windows 7, and then the major failure of Windows 8.

    They have completely done away with the concept of using a computer for work!! Today’s systems are solely geared for entertainment, media and play. Three dimension, four dimension… realistic.. virtual.. live.. animated… More and more, faster and faster, bigger and bigger, clearer and clearer.. to hear, see and feel the movie with all the body and soul.

    So in their quest to outdo themselves, they have failed the working sector big time. FAILED.. FAILED.. FAILED..

    in reply to: drush v'kabel s'char #1111553
    Little Froggie

    What an interesting question. I’d suppose he IS requires to pay back because his chiyuv misa is not for stealing, but for his lifestyle. He needs other actions and conditions too, before becoming a ben sorer umoreh – my humble opinion.

    in reply to: SUC Grand Member Master List #1177903
    Little Froggie

    How come you didn’t list all of my other single user names?

    in reply to: Ma Rotzeh Hashem Mimeni? #1110851
    Little Froggie

    wait ’till she’s as old as mine… not even walking yet mashing, mushing, tearing the place apart, drawer by drawer, shelf by shelf… (she climbs chairs, stools)

    and KA”Y the joy… Im Yirtza HaShem BY ALL!!!

    in reply to: Old Time Fun… #1110592
    Little Froggie

    so confuzed. First they make a welcome back party. Now you make a seudah hamafsekes party?

    in reply to: guitar #1110933
    Little Froggie

    Everyone here plays the guitar?

    in reply to: mod-29 #1208431
    Little Froggie

    I Object

    I agree

    in reply to: Multiple Screen Names? #1110799
    Little Froggie

    (hey.. you’re not supposed to realize that!)

    in reply to: the 19th story #1108969
    Little Froggie

    silly.. the twentieth story is so much more interesting

    in reply to: Looking for the Lost Hour #1108683
    Little Froggie

    Oy do I have memories (actually, if I had, I wouldn’t have landed the way I did).

    I didn’t always change my watches the first second… so there I was late by a few minutes, frantically running to Shule, panting… and… the place was EMPTY!! Did I feel like a ..

    in reply to: Looking for the Lost Hour #1108681
    Little Froggie

    We just moved it back a half hour. What’s the bother.. in another couple of months it’s going to be the same shpiel.. in reverse

    in reply to: Surprise Brochos Party for Eclipse #1108614
    Little Froggie

    Nope. Not gonna do it again…

    in reply to: Multiple Screen Names? #1110793
    Little Froggie

    WOW!!! What gives?!?!?

    Welcome Back!!!

    Do stay this time.

    in reply to: How Do You Handle halloween? #1108566
    Little Froggie

    I sit on the broom and fl…..<<CONNECTION LOST>>

    in reply to: Matmonim #1108498
    Little Froggie

    The days of Sefira. ?”? is for the forty nine.

    in reply to: Looking for the Lost Hour #1108679
    Little Froggie

    HEY.. What time is it?

    in reply to: Time to say Good Shabbos #1108297
    Little Froggie

    I tried.. I offered someone Good Shabbos today, and they thought I was crazy..

    (ps – I really am)

    in reply to: Bringing the geulah #1112164
    Little Froggie

    It says NOWHERE you have to LOVE HaShem’s creations. There’s a Mitzvah of ????? ????? ????, not to Hashem’s creation. There’s a Mitzvah of Darkei Shalom, Kiddush Hashem, Mentchlichkite, but it’s actually forbidden to mix the two.

    This may not be the proper place to further expound, expand, elucidate on this subject. But according to a piece I read from Rav Pinkus zt”l, one may not change, alter, falsify etc, any Mitzvah in the Torah, even just for “”mentchlichkite”” or “”gemutlichkite”” concerns. Even if in practice he won’t do as such. And he says this is in the category of ???? ??? ?????. There’s no Mitzvah to go around publicizing, proclaiming the truths, but if cornered one must state the truth ???? ????.

    in reply to: Stop #1108165
    Little Froggie

    Cute for a poster to post that… (kidding)

    Obviously, if the url has a “-2”, this was a second attempt, (with the same exact heading!)

    Mod.. maybe you should write <Removed> for <whatever reason> so that a poster should not attempt another try. Maybe it was an innocent attempt a something he/she thought for technical reasons didn’t make it.

    -2 means it is the third.

    Little Froggie

    PLEASE… Closed doors are made for a reason…

    in reply to: why wasnt my post posted? #1108183
    Little Froggie

    Hey.. whey wasn’t this posted???

    OOPS.. ‘Twas!!

    in reply to: mod-29 #1208427
    Little Froggie

    29, could you please reach out to me..

    Not tonight…

    in reply to: Mods? Mods? #1108144
    Little Froggie

    Nope. Not at all. Me and my other 9 made it to the top

    in reply to: Time to say Good Shabbos #1108274
    Little Froggie

    ZB: It’s part of how we’re ???? our ?????.

    in reply to: Time to say Good Shabbos #1108270
    Little Froggie

    And Mrs. D: Welcome to the CR!

    <CAUTION> You’ll get used to it!

    in reply to: Time to say Good Shabbos #1108269
    Little Froggie

    ZB: That is part of Kovod Shabbos. To greet (even strangers) with a ‘Gut Shabbos’.

    in reply to: The Good Wife�s Guide #1108378
    Little Froggie


    in reply to: Multiple Screen Names? #1110790
    Little Froggie

    Thank you so much, Mod on Duty.

    in reply to: Multiple Screen Names? #1110789
    Little Froggie


    Here’s a case of a Mod, Rachmana Litzlon giving me another screen name. GEVALD!!! It’s from the most grievous sins that can perpetrated in the CR. Can I please, pretty please have little me back? ew.. big shoes.. uch.. (it’s almost as bad as fish…

    in reply to: mod-29 #1208421
    Little Froggie

    Here a big edit button for you


    Feel free to use it…

    in reply to: mod-29 #1208417
    Little Froggie

    Such ????… An all-knowing Mod saying he/she is human… WOW! That we have lived to this day…

    (psst… tell me.. what am I thinking about now? What’s gonna happen tomorrow at 10:32.34?)

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