Little Froggie

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  • in reply to: All G-d wants is… #1138692
    Little Froggie

    You can phrase that differently: I understand we need to get along, but I think we need to focus on Halacha..

    Halacha is the place that says we have to get along… without Halacha, Torah, we have no existence. We are accepting of all those Halachah says we should. ????? ????? ????, notwithstanding that it is a ??? ???? ?????, is but one of our 613.

    in reply to: Why can't guys sleep late? #1197883
    Little Froggie

    Because women (like Frogette) were up through the night… (OK not really.. just about every one and a half hours)

    in reply to: Why Are Men More Intelligent Than Women? #1138515
    Little Froggie

    .. As I said before.. I will not..

    in reply to: Laundry #1142050
    Little Froggie

    Queen: A gut Voch!!

    Hope Shabbos went fine, peaceful. I just though, if you had enough time to post above, you’d have enough time to reflect on some of your blessings. Don’t worry, our bossy (adorable) one year old is into a lot of worse.. it takes ka”h our whole crew to be on top of her.. (how’d you clean up after a Vaseline attack, egg carton attack..) And one more point, I suppose you have a working washing machine… what was it like before those?

    in reply to: Laundry #1142042
    Little Froggie

    Thank HaShem for each and every article of laundry. Think of who wears each piece, thank Him for that wonderful gift of family. Wow!! That’s cute Soshie’s left sock.. that’s adorable Yossie’s adorable pants.. How I thank you HaSHem for that…

    There’s another more sublime thought from Rabbi Avigdor Miller ??”?. He says that when one thinks and intends to do a Mitzvah, while doing even the most mundane chore, it uplifts him/her and elevates the act itself. So if you think you’re doing a mitzvah (gmilas chesed) while doing the laundry, it becomes an avodah to HaShem, you become more ‘Shalem’, more perfect. Something worth thing about!!

    in reply to: Gittin 55: Stolen Chatas #1136771
    Little Froggie

    Read on… you’ll get there

    in reply to: Time to leave US #1136089
    Little Froggie


    Not so sure. They themselves cherish death. They fantasize it. And it’s a known fact. The only pander the the western world with alligators’ tears for the looks, for sympathy. No, they have no use for life. They are born for killing, pillaging, plundering and destruction. They indoctrinate their young with these “sublime missions” from early on. No need to care over them than they themselves. For these we say ????? ????? ????.

    in reply to: People who can't shut up #1136597
    Little Froggie

    ..Froggies too

    in reply to: How Do You Feel the Presence of God? #1136448
    Little Froggie

    Mods have feelings?!?!? Whew!!! (and the mod assoc let that through!!)

    WOW!! That we have lived to this day to actually see that!!!!

    (next thing I know, one will slip and comment something to the effect he/she eats, drinks, has a life, family….)

    in reply to: 300,000 Comments In The Coffee Room #1139328
    Little Froggie

    Oh, so do tell me, how do you post? How do you do it more often?

    in reply to: 300,000 Comments In The Coffee Room #1139322
    Little Froggie

    I Volunteer!!!

    in reply to: How Do You Feel the Presence of God? #1136433
    Little Froggie

    newbee: I’d suppose you read and comprehen the English language. Much of our devoted staff (posters) have responded pretty well and prolifically. There is no ONE way, as HaShem is not mortal, physical, and no one really “bumps in to Him”. Read what they wrote, there is something to learn and glean from each one, each one delivered and expounded on a fine point.

    And sorry to disappoint you, eating cholov akum, talking in shul is not a way to come close to HaShem. Neither is doing any of the aveiros He said a Jew mustn’t do, if you are a Jew. Yes, ever since Kabalas Hatorah a Jew comes closer to HaShem by doing those pithy, minor details and deeds known as Mitzvohs. That’s what Maamad Har Sinai was all about.

    in reply to: How Do You Feel the Presence of God? #1136422
    Little Froggie

    How to develop a feeling for His presence? By doing His Mitzvohs when in private with as least as much fervor and enthusiasm as in public. Also to keep the halachos of tznius when in the innermost privacy of one’s home, bearing in mind that you’re always in the presence of HaShem. ??? ???? ??? ????????, actions bring a person to change, to feel, to experience. Which is the reason explicitly stated in the Torah, ???? ???? ?? ? or ???? ???? ???? ?’ ????, doing His Mitzvohs bring a person closer to his awareness of HaShem.

    Big Tzadikim, after years of Avodah, develop a more sublime sense of Ruach Hakodesh, they can actually feel His Presence. As enumerated in the last Mishnah in Sotah, it’s a process, a long, hard process until Ruach Hakodesh – BUT IT IS ATTAINABLE.

    in reply to: gedolim pictures #1134816
    Little Froggie

    I’m with you completely on that. I agree with you totally.

    in reply to: Things that people do wrong – halachically #1135938
    Little Froggie

    Some are guilty of saying that some are guilty of Lashon Hara. (and some are guilty of saying that some are guilty of saying that some are guilty of saying…)

    in reply to: gedolim pictures #1134810
    Little Froggie

    The Little I know;

    It’s time for you to know a bit more.

    Every thing a person sees makes a roshem, a mark on his/her being, spiritually and physically. While I don’t have the “magazines” and booklets of gedolim etc. I do have some picures of Tzadikim who we revere. The Gemarah says of one tzaddik the reason he excelled more than his peers is because he countenanced Rabbeinu Hakadosh from the back. ???? ????? ????? ?? ????? is for real. Looking at a holy person with intent to absorb Kedusha indeed works, and is the very reason for that adage.

    It’s when people make a mocking of it, pay attention to externals or side effects rather than the ikkur, or when it brings to macklokes (i.e. which Tzaddik is greater etc) that brings the mitigates the effect.

    Just as we can readily understand how looking and gazing at “unclean” and base object drags a person the the bottom.. so to (and ???? ???? ?????) does gazing at holy people, holy object lift and elevate a person. Sometimes it will go unnoticed a while, in the long run it works. It’s ???, a natural force, same as the aforementioned one, only to a bigger degree.

    By all accounts, get a super sized picture of the Chofetz Chaim on your dining room wall. Stare at it every time you dine… you’ll end up more holy. You’ll do mitzvohs differently. You’ll be more careful from aveiros. You’ll speak lashon hara much less.. guaranteed!! (and that’s a campaign promise)

    in reply to: Bumping a New Thread #1133965
    Little Froggie

    I know… (I didn’t think anyone was so interested in all my past NarishKites)

    in reply to: Avraham, are we the children that you dreamed of? #1133830
    Little Froggie


    I see you’re again in Attack Mode. So in the name of K’lal Yisroel (yep they sent Little me, couldn’t find anyone else as a shliach) to contest your condescending, haughty, scornful, disdainful attitude towards US. Yeah, we know who’s the one who comes ranting at every misfortune that should not befall us chas v’sholom, the one who comforts us with another slap at every opportunity he finds convenient.

    I have a niggling feeling Mashiach DID NOT SEND YOU to rage, roar, yell, rail, shout at any given (random) time in the Coffee Room. Scratch that… it’s not a feeling… say I just got a nevuah. I just got a nevuah that you’re not a navi.

    If you really mean what you write… quit posting here anonymously, get a pulpit and let your voice be heard loud in public. Nevi’im did not post anonymously!!! Neither did anyone who wanted his words heeded. Posting here time and again makes you one bigoted, scornful, condescending individual.

    As for your rants (over and over) (and over and over)

    1) Who’s making a chilul HaShem. Did you see me?!? What are you complaining about (of course in the name of HaShem!)

    2) No one is crying out to HaShem?!? What are you talking about?!? Have you been in the innermost recesses of everyone’s thoughts and minds constantly? OK? Read what I wrote earlier (different s/n) how we held on, and continue to do so regardless of what history has places before us or ON us. Maybe that will soften mighty YOU up a bit.

    3)No one is going to find YiddishKite sweet the way you fume at every occasion.


    the little froggie

    in the name of

    ????? ?????? ??

    ????? ?????? ??

    ????? ????? ????? ??

    in reply to: Avraham, are we the children that you dreamed of? #1133829
    Little Froggie

    Wolfish: because that’s the setting that works best for us. As stated in the Torah: ?? ??? ????. And in Navi ?? ??? ???? ???. Until Mashiach comes that’s the way we are supposed to go about coming to our Shleimus. (Rabbi Miller expounds on this greatly)

    HashemisReading: Yes, because of Yidden, and of Torah. (as in tefilas haShl”a) HaShem wanted a place where His Torah could be practiced out in Gashmius form. Malachim, he’s got aplenty, they don’t have yetzros, no one intervenes as they go about doing their job. It’s us down here where HaShem so to speak places His focus, His intrest. It’s us mortal little beings, who have a mighty entity confusing our minds, who have quite an avodah choosing right from wrong, and following through. We are the reason for creation.

    Sorry for waxing on the profound…

    in reply to: Yeshiva World cofferoom #1133801
    Little Froggie

    Right on. Twice a day. 12 hours the first time. 12 hours the second.

    in reply to: No, you don't own the parking spot you dug out for the next two weeks #1134020
    Little Froggie

    Can’t accuse me of b’ka’assoi. I (still) don’t have a (working) horn!!!

    in reply to: Do Normal People Post in the Coffee Room? #1196380
    Little Froggie

    Normal people. WHAT’S THAT?!?

    in reply to: No, you don't own the parking spot you dug out for the next two weeks #1134014
    Little Froggie

    Yeah. Wondering the same thing. Didn’t you indicate you own a driveway?

    in reply to: Bumping a New Thread #1133961
    Little Froggie

    No. Not at all. this one:

    my debut (less or more)

    in reply to: Do Normal People Post in the Coffee Room? #1196372
    Little Froggie


    Who said he/she meant PEOPLE???

    Now you’re making MY comment seem foolish. OK, well, everyone – look at the URL (EVEN A MIGHTY MOD CAN’T CHANGE THAT!!!)

    in reply to: Has The CR Been Taken Over?!? #1133587
    Little Froggie

    Why don’t you bump the one that says “how do you bump”?

    in reply to: POLL: 1 outfit on 1 shabbos? #1134078
    Little Froggie

    Oish… I think you should ask the girls, not the guys..

    (besides, my daughters would want (at least!!) two, but if there’s a rule then you follow, I think)

    in reply to: Do Normal People Post in the Coffee Room? #1196367
    Little Froggie

    If I could understand the question maybe I would answer…

    in reply to: Is Moshiach coming tonight? #1133431
    Little Froggie


    I wasn’t supposed to tell anyone but….

    in reply to: How to make money online #1133553
    Little Froggie

    You could also pretend you know how to make, develop, maintain business software systems, from your home. You could pretend you know data manipulation, conversions etc.

    I do. (and they pretend to pay me)

    in reply to: Skipping Winter This Year… #1133755
    Little Froggie

    Me? No. Why? You’re hearing things?

    in reply to: Why New York is the best! #1133392
    Little Froggie

    29, Someone was trying FOR TWO YEARS to make a point and you don’t let him/her?!?

    in reply to: Ywn #1133232
    Little Froggie

    Don’t know. How would you comment in the coffee room anyways?

    in reply to: Skipping Winter This Year… #1133753
    Little Froggie

    Hey, what’s that stuff outside?!?

    in reply to: The Geulah will do get rid of the concept of "daas torah" #1133211
    Little Froggie

    No. Nat at all. Because if he didn’t have daas Torah when he said that he doesn’t have daas Torah then he does have daas Torah.

    So then he really doesn’t have daas Torah. So then he really does have daas Torah. So then he really doesn’t have daas Torah. So then he really does have daas Torah. So then he really doesn’t have daas Torah. So then he really <<OUT OF RIBBON>>

    in reply to: The Geulah will do get rid of the concept of "daas torah" #1133206
    Little Froggie

    charliehall: He just said not to believe himself when he said not to believe in daas Torah.

    in reply to: Skipping Winter This Year… #1133750
    Little Froggie

    Cold?!? You haven’t seen…

    in reply to: Skipping Winter This Year… #1133748
    Little Froggie

    Wha?!? You SEE anything yet?!? ???? ????? ????, HaShem could change things around yet…

    in reply to: How to make money online #1133547
    Little Froggie

    Try posting in the Coffee Room as a profession.

    I do.

    in reply to: Your Oldest Memories #1132919
    Little Froggie

    My memories…

    ..’bout 2 and something, my mom brushing out my hair (ouch, I had a lot)

    .. ’bout three, men taking turns cutting it!

    .. ’bout four, riding in the back of my Zeidy’s farm truck, in a vegetable box

    in reply to: Your Oldest Memories #1132913
    Little Froggie

    I remember reading the I remember when..

    in reply to: Your Oldest Memories #1132909
    Little Froggie
    in reply to: Your Oldest Memories #1132903
    Little Froggie

    There was this time before the Coffee Room, I remember interacting with people…

    in reply to: I'm returning to share a story #1133589
    Little Froggie

    Thank you for that one. And you should be coming back for good. Only good.

    That Rebbi – he deserves his job! What a caring, sensitive, intelligent giant of a man!! Kudos to him!! May we have so many more like him!

    in reply to: Is the Yetzer Harah The Yetzer Harah #1126103
    Little Froggie


    The yetzer hara is the satan.

    The yeter hara is the malach hamaves.

    The satan is the yetzer hara.

    The satan is the malach hamaves.

    The malach hamaves is the satan.

    The malach hamaves is the yetzer hara.

    in reply to: Who made the Purim story and where is he from? #1132446
    Little Froggie

    Actually not. There Maharsha, as far as I know was not “chassidish”, he did not learn on that night. I recall as story of the Rashash who also refrained from learning that night. He too wasn’t chassidish.

    in reply to: Octopi #1132368
    Little Froggie

    all the hippopotamusis and hippopotamisters have hippopotamusis feelings too

    in reply to: [closed] The CR! #1125735
    Little Froggie

    How did you find this? Were you “here” back then? How times have changed. Even I forgot about a lot of my “narishkites”. I’m somewhat busier now… not too much time to think up of posts and threads…

    HaShem is reading what I don’t post too!

    in reply to: [closed] The CR! #1125733
    Little Froggie

    hey… who dug up THIS one?!?

    in reply to: You know you're in the CR too much when… #1123035
    Little Froggie

    When you forget there was such a thread in the past..

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