Forum Replies Created
Little FroggieParticipant
There’s a concept known as baby-proofing.
Another idea is supervision. And Tefillah!!
Hatzlacha (and belated mazel tov)
NOTE to all with little, curious cuties; be especially careful now, at this time during the Pesach cleaning season, with all cleaning agents and detergents. Some are REALLY DANGEROUS!!!
(done without any feelings of tochacha or self-righteousness)
Little FroggieParticipantSqueak: Actually I don’t want to be judged at all!! And I’m truly sorry I started this whole thing…
Little FroggieParticipantFlatbusher: As I wrote before, I didn’t rebuke, chide or tell anyone off. I’m not the type of person that speaks out in public, I use the CR to do what I wouldn’t do in public for anything!!! I wrote about that before. So naturally I had no desire to do so. I only with I found the guts to get up and say something intuitively, kindly, softly, full of concern. Or that someone else would have noticed and told him something.
How I noticed? I wrote about that, if you’d noticed. “I’m only human – so I scanned the horizon from time to time…”
Little FroggieParticipantAvraham: I’m not being ‘Dan’ at all. A person has ‘nisyonos’ each different than the other,each person custom made to his/her own standing and circumstance. But case at hand – I know who I was looking at. It was no BT in any shape or form.
Part of what I bemoan is the lack of attention afforded by Yeshivos and girl Schools to combat todays’ challenges. There are some, and most mosdos do some, but all in all it’s very lacking. Today’s young are not taught self control, tools to do battle with the very powerful forces of the ever present Yetzer and his newly tactics that pop up anew each day. And if I must be ‘Dan lkaf zchus’ that is the zchus. He wasn’t taught how to control himself properly. How to use the ZeesKite of Torah, of HaShem, of a Jewish lifestyle to combat other gratifications.
Little FroggieParticipantNfgo3 and another(I can’t figure out if he’s laying it on or sincere)
Yes, ouch. It did hurt. And maybe that was the point of your post.
If you’d care to read the beginning convo, I just stated that there was something that bothered me greatly and I was airing out. No, as I wrote later, and people took me to task, I am not a tzaddik, neither holy (putting it mildly). Again, I repeat I am not a tzaddik, or holy, certainly not holier than you. How I wish I would always be holy, spiritual, morally upright… obviously I’m not yet…
And it has nothing, nothing to do with what I was occupying my humble self with, to stay out of trouble. I didn’t mean to elaborate on that, and I regret I wrote that. I wrote the issue that was disturbing to me. Again, as I wrote before, I was and am sorry for emitting that tone of voice that implies something to the sort of me c”v being above anyone else.
and Flatbusher:
I can’t figure out what your trying to do. I wrote before it was something unquestionably inappropriate by any standards. And running the whole time. Yeshiva World won’t allow me to elaborate… if you’d be a chacham it would be enough. Die lchakima berimiza.
Little FroggieParticipantDo you really feel the need to mitigate mitzvos bein adam l’makom EVERY TIME? And at every opportunity? Yes, when disturbing someone else’s sleep is is gezel, and aveira (which cannot be repaid). It is wrong, dead wrong. I just wasn’t talking about that this time. Maybe next time I will.
btw, funny thing. On my plane to EY, there were not chareidis (maybe non-Jews) making such a ruckus the WHOLE TIME, I couldn’t fall asleep, and I was so desperate for it!!
Little FroggieParticipantOish…
Squeak.. I’m writing EXACTLY what you intended… Torah lo bashamayim he.. he had no torah in shamayim.
Are YOU perhaps mangling it’s phrase, it’s meaning?!?
And pray tell, what in the world are you referring to “and knows the halacha while in the air”? WHAT HALACHA?!?
Little FroggieParticipantDY: Thanks!!
and Squeak: Right on!! – Torah lo bashamayim he, that’s it to a tee. He DEFINITELY had no Torah bashamayim. Question is where he did!
And just for argument’s sake (oh how I love them), I do think it was slightly wrong for a Jewish looking Rav to do so in the open without letting onlookers on to his situation. Gemarah speaks very harshly about Chilul HaShem, and Gemarah states that an Adam Chashov to be openly lax in Mitzvohs would be effecting a Chilul HaShem. Besides the mitzvah to be ‘clean’ from G-d and man – ?????? ?????. So it certainly behooves a Rabbi looking individual to explain his actions when they apparently contradict Halacha.
Now on to my incident, care to elaborate or enlighten us perhaps to a chazal, halacha, passuk or mekor that says “you’ve had enough Yiddishkite, you’ve filled your soul to the brim, now it’s perfectly OK to indulge in <unmentionable>”?
March 30, 2016 7:26 pm at 7:26 pm in reply to: Is it possible to exist as a frum man if you are not a #1144840Little FroggieParticipantYes, it is possible. I’m not a, and I’m frum. I think.
Little FroggieParticipantZD, Again (and again), as I wrote earlier, I truly regret that picture, that idea that you’re getting of me. No – I was not out to get at anyone. Controlling myself is enough a feat. I was just trying to hang on to any thread of normal decency, an echo of Kedusha, mere hours after being on holy soil…
YW won’t allow me to describe what I glanced upon… nor do I or anyone else here have a need or want. I (B”H) have no idea what the rate codes you enumerated were, only that it was pretty not so pretty. As Syag so eloquently wrote – something enough to burn right through the Neshamah. I don’t think HaShem uses any rating system.. And the thing was on THE WHOLE TIME!
No I wasn’t necessarily looking for trouble or ‘someone to step on’. I truly regret any indication of such I expressed.
Little FroggieParticipantWhy are people here so biting?!? I didn’t mean my thread as such.
Little FroggieParticipantFlatbusher..
Sometimes, even if one is doing something wrong and one know it, having another talk to him properly, appropriately, graciously will help him in the now and in the future to overcome Nisyonos. I’m not blessed with the power of speech, nor words (nor sechel), I don’t think I would have accomplished much, I only regret I didn’t try.
No, I’m not a tzaddik by any means (putting it mildly), sometime a word even from an anybody would do.
Little FroggieParticipantBored_on_the_Job:
I’m sorry for implying such, c”v. And I didn’t do anything ‘holy’, just trying to keep ‘clean’, out of trouble. And yes, I hope I am receptive to constructive (destructive too) criticism, mussar. That’s what a true friend does. Of course, if it’s said in an appropriate manner, it’s dissolved better, easier. That’s an art to be learnt. But yes, I hope, I truly hope to be receptive to Mussar, from ANYONE.
Why I mentioned the ‘chassidish’ looking – for the fact of the enormous Chilul HaShem he was making, I was SO ASHAMED!!! (I am sorry I couldn’t find the guts to say something appropriately – that’s part of my problem – I can’t speak up in real life – that’s why I hide in the CR and spew my mind off)
And why I mentioned about the matav around me – sorry – I was just inundated with all the indecency around me. I guess I shouldn’t have mentioned it.
Syag, you put it down so eloquently…
Little FroggieParticipantAl Rishon Rishon;
1) How do you SEE I’m a guy? Scary!! My computer screen doesn’t even have a camera, you put in a bug somewhere?!? I’m getting paranoid!
Now, for the umpteenth time, I NEVER claimed otherwise. At once I had a childish, immaturish, blitheful face here (don’t get me wrong, I still am!), I NEVER mingled chas v’sholom, always kept clear of ‘other’ convos. A cursory glance at profile history will suffice. I chose my face for a specific reason, which did in fact serve me.
2) I didn’t write I was saying Tehillim, I wrote that I read (learned) from that wonderful sefer/book. Its easy reading, easy especially on a tired, exhausted, zonked head, and the ideas and lessons stay for a lifetime. And I wrote, if you missed it, that I strategically placed a blanket between us, so that I shouldn’t have any problems. Though I was locked up there for most of that L-O-N-G flight from both sides, I was pretty much OK, with that cute ‘einfal’.
3) My family? Why is that an ha’aroh? Anyways family was on terry firmy. I’m not yet a millionaire, I don’t generally take family on every trip I take. (times are changing… maybe I’m becoming.. I’ll share with my best buddies here!!!)
Little FroggieParticipantCould someone out there tell me its simanim…
Come to think of it, I may have what to do with it…
Little FroggieParticipantI’ve been off coffee for the past one and a half hours
Little FroggieParticipantMy side effects? I begin thinking again.. Watch out, world!!
Little FroggieParticipantThank you. And yes, that’s what I meant ‘double the fun!’. (It’s probably going to be overseas, maybe some here will have a hookup – oversee!)
I’m just coming back from the initial party/ lchaim/ vort/ tnoim (hence the quiet here in the CR!) Now we have to try to get a whole Froggie family over. There’s a word for that. I think they say YIKES!!!
Little FroggieParticipantThank you!! I’m gonna need all the Brochos I can get! (forgot to mention, she’s from abroad… double the fun!)
Little FroggieParticipantOooh…
This post was created light years ago…. memories!!! (and pesach too is light years away)
As for us personally… we’re gonna have to cope with cleaning and Chasuna preparations together.
Little FroggieParticipantMAZAL TOV!! Seems like it’s the season of Simchos! Ken yirbu!!
Little FroggieParticipantWhat are you going to do without my valuable, sagacious, sound advice?!? Nu nu…
Little FroggieParticipantSomeone who gets too close to a helicopter chas vsholom, has it the other way….
Little FroggieParticipantMazel Tov to you, Oomis!
Little FroggieParticipantMine? First of all ’cause thats more or less all I am, a lowly froggie, a little one. Then also a constant reminder to keep myself in check, not to go overboard, make waves, big splash etc. Because then someone else might just do it!
Little FroggieParticipantI once sent someone VERY Pesach minded a Kosher for Passover mini Seder set. I wrote on it, it’s for Pesach Katan (for those who didn’t know, it generally falls out around Purim time)
Little FroggieParticipantWow!! Up until the end I thought that was how a Mod might feel… the true feelings of a Mighty Mod.. !!
Little FroggieParticipantJoseph, Frogette’s been telling me Bubba maises for a couple of years already, before I stumbled into this cozy room. (GASP!!!)
And I actually wrote (cryptically) when he became engaged! Every word I wrote was/is true:
Little FroggieParticipant..and to our son, for his little girl!
..and to our other son, for his BIG GIRL!!
Little FroggieParticipantWOW!!!!!
Mazel Tov to you!!!! Finally you get to tell bubba maises. (is this one too???)
Little FroggieParticipantActually yes. I did! OK, it was only for two weeks, but at least I got the feel of it. And I was most certainly greatful to one above who gave me the need to do laundry.
Little FroggieParticipantFor those so interested… I’ve officially removed my tichel!!
(hey.. there’s fresh air outside! It’s been weeks..)
Little FroggieParticipant16 and a half hours… I return to my former self
Little FroggieParticipantWonder who that is.
I had 262, tied in exactly with Eclipse
Little FroggieParticipantTorah613: Thank you, could use ALL the moral support I could get. Oh, btw I found three minutes to breathe, while typing now. Putting it mildly, it’s an experience!!
Today was a whooper; cleaning, looming deadlines, caring for stuck-on cutie, two ‘customers’ visits, laundry, four projects, supper, mostly concurrently. Should have named this thread “Experiment Gone Awry!!”
Seeing the satisfied, happy faces of my children make it all worth it.
Little FroggieParticipantWhere have all the stalkers gone?
Little FroggieParticipantNo one’s here from those days. Were you?
Little FroggieParticipantWOW!!
Just found a few minutes..
Thanks all!!
And Syag, thanks for asking, it’s really something of you to remember! She went back to her parents after some time.. things are working out B”H.
And Queen, I couldn’t imagine ANY wife working a FULL day’s work to come home to a house and… begin again. No! Actually, as I indicated many times before, my wife does (or did) work, a half day, had little me chauffeur her back and forth.. Can’t imagine one doing it a full day. Unless the husband is a full time home keeper.
There is one more added point to my workload (of love!), it’s that a man has to be out at least thrice daily… every day. And he needs to learn enough to keep his Neshamah alive…
Little FroggieParticipantI’m smiling… does anyone see?!?
Little FroggieParticipantQueen, you’re VERY perceptive..
I have now a couple of minutes.. (my boss is napping).
I actually have it a drop harder.. I have deadlines with clients.. and I use my thinkerator intensely for work, so I can’t allow it and my family responsibilities to conflict. Not an easy feat. But I don’t mind giving to Frogette what she deserves, long overdue. And she’ll have memories that linger long, long afterwards. It’s the first time she’s to the Holy Land for such a long time. In the past she’d indulge in ‘vacation’ only once every birth day (birth of our cuties).
Our family’s chipping in pretty nicely.. no, it’s not falling apart.. and no, they LOVE my cooking.. and I do try to bring in a cheerful atmosphere. It’s only that it all comes crashing at once, from evening on – – till my eyes close from exhaustion.
March 3, 2016 3:09 pm at 3:09 pm in reply to: survey – how often do you [men] daven for the amud? #1141118Little FroggieParticipantNo one is particularly interested in my croaking.. Last time was… I can’t ever recall!! Weekday – probably many, many moons ago. Shabbos – years.
Little FroggieParticipantOish…
Where was that one about who wears the dress in the house?!?
Little FroggieParticipantHEY!! Don’t laugh at my tzoros….
and also… there’s a limit to how much cornflakes one can consume..
Gotta go.. what’s th<<CONNECTION SNAPPED>>
Little FroggieParticipantI probably wrote “if you’re NOT ready”… (just kidding)
And yes, I WAS writing about the pain and sadness not the ill feelings. And yes, take your time. That’s why the offender must come back.. it’s not an automatic given. Take your time to heal, time and reflection can do it, along with a sincere apology. Again, a sincere one.
Little FroggieParticipantflatbusher:
“On a human level”.. what’s that?!? Mechila, emotions, feelings are exclusively for us humans. Furthermore – “..and al pi halacha I granted it..” What does that mean? Who FORCES you to be mochel?
The requirement to request Mechila is a means to somewhat lessen the pain, anguish, hurt. And if you’re not ready DON’T grant it yet. Mull over it, think it through, and if you’re ready with your whole heart grant it. Once you are mochel you cannot bear any ill feelings in your heart anymore. There were some greats who when asked for Mechila told the offender to come back in a few days to be able to think it through, to be able to grant Mechila with a full heart.
Asking Mechila is not a “kinder shpil”, a plaything. Gemarah says one who injured another, even after monetary compensation, is not forgiven until obtaining Mechila. So much more where no other compensation is involved. So much more where the hurt is in the the heart, the mind, ever ready for instant replay.
May you know of no more tzaar!
Little FroggieParticipantCouldn’t this all wait for another 3 months?
Little FroggieParticipantI have no push other than to do Ratzon HaShem.
My point is and was that while HaShem does want us to get along with one another, nothing trumps Halacha. Statements like “we cant let Halacha decide who to love..” or “all HaShem cares for is Ahavs Yisroel, the rest is nonsense” (ok nobody wrote that) is a slippery slope. As you in fact wrote at the end of your piece – “this is per rabbinical direction”. Halacha decides when and where to apply, to overlook, to be machmir, to be meikel.
If your point was that we can’t let halacha ADHERENCE to decide, then yes, of course you’re right. You just should have been clearer. But know, even in this case, there are sometimes when one does certain things, with certain attitudes, that make one “outside the camp”. Some are black on white, others in the grey…
Little FroggieParticipantSyag, Halachah DOES say who not to be respectful of. There IS a Shulchan Aruch and one must follow it. Otherwise we are not doing HaSHem’s ratzon, only our perverted, biased feelings. It is Halacha that mandates Ahavas Yisroel for those even not fully committed as long as they’re not reshaim, as long as they’re ???? ?????. To love and regard someone who is not, someone who is ??? ???? ????? as with any other Torah practicing Jew, is wrong, as the Chofetz Chaim writes, ???? ??????. So it is our Halacha which decides Halachos, Ahavas Yisroel included. Otherwise it is not ahavs yisroel, rather a secular culture code of manners. While maybe nice, nothing Jewish.
Little FroggieParticipant..and Mazel Tov upon your new subtitle!!
Little FroggieParticipantWOW!! Mazel Tov!!! (get her a screen name now.. three generations on the CR)