Little Froggie

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  • in reply to: Pesach for the First Time #1149717
    Little Froggie

    Hi SiDi, was going to ask you how it went. Glad it worked out.

    What I did is I bought a storage closet years ago and put my stuff inside. It all fit in, somehow. We move it in to our kitchen for the week of Pesach, and use it instead of our regular drawers for the duration of Pesach. I put wheels on the bottom of it to make it move mobile, and it’s a breeze. After packing everything into it Motzai Pesach, it gets wheeled into an unused corner of a bedroom, where it’s forgotten until the next year.

    in reply to: Can't Eat By In-Laws Who Eat Gebrochts on Pesach #1149964
    Little Froggie

    Rav Pam put it best. Do as you want, take care not to shtech anyone else. And that goes both ways. If my chumros or kulos do not affect anyone else, there’s no problem. If the sole problem is that I’m more Machmir and I’m not “in-your-face” there should be no problem.

    in reply to: computers on chol hamoed #1149633
    Little Froggie

    Am I allowed to answer you?!

    in reply to: Chol HaMoed 2016- 5776 #1149000
    Little Froggie

    Need a nice place for crowd that includes MIL (don’t know age), DIL (24), all the way through till boss (1 yr). A place that no one here knows about (wouldn’t want to meet up with anyone here)

    in reply to: I Want Moshiach NOW #1148857
    Little Froggie

    And I’m stuck trying to find a place suitable for our whole family… When will I get rescued…

    in reply to: Chasidim, comment what Chassidus or Rebbe you follow down below #1148420
    Little Froggie

    I don’t think HaShem needs to have faith in anyone. And Judaism is a bit more than that religion that calls for “all you need is faith in… all else is but minor technicalities”. No, Yidden have a Torah to follow. Emunah is an important thing… many other things follow. Having a clear trodden path in YiddishKite is important. Very important.

    And again, there is no need to go around (and around) with that “wake up tragedy calls..” thing again (and again). As the Gemarah says somewhere ???? – ???? ????? ?? ????

    in reply to: Chasidim, comment what Chassidus or Rebbe you follow down below #1148416
    Little Froggie

    A mentor or better yet a Rebbe, Manhig is there not only for the times a follower thinks he / she is in need of assistance. A Manhig is as its definition – one who leads, guides. A fool may delude himself into thinking he is in no need of guidance, he knows it all etc., while inside he is rotting away. A Manhig will get someway to point it out, to get him to reverse course. This is especially true of those who follow a true chasidish lifestyle. Each in their respective courts, each has a Manhig, who one is connected, heart and soul, down here where life takes place, and in the afterwards… read chassishe seforim…

    See what (Zohar?) says about ???? ?? ????? ?? ??? ????? ?, you might be in for a shock!!

    in reply to: Chasidim, comment what Chassidus or Rebbe you follow down below #1148414
    Little Froggie

    .. he then brings a mashal (parable) of a Rabbi who needed tapes of his speeches..

    Don’t know which area you’re from, I highly doubt the Chovas Halevavos had access to tapes his days.

    Someone here’s terribly mixed up. Refusing the blessings of a Rebbi, Rosh Yeshiva, Gadol etc. has nothing to do with the need of one to have a living guidance… Don’t think one should offer the “key to success in Judaism” before one truly knows what Judaism is all about. And some things are not DIY try-me-out kits. Some things in YiddishKite, most importantly Hashkafa, have to be taught from a mentor.

    in reply to: Chasidim, comment what Chassidus or Rebbe you follow down below #1148409
    Little Froggie

    When I need help, I go to the Godol (unspecified) who knows me best, through and through. He directs me as how to daven, learn, live like a Jew. That is what YiddishKite is all about. We don’t make our own roads, paths. We follow our Gedolim whoever they are. ?? ?? ????? ??? ?????, especially someone who confesses to be “chassidish”, this was one of the foremost characteristics, to follow a Manhig.

    We ALL Daven and “GO” to HaShem. For help, for gratitude, for closeness. It’s the Tzadikim who guide us. Without that step one is sure bound to get disillusioned, confised etc. Read what Seforim say about this..

    in reply to: hey, YW moderator-79! #1147881
    Little Froggie

    Wrong!! I won. I closed it before even opening!

    in reply to: Is it ever ok to pick up clothes from the cleaners on Chol Hamoed #1147925
    Little Froggie

    What charliehall said.

    in reply to: Is it ever ok to pick up clothes from the cleaners on Chol Hamoed #1147923
    Little Froggie

    its not ok

    in reply to: Is anti-Zionism the sin of the spies? #1149730
    Little Froggie

    -29, duly impressed!!! Since when do Moderator wax on the sublime?!?

    in reply to: Is Zionism the Yetzer Hora? #1148645
    Little Froggie

    Others would request you at least write “lehavdil” toch sloshim yom. Not to equate r”l this man-made festival with one divinely ordained.

    in reply to: Vaseline in hair #1147078
    Little Froggie

    No, I heard that peanut butter and then soap removes other stubborn things regular detergents don’t. Maybe it’s worth a try.

    in reply to: Vaseline in hair #1147075
    Little Froggie

    Peanut butter and soap?

    in reply to: Why it Takes Some People a Year or Two To Comment on a Thread #1215860
    Little Froggie

    Wow!!! I can’t believe how silly I once was… (and still am)

    Were those really mine?!?

    in reply to: Stop doing your banking in the middle of davening! #1147169
    Little Froggie

    If it’s cold outside, how’d you come in without a coat? Should I take it off outside???

    in reply to: Is Zionism the Yetzer Hora? #1148628
    Little Froggie

    yeah, some catch on…

    in reply to: Is Zionism the Yetzer Hora? #1148623
    Little Froggie

    Feivel, you forgot your keys???

    They grabbed ’em away, one dark ally, these guys are dangerous!! -80

    in reply to: School buses. #1146766
    Little Froggie

    That why they generally travel in the direction the driver is facing..

    in reply to: Posting vs. Cleaning #1215922
    Little Froggie

    Maybe you have less ‘things’ than chametz crumbs. By me…

    in reply to: Mitzvohs for driving an automobile #1146194
    Little Froggie

    B”H I have one less thing to worry about. It’s been ages since I had a car with a working horn (gasp). And I live in NYC (gasp again).

    And to all other cars unfortunate enough to get in back of me, I say the pasuk ???? ??? ????? ?? ????.

    in reply to: Why Don't We Bring a Korban Chatas After Pesach? #1145884
    Little Froggie

    Sidi: Same as in another post: pun intended!

    Wolf: I’m sorry I implied so. I just wanted the olam to know that that ‘inyan’ is not just “made up”, it’s brought down in Medrash.


    in reply to: Mitzvohs for driving an automobile #1146192
    Little Froggie

    Annoying someone is an aveira.

    in reply to: Posting vs. Cleaning #1215920
    Little Froggie

    Actually I’d like to do that to my house. Pick it, up turn it over, and shake it out!

    in reply to: Smile! Everyone!! #1145832
    Little Froggie

    Does EVERYBODY find it hard to post while smiling?!?

    in reply to: Need Suggestions – Our Son Needs Yeshiva #1149015
    Little Froggie

    I once wrote a long one on this. Maybe a bit too busy these days…

    The gist of it was something to the effect of that HaShem, who has provided for us in the past, with or without an advanced secular college education, can do so quite easily in the future. For as long as there are humans treading this here earth.

    ?????? ????? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???? ??? ????.

    Might I remind you, He is still in the driver’s seat!

    in reply to: Mitzvohs for driving an automobile #1146184
    Little Froggie

    Not to kill another.

    Not to injure another.

    Not to do damage to another.

    Most frum drives observe these mitzvohs.

    in reply to: Why Don't We Bring a Korban Chatas After Pesach? #1145879
    Little Froggie


    Wolfish: Thing I mentioned is a Medrash, not to be trifled. Of course you’re correct in reality. But that inyan is from Medrash, divrei Elokim chaim.

    <Back to REAL SELF MODE>

    Golfer: Do you really think I’m leaving anytime soon?!?

    in reply to: Why Don't We Bring a Korban Chatas After Pesach? #1145874
    Little Froggie

    I’m referring to one of the reasons a woman bring such a korban after birth of a child.

    (oish, dissected another joke..)

    in reply to: Posting vs. Cleaning #1215918
    Little Froggie

    WB, SiDi, long time no sea..

    Anyways maybe next year I’ll make (more) holes in the car so that all chametz falls directly out.

    in reply to: Posting vs. Cleaning #1215916
    Little Froggie

    I Kashered my car today. Took about 5 and a half hours. If you saw what it looked like, you’d understand. (problem was I lent it out and got it back with ????? – ??? ????, all around the place)

    Whoever finds another cheerio in my car can keep it FREE. (limit one per family)

    in reply to: For Robots Only #1145784
    Little Froggie

    I suspect humans are invading this thread…

    in reply to: Another Boring Thread.. #1145779
    Little Froggie

    Seems like EVERYONE here is into the cleaning… Ooops, that reminds me…

    in reply to: Do I greet with a Gut Shabbos or a Gut Voch? #1145857
    Little Froggie

    29, no, you could strive to be more holier, kinder, more thoughtful being. As long as you’re alive, (I suppose you are) you can achieve much. You could be!!! Trust in yourself. You made it nearly to the top, you’re a MOD!!!

    take it from a lowly little froggie

    in reply to: Hobbies for men #1147219
    Little Froggie

    How did a Bubby become a man?

    in reply to: Hobbies for men #1147217
    Little Froggie

    That I did many years ago.

    It was a breeze!!

    in reply to: Is Zionism the Yetzer Hora? #1148563
    Little Froggie

    My, my.

    You guys are one month early. You forgot, we added an extra month this year!

    in reply to: Bilblical Media #1145654
    Little Froggie

    ZD: nor does anyone else. But when one learns in a sefer and then comes across individuals “met” in the entertainment media, one subconsciously connects, and that is very damaging.

    As it is, the media today, even “kosher” stuff, dulls the brain so much, educators have a real hard time combating those effects and after effects, when trying to teach from a black and white stationary book or sefer. Trying to teach concepts, ideas. Kids who have and use these media outlets have a much harder time sitting in and learning.

    I made the mistake on year and bought my kids a presentation that just came out, thinking there could be nothing wrong. OK, a lot of parts were cute (“Help!! He’s killing the gods!!”..) But to envision our founding fathers as depicted in the goyishe entertainment industry’s image – nope, not a good idea at all. I pulled it.

    No, Avraham Avinu and Sara Emeinu certainly did not leave Charan as hero and heroine smiling, holding hands!! And I’d rather my children don’t get that picture!

    in reply to: Do I greet with a Gut Shabbos or a Gut Voch? #1145847
    Little Froggie

    A gutte Voch. A gutte Yoch. A gutte something.

    in reply to: Why don't we all look similar? #1195398
    Little Froggie

    Our great Creator up there, in His Wisdom decided to create each in his/her own unique form, never before used or imitated. Masterful artist that He is, each one is truly a masterpiece, a refelection of its designer! ?? ???? ???? ????.

    in reply to: Hobbies for men #1147215
    Little Froggie

    Cleaning rooms.

    Baking Matzhos.

    in reply to: What Did He Gain? #1145554
    Little Froggie

    You are right!

    Thank you

    in reply to: Posting vs. Cleaning #1215914
    Little Froggie

    Golfer: Please don’t you or anyone else (besides Frogette) feel bad for me. OK. I’m not really breaking out in a sweat… there’s something called “dramatic effect”.. And yes, I do get a bit nervous, especially when I read how far others are holding, but I’m not exactly freaked out…

    And yes, I do make an especial effort to clean and work with a simcha’dig atmosphere. To have in mind why we’re doing it, for whom we’re working. I do try keep my family ( Frogette included) upbeat, with that elated, expectant, excited mood. It’s just my inner sense of reality that gets to me from time to time. Funny thing, every year we forget that somehow we made it the previous year!!

    in reply to: Posting vs. Cleaning #1215906
    Little Froggie

    Queen: NOT REALLY joking. Joking about turning over and resuming my sleep… How, for heaven goodness do you find time now for crocheting?!?

    in reply to: Posting vs. Cleaning #1215904
    Little Froggie

    Thanks (and no thanks) Queen! B”H Chasuna is in the summer, not imminent, still a lot extra to tend to this year. Baruch HaShem!! Chasuna is ??”? in Eretz Yisroel, so preparations are of a different (and uncharted) nature.

    And the cleaning… 1 / 8!! Yes, this makes me a bit more than anxious… I break out in a cold sweat in middle of the night… then I turn over and resume…

    in reply to: Broken filter #1144951
    Little Froggie

    It’s just this time of year.

    in reply to: Broken filter #1144948
    Little Froggie

    Mine too. I think it’s in the water. It’s dirtier at this season, so it clogs up faster. On Shabbos we practically had a trickle.

    in reply to: Asia #1150852
    Little Froggie

    My home, Brooklyn.

    Where the word jungle was invented.

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