Forum Replies Created
June 1, 2016 4:15 pm at 4:15 pm in reply to: Why the lack of Tznius on Internet Simcha sites?! #1153710Little FroggieParticipant
GAW, we do the ??? ?? ???, mentioned in Gitten.
June 1, 2016 3:25 pm at 3:25 pm in reply to: Why the lack of Tznius on Internet Simcha sites?! #1153704Little FroggieParticipantAgain, with that same mantra, over and over again. That seems to be the main calling of some community. “Careful with chumrus. Make sure to do EVERYTHING and ANYTHING possible permitted by any standard, and rabbi any deah. Do not try to elevate yourself. And.. SEE WHAT HAPPEND BY THE FIRST CHUMRA!”
That should really be enough to frighten anyone…
FYI ?????? ???? is written explicitly in the Torah. ?? ???? ???… that’s the limit (actually right before, ???? ?????..)
June 1, 2016 4:19 am at 4:19 am in reply to: Why the lack of Tznius on Internet Simcha sites?! #1153693Little FroggieParticipantIf one does not feel that sense of tznuis, the inner core of a true Bas Yisroel there’s nothing to explain, argue, debate. No, it’s not written anywhere on a black on white. It’s in the essence of a Jewish (???????) Bas Melech. Our princess are of bigger stuff than the pruste ogle things plastered all over town, newspapers and posters in the Goyeshe velt. And the more they’re enclosed, protected, bashitzed, the more they shine!! A Kalla;s inner beauty is reserved for her someone special. Exclusively.
And might I remind peoplach, we don’t pasken ???? ??????.. ??? ?????, Gemarah immediately says Halacha is not so.
Little FroggieParticipantWhy is everyone all of a sudden so interested in what I have to say?!?
Wolfish, my answer to you is that I can not picture such an occurrence, so I can NOT answer you. It’s an impossibility, my mind cannot conjecture such an event. ??????? ??’ ????? ???? is a real part of my / our upbringing, ????? ????? ??? is for real by us. When one finds a ?? ????? ????? ??, it’s hard, quite hard to come up with such a scenario.
When we ask a sha’alo from our Rebbe we follow through, in Torah, in Avodah and in the mundane. Because we understand that WE DON’T UNDERSTAND, and that Tzadik has Daas Torah, ????? ?????, and a much more elevated vision. And HaShem has not let His Torah Greats down. ?????? ???? ??? ?????? goes for Torah and Avodah, and for mundane, earthly aspects too. And it goes with anyone who learns Torah lishma, each according to his level. HaShem sends His Heavenly assistance, his wisdom through these great leaders. ???? ?????? ?????? is for real, live and kicking. Today too!!
Take, for instance Reb Moshe ztz”l, the paragon ???? ??? ???. He was once forced to tell a woman how he paskened over two thousand ????? cases, and was assisted with ????? ?????, not to be ???? with a one.
I’m not sure if ????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? applies to divrei chol too (I’m not into Halacha, Gemarah, Sefarim). But you’d be pretty darn stupid to go against a Tzadik’s advice.
No. A ??? ???? ?? ?????? is not such a grand thing. A quote from Rabbi Miller ztzal (one of his books, forgot which): so the ***** (edited by me, for some various reasons) query “should we listen to the Rabbis like blind sheep?” Indeed we are blind sheep, without our Torah leaders. They are our ???? ????, they are the ones that have a true, clear vision.
To Mods: Slight complaint, why’d you let the word “misleading” in someone’s post. That’s misleading!!
May 30, 2016 7:23 pm at 7:23 pm in reply to: Stealing permitted in order to save ones life? #1153447Little FroggieParticipantSam: It’s certainly not I that gets to determine. And definitely one that comes to say there is no daas tarah, has none!!
And before you get to decide what is avoda zara etc. kindly defer to those a bit greater than you!! (whoops, forgot, you don’t hold of it)
And FYI, we do pasken like R. AKIVA ?? ?’ ?’ ???? ?????.. as I wrote before HaShem is telling us to follow. And that in the Gemarah too. He is not telling us to do avodah zara. Or border line. Or whatever else you call it.
And the reason you claim “I find it weird that a fundamental of faith is found nowhere in Shas” (again, you only accept print, no calling on mesorah), is because EVERYONE was loyal to the Chachamim. No one questioned them as some do today. (Why is the Gemarah relating the incident of ??? ????? Only to prove this point).
If you don’t want or care to follow a mesorah, Chachamim, too bad for you. Following some “chachamim” that say not to follow Chachamim? Oh really?!?
We’ll stick with our cherished ???? ????, our leaders, Torah greats, who will guide us through the Galus with their light!!
May 30, 2016 3:18 pm at 3:18 pm in reply to: Stealing permitted in order to save ones life? #1153437Little FroggieParticipantnewbee: I’m not going to argue with you about this. It’s not my reasoning, decision, nothing to do with me. And I don’t have to defend it, Rav Elchonon doesn’t need little me to stick up for him.
Calling a Kadosh Elyon wrong is over the line. There is nothing, nothing I could say more than “watch your mouth”. And that is my macha’a.
<<End of discussion>>
May 30, 2016 3:10 pm at 3:10 pm in reply to: Stealing permitted in order to save ones life? #1153436Little FroggieParticipantSam: I’m sorry. Some were raised and brought up with some view (obviously lacking Daas Torah) that there is no daas Torah. According to their views everything has to match ACCORDING TO THEIR UNDERSTANDING to something written bfeirush in Torah or Chazal. Every thing has to make sense to them before accepting. So of course this concept is difficult for some to comprehend.
We, however, were brought up with the dictum of Emnunas Tzadikim. The concept of ????? ?????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ????. The idea of ??? ?? ??. The adage of ???? ??? ????? ????. Sorry. I got that from a bfeirushe Mishna. By us Rabbonim, Gedolei Torah are held in the highest esteem, their word is the word of G-D. And is Daas Torah. For that is what HaShem told us to do!!! HaShem wouldn’t have told us to listen to them if He didn’t want us to. Our Gedolim are not Nevi’im. They were not meant to be. They are much greater. AND WE ARE BIDDEN LO LISTEN TO THEM!!
May 30, 2016 1:40 pm at 1:40 pm in reply to: Great story (re sacrifices in Torah) urgently required! #1153727Little FroggieParticipantWhy don’t you relate about me, Little Froggie, who gives up from his precious time just to help others here grow spiritually…
May 30, 2016 6:42 am at 6:42 am in reply to: Stealing permitted in order to save ones life? #1153425Little FroggieParticipantKindly cool it, newbee. A bit of respect for the Godolei Olam, Kedoshim uTehorim of the past.
Their psak was divrei Elokim Chaim. Contrary to your (and many other’s) belief, their ruling was not a haphazard saying, byword or assumption. They knew the gravity of their words, gave precise, directed rulings. And they knew what they were talking about. I would think it’s utter chutzpa to address these Gedolim in such a manner.
FYI, you claim that your ancestor came here was frum and etc. and here you are. Woopie Doo. How many thousands of other were not. Do you know the figure of the masses of Jews that came in that era, and prior to it, only to be TOTALLY LOST? Them, their children etc? OK? And those that were murdered, did so keeping the Torah, so they did not have a misas neshamah r”l. Open a sefer, kindly, (that’s a Jewish book) and read about ???? ??????? ???? ?? ??????.
Yes, those that were nebach killed, with Shma on their lips, were a lot luckier than those that came here to abandon their Jewishness.
May 29, 2016 10:24 pm at 10:24 pm in reply to: Stealing permitted in order to save ones life? #1153417Little FroggieParticipantnewbee, Obviously the Gedolim of that time, who ruled differently, dared disagree with you. And they don’t need my one and a half sense, but I can easily surmise they held that coming to America is akin to total shmad, which unfortunately was the rule of the day for most, and one must give up one’s life for that.
May 29, 2016 3:28 pm at 3:28 pm in reply to: Stealing permitted in order to save ones life? #1153414Little FroggieParticipantI don’t recall anything about the Holy Chafetz Chaim foretelling, I do know that R’ Elchonon did, and he was quite open about it. He wrote about it in Kuntraisim (forgot which). Other Torah giants and Tzadikkim were also quite open about it, they urged their flock to do Tshuva, mend their ways. Some, like in the time of the Churban, were hushed, “why are you making such a tumult?”, etc. and their reply was, “what should I do? We’re saying what we see”.
Little FroggieParticipantAs I’ve said before, I can help. I know how. Just ask the countless people I’ve counselled, guided, coached. I’m trained, certified. I’ll even do it for free… I see you could really benefit from my services…
Little FroggieParticipantGenerally yes, unless the meforshim say otherwise. And I refering to the real meforshim, not the modern day Drs, theologians etc. who easily wash away any Torah with “it’s not to be taken literally”, “not to be taken seriously”, “doesn’t apply today”, “modern society has advanced..”
Little FroggieParticipantMA, seems like your always complaining about the level, status, matzav of Kedusha of Achainu Bais Yisroel. Always the first to condemn, find fault (true or otherwise), criticize.. at any opportunity (and even without one!)
I can help you. I help people like you… see the light (stars). It’s my profession… (sure)
Little FroggieParticipantmw13:
Thank you for you beautiful, thoughtful post!
Little FroggieParticipanthaven’t said WHERE
Little FroggieParticipantoops, forgot to mention.. deep down I’m from the human species. And if you REALLY must know, it’s of the male variety. (You haven’t stated your’s, nor brought the necessary documents/ proofs, for all I know, I might be ‘speaking’ to a woman or female, whichever comes first. Gasp!)
Little FroggieParticipantIt’s OK. You could talk to me from today till next doomsday… it won’t affect you (or me, or anyone). You’ll still have your shalom bais (if you had beforehand!) And that’s a campaign promise (Kunda line)
so says Froggie the little
Little FroggieParticipanty’mean me?!?
Little FroggieParticipantSorry so late.. Hope I didn’t keep you anxious..
It’s the teeny bit of advise at the top
Little FroggieParticipantHaShem actually condoned it. ?????? ???? ????. HaShem told Avimelech to give back Sarah, and that Avraham Avinu would daven for him and he would live.
May 20, 2016 5:14 pm at 5:14 pm in reply to: Help needed – contacting Rabbi Yitzchak Lerner #1152284Little FroggieParticipantWow! That’s a contradiction to his screen name.
Little FroggieParticipantSeems EVERYONE listened to my advise..
Little FroggieParticipantOish… such good times we had here…
Little FroggieParticipantJust to help out the matzav…
Little FroggieParticipantthat’s wow as in (like mod says) “Gee”. Or Gosh! Or Heavens! Or Gevald!
Little FroggieParticipantSomeone told me it’s quite scary. They needed planes to put out a fire some troublemakers had started… it grew too big, too fast..
Little make peace between the Zionists, the MOs, the NKs, the OOTs, full time learners, mosers…
Little FroggieParticipantDo Mods actually lower themselves to take part of our mundane, temporal, menial convos?!?
Little FroggieParticipantI come here to develop my sechel hayashar, and to forecast my mood for the day..
Little FroggieParticipantInteresting fact to note: All OOT measure their distance from the “inland”; twenty minutes from Brookly, one hour away, etc.
(me too, I’m just east of ‘YiddishKite’)
May 12, 2016 7:06 pm at 7:06 pm in reply to: Chief Rabbi: Could we sit and study Torah without soldiers? #1151801Little FroggieParticipant“..To anyone Frum, Yom Ha’atzma’ut is about thanking HKBH..”
Highly doubt that!! This chaga is in commemoration of the day years ago, erev shabbos, five minutes to shkia, they proclaimed ???? ??? ??????.. Nothing especial to thank for… (thank you for letting us sin)
(maybe the were mekayem ?????? ???? ???? ?????? ????)
May 12, 2016 5:44 pm at 5:44 pm in reply to: Chief Rabbi: Could we sit and study Torah without soldiers? #1151789Little FroggieParticipantI wrote I wasn’t going to START, someone else is trying really hard!!
Avi K; David Hamelech’s army constituted talmedei chachamoim of repute.. While engaging the enemy they had Torah in their minds and mouth.. (how does an amputee make chalitza.. can one save himself with another’s money.. tamun b’eish..) Highly doubt that is the story today…
Little FroggieParticipantI humbly disagree. Any amount of intention of Kovod Shabbos is in itself a meritorious act. The fact that one enjoys himself too, is HaShem’s great kindness, he lets us eat the cake too. And enjoy ourselves!! But Kavod Shabbos it is!!
Nothing is “beyond the level” of doing HaShem’s mitzvohs. (would he say he’s not on the level of putting on tefillin?)
And I think that saying, yes – verbally saying out “Lekavod Shabbos” is important. You may not have to SHOUT, but saying it creates the spiritual essence it was intended to. Mere thinking, while to a degree potent, is not as powerful as going verbal. (never heard of that story, maybe because he only thought it)
Little FroggieParticipant..Shudder..
that’s an extra 10 seconds
Little FroggieParticipantThis year either…
Little FroggieParticipantI’ve also heard of that Rabbi who mocked and said “l’chvoid my boich”. Wrong. Wrong. And again, WRONG!!!
In halacha it says when doing, preparing something for Shabbos, one should say “Lekavod Shabbos Kodesh” (don’t know where, sources, anyone?) That uplifts the actions, and indeed turns the mundane into something of holiness.
We are bidden by the Torah to eat, rest, enjoy ourselves, on the holy day. ????? ???? ????. And that is Kavod Shabbos. We are enjoying ourselves (or as a baser person would say “our boich”), because that is how HaShem enjoined us to. That in itself is Kavod HaSHem and His Shabbos. Of course there are more sublime levels, as there are to anything related to holiness, but that in itself is something of great importance. To have in mind we are enjoying ourselves because we are doing Ratzon HaBorei. Our souls too have a much greater oppertunity to be in sync with HaShem and His Torah, levels of Kedusha, when the body is in a state of serene, rest, peacefulness.
Read what Rabbi Miller ztatzal (Yahtzeit this week) has to say about this subject!
Little FroggieParticipantOish..
Here we have our collective Mashiach (oopps, I meant Mashgiach) always close at hand to gauge, measure, examine, analyze our connection status, at all times, to HaShem. Thanks for the test. Now I know where I failed…
Jewish Source: I believe you’re most definitely correct. Living like a Jew ought to be like is a much harder, longer Nisayon. Billam was not able to – he was only able to request dying like a just person – ???? ???? ??? ?????. We Jew have a higher calling – to live like a Jew. To effect a Kiddush HaShem even at rest, leisure. ??? ?????? ?????? ?? ???. That’s something more sublime!!
May 6, 2016 3:12 pm at 3:12 pm in reply to: What to do (law school question) VERY IMPORTANT #1152867Little FroggieParticipantIf a ‘Veltz Meshugener’ could get into law school, what does that say…
Little FroggieParticipantYou’re all wrong.. it’s whenever I pop in my .5 cents of sense, that it gets <DELETED> or [closed].
Take this one, for exam<<ZAP>>
Little FroggieParticipantThat’s a long quote. Sure you’re not adding a bit??
Little FroggieParticipantMay you too be answered. Better ‘oily’ then late!!!
Little FroggieParticipantAsk a Shaalah from a competent Rav. Don’t rely on the two word answers you so often find here.
May 1, 2016 8:35 pm at 8:35 pm in reply to: Are internet comments controlling your thoughts? #1150121Little FroggieParticipantOh is it controlling my thoughts… esp. comments on a certain site..
May 1, 2016 5:50 pm at 5:50 pm in reply to: Can't Eat By In-Laws Who Eat Gebrochts on Pesach #1150027Little FroggieParticipantHear you!!
I like your previous piece too. Well written!
May 1, 2016 5:22 pm at 5:22 pm in reply to: Can't Eat By In-Laws Who Eat Gebrochts on Pesach #1150025Little FroggieParticipantSyag.. hungry?!? Let ’em come here and help (ME!!) themselves to my pile of potatoes, eggs, carrots, onions… ?? ?????…PLEASE!! Miscalculated on the Matzah this year and ended up with ??”?…
I’m not saying they shouldn’t buy, but the way it’s put down, it sounds, pardon, “grub”. I’ve not seen it (nor do I wish to, I’d like to think the best of Am Hakadosh), but the way some describe famished souls craving on line for some.. cherished chametz.. don’t know… maybe you’re right..
Little FroggieParticipantnO oNe rEaLlY mInDs iF yOu pOsT a lItTlE. iT’s wHeN…
May 1, 2016 3:40 pm at 3:40 pm in reply to: Can't Eat By In-Laws Who Eat Gebrochts on Pesach #1150020Little FroggieParticipantOomis, same here, we’re all sad it want to quickly. I mean, after all the preparations and cleaning… y’know, we’d like a chance to savor it a bit more…
As far as the lines of the utterly famished craving masses.. it doesn’t sit well with me.. I’m not to judge anyone, but.. so many of us.. with such a CRAVING.. to wait on line.. out the doors?!? That’s what our fathers did years ago, when they were craving life itself!! Isn’t that a bit too much?!?!? It’s certainly no mitzvah to eat matzah after Pesach.. but a bit of longing.. contemplating.. lingering echoes of this most beautiful Yom Tov. To dash out for a mouthful of chamezt? Isn’t it a bit like the ones who are going to run out of their Sukkah and kick it down?
Little FroggieParticipantNo, it means to include me.
Little FroggieParticipantSame here!!! I got to feel what a stuffed chicken feels like!