Forum Replies Created
Little FroggieParticipant
Long enough to attract all types of personalities. And persons (supposing you are such).
Little FroggieParticipantNo, Syag. Keep your hair!!
I just said that we should act in a more refined manner. As Meno wrote – men and women. It’s just that women (are supposed to) have a more internal and natural sense of privacy, discreetness, modesty. And JF there’s nothing wrong with talking or laughing in the street. If others can hear it a block away, that’s being “girl off the street”. Of course as Syag put it, it differs from community to community. Things that stand out in one community are perfectly fine in another.
But as a general rule one should strive to behave as a prince and princess of HaShem. That’s who we actually are. Remembering that and acting as such helps us in our strive to do His bidding. We are not commoners off the street.
May all our street be filled with glee and laughter!!!!
Little FroggieParticipantI’m scared I’ll start floating there
Little FroggieParticipantActually there is. Jewish women are not “girls off the street”. We are an Am Hanivchar, an especial unique nation with higher standards. Es passt nisht. We behave as prices and princesses.
Little FroggieParticipantsome people are not shomer nekamah
Little FroggieParticipantI’m just about over doing. Iv’e been doing all day.
Little FroggieParticipantQuitter?!?
I’d say you’re a brave, courageous, intelligent person. Someone strong enough to stand up for principles and priorities. There aren’t too many of that model these days….
????? ???? ?? ???!!
Little FroggieParticipantMazel Tov to you Syag!! (Welcome to the club)
Little FroggieParticipantEmail her a link to this thread!!
August 7, 2016 7:53 pm at 7:53 pm in reply to: Words from an ex IDF solider for Yom HaZikaron #1163279Little FroggieParticipantOooohhhh
Such good times we had years ago…. Where’s everyone today?!?
Little FroggieParticipantYourNsmeIsSecretNoMore
Little FroggieParticipantThere are things she should be wary of that can ruin more than Shidduchim. At times people’s priorities become warped (supposing this thread is not a troll, which I surely hope it is).
Again, to the OP, I don’t know you, nor do I care to. If you’re a Bas Yisroel, a coreligionist, I call out to you to take much caution… it’s a wild ride out there… There’s a lot, a lot you don’t understand, comprehend, cannot fathom.. DON’T BE SORRY LATER.
If your own juvenile, innocent intuition has not alerted you yet, or maybe too overwhelmed by transient, temporal glitter), take it from those more experienced…
August 4, 2016 5:16 pm at 5:16 pm in reply to: An Israeli tries to understand life in America #1163829Little FroggieParticipantBarry:
Some may be waiting for Moshiach to make the move. For some it’s not practical, or things may not work out. Rabbi Miller zatzal was against the move unless one was assured of a financial support system/stability. Of course things have changed since… but still there are a lot of considerations before one can actually make the move.
To those that were zoche and actually live there now.. Ashreichem! They’re privileged to be living in the King’s vicinity, palace! It comes, of course with a certain responsibility, a more sublime standard of living… but at the end of the day, it’s all worth it.
I was zoche just recently to spend three weeks in E.Y., while marrying off our son ?”?. I come there quite often, but never yet spend such a long span of time, nor took my whole family along.
Don’t take it from some of these people. ???? ???? ???? ????!!! Fascinating!! Both in Ruchnius and Gashmius!! Such beautiful places to visit.. so different. And all so (relatively) close!
I wrote about it in another thread. What I noticed about the people is they’re totally BUSY. From the morning (early morning) till night. There’s no lazying out there. Those who spend their time learning are (mostly) doing it with a zest, putting in full hours.. producing.. productive. See how many new seforim and pamphlets come out there.. Avodas HaShem like no where else. Then at the other end, those who are not engaged in this holy task, are at least being busy, productive, fulfilling, industrious. Everything there is fast paced.. the language (if one can follow..) ten miles opps I mean kilometers a minute).
A most unique land, for a most unique nation!!
Little FroggieParticipantTo the OP:
Tell me you’re just trolling (from the wording of the question), you’re not actually gonna be there…
GET REAL.. use Bina Yeseira HaShem gave to womenfolk – for this purpose – to see things through. Use your unbiased intuition and DON’T feel sorry c”v later. If one shouldn’t trust one’s OWN Yetzer, how much more someone else’s!!! What does the Mishna say about the level of Yiras Shamaim of doctors in general???
Regardless of the Psak of your Rabbi or Rov, I say take extreme care, and again, don’t be sorry c”v later..
Little FroggieParticipantcontinue.. If you don’t have seichel… then what??? (it’s nogea)
Little FroggieParticipant— Forgot to mention
Thanks to some of the posters here for their ideas of where to go. We had a blast of a time. MEMORIES!! (yes, the ?? ???? is salty)
Little FroggieParticipantyeah.. that’s how we were packed into those 4.5 square inches our family was allotted to in economy section.
Oh.. you have feet? No. You must pay for a seat in business class..
Little FroggieParticipantI carpool about a minyan of women every day, Frogette gets on the first and leaves last. On the rare occasion she as a need to get off earlier, I have no problem continuing on with them, it’s broad daylight. They are of the more edele kind and more often opt to get off earlier.
Personally, I would stop, in daytime hours, for any woman at need enough to request a ride of me. It does not happen that often at all, but has happened, especially older ones at a need to get somewhere quick.
-my two aguros
Little FroggieParticipantJust you wait till I get back IY”H…
Little FroggieParticipantMy son got married here in EY last week. It was B”H a gorgeous chasuna. So many people I knew & didn’t. IY”H by all of you – simchos bkorov and lots of nachas from your children.
Little FroggieParticipantWhat a most beautiful land!!! No place or time to think about the evils of others…
???? ???? ???? ????!!
You see here how every piece of land is utilized to its maximum, everyone here is productive, up and alive from very early in the day. Bochurim and Kollel with the optimum sublime career of Torah, others with other mundane professions. All are busy, all day. Fruitful, productive, lively, with zest. A place like the Ohr Hachaim writes (yahrtzeit today) – a land thats worthy of Am Yisroel and an Am Yisroel thats worthy of Eretz Yisroel
Little FroggieParticipantZD I know that, that’s what I wrote earlier. I’m looking for both, mekomos hakedoshim and fun places. I want to give them a lifetime of memories! Don’t know when Froggie & Co. would be able to do this again… (unless every CR member donates 1 new sheqel to the worthy cause)
Little FroggieParticipantRY, you repeated yourself quite a few times in that post.. Could have narrowed it down to one sentence.
Little FroggieParticipantThank you, (Rebbe, Rabbi) Sam2.
Little FroggieParticipantI wanted to write earlier, before my eyes drooped…
Sometimes teens forget the Mitzvah in the Torah ??? ?? ???? ??? ???. They’ll run around doing “mitzvohs”, segulos, farfrumte etc. while neglecting this one special mitzvah. In seforim it’s brought down that it’s part of / rooted in hakaras hatov and that is for just the very single act of bringing him / her into the world of opportunity. ?????, for that alone it’s worth all the thanks and reciprocation.
Then add to that what most parents do for their children (as outlined in the ?????? on Shavuos) and this Mitzvah will take on another meaning.
But even without all this – it’s an explicit Mitzvah in the Torah, we do because HaShem told us to do. ????? ????? ?????. An eved HaShem will do all His commandments with a fervor and geshmack!!
It’s a hard Mitzvah, especially for teens, because it involves parents whom teens may not always see eye to eye (putting it mildly) and even for others, because it involves another, a close relative who is at times on a different page… ??? ???”? ?? ??????? ?? ???????, HaShem takes all this into account… it’s call the hardest of the hardest mitzvah… there’s also the greatest reward for it, in this world and in the next ????? ????? ????? ???.
Little FroggieParticipantThank you, writersoul.
Will ??”? try some of those.
Little FroggieParticipantMrs. D;
Totally agree with you.
From the wording (and s/n) of the OP, it’s quite obvious she’s the teenage child. Possibly letting off some seam here. Venting her frustration, anger or etc..
Little FroggieParticipantFortunately, as I entioned, we have B”H family ranging from 1 to 17, of varying genders. So I can/t really tour Yeshivos, do the Mikve, or visit gedolim (no, I’m sure R. Chaim has more important issues on his mind than meeting up with the famous Froggie family). And the ministries have no use for my sagacious input, nor my company.
Also, mekomos hakedoshim is important, very important, but I think it’s a good idea to show the family the “fun” side of Eretz Yisroel too. A good taste that will last a lifetime. A something that will explain to them ?? ???? ?? ??.
Little FroggieParticipantHow interesting…
We just made a Chasuna B”H, here, in Eretz Yisroel. Still can’t believe we pulled this thing through… Chasadim Tovim constantly from Hakadish Boruch Hu, at every turn…
Our mechutanim requested the Kesuba reading and chose to give most of the Brachos to our side.. including the last one.
Little FroggieParticipantSorry CA, got a bit busy these days… my son is IY”H and b’ezras HaShem (you better bet so) getting married in Eretz Yisroel…
I heard that from my Rosh Yeshiva some time ago. (that’s giving away I was once actually in a Yeshiva – what I did there? – no comment)
IY”H Besuros Tovos by all!! Lots and lots of Simchos, Yeshuos Brachos for all…
Little FroggieParticipantAnd the answer I heard about that was that a father has the ENTIRE picture in mind, he will do what is beneficial for his son. As in the shmooze I heard – a mother will give her son poison if he begs too much. So a father will have the real, total rachmanus of his child in mind and only do what’s really good, through and through. That’s called ????? ?????. Good on all sides.
??? ??? ????
Little FroggieParticipantOh yeah… that was reishis tzmichas galuseinu..
Little FroggieParticipantNobody posts Lashon Hara. If you indicate otherwise, you’re posting lashon hara
June 17, 2016 5:13 pm at 5:13 pm in reply to: Shaking hands with the opposite gender, in Israel #1155583Little FroggieParticipantOK, so I guess we’ll have to use DY’s line (to dissect.. for those who obviously didn’t chap) “the Rabbi said I can shake your hand. You’re unattractive”
Let me just relate a story I read in Rav Moshe’s Haggadah:
A man was to have an interview regarding a position for employment. It was during sefira, he asked Rav Moshe ztz”l if he could be lenient and shave because it was apparently unkempt, unbecoming etc. Reb Moshe could not permit it, he gave a bracha that regardless, even without shaving, he should have hatzlacha. (Yeah, I know others here will complain he’s overstepping… Dass Torah…!!! but that’s the story)
At the last moment this individual caved in and shaved to make his appearance becoming. He had his interview and all seemed well. Then this non-Jew asked him why he shaved when he’d interviewed other Jews and noticed they didn’t shave. He had a hard time explaining. At the end the boss told him if he’s so ready to do away with his standards, convictions, ideals, who’s to say he’d be trustworthy enough working for him. Rejected. <End of Story>
Moral of the story. Everyone can tell, even non-Jews, when one is ‘bending’ it a bit. And it doesn’t do too much kavod. When one stand up to one’s convictions, moral standards, he/she is admired and held in esteem.
June 17, 2016 6:44 am at 6:44 am in reply to: Shaking hands with the opposite gender, in Israel #1155578Little FroggieParticipantYeah… and look at the other Rishonim and mefarshim who say it’s because ???? ?? ??? ?????? and they’ll grab at anything to legalize, permit…
I have written ????? ?? ???, something worth taking note.. You don’t need this extra load on your shoulders.. “look, here’s this guy on Yeshiva World, obviously a yodea sefer, who claims it’s OK to touch women (and professes he actually did it)… so I can go ahead and…
June 17, 2016 3:32 am at 3:32 am in reply to: Shaking hands with the opposite gender, in Israel #1155575Little FroggieParticipantTo be serious for a change..
If the Mishnah says ??? ?????? ?????? ??? because of what the Gemarah explains, shouldn’t it apply here, all the more so?!? Do the ones here off the hand making light of the seriousness of these issurim take FULL RESPONSIBILITY of the chance someone out there might choose to act… Someone earlier wisely choose to keep his psak private… I would think others should do the same..
June 17, 2016 2:48 am at 2:48 am in reply to: Shaking hands with the opposite gender, in Israel #1155570Little FroggieParticipantDY, the olam here missed your comment…
June 16, 2016 2:43 pm at 2:43 pm in reply to: Shaking hands with the opposite gender, in Israel #1155534Little FroggieParticipantI like that one: “And actions speak louder than words.”
Pray tell, whoever, what actions go on here OTHER than words??
Little FroggieParticipanthalf a bump
Little FroggieParticipantI, too, side with Joseph (not that he needs my backing).
For someone to come out of the blue, malign, vilify,cast doubt, skepticism at a minhag, for some sloppy “research”, is beyond arrogance. Chutzpa is a better word.
If you (that’s BIG YOU), don’t know, keep your distance. And shush up!
Has that “mechaber” gone though the all seforim that deal with it. Has he been at the time “we adapted it from the pagans”? Again, if it’s not your minhag, keep your respectful distance. And kindly keep your mouth firmly shut.
Little FroggieParticipant??? ??? ???? ?????…
If they don’t know which way to hold a gun, how would they do it? I think it’s most important to learn how to shoot, then go inside and argue a Reb Chaim…?? ??? ?????
Little FroggieParticipantAnd you took what I just wrote seriously, didn’t you?
(I believe that’s on page 3582 amud beis…)
Little FroggieParticipantWhoops… I forgot to write “Kidding”.
Well anyways EVERYONE knows not to take ANYTHING I write seriously… (look up page# 3582 in Kidding for Dummies)
Little FroggieParticipantOh, I was ‘talking’ to you, actually. You wrote that night descends on them at the same time as it does for everyone else in the region. So I asked you how you knew, if you were actually there. Maybe in that particular place…
Little FroggieParticipantHow do you know? You were there?!?
Little FroggieParticipantTo let them have night time activities in a more worldly hour. Night descends on them an hour earlier.
Little FroggieParticipantDid you say you’ll be working at the zoo??? Ohhh. Can’t wait!! Don’t forget to visit cage #569B… I’ll be waiting…
Little FroggieParticipantComputers… 30 years ago?!?
June 1, 2016 4:27 pm at 4:27 pm in reply to: Why the lack of Tznius on Internet Simcha sites?! #1153714Little FroggieParticipantPulling my leg or for real?!?
Gemarah Gitten 90a,
??? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ?????
June 1, 2016 4:20 pm at 4:20 pm in reply to: Why the lack of Tznius on Internet Simcha sites?! #1153712Little FroggieParticipantAnd I don’t think there’s an Issur NOT to post your (woman) pictue for all to see, ogle, gaze.
And maybe, just maybe, the Gemarah paskens that ???? ?????? ???? ???..
And maybe, just maybe, a tzanua Bas Melech, with true feelings of Kedusha, inner holiness and modesty, wants to avoid having others gaze at her picture for eternity.