Forum Replies Created
Little FroggieParticipant
No, not quite. As a matter of fact I think animals are generally referred to as feminine even when explicitly talking about the male version.
It has to do with a s/n used many many years ago, no one here remembers (not eve SI..). Not really a feminine thingy, but I guess it could more easily bend thataway. I chose it for a specific purpose, mainly to thwart someone off my tracks, which did, in fact, work for some time. OH THOSE GOOD TIMES!!!!
In my convos here I purposefully kept out of the mingling, never had a any close person to person chat with the ‘other side’ ?”?. While I ran apparently freely and blithely amok, I kept a respectful, veiled distance from the other side. My general tone was always gender neutral, (a bit juvenile, or downright silly).
I’ve gotten slightly busier since, lost some interest (r”l), other things happened, not so pleasant memories.. y’know as they say life moves on… I don’t own the place anymore, but I do look here from time to time…
Little FroggieParticipantThat extremely hilarious.. Everyone thought the opposite by me… I guess it’s because you post quoting a lot of sefarim… While I posted pure NarishKites.
Everyone’s entitled to his or her take on the CR as long as one’s not causing pain to another; sensible, informative, encouragement or just plain silliness. I guess you could say a person is discerned by what he/she talks or writes. Right – you figured me out!!
Little FroggieParticipantIf I must add my one and a half cents..
Joseph is right in a sense, the world was created in a fashion where when things are the normal way, it follows how the designer intended it to be. And everyone knows that. Its common sense. I just feel that there’s no need to keep harping on such issues. Gemarah somewhere says that because Achashveirosh sent such silly edict proclaiming a man should rule in his house, for it’s plainly obvious – even a lowly man is boss in him home, they decided to cast away his second edict of destroying the Jews as foolishness too. So keeping on this topic over and over doesn’t do anyone good.
On another note, as I’ve read from Rav Pinkus’s books, if one is questioned about any mitzvah, one is not allowed to “water it down”, make it appease-able to the public ect. Even if it’s pikuach nefesh, he says it’s ???? ??? ?????, included in the aveira of ????? ??????, to alter the Torah or mitzvohs. HOWEVER, there is NO MITZVAH to initiate, to go around and broadcast things that might get us in a bind… No, no Mitzvah to do that.
Little FroggieParticipantWelcome to another bout of his drivel…
He feels the need to add to the pain at every opportunity… at every ??? ??? ????. Most posters here I could get along with, I’ve gotten to understand them a bit (and I’ve been around here quite a while..), this one however… Suffice it to say it’s a bit over…
Gemarah somewhere said about one kind of person ???? ????? ?? ????, he doesn’t keep repeating… this one outdoes. Maybe his fasting has gotten to him…
Little FroggieParticipantI’m here. Or as they say ???? ???????? ??.
Little FroggieParticipantBeen taken over by a whole bunch of girls lately.
I’ll wait patiently till I get it back…
Little FroggieParticipantI’m just about to start stopping
Little FroggieParticipantMine? 3 – 15 min.
Focus on Whom you’re standing in front of.
Know that you’re Daveneing and beseeching the One Who has the wherewithal to grant you your request.
Just concentrate on the plain words.
Little FroggieParticipantWhoops… Just blew it. I was just going to start one on myself.. then I realized I just posted (now).. Oh..
Little FroggieParticipantMARRIED?!?!
Little FroggieParticipantHow long does it take for someone NOT to post in order to start a thread looking for them?
Little FroggieParticipantWhat do you want to be ‘Mekarev’ them to?
Little FroggieParticipant… and how come only 8937 of my (silly) posts made it through…
oops.. no comment
Little FroggieParticipantMaybe you’re supposed to hold in the Bb key
Little FroggieParticipantL uL
Cool!! Pretty Cool!!
Not bad at all!! May you continue to give the Ribono Shel Olam much nachas from your endeavors. To be Mekadesh Shem Shamayim through all your actions, interactions.
Little FroggieParticipantWhy should anyone stop his wife from spending? I don’t understand the question.
September 2, 2016 1:10 pm at 1:10 pm in reply to: Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people? #1177046Little FroggieParticipantRight on!!
Little FroggieParticipantSparkly, she had impossible frizzy hair. Cute and impossible. She hated it.
September 2, 2016 12:48 pm at 12:48 pm in reply to: Why do working people tend to not be as ruchniyus as Kollel people? #1177043Little FroggieParticipantL.uL. I already wrote to you once. This place is a wild conglomeration of posters, anonymous, from all walks of life. Common denominator? Of the human species. You’re basically not going to change anyone’s middos or Hashkafos here. It’s just a place to schmooze, let off steam, come for or give encouragement chizuk. Each poster comes with his/her own background, character traits, mindset. If you stay here long enough you get used to them. You’ll learn how to communicate and converse with different people of different backgrounds.
Hatzlacha. And welcome to the Wild East!
Little FroggieParticipantSparkly – you remind me of Frogette, she was waiting for her Chuppah from the day she grew hair!!!
September 2, 2016 3:42 am at 3:42 am in reply to: People with ADHD are as good as other people #1176827Little FroggieParticipantIt’s an obstacle, somewhat of a challenge. Something definitely worth being Mispallel not to have. Neither oneself, nor one’s children.
Little FroggieParticipantPassover: when we eat our fire crackers of independence!
Little FroggieParticipantL. uL.
You might be missing one point. Maybe she’s writing about going uncovered IN PRIVATE. Which, as you know, al pi din is permissible.
That’s the down side to the coffee room, people don’t necessarily explain themselves adequately. Sometimes posters ave very ambiguous. Otherwise you’re definitely right.
September 2, 2016 3:06 am at 3:06 am in reply to: People with ADHD are as good as other people #1176825Little FroggieParticipantI’m still running in experiment mode!!
(how’m I doing?)
Little FroggieParticipantL.uL:
I have wanted to respond. I was following a bit and got upset when you were so attacked. I actually did once, long ago, very long ago, respond with a feste ‘piece’ defending another one who was personally attacked here. Oh those good days…
A lot has happened here. Sometimes by defending a poster, I myself end up getting attacked, bashed, hurt. I’m from that kind of species that takes things, um, deep. Things that go past others, can easily hurt me. I’m sometimes not ready for a full-fledged fight.. I have so much toned down since those grand old days… The fun we had… (and for the record.. I have NOT willingly hurt another poster, EVER.)
I’m with you as far as Hashkafah, it’s a breath of fresh air.. someone who’s prolific and states things the way they are and should be… A Yiddishe Nachas to see. I just don’t have the koach to fight off your attackers… I was bitten here, big-time…(putting it mildly)
There’s another thing for you to know, seems like you’re pretty new to the CR, I didn’t follow enough of your posts to really figure you out (ie male/female, age group, social standing etc). From the few I read, you come across as an intelligent person with hashkafah screwed on right! There’s a wide range of our postership hashkafa levels. Not everyone is on the same page as you. When you state something which should be obvious, sensible, sometimes ‘the truth hurts’. And that causes some to respond, defend their positions. Been here long enough!!
Little FroggieParticipantWow! I just logged on.
Absan, the reason is because there’s a GREAT distance between my mouth (or keyboard) and my heart. For that matter between my head and heart. I KNOW where I should be heading… what I should or should not do… it’s following it through that counts!!
Going to try (for the one millionth and third time)…
Little FroggieParticipantTY.
I think if you’d know me IRL you’d “keep back 200 feet”!!
Little FroggieParticipantLife. A once in a LIFEtime opportunity to reach for the stars! To attain Shleimus, perfection of character. To fulfill the bidding of HaShem. To make the world (one country, one city, one community, one family, oneself) a better place, person(s).
Learn to stay focused on the goal, disregard the external, temporary trappings.
(may these words sink in to my being…)
August 24, 2016 10:08 pm at 10:08 pm in reply to: Survey: Are you more frum than your parents or less frum than them? #1171143Little FroggieParticipantMy mother doesn’t even wear a yarmulka (gasp).
Truth be told, I unfortunately do not come up to their ankles in being frum or Yiras Shamaim. My father works in Kiruv, one-man-band, 26/7 as a side job. His regular job is in Kiruv, mass scale with a known organization. My mom also works… She is a role model of what a Jewish Jew ought to look like.
Sorry Mommy I’m so lacking. Maybe one day…
Little FroggieParticipantThat makes life more interesting. Actually that’s what life in essence is. The joys vs. the “other side”. And focusing on the joyous side. Medrash (somewhere) says ??? ???? ???? ????? ???, a king who cried on the night of his son’s marriage, because he envisioned the time his son’s death. And the Gemarah that R. Elozer ben Azaryah told his Rebbitzen: better to use a fancy vessel even though it’s going to be broken afterwards.
Enjoy, enjoy everything life has to offer. And take the opportunity to thank HaShem for each and every one. Look forward, anticipate greeting them not the other part that eventually comes.
I’m sure you don’t need MY help, advice, encouragement. You’re just laying it on, right? (well I just spilled out my last one and a half sense.. none left)
Little FroggieParticipantWe’ve done both versions. And the nicest was when Mommy AND DAUGHTER both kimped out by us (week apart)!!
Little FroggieParticipantTalkin’ t’ ME?!
Little FroggieParticipantIf I had a new thread for each mood I was in….
Little FroggieParticipantOK, MA… Stand back… I’m becoming a Gadol Hador…
Little FroggieParticipantWhatever you do in life… stay upbeat and… HAPPY!
Fill your life with fulfilling, accomplished, fruitful days..
Remember.. ????? ??? ?????!!!
Little FroggieParticipantFor me it was not important that Frogette cook or bake. I came from a Yeshiva setting where I developed something like a metal stomach – something that could digest anything they had to offer… So I didn’t really need much (maybe if she could fry cardboard… cook paper…)
Little FroggieParticipantWe’ve had a lot of those that came here suddenly and left as quickly. Some even made bigger splashes… (like me.. unfortunately I’m still around, somewhat)
Little FroggieParticipantOops..
Little FroggieParticipantMazel Tov to you HappyGirlyGirl for getting a newer viewpoint, attitude at life!! May you always be in this state of mind!!
Little FroggieParticipantYeah. I did. I had to put it up in our colony…
My personal opinion – it’s a nice thing. Just the wrong day. One day earlier or later. Tisha Bav should be spent on just mourning the Bais Hamikdash a the sublime way of life that was lost. Ways of how to fix it could wait for another day.
If Rachmana Litzlan someone was killed in a car crash, the time and place to discuss traffic lights, signs laws etc. is not by the Avail’s house during a shiva call. There’s a time and place for everything.
I went along with it and put it up, the messages are important, very important, but it’s my personal feeling that it’s a bit misplaced. (again, my own opinion and feeling)
Little FroggieParticipantOne’s wife….
<<Could I come out now?>>
Little FroggieParticipantIf I would have a computer to log on to the CR, I would respond to the above.
Little FroggieParticipantIt sound like real, sound, practical advice. If the message would be in a better setting it would carry more weight. That’s the way it is, if one cares to look over their work, it shows the author put thought into it. I’m not c”v pointing it out for fun, I’m serious. And I beg your mechilah if I hurt your feelings.
Little FroggieParticipantRY: You’re WRONG!!!
I made one, years ago
You don’t learn CR enough!
Little FroggieParticipantIf I may mix in my three pennies:
One- there are other sins to be aware of, besides of Lashon Hara, namely onaas darar, hurting another through words. Includes any pain, anguish, discomfort etc. one causes another through communication.
Two, as mod?? pointed out earlier, a lot of posters know each other. Some lurkers also know posters. (I’ve received many phone calls about stuff that goes on here. And now I’m gonna get another…)
Three, people are somewhat connected to things they write, or to their s/n. Saying something like “Little Froggie, you’re a dunce” is quite likely to cause me slight discomfort.
Four, let me take this opportunity to thank the Mods. They are doing a FANTASTIC job of modding, filtering and keeping this place safe for a Frum person to spend some time. I’ve had the user end of their modding staff too (actually many times)… still they’re doing a most wonderful job, and if I recall they’re doing it without any monetary compensation. So again I LOUDLY applaud the tireless Mods!!!
Little FroggieParticipantShopping and lilmod
I believe that sefer is a Gemarah (somewhere). And it goes both ways, a man between two women and a woman between two men. (lilmod should have learned that!)
Little FroggieParticipantHow I miss Eretz Yirsoel!!!
Yes, it was hot there too. Especially in the Yam Hamelach area. But nothing, nothing as bad as the heat and humidity combined over here!!!
Little FroggieParticipantBecause we have to wait for the older threads before we allow new ones
Little FroggieParticipantSorry Syag, you wrote ***pulling hair out***
Unless you’re into the “Why do women wear expensive sheitels?” one…
(I’m generally not rude)
Little FroggieParticipantWhich side is the in side?