Forum Replies Created
Little FroggieParticipant
ANON21: I know that, any you know that.
But the person under duress is in a entirely different situation. ??? ??? ???? ???? ????, and sometimes it gets overwhelming, the tzaar is too big for the person and he/she cries out in pain. Do you know the pasuk, ??? ???? ???? ?? ?? It’s for real! (interesting Gemarah and meforshim) And a person who cries out in anguished pain…. it’s quite a scary thing. No – she won’t be judged. On the contrary… you don’t want to be the recipeint!!!
The case in question – little me, and so many others here, ARE privy to the bit she had revealed… Suffice it to say no one would want or freely choose her pekel…
Little FroggieParticipantLuL: I don’t think it’s a Mitzvah to vent.. it’s rather a Mitzvah to lend an ear and lend a shoulder to someone venting… (if I’m not mistaking)
October 27, 2016 5:48 pm at 5:48 pm in reply to: Do you think Jewish men should start practicing polygamy again? #1190946Little FroggieParticipantLuL: The fact that women in general want to get married more than men do, is straight from the pages of Gemarah. That idea is used many times throughout Talmud.
And, not that anyone has to chas v’sholom prove anything from our holy Talmud, it is interesting to note that there are so many single support groups, ideas how to stay happy etc. Even here that issue is generally the one that practically dominates the CR.
Little FroggieParticipantLittle – as in Little Froggie
Little FroggieParticipantIs this a pasuk? If yes, could you please tell me where it is?
Little FroggieParticipantOuch!!!
Little FroggieParticipantOops…!!!
I bet I spooked you out with that “No one really knows.. (except me, of course!)”
OK, so if you still aren’t onto my lines… no that was (another) attempt at humor…
Resume breathing…
But I really d<<KIDDING>><<Not Kidding>><<YES KIDDING>>
Little FroggieParticipantyou gotta “space out”
Little FroggieParticipantDon’t judge them, Eclipse, not many here followed all your posts from “that time”. And I suspect you haven’t even really spilled much… No one really knows.. (except me, of course!) No one follows your ups and downs, no one but HaShem is watching and following you as you handle all your nisyonos hachayim. How you deal with each situation, circumstance as they pop up… But ???? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ?? ??? ??????, for each and every one. And most importantly ???? ???? ????. Every single shtech. Even the ones cause here in the CR, unwittingly, by people in the dark. Each and every klop, heartache, headache etc… their all getting collected up ‘There’ in a great ???, flask, that doesn’t go to waste….
They’re all rooting for you There!!!
Little FroggieParticipantI’m afraid you know my past screen names. I think I’ve had less complaints with this one.
Besides a frog’s shira is: ?? ???? ?????? ????? ???
Isn’t that beautiful?
Little FroggieParticipantSomeone who leaves early shows he’s impatient with the Davening. He brings a certain “kaltkite” to the oylam. If he has a reason, I think he should do all in his means to make them known, so people shouldn’t suspect him, and so that this attitude shuold not rub off on the Tzibbur.
I see pretty often, people who start to take off their tefillin and taleisim long before the end of Davening, as a rote, because they feel so impatient. Only so that at the last possible second they can make a dash for it. To where? Nowhere in general JUST AWAY!! Away and out! Is that the proper attitude to be displayed towards Hakodosh Boruch Hu?
They’re missing the main point of the very last Tefillah (that they mumble with one paw in, one out), that of ?????. How we are most grateful and indebted to HaShem for the OPPORTUNITY to be able to praise Him. They are literally missing it!!
C’mon, ??? ???? ??!!
Little FroggieParticipantIf you’re truly want anivus, understand how lacking you are from your true potential. How small and insignificant you are compared or when in the presence of the creator. You’d feel foolish by their praising you, even by their calling you an anav. And that feeling is true anivus.
The mashal to understand this, I once hear (forgot where/who) goes like this:
There was once this spittle of a village who’s inhabitants were all boors, all, no a single one could read the printed word. One day a farmer from the next village chanced by, he actually knew how to read. He started showing these folks when to Holidays were, a bit of prayer etc. Slowly he moved in and became the official “Rabbi”. So it went for many a year, this “Rabbi” (of a farmer) was accorded great honor, and he used to “teach” his crowd how to read siddur, read a calendar etc.
One day a world renowned (real) Rabbi passed through this village. This town Rabbi, who knew his own worth, came out to greet this visiting giant, while these boors ignored him and continued heaping praise on their “Rabbi”.
How this “Rabbi” wished to sink into the ground. The very praise they sang humiliated and mortified him so!!!
That is how a true anav should feel when one is praised.
Little FroggieParticipantEclipse: at our table we do not and hopefully never will allow talking about others. We discuss Gedolim, we admire them, their deeds, how to learn from them etc, but we’re careful not to discuss others in a way that borders on Lashon Harah. I truly thank my family, each and every member, for keeping it B”H that way.
I know. It’s horrible. There are people I once used to look up to. They lost so much of my respect because of their free attitude towards lason hara. A seuda is a time for a family to come together as a unit and partake of ?? ?????? ??? ???? ?, a time to elevate, to discuss ideas and ideals, sing and praise HaShem. Shouldn’t be wasted with ruining others… A shame…
Don’t you or anyone else get me wrong, I’m no tzaddik by far, by anyone’s imagination, oy, if you’d only know. It’s just that the Chofetz Chaim’s sefarim had a special pull on me when I was young… Some of it lingers on..
Little FroggieParticipantYou are still. The only difference is the current crowd!! And sometimes one or two people log on, make a gigantic splash and then run dry. There’s been so many of those here, they come, they go…
Each one comes with their own unique personality, those who stay generally learn to more or less “fit in” with the chevra. Then, of course, there are those stand out…
Little FroggieParticipantHi! I don’t know if I’ll be logging on again before Shmini Atazeres so… Happy Birthday to you!!
Best wishes for a good, happy, sweet, fulfilling life – from here on in – ???? ??? ????. As the new year begins, may your Mazal change and shine bright ???? – in all ways.
May all our ?????? be accepted on high at this point, the ending of our High Holidays!!
(humble little froggie)
Little FroggieParticipantYes, it is true. I am unfortunately one of them. And it comes from my lack of appreciation of Davening itself. At times I strengthen myself and for a period of time I do come in time, sometimes even a bit early to open a Sefer, but then eventually it wears off. Chaval. I think it’s one of the things that need chizuk.
October 20, 2016 11:34 pm at 11:34 pm in reply to: How are single girls supposed to be mekayem the Mitzvah of Simcha on Chol HaMoed #1187897Little FroggieParticipantWhat’s the great idea of someone buying you something? Is that all what simchas Yom Tov is about? You can’t just get it yourself? You need a husband just so that “someone” is going to buy you something? I’m missing some here.
Little FroggieParticipantEclipse:
Sorry for the late response (I’m extra busy on Chol Hamoed Succos..)
Vos Epes? Well I think you could use a few more years… ????? ????? ??????, you went through pretty much.. why not a Brocha to be compensated? ??? ?????? ?????.. it’s the last laugh that matters!!
A thought once popped into my head once.. we say in ????? ??? ???? ???? how the reshaim apparently flourish ????? ????? and then a passuk ???? ???? ????? ?. And I realized that David Hamelech is telling us that HaShem has a much much HIGHER perspective, he has the WHOLE and COMPLETE picture. He can view the WHOLE situation from His viewpoint. And HaShem says “don’t worry, the reshaim are only gaining temporarily.. to be destroyed forever. And the righteous will prosper…”
Little FroggieParticipantOh wise woman, (may you live till 153) how could I get ???? ??????
And how would I share that with others?
Your humbleness
Little FroggieParticipantEclipse, for the benefit of those who do remember “you” here, maybe you’d consider changing your screen name? it can be done by you, too . (I did it for myself too.. you’d notice my log-on name is not my screen name, I changed it myself)
I will NEVER call you your current one!!
Little FroggieParticipantIt’s plain. When saying the shlosh esrie midos one shoud say:
‘?????? ??? ??, ????? ???, ?. So goes the trop. As mefarshim say, he call out the name, and said “HaShem”. Similar to ??? ????? ???, ?????.
Little FroggieParticipantI’ll only indulge on one of mine: The Golem Speaks…
I had that for some time, and it just went over EVERYONE! It was like a play one the Maggid series.. Nobody here ever bothered to note that a Golem, by definition, cannot speak!!!
Little FroggieParticipantLuL, Thank you.
Eclipse (I can’t get myself to call you by your new name, perhaps you can still change it to your famed original one):
I know. (most of us oldies here do too!!) And HaShem certainly does. He doesn’t expect you to do so in the least. ??? ???”? ?? ??????? ?? ???????, something that’s not possible is not demanded. ???? ?? ??? ????? – that’s what we’re made of, and that’s what causes our feelings, emotions, moods. Someone under duress is in an entirely different picture.
Hope life takes a good, great, fantastic, favorable turn for you this year, if it hasn’t already!
Like we say: “a good acquittal” (kvital)
Little FroggieParticipantAnd I thought it was only in my Shule.
Does anyone here know the reason?
Little FroggieParticipantTorah. Good for ANY level. Anyone. Anytime. Anywhere.
Little FroggieParticipantI was wondering the same. Why is that?
Little FroggieParticipantI did. And I said ?????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?????. (It’s not everyone’s fault I’m such a sensitive sourpuss)
Then I begged HaShem to do the same. Maybe, just maybe….???? ???? ???? ????
Little FroggieParticipantI was just by the Kosel a week ago. What I found so moving – and actually brought sobbing tears to my eyes was when I visited Kever Rochel. I was told that the white covering was made from a Kallah’s gown who was killed on the day of her wedding.. I don’t now if it’s the one there now… but the mere thought of it made me sob.. very emotional..
Little FroggieParticipantThank you, LuL.
No madreigos here. If you only new the other ‘baggage’ I had… It’s a mere attempt at trying any way to tip those heavenly scales…
Little FroggieParticipantWOW!!! WB Eclipse!!! Had been away for some time (had a lot of Neshamah cleaning to do), just noticed this on Erev YK when I logged on to post soemthing.
Yes, it’s totally you.. same style.. same content.. Do stay this time around!!
September 26, 2016 6:07 pm at 6:07 pm in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #1204272Little FroggieParticipantHelp! He’s on the loose again!! (see MY above message!!)
Little FroggieParticipantMe too!! That I should finally win over my Yetzer Horah.
Little FroggieParticipantI really shouldn’t be writing now, mere days to Yom Hadin. I unfortunately have a big baggage (putting it mildly) to contend with and I really should be elsewhere at this time. It’s just that certain posters really rub/ tickle/ scratch me and most others the wrong way…
I was at an event the other night and during the course of the evening, this gentleman starts a conversation with me. And then just so suddenly he goes on the MA tirade, ALMOST WORD FOR WORD, VERBATIM, mentioning all of them (you could look these ‘works’ yourself) from the day this account first started… Complete, with all the ‘signals’ and ‘signs’, ‘straight from heaven’… ‘how long do I have to wait for you or Klal Yisroel to do Teshuva’. On and on.. straight from the famed lines of our ‘hero’. I actually asked him (when he took the time off to replenish his lungs) if he posts on Yeshiva World, I actually did. He said he doesn’t have time for that, why would I…
So: either he really does post , AND I BUSTED HIM (and him – me!!) or it’s just PLAIN SPOOKY!!! Two guys going around like that.. (and mind you, from the outside he looks quite mostly there..)
September 23, 2016 4:10 pm at 4:10 pm in reply to: Why Rabbaonim in Israel and America SILENT when Frum Soldiers Screamed At #1184298Little FroggieParticipantWHY?!?
It’s because of this dor yosom, the ones who criticize our Rabbonim at every turn, at every opportunity. ‘US’ VS. those blasted, {expletive} Rabbonim. How dare they this, how dare they that.. so their true emese deah, Daas Torah, has no more effect. YOU TOOK IT AWAY!!! YOU’RE TO BLAME!! You reduced them to mere puppets, objects of ridicule and insult. Us little poeplach deciding who’s right, who’s wrong… (in CR language, “who’s PROVEN wrong”). ????? ???? ??? – are WE in a position to arbitrate between Gedolei Olam, to be ????? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ???????. Is it for us ?”? to decide this one is not infallible, that one is.. ???? ??????.
When we accord our Gedolim the proper respect and reverence HaShem demands of us, they, in turn, will be able to guide, assist, benefit us properly.
Little FroggieParticipant“It is foolish to quote Rav Elchanon Wasserman….”
Mind you, please, a bit of respect for this giant of a man, a Malach Elokim who so openly had Ruach Hakodesh..
Not getting into the issue at hand, (how I wish I had the time I used to… the place here would ROCK, SHAKE & QUAKE!!) he knew what he was talking about.. he had open Nevuah.. it’s not a secret.
How foolish it is to say (and, mind you, keep harping on the same foolishness, over and over again), that after the war EVERYTHING changed, real Chachamim, Geonim, Tzaddikim lost their sechel, only to be found by the modern… (will leave it at that). The ??? ???? ?? ?????? is going to evaluate which Rabbi “was proven wrong”, which Rabbi “probably would have changed his mind” etc…
Little FroggieParticipantOh yeah.. straight out of last week’s parsha..
????? ?? ?? ???? ??? ????? ??..
????? ??? ???? ????? ????? ???? ?? ????…
And some anonymous brave blogger tells you he’s smarter than HaShem..
In gemarah language I think they’d say ???? ??????…
Little FroggieParticipantI’m not sure he wants to date someone a hundred years old..
Little FroggieParticipantSure:
For indoor and outdoor use only…
Not for use for the other use…
(used to save all of those…)
September 13, 2016 2:10 pm at 2:10 pm in reply to: Blocking traffic while parking (or waiting for a driver to pull out of a spot) #1179718Little FroggieParticipantDon’t make fun of me.
That was me!!!
Little FroggieParticipantwb Oomis, I was always thinking about you. While it was not appropriate for me to do a callout, your disappearance did not go unnoticed. Hope all is well by you now.
Little FroggieParticipantOOHH!!
29, obviously you’re relatively new here. I’m generally sincere. It is true, there was a period of time, a dark period here I wasn’t ‘quite fond’ of my treatment here, I think it was way before your times here. I think they’re (you included!) doing a fantastic job now!!
And before I forget
Little FroggieParticipantL. uL.
I B”H have no idea what you’re talking (actually writing) about. Motzi Shem? Maybe I’m like the Chofetz Chaim who worked on himself and conditioned his ears and was not to ABLE to hear Lashon Hara. I’ve not seen anything wrong here. Mods are doing a fantastic job at that.
(Mods – lolly please)
Little FroggieParticipantL. uL.
<<DELETED>> <<UNDELETED>> I see you did get through.
ps. Happy times are coming… cheer up! (suggested, not required)
Little FroggieParticipantL. uL.
Maybe they view things differently than you. Maybe the have someone of Halachaik Authority guiding them what is & what’s not. What must be closed, what’s to be removed, etc. No, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a Mod or on anyway affiliated, just sayin
Little FroggieParticipantWB, ARWSF.
Don’t worry. Everyone here who still posts here now are the same as then. Except mine. I’m sure you’ve met up with Little Froggie #1. And The Golem Speaks I & II. And Oh Shreck! Honey Do & New Kid on the Block. All of them were me (GASP!!) They qualify for Single User, because I used only one at a time! There’s another one I have now, reserved for a more brighter, happier mindset.
And then there’s this old one… (hint – starts with the letter Z)
Little FroggieParticipantI care. I’m not sure I can help you, or you’d want MY assistance, but I do care. Sincerely.
September 8, 2016 9:53 pm at 9:53 pm in reply to: Coffee addict post in the news article about Monsey crash #1178024Little FroggieParticipantHealth, I apologize. Please be Mochel. I didn’t think I’d hurt anyone with that. And I shouldn’t hurt anyone anytime, not just before Yomim Noraim.
September 8, 2016 9:13 pm at 9:13 pm in reply to: Coffee addict post in the news article about Monsey crash #1178015Little FroggieParticipantHow does money crash?
Little FroggieParticipantWOW!!!
I actually do appreciate kind words. And thanks for that!!
Little FroggieParticipantIt depends how you learn p’shat in that Gemarah. And the plain p’shat would be that indeed it would not be permitted for us to do. Those were the words of the ????????, not the Chachamim.