Little Froggie

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  • in reply to: chesed car rides #1216308
    Little Froggie

    I like that, Golfer, very cute!!

    in reply to: 2 questions for the CR community #1224582
    Little Froggie

    LuL: It is. Do I ever kid?!?

    It’s a Gemarah somewhere so often taken out of context. You’re not my daughter (yet) so I can teach you a piece. Gemarah is discussing problems, pesulim in yichus, like one born from a parent who’s a slave, illegitimate etc. Gemarah then says ?? ????? ???? if one goes around constantly casting a p’esul on others (e.g. he constantly calls others mamzerim), he himself is a posul. Then the gemarah adds Shmuel Says ?????? ????, his p’sul is the same as what he casts on others.

    P.S. No, you’re twisting your thumb the wrong way..

    in reply to: speeding tickets #1217253
    Little Froggie


    1)I don’t own the place (yet). 2) No one normal needs my haskamah. 3) For a story, I’m all ears..

    in reply to: Is a Boy Looking to Date a Girl or a Chavrusah? #1218067
    Little Froggie

    WTP: Excellent post!! So well written!

    in reply to: I Heard in a Shiur Today�… #1216255
    Little Froggie

    LB: Excellent question. No, they won’t get kicked out for asking THAT.

    And the answer to your question is that everything has boundaries. If one is asking a question, in a serious Yeshiva setting, just to joke or jest, that is out of place. If one is asking a question to cast doubt, mistrust in divrei Chazal or Torah, that is out of place.

    You may not have known it, OP’s question and the two answers are Rashi and Tosefos to an occurrence on something in today’s Daf.

    Now let’s see if anyone’s onto the heading.. (if I have to spell it out)

    in reply to: Speeding Crickets #1216222
    Little Froggie

    You wouldn’t know it. Partly my screen name was inspired by a song my daughter came home with “the little green frog went mmm ahh…” Just picturing her and her entire bunk doing that brings me giggles!!

    in reply to: chesed car rides #1216292
    Little Froggie

    It’s not proper for a male to be in back of a female. If the driver is a female, I’d suppose she should drive in reverse.

    in reply to: Point Redemption #1216908
    Little Froggie


    in reply to: 2 questions for the CR community #1224579
    Little Froggie

    LuL: It’s a wrong quote. Oops, then I’d be ?? ?????…

    in reply to: How to Block the Internet from My Children? #1216727
    Little Froggie

    She’s from Lakewood, don’t you know? Where they have internetless Coffee Room consoles. Connected to the outside world via a series of gears and cables, strings and pullies…

    in reply to: Guarding Your Baby Boy's Eyes #1217003
    Little Froggie

    Nechomah, I like how you put it down. So well written!

    Little Froggie

    You can ask someone on the CR to ask a Rebbitzen to ask her husband.

    You can ask on the CR, and a Rav will see it and answer in class…

    in reply to: Guarding Your Baby Boy's Eyes #1216999
    Little Froggie

    David Hamelech, obviously did not think anything is wrong with nursing.

    Little Froggie


    You should know better. It is entirely untznius for a girl, woman or anything in between to lol. Read Rabbi Falk’s sefer. If you must, loq.

    in reply to: Malach Of Cholent #1216344
    Little Froggie

    Shopping: Still there’s an especial inyan to partake, however small portion and say lkovod Shabbos Kodash. It’s a special food prepared in honor of the Shabbos, it’s prepared with a certain holiness.. a small taste won’t do harm.. Many sefarim talk about it.

    Little Froggie

    Most important: Get the views of the CR. We are going to be the ones who are going to decide if you should go to a Rov or Rebbitzen. So OUR opinion should sought first.

    in reply to: Joseph's Valentine's Day Thread #1216229
    Little Froggie


    According to the Chofetz Chaim, you’re not allowed near the Coffee Room from about a month before yom haatzmaut until one or two months afterwards..

    in reply to: What to look for in a hairbrush #1215871
    Little Froggie

    what to look for..

    a hairbrush that will be soft but strong, gentle but forceful, kind but assertive. Understanding and compassion and.. and.. and..

    in reply to: What's a Bungalow Colony? #1219091
    Little Froggie

    LuL: Sorry. I skipped first (made up in the summer with the most wonderful, fantastic, patient teacher – my mother, ?? ??? ???????), and dropped out at eighth. Hence my great attitude towards anything resembling scholastic.

    So while I know enough how to teach/train computers, I cannot qualify for a city sanitation position. I have not learnt the exact angle to arc bags into the truck.

    in reply to: Posting vs. Cleaning #1215924
    Little Froggie


    in reply to: Things that Cause one to Forget their Torah #1215822
    Little Froggie

    I forgot that Gemarah….

    in reply to: What's a Bungalow Colony? #1219084
    Little Froggie

    Lul: Ten points for that one!!!!!

    (In my humblekite, I’d think if two people say it’s a third world country, it makes it sixth, no?)

    in reply to: Malach Of Cholent #1216333
    Little Froggie

    Golfer, I’m not saying anyone did. I’m just saying that maybe someone will come up and say something to the effect that cholent is not important, was never important, doesn’t make any sense or anything else.. It IS a minhag Yisroel. And I advise one to tread carfully before doing away with minhagim. Like you said – REAL minhagim.

    Regarding the issue at hand, there’s the famous story of (I think) R. Simcha Wasserman, who insisted a Shabbos Bar-Mitzvah menu include cholent. There’s a continuation to that story…

    in reply to: Thank you LU thread #1217633
    Little Froggie

    I’m in favor of having my own email.

    in reply to: What's a Bungalow Colony? #1219081
    Little Froggie

    Today’s days you’ll find a mixture, some have decent or even fancy structures, weatherized and filled with all the latests. Other colonies have basic “shacks”, one, two or three “rooms”. Sometimes they’re connected to another dwelling, so the separation is a paper-thin “wall”. It all depends on the place. Size and amenities also vary. Some have 20 or less families, some have upwards of over 300 families. Grounds, how well they’re kept, swimming pools.. they all vary. The main thing we look for, which is our most important aspect, is the crowd. Know that your family is going to be exposed, and pick up one the behavior middos, hashkafaos, attitudes of anyone and everyone of that crowd. So someone who really cares for the main thing will or should make that top priority.

    We are B”H zoche to go to a place totally infused with Torah, Torah’dig families, Torah’dig hashkafos, bein adam l’makom and bein adam lchaveiro. Our living space is tight, but, our children are almost never home, that’s the idea of the country. And what our children (or us, parents!) acquire in the summer months is so much more than the rest of the year. Learning (a real cheder, principal, Rebbeim, tests), a real dagash on the areas of davening, friendships, shmiras halashon etc. We really feel lucky, and we do than the Ribono Shel Olam for directing us to this place!!

    in reply to: Looking for Affordable Housing in Warm(er) Jewish Community #1215955
    Little Froggie

    Maybe Lakewood.

    It’s more affordable than Brooklyn. And I suppose a drop warmer, if a bit to the south…

    in reply to: Malach Of Cholent #1216330
    Little Froggie

    Jewish “ma’achalim”, especially Shabbos’dig ones have a mekor, and should not be done with offhandedly. There’s a lot on this subject, don’t have the time now. But it’s not going to do any good mocking or poking fun at a part of mesorah.

    in reply to: What's a Bungalow Colony? #1219061
    Little Froggie

    1) Don’t know what a kibbutz is, but there’s generally no planting to do in the colonies

    2) You (or me) can live there year round, if you’re a hermit, or absolutely allergic to other humans.

    3) Some newer one do. So they facilitate the possibility of #2. Also many go up there for a Shabbos. (I’ve done it, exhilarating!!)

    4) In case you haven’t figured it out – YES. The scenery is gorgeous – in ALL SEASONS!! Miles and miles and miles of just pure wilderness, HaShem’s nature the way Hes set it. It does wonders the the mind, body etc.

    And btw, we LIVE there year round – it’s always on our (our family) mind. The summers we spend at our place give ‘chiyus’, life, energy, zest for the whole year!!

    in reply to: Segulah for single girls for Tu b'shvat #1215589
    Little Froggie

    Golfer: something about checking it all around through and through, poking and probing. Then for seven days you hold it so preciously.. And then it gets discarded..

    Something along those lines.

    in reply to: Attn: LF #1215520
    Little Froggie

    I am at attention, sir (or Madam)!!

    in reply to: Segulah for single girls for Tu b'shvat #1215586
    Little Froggie

    And the best time to daven for anything, the best segulah, is right after performing a Mitzvah (the harder, the better, ???? ???? ??? ????…). It’s just that by candle lighting, which is ??? has more potent in the areas of ????.

    in reply to: Have a great Shabbos and a great Tu b'shvat! #1215516
    Little Froggie

    Don’t forget the chirping birds…

    in reply to: Segulah for single girls for Tu b'shvat #1215585
    Little Froggie

    An Esrog is k’neged halev, you’d want an “Esrog Mehudar”, and of course, a nice “pear”. And b’karov!!

    in reply to: Chronicle Moderations #1215512
    Little Froggie

    Ahh!!! So someone finally “chaps”!!!

    (RY, it was me!!)

    😉 -100

    in reply to: Chronicle Moderations #1215510
    Little Froggie

    I was moderated today

    No you weren’t

    in reply to: 2 questions for the CR community #1224546
    Little Froggie

    LB: Just wait till her teacher reads the “Current Events”

    LuL: As I wrote to you before (in another thread) I apologize for the hurt I caused you. Please be mochel. I was not trying to be bullying. And, as opposed to your other post (in another thread), your existence shouldn’t be acknowledged, appreciated just from within the CR, a bunch of anonymous bloggers. I’m sure, pretty sure you make a big difference to those in your real life environs. I’m sure you exude depth and meaning, understanding and knowledge. I’m quite sure many have enjoyed, in real life, from your vast wellsprings of Torah.

    in reply to: 2 questions for the CR community #1224541
    Little Froggie

    I suppose someone’s looking for a new sem…

    in reply to: 2 questions for the CR community #1224536
    Little Froggie

    And Shopping.. Did your teacher have anything to say about MY post there? (post#2)

    in reply to: 2 questions for the CR community #1224532
    Little Froggie

    Shopping.. Are you sure you’re in a Jewish school?!? What in the world is wrong with the first two posts your teacher bashed?!?

    Again, know that this place is the wild west, you and your teacher got it ALL WRONG, no one is paskening from ANYTING here, or at least should know not to. It’s meant to be a place to chill out, to let off steam, etc. (as I write every so often.. ). And it’s meant to be a eye opener. To view others’ opinions.

    But in this case, he is CERTAINLY RIGHT!!!

    in reply to: What do you tell your kids? #1215554
    Little Froggie

    When I grow up, I wanna be a Mod.

    (was I just committing from the ??? ??????: “Do not request to be a Moderator” – ??? ?’ ?”? ??)

    in reply to: Who Wants to Hear Lashon Hara?? #1215308
    Little Froggie

    My {thread click detection} device, and {reason for thread click detection} device tell me otherwise. (oops, was that lashon hara)

    in reply to: 2 questions for the CR community #1224527
    Little Froggie

    Lakewood has a special internetless Coffee Room.

    It uses the old typewriters, it’s connected by a water pipe that’s connected to a hose that’s connected to a string that’s connected to a spring that’s connected to gear that’s connected to a stick that pounds away posts, far away, in the deep underground Coffee Room bunker.

    in reply to: Frum Peppers #1215348
    Little Froggie

    That Medrash is exactly what it means, she had a physical complexion that DID NOT add beauty. It was the ??? ?? ???, the grace of G-d, that did it. And that is EXACTLY what the Medrash is pointing out. Nothing in her physical, gashmius aspect held this chein, truly everything was miraculous. Just as in this week’s parsha, where the ??? ????? found grace in the eyes of their oppressors.. ?? ???? ???. This was total chain from Above.

    in reply to: Guy who knows everything here; ask me anything #1215254
    Little Froggie

    I beg your Mechila, I realize I hurt you with my post.

    I did try, so many times, in so many ways, to convey this message to you. I tried subtly, I tried more obvious… I suspect others share this sentiment too, but do not want to voice their feeling. I suspect higher ups too, though I may be wrong.

    Again, please be Mochel. I’ll tone down ??”?. Deep, deep down, they say, I’m really nice…

    in reply to: Guy who knows everything here; ask me anything #1215244
    Little Froggie

    Maybe the guy who knows everything could help me out.

    I used to enjoy coming here to chill out. To share camaraderie, companionship. To enjoy the wide (wild) vast of opinions out there. To share jokes, a bright vertel, quip. To liven up my dull existence. And to bring joy and simcha, a smile and a grin to others. Lately this place has been more or less a back and forth conversation mainly between two people, back and forth and then forth and back. Pieces are so hard to read because each and every one of them are such long megillos. To make a short story long, the posts are so long, so very long. And they’re so hard to read. I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but it’s really hard to read. Because (whoops, I forgot why.. Oh, now I remember) they’re very long. And they are long megillos. So that’s why they’re not so easy to read. And keep track of. No – I don’t own the Coffee Room, never did and probably never will. So I really can’t have any complaints to anyone. I’m sure there are others too who no longer post here because there’s no more “room” in the coffee room.

    So sum it up – I used to enjoy coming here to chill out. To share camaraderie, companionship. To enjoy the wide (wild) vast of opinions out there. To share jokes, a bright vertel, quip. To liven up my dull existence. And to bring joy and simcha, a smile and a grin to others. Lately this place has been more or less a back and forth conversation mainly between two people, back and forth and then forth and back. Pieces are so hard to read because each and every one of them are such long megillos. To make a short story long, the posts are so long, so very long. And they’re so hard to read. I don’t know if I mentioned it before, but it’s really hard to read. Because (whoops, I forgot why.. Oh, now I remember) they’re very long. And they are long megillos. So that’s why they’re not so easy to read. And keep track of. No – I don’t own the Coffee Room, never did and probably never will. So I really can’t have any complaints to anyone. I’m sure there are others too who no longer post here because there’s no more “room” in the coffee room.

    So again, to make a short story long and then short, what do I do now?

    I wish I had an answer for you…sigh -29

    in reply to: Parshas Hamon this Tuesday #1214969
    Little Froggie

    HURRAY!!! The return of HaLeiVi (with his unique way of posting…)

    in reply to: Jewish Music Sometimes Rubs Me the Wrong Way #1216779
    Little Froggie

    Here’s another example I bet would qualify. There’s this new “chassidic” actually pure goyish, grub, pust and prost, wild disco trance to the holy words of the Zemer written by the holy R. Aharon Hagadol, of Karlin. I’m sure you’ve heard it (from five mile away), I’m sure you’re seen the ‘swaying’, trance dance motions to ???? ???? ??????. Sure is, and this dicso noise will “express” it!!

    in reply to: Jewish Music Sometimes Rubs Me the Wrong Way #1216778
    Little Froggie

    It’s so interesting.. this conversation is coming out precisely now, Shabbos Shira!!

    in reply to: 2 questions for the CR community #1224503
    Little Froggie

    Did she mention any on MY screen names?!? OHHH!! My curiosity it BURNING!!!!

    in reply to: Welcome YW Moderator-21 and YW Moderator-25 #1213975
    Little Froggie

    I don’t have complete powers, as much as you’d like to think of me. If ????? ???? ????, mine are certainly less. So, maybe I could bentch you with one who’s only really nice (not really, really nice), warm OR sweet, self or confident, good skills OR social.. oish – your list is WAAYYYY to big.

    Maybe I should be mispalel that you find your RIGHT zivug, bekarov, whether you like it or not. And that your right zivug appeals to you. That’s easier.

    And why, for Heaven’s sake, do you think you deserve any better than my Ishti. She was promised a “gem of a bachur”, she got a total nincompoop.

Viewing 50 posts - 601 through 650 (of 2,156 total)