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  • in reply to: Jews Mallow #977434

    always here: in other words, kasha with whipped cream? OOh, that’s going on my Shavuos menu right now!

    in reply to: Shabbos and the Middle East #768635

    I am curious, being undereducated in this area: Did the Sinai agreement work (so far) because there is a difference between Mitzrayim and the other Arabs? The way that Bnay Yisrael was told they could not oppress Egyptians as they could Bnay Yishmael? Are the Mitzri’im Bnay Yishmael, or Bnay Cham? Thank you for any clarification.

    in reply to: so funny!!! #768991

    How would you write the sound for when the laugh comes out of your nose and you try to stop it (not, of course, that such an unfortunate event has ever happened to me personally, but i have witnessed it).

    in reply to: Jews Mallow #977425

    One source (Brittanica Online) lists it as a source of jute, so perhaps it’s a mispronunciation of “jute’s mallow.” Or maybe it was used also for its liquid, so it could be a misspelling of “juice mallow.”

    Or, maybe it was commonly used by Jews in the area in which it grew and was thus associated by name.

    in reply to: Current Events #768380

    We could also say: Give us back to Britain! Give some of the land back to the Indians, or to Mexico! Do we really need Alaska, if we’re not going to drill its oil or kill its caribou? (Except that Sarah Palin would at least verbally stand up for Israel.) And how ethical was the US’s acquisition of Hawaii? –Considering what has come of it, evidently, not very.

    in reply to: nose jobs #768419

    If you do go for it, don’t use Jennifer Grey’s surgeon.

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221620

    For another good idea, you might say “thankee”

    To a clever Yid, let’s call him “Yanky,”

    One place you could light

    Candles on Friday night,

    Is, as on Chanuka, in a fish tanky!

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221618

    Or guests you could invite to your home,

    If far from their own they must roam.

    The only price

    For your company nice

    Is that they watch til the flames say “Shalom!”

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221617

    Another tack Minyan could consider

    In order of worry to rid her,

    Is a midday nap

    So Shabbos won’t sap

    Her strength, and she’ll stay up with her siddur.

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221615

    One option for safety sublime

    To keep flames from starting to climb

    You could make early Shab-

    bos, it’s not such a job,

    Us do it here all the time.

    in reply to: Describe Your Character #767792

    Methinks the Wolf doth bash himself too much!

    Excuse me for venting, but lashon hara shouldn’t be said about yourself, either, and it’s getting painful to read these posts that always denigrate your character (and contradict the impression your other-subject- focused posts give).

    Hmm. Maybe this contradicts the post immediately above yours? Anyway, your posts generally indicate that you are intelligent, educated (and striving to be more so), grounded, religious, maintaining a stable family life, etc. etc., so this insistence that you’re lower than tectonic plates cannot be believed.

    And I will ask mechila right now for posting this.

    in reply to: The Sefiras Ha'Omar game!! #949308

    29-the last year for people to be “twenty-something”

    29-the oldest an adult can be and still be trusted (in the 1960’s, anyway)

    in reply to: Describe Your Character #767790

    In need of improvement.

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221613

    Shabbos is truly a gift,

    It gives our whole week a lift.

    If only each Jew,

    Would keep, consecutive, two,

    Moshiach’s arrival would follow, so swift.

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221610

    Blinky, to your mussar I must awaken,

    Chazal’s wisdom is never mistaken.

    Our happiness grows

    When our life goes

    On the path Torah shows should be taken.

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221608

    OOh, I am very red-faced

    At the mistake accidentally placed

    In last night’s verse

    But it could be worse

    No effort goes entirely to waste.

    Someday “gratification” will be rhymed correctly,

    The verse will be proofed circumspectly,

    There will be no shame

    In signing my name

    To a line that rhymes AND scans perfectly.

    in reply to: Whats Going In Your Suitcase? #767959

    Why tomorrow night?

    Obviously, to give us time to pack.

    in reply to: "Prayer" on behalf of Shidduch-seekers in pain #768255


    Please don’t think that everyone who gets married forgets so quickly. The harder it was and the longer it took, the less likely it is to forget. Remembering how painful and lonely it was to be an older single, is a wonderful impetus to work on your marriage. And it does affect our tefillos for single people.

    May we hear besuros tovos bekarov

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221605

    Minyan Gal:

    If Sam P. had lived in our times,

    He’d be blogging all day of his “crimes,”

    But paper and pen

    Made it much harder then

    To record all his falls and his climbs.

    Today’s instant gratification

    Would have given Sam great satisfaction

    But a new career path

    That might involve math

    Is for me not a good course of action!

    But your encouraging words were so sweet,

    An appreciative soul did they greet,

    It was so nice

    That you answered twice

    I hope for you, talent and salary meet.

    in reply to: Yeshiva in Brooklyn #767267

    “It’s not as if the decision that you make today is going to determine his academic future for the next ten years.”

    It can be much harder later to switch schools when a student is in the upper grades, than to start off in a school where he has a good chance of fitting in and being happy for the next ten years. Harder to be accepted into the school, and harder to adjust to a new set of classmates. Sometimes switching is necessary and beneficial but it usually isn’t easy.

    (If you were being sarcastic, then just ignore this post.)

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221603

    Minyan Gal:

    The tuition might not be too steep,

    And the knowledge will be mine to keep.

    Now, I don’t mean to shirk,

    But words are my work,

    And from Pepys to pipes’ quite a leap!

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221601

    The kids need day camp for the summer,

    But our cash situation’s a bummer.

    A bank we can’t rob,

    We just need a good job

    O, why didn’t I train as a plumber?

    in reply to: Segulos: Has This Worked For You Personally? #767492

    For a meeting in person, she charges $101. I don’t know the charge for a phone consultation.

    in reply to: Ma Rabu Masecha Hashem #766780

    Amyisraelchai: As DY noted, R Shraga Feivel ZT”L specifically and emphatically requested that he be called/referred to as “Mr.” Mendlowitz. Whether we have to hold by his request now, could be questioned.

    in reply to: Need people to make my wedding B'simcha #768920

    Why don’t you google “Jewish Djs” or something similar? I did and a few came up, but you have to weed through the non-religious ones. Check out “djisaacchalough”(sp?), the pictures were tznius.

    in reply to: Baby present #766127

    Actually, many baby girls get their ears pierced in the hospital before they go home. (A family friend, who lives in a foreign country, had seven sons in a row at her small local hospital. The sisters running the place felt so bad that she had no daughters, when her last son was born, they pierced HER ears.)

    And an appropriate gift of jewelry for a newborn is a name bracelet made out of beads or a “roita bendele” of thread, stones, or other material.

    in reply to: Whats Your Favorite Food? #769926

    Moderator 80: Do you use real heavy cream in your Brandade? Obviously not chassidish!

    in reply to: Baby present #766122

    whatever she wants.

    mazal tov! may you enjoy raising him to Torah, chuppah, and maasim tovim

    in reply to: Whats Your Favorite Food? #769923

    cookies: “Sushi! Am I old-fashioned?”

    I went to a fancy wedding once, with many food stations. Two older ladies were examining the sushi platters. One asked me what it was. I told her it was raw fish with vegetables, kind of like herring, wrapped in seaweed. She said, “Darling, you can have mine!”

    (I did, with extra wasabi, and it was goooood. :))

    in reply to: Whats Your Favorite Food? #769914

    Marmite is a savory (i.e., salty) yeast spread that looks like tar and tastes like … what you’d expect yeast to taste like. It’s popular in UK and Australia (there it’s called Vegemite). It keeps the spinach in place!

    in reply to: Open Closed Open Closed Open… #766023

    It must be good to be the boss.

    in reply to: Whats Your Favorite Food? #769912

    Marmite with matjes herring and spinach.

    in reply to: shidduchim- a phase or a life? #766500

    mrsbrite7: thanks! that’s a great chizuk.

    in reply to: shidduchim- a phase or a life? #766499

    Here’s a prediction: some will get married and some won’t.

    Perhaps it would be better if people said, “Who knows what will be? Just try to be happy with your situation no matter what.”

    in reply to: Need people to make my wedding B'simcha #768906

    Do you live in or near a town with a yeshiva or seminary? Often the bochurim and/or the girls will come to dance if they are told of the situation, you just should provide a few tables with refreshments (hot or cold) for them. Also a donation to their yeshiva/seminary would be nice.

    in reply to: Things to do (NYC) #765798

    What are your interests? Museums, outdoor activities, volunteering (Big Sister?)? There are many listings of “Things to do in NYC and other boros” if you google it, but if you’re looking for specific recommendations it helps to have a focus.

    NB: If you do anything at night or in an iffy neighborhood, try to take a friend along, to be on the safe side. 🙂

    in reply to: hishtadlus with shidduchim #765835

    It’s true, the thing most former older singles regret once they are married, is the worrying, the fear, the unhappiness over the situation, because once you are used to those feelings they are hard to dispel when the situation changes.

    As a b”H former older (like, close to 40 when I married) single, I wish that I could have had the strength to be happier during that time.

    Most of all I wish I had listened to some shalom bayis and parenting classes! They are widely available, for example on, among others, Kol Haloshon and the Akeres HaBayis hotlines. Prepare yourselves, it will be worth it.

    Hatzlacha rabbah, and we hope to hear besuros tovos bekarov!

    in reply to: men banned from girls graduations #769090

    “I wonder if we can start instituting all the women”

    Well, if all the women are instituted, and the men aren’t allowed to enter said institution, no tznius problem!

    in reply to: Attn: Older Singles #765762

    You might also want to go to and learn a lesson a day on the laws of shmiras halashon. I did this in the zechus of a single relative and a friend and b”H they did each become engaged within the year. Granted there were other factors involved, but the lessons are presented in a very palatable way and hey, we all need to review. hatzlacha.

    in reply to: Who's better #765806

    As Annie Oakley sang off against Frank Butler:

    Anything you can do,

    I can do better.

    I can do anything

    Better than you.

    Anything you can be

    I can be greater.

    Sooner or later,

    I’m greater than you.

    I can shoot a partridge

    With a single cartridge.

    I can get a sparrow

    With a bow and arrow.

    I can live on bread and cheese.

    Any note you can reach

    I can go higher.

    I can sing anything

    Higher than you.

    Anything you can buy

    I can buy cheaper.

    I can buy anything

    Cheaper than you.

    Anything you can say

    I can say softer.

    I can say anything

    Softer than you.

    I can drink my liquor

    Faster than a flicker.

    I can drink it quicker

    And get even sicker!

    Any note you can hold

    I can hold longer.

    I can hold any note

    Longer than you.

    Anything you can wear

    I can wear better.

    In what you wear

    I’d look better than you.

    Anything you say

    I can say faster.

    I can say anything

    Faster than you.

    I can jump a hurdle.

    I can wear a girdle.

    I can knit a sweater.

    I can wear it better!

    I can do most anything!

    Anything you can sing

    I can sing sweeter.

    I can sing anything

    Sweeter than you.

    Ok, not the definitive Jewish woman’s word on the topic, but hard to resist. 🙂

    ofcourse: Well, so much for being dan lekaf zechus. Obviously, the way to get them to stop is to hang a sign saying it’s assur to hang signs on other people’s property without permission!

    But to address the OP’s original questions: re the signs’ effectiveness: The signs will affect very few of the women at whom it is aimed. Some might stop and reconsider their outfit or even their wardrobe, but for most who dress in a style-conscious way, unless something is said to them directly–in a pleasant way they can be mekabel–or something happens that shows them it’s better to be tznius, it is unlikely that they will change.

    re the signs’ legitimacy: no, they don’t belong on trees. Or on lampposts, or construction site walls, or mailboxes, or bus shelters, unless the ad space has been paid for.

    Presumably they have requested permission from the owners of the property to hang these signs.

    It might be more effective to have these guidelines (along with the reminders about shorter shaitels, looser clothing, less precarious heels, etc.) printed on mirrors, which should be hung in the hallways of shuls, schools, bathrooms, dressing rooms or wherever women would be likely to look at them. (Since we women often check our reflections in store windows, maybe caring proprietors would be willing to have these guidelines printed directly on their windows?)

    in reply to: poker and sports betting in frum community #765752

    There’s an ad on the sidebar here, “RecoveryThroughTorah”–they seem to be based in LA, but perhaps they can give you advice on starting something in your community.

    hatzlacha raba.

    in reply to: The Difference Between An Argument And An Opinion #765463

    Yesterday, Wolf posted in a now-closed thread: “I work AND go to school. And I raise kids, and do lots of other things too.”

    in reply to: Tehillim for Chaya Sara bas Chava Breindel #803071

    Ok, choc, I’ll take 16-18.

    rebbi gershon, are you taking responsibility to keep track and to keep us updated on the kallah’s condition?

    in reply to: Tehillim for Chaya Sara bas Chava Breindel #803069

    11-15, bli neder

    in reply to: ATTENTION alwaysrunswithscissorsfast #790466

    BSD: Didn’t we go through this on the thread “What does your CR name mean?” I don’t know how to link to another thread (advice?) so I copied it below:

    BLOCK QUOTEursula momish: trying to be a real mama bear.

    BSD: ursula “trying to be a real mama bear” which part of your name spells bear?

    Posted 6 days ago #

    “Ursa” is Latin for “bear” — the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor are called in English “Big Bear” and “Little Bear”. Ursula is the feminine form.

    I liked the stories of Ursula Lehmann in Olomeinu…. Also it sounds nice to my ears.

    Now, did you explain “BSD” on any of these threads? Does it stand for BiSiyatta Dishmaya, is it your initials, or is there an even deeper meaning? (Don’t feel that you have to tell though, we’re just curious.)

    Posted 6 days ago #



    in reply to: ATTENTION alwaysrunswithscissorsfast #790462

    But BSD, have you ever explained your screenname to us?

    in reply to: Why We Need Mothers Day #1014670

    @haifagirl: and my mother even gave ME a scarf!

    in reply to: HowManyPostsCanWeGetOnAPeacefulThread? #890569

    theObvious: It’s a joke, son.* Chalk it up to old age. Long, long, ago, in a land light years away, there was a foreign object called “TV” infiltrating some of our homes and our minds. One show, called “Get Smart!” (not a call to educate the masses, rather an injunction to capture an agent of the singularly inapt name ‘Smart’) used the line “If only he [the evil enemy genius] had used his brains for good, instead of evil.” And it stuck in my mind.

    *The line, “It’s a joke, son,” is also from that foreign source, from so long ago even I have forgotten it. Maybe that cartoon with the rooster Foghorn Leghorn.

    Anyway, thanks for the reminder to keep my posts pure of foreign influence. Peace!

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