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  • in reply to: Kleireng yer Prophyel #774789

    Please be moichel me, adorable, it’s my fault :(. There was a typo in the title, a very common one that always galls me and in my selfish way i begged that it be fixed. So the moderator, seeing the pain it was causing me, kindly changed it. I apologize.

    in reply to: Young Readers & Posters in the YWN Coffee Room #774712

    Goq: how do you know a post is immature until you’ve read it? See–this looked ok until now. Nyah, nyah! 🙂

    Well, people are always talking about getting children to read and improving their writing skills, so really how can we complain when posting involves both?

    Truthfully, though, we don’t let our kids use the computer, even though they would probably understand it much better than I do and they would write more coherently, too.

    in reply to: are ur posts reflected by ur mood #780186

    If I’m in a really bad mood I’ll write a nasty horrible post and then erase it. Or submit it and then edit it all away.

    in reply to: We Miss You #1075393

    gefen: but yummycupcake and prettyinpink…?

    B”H may you see only nachas!

    in reply to: We Miss You #1075391

    gefen–do you guys speak to each other in person when you are at home, or do you only communicate via the CR?

    in reply to: Kleireng yer Prophyel #774781

    You funnee, BSD.

    Yes, i especially like that i got capital letters.

    in reply to: Kleireng yer Prophyel #774779

    Ok, titlemacher, let’s start a thread on spelling reform. Go ghoti, anyone?

    in reply to: Kleireng yer Prophyel #774778

    Many thanks, whoever changed the title, for your prompt attention to this pressing issue!

    in reply to: Who are the top 2 people you'd like to meet #773929

    gefen: if we had a convention, to maintain anonymity we would all have to wear identical costumes that disguised our faces and our forms. maybe even voice scramblers.

    in reply to: Kleireng yer Prophyel #774775

    I don’t care about clearing my profile (although I prefer a 3/4 view) but could someone please correct the title of this thread? “You” instead of “your” is one of the most common and most annoying typos so PLEASE FIX IT. OH, THE HORROR!

    in reply to: I feel oongalukshena #863284

    gefen 🙂

    Has anyone here read anything by Milt Gross (Nize Baby; Famous Fimmales witt Odder Ewents from Heestory, etc)? I wonder if they would still seem funny to me now, or if my perspective has changed so that they would seem offensive.

    in reply to: Was I Right or Stupid? #773452

    Take a look at Chapter Nine: A Policy of Honesty, in “The Story of the Chofetz Chaim” esp. p.100-103, where it discusses how the Chofetz Chaim made a continual kiddush Hashem by always accurately determining the postage on his sefarim before sending them to the post office.

    Also, imagine if you or your child or friend or relative had a store, and something like this happened, and someone who didn’t know you had a connection to this particular store, boasted to you about how they had lucked out there because the owner/cashier made such a mistake.

    Just because this cashier was not grateful at that moment doesn’t mean it didn’t occur to her later that her job could have been on the line and you saved it. Or, maybe she doesn’t like her job and couldn’t care less if the owner gets ripped off and she gets fired.

    And, it’s not true that no one would ever have known: I was once undercharged–the price ticket was wrong–at a small, local store where I had never shopped before, and they traced me and called me up demanding i pay the full price of the item, because otherwise it would come out of the poor clerk’s pocket.

    in reply to: I feel oongalukshena #863278

    Do you remember the book “FrumSpeak”? It was very funny and very helpful.

    When we are very hungry we say we are fah-Mished.

    If we need to be picked up from an extremely remote location, we are farfetched.

    When we have put too much time in the CR, we have to get oisgecoffeed.

    in reply to: CR or news? #773047

    Yeah, I also switched, and may have to take drastic measure to stop. Checking up on the latest comments takes up too much time! After I got my subtitle,coffee addict congratulated me with, “Welcome to the dark side.” Funny, but a little too true.

    in reply to: Cars That Go Off The Derech #772945

    What if your tzarus is the same as someone else’s? Laugh together.

    in reply to: My New Subtitle #993381

    Now, getzel’s subtitle really fits! A round of applause, for getzel and for the titling mod.



    in reply to: What are brains for?? #772209

    This question came up many years ago, and one answer was put to music in 1939:

    I could while away the hours, conferrin’ with the flowers

    Consultin’ with the rain.

    And my head I’d be scratchin’ while

    my thoughts were busy hatchin’

    If I only had a brain.

    I’d unravel every riddle for any individ’le,

    In trouble or in pain.

    With the thoughts you’ll be thinkin’

    you could be another Lincoln

    If you only had a brain.

    Oh, I could tell you why The ocean’s near the shore.

    I could think of things I never thunk before.

    And then I’d sit, and think some more.

    I would not be just a nothin’ my head all full of stuffin’

    My heart all full of pain.

    I would dance and be merry, life would be a ding-a-derry,

    If I only had a brain.

    It seemed a lot more profound when I was a child.

    in reply to: Funny Shidduch Questions Asked About a Boy/Girl/Family #914071

    How come nobody asks the really important questions, the questions that will easily, almost invariably, determine a couple’s compatibility, based on the formula that if the boy likes a, the perfect girl for him prefers b:

    Does she/he a)like going to the country for the summer, or would s/he prefer b)to stay in the city?

    Does s/he like to a)sleep with the window open or b)closed (a/c on or off)?

    Would he like a)to eat noodles and cheese for every meal? Does she like b)to cook a different 6 course meal every weeknight and have fleishiks every other night?

    Does she like have 47 different salads on the Shabbos table, while he is a vegetarian–he loves vegetable too much to eat them?

    It’s not that opposites attract, it’s more Hashem’s way of balancing people out (IMHO).

    in reply to: Cars That Go Off The Derech #772910

    Most yeshivish cars are old enough to drive themselves.

    in reply to: What are brains for?? #772192

    Obviously, they are for posting threads like this.

    in reply to: would you let ur posts go thru #773369

    What would be the point of having moderators if every post went through? It’s possible that every post could go through, but you would want moderators just in case.

    According to my records, I had a post that I requested to be deleted, and one that was edited for punctuation and capitalization, and one that was edited because it had such a great line that the moderator knew I would decide to make a poster out of it and put it on trees all over BP, and he didn’t want it traced back to YWN.

    in reply to: QUOTES #850337

    [If your fone doesnt ring, it’s me.

    Please explain.]

    It’s part of a line from an old song about a break-up, like, if she doesn’t hear her phone ringing anymore it’s because he’s not calling anymore. Ie, it’s me NOT CALLING.

    What we rip, we sew.

    in reply to: subtitle #771712

    (Sneaking back quietly onto the thread) Oh, Moderator? Don’t think me ungrateful, chas v’shalom, but after that explanation, would you consider changing my subtitle to “MemBear”?

    in reply to: subtitle #771711

    Every name means something. Ursula is the feminine form of the Latin word for “bear” (Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, the Bear constellations). There is currently in the plaza of the Seagram Building a sculpture of a giant teddy bear leaning against a lamp, built by Swiss artist Urs Fischer, whose first name means bear. I have met plenty of Dov Bers and Berishes, and a few women named Doba, but no women named Bera.

    It is not my given name but i like it (although i like my real name better).

    Cucumber: If you rejoin the member ranks, then your subtitle will perforce be “remembered”. As BSD’s is, a conundrum. (Since a proud member should not have any other subtitle, does his subtitle mean he is not proud to be a member?)

    Oh, goodness! Look! My very own subtitle! Gee, thanks, guys! Thanks, mystery moderator! I think I’ll go and have myself a happy little cry now.

    Have a great Shabbos, everyone!

    This certainly is making me rethink my strategy of walking (a little bit) away from my kids when they don’t want to follow me home!

    Hm. Ok, first daven.

    Then, can you put up a mirror or some reflective material near her nest, so that instead of giving you the eye, she’ll see herself and start to consider her own role in this tragedy?

    Maybe stop looking at the squirrel. By seeking out her gaze you are acting suspiciously. Behave normally, that is, pretty much ignore the mother squirrel–since you are INNOCENT, aren’t you?–and she will probably find some other being to blame, such as a stray dog. But if she starts walking on your windowsill, pressing her face to the glass, or knocking to get your attention, and then waving her fisted paw menacingly, it might be hard to maintain that behavior (or what’s left of your composure).

    Perhaps search for the baby squirrel? Or go attempt to find a prospective adoptive baby for the mother, you know, some other abandoned baby squirrel?

    You might also consider that since squirrels, being rodents, have bulgy beady eyes with no visible whites, whenever they look at us it seems a strangely intense gaze. Could you, possibly, be reading a bit much into this?

    Most importantly, if you find any gift-wrapped acorns on your front porch, DO NOT TOUCH THEM! Call poison control, or the bomb squad.


    in reply to: subtitle #771708

    Thank you for your support, BSD and the mention, coffee addict. I had considered going over to the other subtitle threads, in hopes that increasing my screen presence would increase my chances, but NO–(stiffening my quivering upper lip) I will not beg. I may not have a subtitle, but I do have my dignity!

    in reply to: subtitle #771705

    Fifty years later, it dawns on me: the mods’ play on words would be connecting Cucumber, the Oorah phone service, with the Hebrew word for cucumber, which sounds like phone. Do you truly appreciate the multi-lingual genius of those who toil so selflessly behind the YWN screens, hm?

    in reply to: redding a shidduch #771604

    Mazal tov to all of you! May you be zoche to make many more successful shidduchim and may all of them build bnbYs, etc. etc.

    in reply to: subtitle #771703

    Someone else has probably posted this already, but it’s not up yet, so: Hebrew for Cucumber is “melafafone”. Would you prefer “Batampte”? (In good taste, or tasting good) “Posting with relish” or “Relish the posts” or something along that line. Truly, the mind reels with the possibilities.

    [Meanwhile, over at my own screenname…think i’ll head over to the “feeling ignored” thread. :)]

    in reply to: subtitle #771700

    That would be my definitive subtitle, true.

    or, to be consistent, Mama Bearish.

    in reply to: subtitle #771696

    BSD: Thanks for the generous offer, but i refuse re-cycled membership. I will accept only a new and improved, clean and fresh subtitle!

    in reply to: Milchigs and/or fleishings on Shavous #770081

    You know why there are only pareve and fleishik korbanos? Because the men couldn’t be trusted to maintain two separate mizbeyachs. (mizbeychos?)

    in reply to: subtitle #771694

    Well cucumber, that leaves us to man the fort: The Few. The Proud. The Members.

    Be careful, or they’ll change your name to Cucmember.

    in reply to: subtitle #771693

    BSD: they got you, too?! 🙁

    in reply to: I'm sure it was an oversight #877982

    Look on the bright side: you weren’t expected to give a gift.

    (unless all the women from the office got together and asked you to chip in?)

    in reply to: better to be ignored or hated? #771898

    Thanks, nottelling. I have to sign out now and get to work on my chores, but remember there are many posters thinking nicely of you out here!

    Enjoy the day, all.

    in reply to: Do we treat other CR posters as we would like to be treated? #770465

    Shticky Guy- Good post.

    in reply to: Did I Harm A Child? #771580

    If you are seriously seeking advice on spiritual atonement, shouldn’t you be discussing this with your spiritual advisor?

    in reply to: Limericks! #1221623

    The Limericks page is pareve and sweet.

    It’s where fun and intelligence meet.

    Rhyming is easy,

    The feeling is breezy,

    And you can do it while resting your feet.

    No feelings are hurt in the making

    Of verses that are here for the taking

    A short pleasant read

    Fulfills a great need

    To be giving, but nothing earthshaking.

    in reply to: chessed time! #769721

    Can you suggest a chessed that an 8 year old boy can do (that does not involve visiting hospitals or nursing homes)? Thanks. Tizku l’mitzvos.

    in reply to: Tim Pawlenty #769616

    Basket of Radishes: Why do you assert that “Pawlenty is a wicked man”? Can you give some support to that statement for those of us who know very little about him? Also, are any of the other potential nominees less wicked than he? Thank you.

    in reply to: better to be ignored or hated? #771894

    Hi. Thank you for starting this thread. Are we here to air our opinions or are we here to be noticed and we hope, liked? Both.

    You can never judge how your posts will be taken, though, and how you will be judged by them. Once i posted something i thought was a pareve, somewhat amusing reflection of my feelings, and it was misinterpreted as a not-very-subtle attack on a segment of our community. If you were one of those insulted, I still sincerely apologize, but that reaction stunned me. It was so far from my intention. I felt like throwing up when i read the answering posts and my fingers were shaking so much when i answered they typed every letter three times.

    Always here, i think of you fondly every time i see your sn because you were sympathetic to me.

    So i cut down on my posts and try to be even more pareve. Except for limericks. There if anyone insults my rhyme, i can just post a better one in return. Try it! 🙂

    in reply to: Share Your Worst Date Ever! #778001

    Sometimes dates are bad because of him, sometimes because of her. Tell the shadchan, maybe someone will speak to the person and help them to correct the problem. And daven that the shadchan won’t make those kind of mistakes again!

    Re Bochur24’s worst date: he seems too young (if 24 refers to his age) to be the person in my story, but on one date, i didn’t say one complete sentence for almost the whole time. he was very pleasant and actually took us someplace interesting, but i was not happy with the set up and behaved immaturely, which i regret.

    Whoever it was, i sincerely apologize and hope that he has found or will very quickly find his basherte and build a bnbY, with every happiness.

    and that goes for everyone else here still in the parsha, too.

    in reply to: wedding dresses and walking down the aisle #770255

    Actually, the custom of wearing a white dress became popular after the wedding of an English queen, Victoria maybe. It became secular custom and was adopted by the Jews too. But a bride always wore a particularly nice dress, no, to set her apart from the rest of the women there? Or at least, she wore her best dress to start off married life on a nice note.

    Maybe the Ashkenazim should adopt the Yemenite wedding attire.

    in reply to: wedding dresses and walking down the aisle #770253

    Well wouldn’t it be less tznius if the kallah wasn’t wearing a dress?

    You don’t HAVE TO walk down an aisle, but you have to get the couple to the chuppah somehow. So that happens to be the most popular choice, currently, given the setup of most halls. If you choose to get married in a more chassidishe or laid back hall, you can have a chuppah on the street and just escort the couple through the crowd out to it.

    in reply to: English corresponding to Hebrew #846427

    Which came first, Hebrew or Latin? They took everything, even our words.

    There’s an interesting dictionary on this topic: The Word – The Dictionary that Reveals the Hebrew Roots of the English Language – by Isaac Mozeson. For example, Mr. Mozeson gives the root of magazine, the French word for store and used in English as storage of bullets in a gun, as the Hebrew “machsan.”

    in reply to: All eyes on u #769743


    in reply to: Lady Liberty is sending mixed signals #874495

    Emma Lazarus, of Portuguese descent. Related on her mother’s side to Benjamin Cardozo.

    in reply to: subtitle #771676

    BSD, Cucumber–would you be unhappy if the moderator changed your subtitle to “Proud Member” or, to really stress your specialness, “Mr. Member”? Would that be a pro(ud)motion or a demotion?

    in reply to: Need people to make my wedding B'simcha #768936

    We also had many guests at our simcha who had never before attended a frum wedding. Their consensus was that a secular wedding is more “romantic” but a frum wedding was more fun! And, as many have said, interesting from a cultural standpoint. (I didn’t do quite enough research on our hall and didn’t realize when they said an outdoor chuppah, they meant out on the street in front of the hall, near the parked school buses. Out went walking down the aisle, in came tripping down the steps. But, it was fun.)

    Mazal tov, and enjoy the wedding and your life afterward! may you build a bayis ne’eman b’Yisroel!

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