Forum Replies Created
Oh, yes. We’re just living in Gan Eden now. As the world economy collapses around us, bread lines get longer, oil goes negative, unemployment spikes, death surrounds us. Sure, and just six weeks ago the United States under President Trump was leading all-time human levels for prosperity. Yeah, this is Gan Eden. Pity that we’re so shallow that we need a “wake-up call” like this because we cannot just behave like normal people, maintain lives of value, materialism in balance, spirituality appropriate, without a massive lurch toward totalitarianism. Thanks for that lesson.
unomminParticipantHis request is wholly unAmerican. And if you want to say that there’s some public good, you’re just plain wrong – he’d be turning Jews in CAPOS.
unomminParticipantMaybe it doesn’t matter, because there are 100 different “minhagim” that “go each way till Sunday.” Maybe you can make an individual decision because it affects no one else, and isn’t really anyone else’s business. Just be respectful of the premise. And if someone looks at you funny in shul and measures your beard length perhaps it says more about them (and their “lo nahgu kavod zeh bzeh”) than it says anything about you.
unomminParticipantMaybe he/she/it means the number of people who died during the recitation of the leyning of “parshas (sic) Tzav”, because for those of us who think we realize that rates for things have to do with numbers-per-unit time, and not “parshas anything”. And this would seem to imply, given that people do die all of the time, that corona is causing fewer people to die than normal. But it’s impossible to tell because the writer seems unimpressed with baseline numbers, statistics, historical records, analysis, or probably rational thought.
April 21, 2020 9:02 pm at 9:02 pm in reply to: Corona is another step in our long Golus. A nisayon, not a rejection. #1851634unomminParticipant@Haimy, do you come with English translation for the rest of us who live here on planet earth in the year 2020? We have some real problems to deal with, and could use some rational thinking and useful productive behavior. Unless you are a philosopher sitting on a stone or an Oracle sitting on a mountain, you are welcome to come down here and help us. Because a lot of people are dying, and many more are very sick, and oodles are being hurt by the economy and families are being negatively affected now and likely into the near future.
Join us. Help us with some practical contributions.
unomminParticipantCorona is happening because we have not rid the world of the scourge of COMMUNISM. This came from China, and was allowed to spread because of China’s inaction and disinformation. It continues to spread in the USA because people who are $upported by China (in the news) take anti-positions against the administration rather than trying to seek and communicate the truth. And Jews, far too many Jews, think like Leftists, act as dupes and Useful Idiots for the Left, listen to the mainstream media, don’t understand what sakkana really is, and continue to act like droids in a complex world. Time for us to grow up.
unomminParticipantYou think that the rabbi is where you should go for a husband who may be going OTD? You didn’t say the problem, but it could be that the rabbi is the last person you want. Especially his. The rabbi may be part of the problem.
unomminParticipantKissing a boo boo is directly derived from the mitzveh of metzitza b’peh. It’s so obvious that I do not understand why people don’t see it. But moreso, if one questions the value of it, they are defacto questioning our mesorah because this is handed down and is one of the healing properties of chazal as part of the mitzvah of milah.
unomminParticipantSince the boys aren’t ready (maturity nor means of supporting a family) at 20… or 25…
And their families are going to be supporting them for the foreseeable future anyways, since they are all wards of the state, as it were, and their working parents (or maybe grandparents) are footing all bills and making all important decisions.
We really should be taking a different approach, and marrying them off at 14 or 15. We need to create an army for klal yisroel, let people fulfill the right mitzvos as soon as is practical for them to do so.November 17, 2019 6:55 pm at 6:55 pm in reply to: $5,000.000 donated to Trump by Orthodox Jews, can we afford it? #1801524unomminParticipantGiven the political and policy positions of those running against President Trump, the real question is whether we can afford NOT to support him as best we can.
June 12, 2019 8:00 pm at 8:00 pm in reply to: Who is Rav Shlomo Kanievsky? Is he being groomed to be the next Godol HaDor? #1741741unomminParticipantAll we need to check is if there’s a search committee forming in order to staff his gatekeepers. A Gadol needs to have staff. That staff ensures that he gets all of the information he needs, from whatever the appropriate sources, in order to make the best possible decisions, and then disseminate those decisions to the widest appropriate audience.
If we see that they’re staffing up gatekeeper for Rav Kanievsky, then we’ll know that he’s in a qualified gadol program.
unomminParticipantThe question stinks from heresy. A Gadol who knows shaas and poskim is, by definition, an expert in matters both worldly and heavenly. That Gadol can tell you about taaroovos or economics or medicine. To imply otherwise either means the first rabbi lacks true-torah-knowledge, or smacks of heresy and lack of emunas chachamim.
unomminParticipantThe secular term isn’t Israel, it’s Aretz (say: ahh-retz). Now you can fit in more comfortably with Club Zionism.
March 11, 2019 6:04 pm at 6:04 pm in reply to: In the Purim Spirit: Women are required to Ad dlo yada 😂🤣😂🤣 #1693127unomminParticipantIt is absolutely ossur and completely antithetical to frum values for a woman to drink to intoxication, certainly intentionally. Any man who advocates for such things should be questioned for his learning and values, any rov who publicly considers this with legitimacy should be shunned and rabbinically defrocked. Shame, shame. Go learn the absolute basics of tzniyus, kavod habriyos, and respect for protection of women. Shame, shame.
unomminParticipantAre the local Rabbonim discussing this in a communal manner; e.g. at shiurim, sermons when shul is well-attended, etc.?
unomminParticipantFollow the money. Who benefits from not allowing boys to call girls directly, and properly demonstrate that they’re capable of taking care of the girl as a wife and building a nest to raise a family. Who benefits from the insanity of the regulation upon regulation that now has “competent adults” making all of the (not only introductions, but) arranging the specific details of each DATE for the lovely incompetent couple?! Follow the money.
unomminParticipant“Large meteor expected to hit Earth and kill all humanoid life; women and children hardest hit”
unomminParticipantDarshaning the shape of the letters is emotionally fulfilling. However, it doesnt represent a halachic intellectual truth. Caveat emptor.
unomminParticipantFranken was a sacrificial lamb to the #metoo movement, and actually was an attempt to undermine Trump and get him to resign. The Left eats its own when necessary for the good of The Party. (Just like they did to dr. Ford)
unomminParticipantIt is absolute ignorance, of many different things, to compare the majestic and dignified chanting by a chazzan (and choir) to the emotionally-driven frivolous narcissistic hip-hop parade of instrument-accompanied racket of the carback-style that is, unfortunately, catching on. The generations are becoming weaker, and unfortunately, more ignorant.
unomminParticipantThose of the old “yiddish theatre” clan would find it amusing… in fact would be joking about… Yiddish being “holy”. Those holocaust survivors (e.g. the Pruzhiner) were all firmly yiddish speakers many of whom were (forgive me) anything but ‘holy’.
I guess it all depends on your definition or perspective. After all, holy or not, what difference at this point, does it make?
unomminParticipantDon’t we have the maturity to realize that this is a stupid thing over which to argue. So stand still during a siren. There is no other RITUAL for which ‘the zionists’ are requiring participation. Just get along. They dont affect our mourning, and all we need to do is stand (hello, shev v’al tasseh) for their siren. Anything else is simply nonsense.
July 29, 2018 2:47 pm at 2:47 pm in reply to: Should teachers/rebbis get a full time salary? #1566570unomminParticipantIt’s quite simple economics, really. How hard is it to replace that 4th grade rebbi, for example. If the position was suddenly vacated, how long would it take to get a replacement, and what hard and soft skills are necessary for it? Aren’t there quite a few people clamoring for such jobs, and therefore, the salary is deservedly low.
unomminParticipantA chabad ringtone went off when i was davening in a satmar shteeble. Not appropriate for the three weeks cuz we almost had another churban c’vs.
unomminParticipantAs Cho Enlai said about the French revolution: too early to tell
June 29, 2018 8:25 pm at 8:25 pm in reply to: How important is it to you to have a Nice Car #1549544unomminParticipantThe decision on the type of car i drive is between my wife, my family, my bank and me. Your decision is similar. Make your private decision smartly… and privately.
unomminParticipantPity we cannot be normal and let people meet under normal circumstances and be normal. Let people be normal. Nope, we clearly can’t do that; ergo, CRISIS.
unomminParticipantWhen will the pendulum swing back to normalcy? Since when does having a plan, becoming a professional, learning and working, not working because it’s a plan-B but because it’s making the world a better place and supporting a family, .. when did this become a bad thing.
The shiduch “Crisis” is a symptom of a different set of problems.
June 13, 2018 6:54 am at 6:54 am in reply to: Is there a connection between unpaid Shadchanus and the blazing Shidduch crisis? #1538475unomminParticipantThe evidence of a corrupt system is that people ask questions like this.
June 10, 2018 8:10 am at 8:10 am in reply to: Would you have learned differently in yeshiva/kollel in hindsight #1536488unomminParticipantThat’s funny. So many people I know who spent years learning and know all sorts of nitnoid details of arcane things don’t seem to actually know the basics. Whether in an hashkafa discussion or even understanding trends of Amoraic thought, they prattle on about things that make no sense and never stop to see the forest for the trees. Sad. Perhaps you need mesorah/shimush with someone competent as well as the capacity to understand and assimilate the knowledge.
I guess it’s better, all things said and done, for rov ahm who really aren’t that good to be peer pressured into unproductive learning time than what their ‘others’ do in a college environment.
But we really should strive for much more.
unomminParticipantThe fact that people need to be told that something is or isn’t ossur of this kind is a symptom of a sick nonthinking society. Can’t anyone think for themselves and even discuss public policy for a second without needing to read a book that was written thirty years ago and try to apply it?
March 20, 2018 12:34 am at 12:34 am in reply to: Minhagim After The Original Reason Is Gone #1494914unomminParticipantComplete misunderstanding of what a minhag is. It’s not voodoo. It’s not a law. It’s the custom where you are. You don’t walk into someone else’s town and tell them how to live. That’s why we should be careful about defining anything as a common custom.
unomminParticipantKudos to those on this list explaining that there is no such thing as an assault rifle.
People are willing to throw away their natural rights for emotional non-arguments. It is shocking how much ignorance there is out there, in facts, ballistics, process, law, rights, etc.
February 24, 2018 9:34 pm at 9:34 pm in reply to: Are the nazis really descendants of Amalek #1475685unomminParticipantAmalek? No, of course not. Thats a silly fifth grade level intellectual ‘argument’.
February 18, 2018 9:11 pm at 9:11 pm in reply to: Is there any way to prevent mass shootings???? #1471567unomminParticipantThere is so much ignorance here. Widespread ignorance.
There is no such thing as an assault rifle. AR does not mean assault rifle.
If you do not know this most basic fact, you should be talking about high power anything, or the best weapon for home defense, or bump stocks, or rapid fire, or anything.
Seriously. Tzei u’limad.
February 18, 2018 9:10 pm at 9:10 pm in reply to: How will the Buddhists, Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, etc come to recognize Hashem #1471565unomminParticipantI’m still waiting for jews to find Hashem and behave the way we’re supposed to. Once that happens, then we’ll worry about peaceful people around the world who are minding their own business.
unomminParticipantEconomics works. Don’t participate in the fraud that is this made up holiday. If you want to eat fruit in the middle of the winter, seek nonjewish sources. When sales plummet, prices will drop.
January 1, 2018 7:20 pm at 7:20 pm in reply to: Must a Shul Select Only Someone Who Is Married To Be Chazan? #1440741unomminParticipantA shul should pick someone who can motivate the people. Given the most frum people nowadays have absolutely no appreciation for the value, importance, and application of the aesthetic in our religious lives, why should it matter if the person can sing, understand the way the music is supposed to convey the emotion of the words, or anything like that.
It is by far more important that the person who will lead the davening suffer and cry through the screaming of the words be married. That’s where we’re holding now.
I hope that the Maharil isn’t reading this blog.