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  • in reply to: AI response to my question on Trump Lies #2356586

    The Associated Press is not a credible source. Your lack of an ability to understand what AI provides only tells us about you, not Donald Trump.

    in reply to: A Hashkafa Question I have no one to ask #2322379

    One doesn’t watch the Special Olympics and say “wow, I could do that! i could play that game and even excel in it! why in the world don’t i have the right to play the events of that Special Olympics?!”

    You are intrinsically holier than the men. The men need the focus.

    I suggest you read (Rebitzen) Miriam Kosman’s books on the subject, or you can read the other texts she recommends.


    Kiruv workers are paid. Can we follow the money?

    in reply to: Question for those who don’t think Charedim should join the IDF #2319352

    I think it’s really cool that the learning going on in all of the yeshivos is able to protect the country from the munitions of the bloodthirsty enemy, but the learning going on in yeshivos is unable to protect them from a policy change by an AG in response to a court decision.

    Isn’t that fascinating?

    in reply to: Ukraine Asks Jew not to Come to Uman #2315586

    Since when do Jews have any form of pilgrimage other than the ones mentioned in the torah? this is really a borderline kfira activity, no matter what spiritual good people think they’re doing.

    in reply to: Pray God should inspire everyone to cry for Mashiach. #2299095

    How about you try to do something practical – look around you, and see what needs fixing, and perform some meaningful act that is likely to fix. Stop throwing your hands up as though there’s nothing practical that you can do. Don’t -just- daven. Have a plan, and do something tangible, meaningful.

    in reply to: Is This the Best America Can Come Up With? #2291138

    @yechiell – a very naive and unthinking posting. If we’ve learned anything in the past three years, it’s that there is no need for a functioning president for this former Republic because the president apparently doesn’t need to be a functioning, sentient person in order to keep things moving so positively in the right direction. Inflation is down, crime is down, peace in Ukraine and the middle east, and ALL GOOD THINGS even though our president obviously isn’t running anything. So why start up with such silly questions, and name-calling? Just enjoy the positive ride!

    in reply to: Does the IDF want Charedim? #2291136

    No, the IDF doesn’t want charedim. Because, and let’s be honest with ourselves, no one does.

    in reply to: Is a graduation ceremony avoda zara? #2291135

    Hey, I have an idea – anyone who practices ANYTHING on Lag b’Omer has no right to tell anyone else what they think “avodah zara” is. You simply have made yourself completely unqualified for an opinion.

    in reply to: Where Are the Righteous Gentiles of Gaza? #2291134

    Are you for real?

    There are NO civilians in gaza.

    in reply to: Does the IDF want Charedim? #2290041

    There are reservists who are being called up repeatedly and staying longer because of the shortage of staff.

    It is literally a lie to fall back on the canard that “The IDF has enough”.

    in reply to: Another (Baltimore) response to the tuition crisis. #2289567

    “This program is backed by all the big Rabbanim.” – that’s helpful, but what do the Little Rabbanim say? Where does the money come from? Are these Rabbis also going to be contributing the money to make this important program happen? Since money doesn’t grow on trees, how long will the spigot be open?


    MRIs of the human brain indicate that a person decides first and then justifies. That seems built in to our DNA. There is generally very little logic or argument or analysis that changes people fundamentally.

    in reply to: Eclipse ??? #2273478

    A SOLAR eclipse is a bad omen for the national of the world, as distinct from a bad omen for the Jews. According to that gemara.

    Ironically, it’s not likely that Chazal in the time of the gemarra even ever saw a solar eclipse in totality.

    in reply to: Should the President be Immune from Prosecution #2270399

    there’s a big difference between a president doing what he thinks is within scope of his job responsibilities and that which is not.

    he should not be able to get off murdering someone in the oval office

    he should be able to contest an election that he believes to be unfair

    J6 was not an “insurrection”, and if you think it was, you have been misled by the media.

    in reply to: President Zaphod: Hail to Myself #2258743

    Mostly Harmless, takka?

    in reply to: Shaatnez testing Brooks Brothers Suits #2254012

    It is absolutely necessary for the Shatnez lobby to explain what they’re looking for and what test they run to determine shatnez.

    Arguments like this, from a “Rav”, demonstrate why this is a problem that needs to be addressed:
    “I’m a Rav, and in my opinion, suits should be checked for shatnez.
    30+ years ago I used to wear BB suits. Always got them checked and never found shatnez. Still think you should check it.”

    Different checkers obtain different results. Your mileage should NEVER vary.

    in reply to: Shaatnez testing Brooks Brothers Suits #2251798

    Please explain why the process of testing for shatnaz is kept secret from the public. If it’s not a secret, please provide a description of the process or a link to one.

    in reply to: Is it assur to wish a goy a “Happy New Year”? #2250517

    It is not a religiously significant day to any goy. Why make trouble for yourself?

    in reply to: Shalach Manos – Is Bourbon a food? #2169414

    Reb Zeira was unavailable for comment.

    in reply to: Who You Enable by Voting Democrat #2142392

    Armed populations don’t voluntarily allow themselves to be put
    In train boxcars.

    in reply to: Humor in Torah #2106507

    great pun: עַל-כֵּן קָרָא שְׁמָהּ, בָּבֶל, כִּי-שָׁם בָּלַל …, שְׂפַת כָּל-הָאָרֶץ

    in reply to: The Violent Dems are at it #2084410

    18 USC 1507, i believe

    ridiculous to believe it was anything other than the obvious – a leftist-activist clerk attempting to cause riots and intimidation of sitting justices.

    in reply to: Should YWN, stop copy and pasting Reuters and AP? #2060297

    Yes. Jews should distance from the Fake News Industry

    in reply to: Electric Cars are they in your future? #2044537

    There isn’t enough energy generation for all of the planned electric vehicles. Anyone who tells you that there is, or that solar or wind can help, or mentions major battery storage under current technology, doesn’t understand anything at all about it. That’s the entire story.

    in reply to: hoshanos ineptness #2010006

    No lulavim on shabbas, so no circling on shabbas. Therefore, no need to put the Torah in the center on Shabbas. Since no walking, and holding no lulavim, people can hold siddurim so no RECITING RESPONSIVELY on shabbas.

    in reply to: U.S. Supreme Court opinion supports freedom of religion #1923913

    What is really scary is that four Supreme Court justices do not seem to know that there is a First Amendment to the Constitution. (Or that BLM / Antifa was allowed to gather with no restrictions)

    in reply to: Will Biden Throw Israel Under the Bus? #1919125

    Of course. Just like he did during his 8 years as VP. (Pallets of money to Iran; you think that went for fruit and veggies for the kids?)

    in reply to: hard time in shiduchim. #1905225

    Be a man. Do it yourself, do your own thing.

    Have you made something of yourself to be attractive to others as a prospect, or is this always about what you want rather than what you can give.

    in reply to: Leftest are reshoem? #1899620

    No, clearly not all Leftists are rishoyim. The rest are just walking around with a diagnosable mental disorder.

    in reply to: Shalom Bayis Pamphlet in Aramaic #1898113

    A Get is also written in aramaic. So what.

    in reply to: Are the Chinese to blame for the covid-19 disease? #1890680

    Trump is to blame because Orange Man Bad. Or something.


    in reply to: Do Chareidim still hold of Covid-19 #1890681

    The real issue is whether covid holds of them. As opposed to some nonsensical argument in a text, this isn’t a matter of opinion. Either people catch it and get sick or they don’t. I’m not sure where you look up epidemiology in shaas.

    in reply to: Biden’s Childcare Plan #1887382

    Big government programs are awesome. I, for one, happen to love the Post Office as well as the massive Public Education system. Both are doing wonders for us as a country.

    Time to renew my driver’s license. Where’s the end of the line…?

    in reply to: Tuition: Are We Paying Enough? #1886810

    Are most teachers underpaid?

    Think about how easy it is to replace an average teacher. A fifth grade rebbi who is so-so. There are yeshivos filled with boys, newly married maybe or with a kid ot two, who could use a few bucks for the family, and earn some personal pride by holding a real job that is Torah-based. Loads of guys in yeshiva, no?

    So if it’s easy to find…

    in reply to: Jeffrey Epstein – part 2 #1879076

    Safest place for her is… probably inside the White House.

    in reply to: Losing track of time #1878427

    Yeah. Time, day, date. Everything has the feel of a three-day Yom tov except that we can drive and touch light switches.

    What were we talking about, again?

    in reply to: Frum non profit organizations disclosing financials. #1878426

    Sunlight is an amazing disinfectant. Whether it says that anywhere in the seforim hakedoshim or not I am not sure, but it is definitely true.

    in reply to: Inner Cities #1868232

    Many of our US companies are now Woke, and donating to BLM. Time for some heimishe brands… of everything…

    in reply to: African-American Role Models #1868216

    Dr Ben Carson

    in reply to: George Floyd #1866739

    The cops were arrested and one has already been charged.

    Everything else that is happening is inexcusable. Once a “peaceful protest” turned into looting, and the organizers started having more “peaceful protests” on other nights, they are to BLAME for what is happening. And the media is stoking the flames.

    Why are so many democrats protecting the LOOTERS? Why ??

    in reply to: Civil Disobedience #1865792

    Pinchas didn’t post blog entries, he just did what was right. #brisShalom

    in reply to: Our Stupid President Trump #1861920

    Trump stopped all travel from China. The media excoriated him for being a racist.
    Testing doesn’t change the therapeutics, and we had a lockdown to flatten the curve. Trump listened to the “science experts” for right or wrong.

    There is a political divide in this country that is unbridgeable. If you look at the Obama/Biden and see “not a smidgen of corruption” and only listen to CNN about Trump, there is simply no talking to any of you about the truth in anything at all.

    in reply to: Who are current jewish names to daven for- covid #1860038

    How exactly does it help to daven for a list of ‘random names’? Is it a numbers game to overwhelm the heavens?

    in reply to: Poll: is general Flynn innocent? #1858587

    Crooked cops. It’s Soviet-style. If they did this to him, can you imagine what they could do to you?

    in reply to: Free Facemasks in NYC #1855689

    For those types of masks it says in Nidda 45: מכאן כנותן אצבע בעין

    in reply to: Set up a system to give the Chosson & Kallah a present. #1855686

    Uh, perhaps something like that already exists. Welcome to the 21st century.

    in reply to: A Possible Explanation #1853728

    Wait, so I’m still here (at the moment; we don’t know of course what tomorrow may bring). Does that mean I should have a serious conversation with my father? I’m lost as to what I’m supposed to learn from this, or what I can do about it. Should I change my shiduch resume and now I can’t marry just anyone? Or is it the other way around, if I don’t make it, then I’m not pure…? Help.

    in reply to: Why are our day schools different? #1853241

    I’m sorry but I find this proposition to be ludicrous. My brother-in-law is a rabi in a local school and he absolutely needs his job. it doesn’t matter that he’s basically a little over paid based on his skill-set, that doesn’t have any college Baruch Hashem and is years and years of yeshiva are certainly worth something. Not being biased but it’s a pretty low great day teaches and probably pretty easy to swap him out for someone else. but at the same time he has a family to rest and it would be completely unfair for schools to go around and just take out people who may not be the most qualified and who are paid a little more than they should be just because they’re trying to optimize how they spend their dollars.

    The proposition is really just unfair to the people who need those jobs.

    in reply to: Things we managed to live without #1852632

    @catchyourself –

    The frum people who work in the following industries are delighted that Rabbonim speak out against what they do for parnassa, that Rabbonim write against what they do for parnassa, and constantly denigrate people who take the opportunity to enjoy the things that they do for parnassa:

    1. Frum people who own catering halls or are caterers, providers of accouterments (flowers, music, etc.) (Simchas, Weddings/ Bar Mitzvas / Vorts)
    2. Frum people who are travel agents or own restaurants, catering centers, or transportation (Peasch programs)
    3. Ditto (Chol Hamoed trips)
    4. Frum owners of restaurants, caterers, grocery stores with carry-out and delivery services (Eating out the week before Peasch)
    5. Frum people who provide cleaning services (Cleaning help before pesach)
    8. Frum people who sell clothing, high or low end, top or low shelf, or anything in between – and we know there are plenty of them from high-end stores to basement outfits (New high end clothing)
    9. Even though most were already in Israel and now come home – frum people who run yeshivos EVERYWHERE (Bucherim and Sem girls going to Israel)
    10. Frum travel, hotels, transportation, catering, etc. (Meron on Lagbomer)

    All of these people, above, are very glad that you don’t care about how they earn a legal, ethical, moral, responsible living and are glad that we can live WITHOUT THEM OR THEIR SERVICES to us. Because we’re just so much holier (than thou) WITHOUT THEM.

    Yes, I’m starting to understand your point of view.

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